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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1946522
Love finds the hearts of three people but only two will become something more.
~Swann Song~

‘Happy Birthday to me…’ Samantha whispered to herself as she blew out her birthday cupcake. Samantha – Sam – Nolan was now officially 35 years old. She dap her finger across the top of her cupcake and frowned.

‘Great…’ Sam thought sourly as she licked the icing off her finger, ’ Now there’s only five more years till I’m 40…’`

Sighing despondently Sam pushed her cupcake aside, she really wasn’t in the mood for sweets. Lately Sam couldn’t shake this funk that had descended on her like a dark rain cloud. When she was at work Sam could ignore it, the constant flow of tasks kept her mind occupied through out the day. However the moment she set foot in her home, this mood, this enormous pressure settled in her chest.

And quite frankly she was getting tired of feeling that way.

Sam gave another sigh and got up from the table, if she were to be honest with herself Sam knew what the source of her mood was.

The man she once loved –who cheated on her- was getting married to the woman he cheated with… her sister.

Sam couldn’t help but give a bitter laugh, ‘Oh how cruel life can be to good people…’ she mused darkly. The fact that the two of them where going to live their ‘happily ever after’ weighed on Samantha heavily.

She didn’t understand how life could be so unfair. She was a good person, a good daughter, a good worker, a good friend and up until recently a good sister. But despite all that look where it got her…

Alone and bitter on her 35th birthday.

Something had to give… Samantha couldn’t stay in this mood for much longer. It felt like she was dying on the inside, thoughts of running away crossed her mind; it wasn’t the first time the idea had planted itself there.

But Sam knew that running away wouldn’t solve her problems, or give her any real type of relief. Because in the end Eric and Tara were still getting married and running would make Sam look like a jilted, jealous coward.

And Sam knew she was anything but that, so she was staying with her head held high and her dignity intact. She just wished she knew how to get out of this funk…

Glancing back to the table Sam eyed her birthday treat, it was her favorite cupcake and hell it was her birthday. Sam walked back to the table determine and picked up the pastry. She look an enormous bite out of it and closed her eyes, it was soo good. The fluffy moist cake and sweet icing melted in her mouth like magic and Sam found herself feeling a lot better.

Before she knew it Sam was smiling as she ate her pastry, things was going to be alright for Samantha Nolan. She was determined to make it so. When her cupcake was all gone Sam tossed the wrapper in the trash and headed to her room

Hell it was her birthday! Sam was gonna go out and have some fun!


His father was at it again…

“Michael… son don’t you think I’ve been patient enough these last few years? When are you going to give up this silly dancing pastime of yours and take your position at the firm seriously?” Thomas Swann questioned his son evenly as he poured himself a drink.

Michael Swann resisted the urge to roll his eyes and tried not to sigh too loudly. He lost count on how many times he and his father had this ‘conversation’ in the past. It was always the same; his father just could not understand what dancing meant to him.

It wasn’t just some ‘pastime’ Michael did for kicks, dancing was a release for him; from all the pressures and stress of society life and its dramas. It was an outlet of all his frustrations that he dealt with –most being from his father- and most importantly it was the only time he was truly himself.

He could dance and lose himself in the music, be it Bach, Mozart, or Beethoven. He could just… be and that was enough for Michael.

However the same couldn’t be said for his father, the man was determined to mold Michael into what he wanted. What Thomas Swann wanted was his heir and only son to start learning the ‘Family Business’. As if the man didn’t have other children to hand his empire over too…

Michael knew for a fact his older sister Kathryn was more qualified than he ever was. She was their father’s right hand man for nearly all his business ventures. Yet he over looked her because of some outdated family tradition. Michael couldn’t understand it, not one bit, sure he had a head for business he was a Swann after all it was in his blood. But playing the stocks, investing, business mergers and takeovers just did not appeal at all to him.

The thought of being stuck in a suit nearly every day made Michael ill. And the thought of dealing with people who would –nine times out of ten- kiss his ass because of his family name pissed him off.

“Well?” Thomas Swann pressed interrupting Michael’s thoughts, “When are you giving up this silly hobby and coming home to begin your real career?”

This time Michael did sigh, “This isn’t a ‘silly hobby’ dad, it’s my life. I have no intentions of giving it up any time soon, so you’re going to have to face the facts. Dancing IS my career.”

Both father and son stared at each other unflinchingly; it was almost a silent battle of wills. Then Thomas Swann turned to look out the window giving his son his back.

“Alright, let’s just agree to disagree for now but think on this my son. You’re nearly 27 now and a dancer’s career lasts what 10 years … 15 if their lucky enough not to get injured to seriously. Tell me Michael my boy what will you do when your career is over due to either injury or heh old age?”

Michael glared at his father’s profile, the old bastard was mocking him he knew that. Closing his eyes Michael fought to keep his temper in check.

“Perhaps I will open my own studio” Michael threw out suddenly, “Or better yet maybe even teach at St. Anna Academy itself.”

His father chuckled in disbelief as he turned back to his son, “You… teach? What an absolutely absurd notion.”

Michael narrowed his eyes slightly; his body going pensive at his father’s comments.

“And why is the idea of me teaching so absurd? In all my years of dancing you’ve never once come to any of my performances. You’ve never seen me dance period, so excuse me father but you are in no position to judge my abilities what so ever!”

Thomas Swann observed his son with a neutral face while he finished his drink. After a moment passed he spoke, “Like I said my dear boy we’ll agree to disagree for now.”

Before Michael could say anything else the door to his study opened and Aulric Deiske entered inside. The tall blonde paused just inside the door eyeing the father and son pair keenly.

“Oh… am I interrupting something?” Aulric inquired calmly to the pair.

“Actually no, my son and I are finished” Thomas responded lightly, “I was just about to leave.”

He walked over to the tall young man and patted his shoulder,
“Are you coming back to the city with me?”

Aulric shook his head, “No sir I’m not, I have a few things to take care of while I’m here in St. Anna’s. Besides…” He paused and shot Michael a sly smile, “It’s been a while since Michael and I seen each other, I want to catch up.”

Rolling his eyes Michael went to the bar and poured him something strong to drink. He was going to need it if Aulric was going to be around for a while.

Thomas Swann shot both young men an amused glance before excusing himself out the room. Michael let out a small sigh of relief at his father’s departure, he was glad to be rid of the man for a few months. Turning his attention to Aulric, he observed the tall blonde wander further in his study making his way to the sofa.

Without another word Michael fixed his unwanted guest a drink.

“So what’s the real reason you’re here?”

Michael glanced over at Aulric as he made his way to the blonde with his drink in hand.

“What? Can’t I visit you without an ulterior motive?” Aulric scoffed in a mock injured tone. He took the drink Michael offered with a slight almost smile.

“No” Michael answered flatly as he scowled darkly at the blonde man. “We both know that’s never your style. So tell me what you want so I can get you out of my house.”
© Copyright 2013 ApplesOfDyscord (cherrydollphi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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