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by Dane
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Supernatural · #1945928
with the rise of Lucifer Hell itself is released and only one his own can stop him
Prologue – Heavens Past, Earth's Future
Heaven, Past

Michael looked over the battlefield as Pure-Ones and Angels clashed in the almighty war that was not expected or unforeseen. Lucifer the fallen Archangel was the leader of this blasphemes army along with Angels branded with Black wings, Fallen Angels.

Several Angels were alongside Michael, the two other Archangels Gabriel and Raphael stood beside their fellow brother and General, both were concerned at the toll the war was taking on him, the fact that his closest Brother Lucifer had fallen because of the creation of Humanity

God would not even intervene and Michael would be the one to pick up the pieces of his now broken family, Gabriel and Raphael would help him if he needed it, because they were a family.

Down on the battlefield things were far worse than they seemed. The sheer amount of Pure-Ones were overwhelming the current amount of Angels on the battlefield which was just inside the Paladin gate, the main gate to heaven guarded by the fiercest Angels in Heaven, The Paladins.

The Paladins were the first response and they were losing to the overwhelming force the Pure-ones were putting up, it was basically over ten thousand Pure-ones compared to the Paladin force of three thousand Paladin's, more garrisons were needed for the defence of the Gate

Lucifer marched through the gate into heaven for the first time since he fell into damnation. Unfortunately for him the next Angels that got into his way were just mere fledglings of heaven and the most innocent Angels, Lucifer kept an emotionless face as he slaughtered them and it tore at his grace

Lucifer strode past many dead angels with the pure-ones following in his wake, heavens once beautiful constant orange sunset filled sky was replaced with demonic hell fire, the golden fields now burned with an intense red glow from his flying fire spewing serpents

If there was a shred of goodness in Lucifer it was now gone replaced with a bitter hatred of God but never for his brothers and sisters, not for Michael, not for Gabriel, no he would save them perhaps from themselves

Michael and Lucifer locked gazes with each other from miles away, big brother and little brother understood each other, and what was about to happen but they both didn't like it, Michael believed he could save his little brother but Lucifer believed he could save Michael from the illusions that Lucifer thought god had installed in his brother
Michael rose his head above towards the angelic sky, inhaling sweet heavenly air before thrusting his wings forwards towards the battlefield with his and Gabriel's elite garrison the Seraphin Garrison following close behind

Lucifer sensed his brother growing ever closer, so soon. Lucifer gazed at the destruction of God's Kingdom as his Pure demons ravaged the place. Dragons spewed fire into the plains, hydra-snakes each a hundred foot high would break out of the ground and his fallen Angels would engage his other brothers and sisters

Michael landed several metres away from Lucifer as Michael gazed sadly at his brother whilst Lucifer had a smug superior look on his face, his little brother was gone, no second chances, no redemption and no forgiveness.



"So brother hows things? I see daddy has made a mess of things around here" Lucifer gestured with a wave of his hand with a mock tone with the word "daddy"

"Brother you have fallen in so many ways, killing fledglings Lucifer, FLEDGLINGS!"

practically the whole of heaven felt that accusation, every Angel present nearly felt Michael's voice burn into their grace, for the fallen Angels it actually did.
Lucifer looked taken aback for a fraction of a moment, even remorseful but his face went stone hard again and his eyes going a slight shade of red.

"so what Michael? Any Angel that sides with you now is dead along with our precious dad, if he cares where is he hmm? Why are you fighting his battles? Dad is gone and you make out that I am the one in the wrong!" Lucifer screamed at Michael

Michael couldn't find his voice, he didn't have the answers, no-one did, where was Dad especially when Michael needed him most. Lucifer was truly lost if he could kill fledglings Lucifer loved fledglings more than anything else, more than his fellow archangels.

" I don't know Lucifer but I'm a good son, I love humanity as does every other heavenly angel, dad was right that they are better than us, always were always will be"

Lucifer snorted "Humanity? They are flawed, destructive, murderous abominations. They don't deserve free will, those primitive backwater hairless filthy apes deserve no less than extermination, they are the dirt under my boot!!!
Michael's feather rustled in anger at his brothers words

"Michael its not too late, it never is. Join me please, see through Dad's lies, it doesn't have to be like this, I came here to save you not kill you" Lucifer's sword was crackling with sparks

Michael lowered his sword slightly in a moment of self-doubt, was this true, had God lied to him and the rest of his brothers, he remembered his father from the beginning, his love for his Angels, love for humanity, love for his creations.

Michael rose with a new-found determination

"no, it is too late, father did not lie, he does not lie, you are the deceiver, the serpent"

Lucifer looked betrayed at this, his own brother.

"it does not matter, I have my new family now" he gestured behind him to his pure-ones
Pure-ones were the demons of hell of Lucifer's own creation, Dragons, Krakens, Cerberus, hydra-snakes, skeletal minions , wraiths, creatures that defied and defiled nature and the very nature of the natural order and some would pass into earthly legend

"They are not blind, they are not tempted, they are fierce and loyal and they are above all Pure, my Pure-ones"

Michael knew that these creatures were an abomination to creation itself, this was easy to tell as they were burned by the angelic sun if it were not for the demonic sulphur clouds that blocked it out

"The angels know of the abominations you created, the cross between pure-ones and humans!"

