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Rated: E · Chapter · Entertainment · #1945814
The second chapter to a short saga of four.
Chapter 2 Past discovery

I arrived home and said hi to my dad who was sitting in the living room under the kotatsu and reading the paper and i headed upstairs to my room and set my school bag in the corner, not even thinking about the homework that teach gave us today but as i set it down i didn’t go on the computer or pick up a manga to read, i didn’t even feel like picking up a game because i didn’t feel like doing anything but thinking over and over, why me, why me, WHY ME! I just didn’t understand that everyone around me except for Yu-chan could have a size advantage over me and there was nothing i could do about it but deal with it and face the fact that i would have to look up to pretty much everyone i met that was the same age as me. “I just wished that i was a little bit taller, just enough to be as tall as everyone else and then i won’t have to look up at everyone i meet.” I just laid on my bed and decided to take a short nap after all tomorrow was the summer festival and the schools wouldn’t be open that day and i fell asleep.

When Konata fell asleep she was out cold and wasn’t going to wake up anytime soon and as she slept she dreamed about being tall, first being as tall as her friends, then as tall as her dad,then her house and so on and so fourth but while she was dreaming at the Hiiragi house Kagami and Tsukasa were in front of the tv watching a tv show that tsukasa had seemed to be paying undivided attention to but across from her kagami seemed to be bored and was resting her head on her hand and looking at the tv showing no interest unlike her sister and they remained silent towards one another until kagami thought back to earlier and looked at her sister and said “Hey tsukasa did konata seem like she was acting kind of strange today?” Her sister Turned to her so that they were looking at each other and said “What do you mean?” “Well, those conversations about how tall she was, didn’t she seem to act more strange than she usually is and she never talked about it before.” “Well when we were in class she didn’t fall asleep and it looked like she was actually focusing on the board but she wasn’t writing anything in her notebook either.” “Maybe something is wrong with her, i know how about we have a sleep over , all four of us to cheer her up, i mean since we won’t have school for the next few days and everything.” “That sounds like a great idea sis!” And so it was that the two girls made plans for the sleep over.

Five minutes later at the Takara household Miyuki was having a chat with her mother in their living room and were in the middle of one of their conversations when the phone began to ring and miyuki decided to answer it as most of the calls that her house got were from her friends most of the time as she answered it she said in her polite voice (which you could call her normal speaking voice). “Hello this is the takara house, miyuki speaking.” “Hey miyuki, it’s kagami and i was wondering if you were free tomorrow and wanted to come to a sleep over with all of us?” “Why yes that sounds like a wonderful thing and i’ll be sure to come.” “Alright bye.” “Good-bye.” She then hung up the phone and sat down next to her mother telling her that she would be leaving to her friends house tomorrow and then they continued with their earlier talk.

I was still sleeping in my bed but my dream had ended a long time ago and now i was dreaming about meeting Haruhi in real life and solving all these supernatural things together, awesome, but then my real body started having a shaking feeling that woke me up from my dream so i took it out of my pocket and looked at the phone to see who was calling, it was Kagami and Tsukasa’s house so i answered it. “Hello.” “Wow you actually answered your cell-phone for once konata, anyway i was wondering if you wanted to come over for a sleep over with everyone else?” It was kagami alright because she’s usually the one who calls me near days when we don’t have school the next day such as today and i did have some vacation homework that i didn’t plan on doing so i figured why not. “Sure.” “Oh, one more thing.” “What is it.” “DON’Y EVEN THINK OF COPYING MY HOMEWORK!!!!!!” I had to pull my head away from the phone so i wouldn’t go deaf from kagami’s overwhelming voice (Curses) i thought to myself seeing that kagami knew me all to well that my plan was over before it even started as i replied “Fine.” “Cool, see you then, bye.” “Bye.” I hung up but i didn’t close my phone as there was a picture of me with kagami, tsukasa, and miyuki all together, but where in the past it made me smile now made that annoying thought come back and now i got somewhat peeved and shot up from my bed and attacked the source of what kept causing this thought to come back and pushed the mirror but what i forgot was that it was one of those mirrors that has two sides and flips so it just ended up hitting me on my head an sent a large crack across the glass and it hurt allot so i grabbed my head and reeled backwards into my bed and looked at what i just did “Aww crud, dad will flip if he sees this.” On the mirror was a large crack that went across the whole mirror that lead to a single shattered area with my blood on it which must have been where it hit my head and i looked at my hands and they were slightly covered with my blood which meant that my head got a cut on it and was bleeding but then i thought (When dad sees this i’m dead!) The reason this mirror was so important to my dad and was in my room in the first place was that it used to belong to my mom before she passed away when i was vary young and he wanted me to have it because he said if it wasn’t for the mole on my face that i inherited from him i would look exactly like she did. Still thinking of what to do i noticed something fall out of the mirror, but it wasn’t glass it was.....a slip of paper? As i picked it up i got a small sensation that i never felt before as if this paper had some sort of power in it and it eemed also to be folded up allot so there must have been more to it and i saw that something was written on it, it read:

(Property of Kanata Izumi August 17, 1985 Dear diary, i’ve finally done it, i’ve created a potion which will make me taller than i am right now but i don’t know how much but i plan to drink it after i have my child so that i don’t have to risk harming my child but just incase it loses potency or spills or dosn’t grow me as much as i want i wrote down the ingredients and they are( 1.A single hair from the intended grower 2.A mushroom that glows green in the dark (must remember not to be poisonous) 3.About a cup of blood from the grower and 4.A growth pill from a medical store and then mix them all in a small bottle with a cup of water, heat it for three minutes over a fire at 120 degrees F and then, well i don’t know if i should drink it or pour it on me but i know it works and wont kill me and it seems to liquefy into something like water only light blue that glows in the dark but i must not let my husband see this least he try to stop me.

“This must be a page from mom’s diary before she died and hid it from dad so he wouldn’
t find it.” I flipped the mirror over to the not so broken side and continued to read the diary page over again and realized that this is exactly what i was hopping for, a growth potion that actually works and seems that my mom was sick of being so short to but i guess i’m the one who’s going to use her potion not her but first i had to gather the ingredients but it shouldn’t be that hard i figured and it was still around seven so i could gather all the stuff today if i’m fast and see if worked tomorrow so i bandaged my head with a bandaid and headed out on my bike to get everything on my bike. After getting all the ingredients and buying a chemistry set so i could use the beaker and flaming thing because i’m sure my dad wouldn’t let me create something strange over the oven and in about five minutes i had done it and created my mom’s growth potion, but now i was faced with the same question (should i drink it, or should i pour it on me?) I guessed that if i poured it on me anything i would be wearing would grow with me so i decided to put on my schools summer uniform (The blue one) since that is what we would wear to school when we go back in about three days so i put it on but i still thought before i did this (But maybe drinking it makes it work faster.) but in the middle of my thoughts “Hey Konata-onee chan can i-” I got startled and flung the potion in the air and it made my decision for me as i and my uniform were now drenched in the growing mixture and now i stood there looking and my shorted and younger cousin and she just slowly closed the door and i heard her walking away and go into her room down the hall. (Well, at least my uniform will still fit me in three days, i just hope i don’t get to big by then heh, heh.) So i got into my panda sweat shirt and pajama bottoms and fell asleep on my bed for tomorrow, after all it was 11:30 p.m. now.

Stay tuned to read Really big lucky stars (Konata saga chapter 3) So it begins.
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