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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Ghost · #1945934
Not all fun houses are fun.
         A body was found in the Fun House of Horrors at the local amusement park. The death went unsolved. Police couldn't find a cause of death, nor could they link any suspects. It was as if the deceased decided to lie down and die. They were forced to proclaim it as an accident. Five year later a new owner bought and reopened the amusement park.
         "Welcome, Welcome one and all," said the owner in his megaphone. "After seven months of cleaning and repair I announce that the Summer Amusement Park is now open."
         As he cut a red ribbon in front of the entrance the lights came on and festive music started to play throughout the park. He stepped to the side letting the guests pay their way in. Among them was 17 year old Stephanie. She was short with blonde hair and light blue eyes. Next to her is her 18 year old James. He was 6' 2" with dark hair and hazel eyes. Stephanie didn't even reach his shoulders and he had to bend to kiss her. They have been friends since elementary school but it wasn't until high school that she started to love the color of his eyes and noticed how tall he was. He liked the way her hair shined and loved hearing her sing. They loved each other. Unfortunately Stephanie’s little brother Max was with them. She wanted to go alone with James but Max complained so much that her parents made her take him along. His hair was a darker blonde than Stephanie’s and his eyes were a darker blue. Also Max is impatient, energetic, and, as much as Stephanie cared about him, drove her nuts.
         "Max you are to listen and behave while we are inside do you understand," she said sternly as James paid for their tickets. Max looked at Stephanie innocently.
         "I promise," he said, but grinned when she turned away. James wrapped his hand in hers taking them inside. Max following behind started making kissing noises. Stephanie learned to ignore him even though she was wanted to smack across the head.
         "So which ride would you like to go on first Steph?" James asked. She looked around taking in the sights. Off in the distance she can hear the music from the-merry-go round. To the left was the tunnel of love. She grabbed James's hand and walked them to the entrance.
          "Max stay, right here," she pointed at the bench nearby "I'll be right back." Max started making gagging noises as they went inside. The entrance was heart shaped with a pink river tunnel and swan shaped boats. Slow music was playing on hidden speakers throughout the tunnel. They handed their ticket to the operator and got in a swan boat. They waited till the operator was out of sight. James looked at her smiling face. Bent closer to her and kissed her. He started out lightly, just barely touching her. Then the kiss became more passionate and firmer. She broke it.
         "I love you," she said dreamily. He didn't say anything just held her closer to himself smiling. At the end they left the boat and went back where they left max. Max was gone. Stephanie looked around hoping he was nearby.
         "There he is," James pointed up a hill. "He's going up to that dark building."
         "MAX GET BACK HERE." She yelled, but he didn't hear her. "Come on. We should go get him." They ran after him up the hill. They caught up with him at the front door. What stood in front of them was the most decrepit thing they ever saw. It read Fun House in red pilling paint. The shutters on the half boarded windows were hanging loosely or on the ground. Moss grew where it wanted and there was no door. It was only loosely boarded up.
         "Lets go inside," and Max darted way inside before his sister could grab him.
         "Get back here Max," she yelled after him. "It isn't safe you little twirp."
         "Lets go get the owner." James suggested.
         "No, he could get lost in there." Stephanie started forward with James following from behind. After crawling past the half boarded up door they stood up and felt a change. There was a cold that seeped to their bones. Out of nowhere Max came hurtling past them back to the door screaming at the top of his lungs. He tried to get out but the wall around the door collapsed making Max jump back into Stephanie.
         "Max what happened why are you screaming?" Stephanie stared at him a little freaked out.
         "Don't make me go back there. I want out now." he replied in high voice obviously terrified.
         "Listen to me." James said. "Max you will be alright. This place is dark and cold. It was probably your imagination." He looked around and looked down a corridor of mirrors. "Come one we gotta get to the other side to get out." He took them by the hand and led them forward. Max started to fight to get free but James was bigger and stronger. He led them through the maze of mirrors. They had to check each corner to find the next turn. Stephanie stopped.
         "What’s that." She whispered. A small scratching noise was slowly following from behind.
         "It's probably just a mouse." James suggested. He stuck out a hand to feel for the next turn. He froze. Something felt weird. The mirror was warm and wet. He turned to look. His hand was covered in red. He looked up at the mirror. The top of the mirror was bleeding. The blood dripped down in large goblets. His terrified eyes followed the goblets and saw the image in the mirror. A bent, disfigured, dark shape was slowly coming towards them with one hand on the glass. It took a small step forward and they heard the scratching noise. Terrified James grabbed both their hands and hurtled forward. Coming out of the maze they started running coming into contact with revolving tunnels and spinning floor. They came to a bridge. They started going across.
         "You belong to me." A soft, cold voice whispered into their ears. "You can't escape."
         All three came up to the other side. A door said exit on the other side of the room. All three ran for the door. They opened the door and took a step over the threshold. They froze. None of them could move. A heavy pressure weighed on them. It got colder and goose bumps ran up their arms and legs. Scratch, scratch, scratch, the noise came from behind.
         "Yummy, yummy." said the voice.
         James was finally able to grab both Max and Stephanie’s hands. All of a sudden a terrible scream ripped through the air around them. A blast of cold air pushed at their backs sending them sprawling on the grass. All three ran for their lives to the main office. Nobody believed them. They were told that it was their imagination running wild. Stephanie’s mom came to pick them up. On the way home all three were still terrified. Stephanie turned to James.
         "How did we get out," she said in a small voice.
         He replied. "I sent a prayer to God."
         The next day, a report came in saying an unidentifiable body was found in the fun house, but the owner couldn't be found for questioning.
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