"ah yes the first hybrid how beautiful it was to bring that into existence, part angel, part demon and part human"

its worse than Michael had originally thought as this hybrid had started to create new hybrids faster than the horsemen pestilence could even spread anything.

"your a monster Lucifer, and I must destroy you"
and then Michael charged forward in a barrel of fury to his brother as did the other angels, with pure-ones rushing forward ensnaring angels in their demonic grip, devouring, feeding and destroying

Michael than clashed swords with Lucifer making it brother on brother, Angel VS Devil, Angels VS Demons, the final climatic battle of heaven but the first for earth...

Chapter 1 – A less than Pure Intention

2000 years after the fall of Lucifer, September 25th 2012

The night was crisp as it would be in Autumn, leaves started to fall silently to the ground in the rustling of the wind, a calmness spread across the land as the human race went to sleep for another night, hiding from the overcoming darkness
yet in the midst of all the quiet a sound could be heard echoing through the chilly night like ice. Screams

something tore into several teenagers in self defence and in ravished savage pure hunger, it needed to feed, it was justifiable, even though he was a sloppy eater, he tore into his attackers ripping apart limbs and throwing them around like confetti at a wedding
it was pure savagery, every bit of it, blood ran down his face, if there were any onlookers they would have thought the devil himself had come to earth to harvest souls, this wasn't the devil, this was one of his children, a hybrid.

The figure stood up wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he looked down on his recently consumed meal, body parts were spewed everywhere making a bloody mess on the street.

They thought it was easy to come up to someone alone and mug him even if there were four of them, but the figure made mincemeat out them, they tried sticking him and he started to sidestep the attacks with such speed the figure's movements were blurred
Then he broke the wrist of the teenager with the switch-blade the other's looked shocked as the figure did a surplex with enough force that drove the guys head inwards to the spray of brain matter and blood, the others ran for it.

The figure laughed manically as two identical majestic black wings sprouted from his back out of no where without even ripping his clothes, one flap was all it took it launch himself in front of them and then the feeding frenzy began with a fountain of blood.
The figure was a Vampure, the only one of his kind as he was turned by a normal vampire but something went wrong when the vampiric cells began to convert human ones the vampire virus itself began to mutate into something never seen before

The new vampire virus gave the uniquest abilities among the Vampire kind, wings, the only weakness was fire and sunlight, the ability to use offensive, Passive and defensive magic and maybe the most confusing of all his soul...
every hybrid first started off as human with their soul but when the human is converted the soul becomes twisted and evil and already damned to hell and yet the mutation allowed him to keep his soul

the weakness of iron was also gone, iron blades and iron itself was dangerous to vampires, if they struck with an iron sword they would die, if bound in iron chains all their supernatural strengths, speed, agility, smell, eyesight, superhuman strength would be diminished, they would not be able to break out of the iron
but the figure was not affected by that particular weakness and It affected him just like any other material would, weakly.

The figure managed to get back to his current residence which was an abandoned warehouse, near the train station, it wasn't very big but very cold but no sunlight could get in at least.

The figure procured a few bottles of blood of two litres, floating up to the wall he opened up the bottles and emptied them into a bucket, dipped his fingers in them and began to draw symbols somewhat desperately onto the wall in the old and almost forgotten ritual of blood magic.

The whole bucket was drained when the warehouse was covered in sigils and symbols, something that a Vampire a while ago had taught him, it was protective magic that allowed him to hide his presence from supernatural creature and Hunters

it took all the blood in the bucket to cover the warehouse in sigils and yet the figure still felt that there was something hunting him because there was, for creatures like him there always were, that's why the modern world didn't believe in the supernatural because most the creatures that were hunted were either extinct or their numbers were so low that they mostly gone into hiding although one would surface every now and then and go rogue, werewolves and Vampires were still the most hunted with their numbers at the two hundred mark, it used to be higher before the vampire-werewolf civil war several hundred years ago.

humans using supernatural stuff like witchcraft is still strong with their numbers in the thousands but only one or two would also go rogue but mostly the Wica community would aide hunters and make livings by selling weapons, charms, spells, amulets and ritual and protective magic to hunters and to normal people who knew of the supernatural world and wanted protection.

The figure unfortunately was turned by a female vampire who wanted wipe out the werewolf population and take over the world with overrunning the world with a Vampire army
but luckily for the figure and the world the mutation of the vampire virus into something new allowed him in vengeance to over power and kill his sire in a very twisted way by chaining his sire onto a wooden crucifix and setting it ablaze
several months later, his life consisted of haunted memories of a woman who seemed to be his mother and several strange memories of his past which he couldn't remember, due to the nature of the mutation the memories of his past and name were nearly erased apart a select few.

He remembered his home, that was what he was doing in Swindon trying to link up his past and figure it out, he kept his soul and the emotions and guilt was unbearable to the point where he shut it all down, he didn't even know why he didn't watch the sun come up one day.

Maybe God was on his side.
© Copyright 2013 Dane (alpha6 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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