Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1945102-Life-Changing-Experience
by Kelly
Rated: 13+ · Other · Dark · #1945102
Sets out to find his father, and gets the worst experience possible.
My life used to be what most people considered "normal". That all changed after I lost an important family member due to a long, hard, lost battle of cancer. That family member was my dad. It seemed as if I lost everything because me and my dad were so close, but on top of that I lost my entire family mentally. I don't blame them, they all had their own ways of grieving. But, I also had mine. I was twelve years old, this was my first big loss, and I really had no one to turn to. It was really hard for me. I needed closure. I started looking into the paranormal, researching day after day seeing if I could somehow find any way to communicate with this lost family member.

I them, had a life changing discovery. I was at the library on the computers and I found out about the famous ouija board where you could speak to the dead. I also found out that you can make them yourself with simple items around the house. I went home and I took out the poster board I had for my science project, (I mean come on, possibly inviting demonic spirits into your house is way more worthwhile and important than a stupid science project worth 50% of my grade) then I started writing out everything on a store bought ouija board perfectly and stole my moms only shot glass (she really needed to stop drinking so damn much anyway and start paying closer attention to what her only child was doing). I waited until she was asleep and I went out on my roof and sat there and decided to start playing.

It was 2 am, and nothing was happening. It was so frustrating to me after weeks and weeks of research for this shit to not actually work. This was where I was supposed to get my closure, and maybe just maybe get in touch with my dad to tell him my goodbyes. At exactly 3 am on the dot, the "planchette" (also known as my moms way over used and dirty shot glass) started moving. It kind of freaked me out but I was satisfied to actually get some result out of this life changing moment. It was moving around in circles, what I found out to be figure eights later on. I asked if this spirit communicating was, or knew my dad. It just kept doin' it's little circles around the board. What I thought at the time was it dancing, trying to be funny and freak me out. I wasn't freaked out, I was annoyed with the lack of actual communication this spirit was giving me. It stopped doing the "circles" and started going backwards through the alphabet, I didn't think this spirit was very funny and I didn't think it could be my dad so I said my goodbyes.

Back to what I found out recently, the figure eights and going backwards through the alphabet was not the spirit trying to be funny. It was a demon trying to escape the board. The rules of the ouija are, never to play alone, not to let them do figure eights, and not to let them go through the alphabet backwards. Didn't go that far into my research, I guess. My mistake.

Anyway, after I said my goodbyes to that awful spirit trying to escape and possibly kill me, I got another one. This one seemed different, like something was off I mean what could possibly be off about speaking with a dead person, I mean right guys? But really, this spirit didn't seem as quote on quote, powerful as the one before. The one before was moving around, you know dancing ahem trying to escape the board to fucking murder me/possess me and this one seemed like it was having trouble moving the planchette, a weaker spirit. A newer spirit. My dad. I asked this one if it was my dad and it slowly but surely went to yes. I told him if he was truly my dad then to tell me how my dad died. He slowly but surely went through and spelled out cancer. I swear, in that moment I could have shit myself from how excited I was. I could finally have my closure and everything I needed. My dad told me things about him dying, it was little sentences like four word sentences but basically what I got from it is that he's finally in peace and such.

After a while of talking to him, it seemed like he'd become..different, more powerful maybe? He started talking more, being able to move around the board a lot more than he was before. I felt like it might have been because he was talking to me, he was more inspired which built more power. That wasn't the only thing that was a little strange about the switch of events though, he seemed more demanding. He stopped acting so sweet and fatherly and started telling me he had to escape because he wanted to be with his family and was demanding me to help him escape. Okay, I was very young and naive, you already know I did listen to him and helped him escape..

That was where all hell broke loose. Right in the moment, when my "dad" escaped, it felt as if the air had gotten thicker around me and like the stars weren't as bright and shining as before. My ouija board was knocked off the roof violently. I jumped back into my room as fast as I could because I didn't know what else to do. I heard vicious laughing all around me, literally. It seemed as if it was like circling me, like there were demons all around me laughing. I also kept hearing "zozozozozozozozozozozozozozo" like the name Zozo repeating about a million times without any breaths being taken. I looked up and I saw it. It was this terrifying figure, just floating. It was all black except for those eyes. I will never forget those eyes. They were red, but not like when you take a picture with flash on your camera red, like fire deep in their soul red. I had no idea what was happening to me. I threw my bible that was under my bed from the funeral service at the figure above me, the fire in it's eyes just flamed. Then I realized, this was not my dad. Why it took me this fucking long to realize this? Don't even ask. I just went under my bed and started crying.

I crawled out and decided to go out and jump out the window to get the ouija board, I swear I put that motherfucking planchette on goodbye about fifty times and still heard the laughing. It had escaped, there was no going back. BUT- during my research I did hear that if a demon escapes if you cut the board into 7 pieces and burn it they will disappear too. I got the board and cut it into the pieces, and then got the lighter we use for the bonfire and set that bitch on fire outside. I heard a hissing noise and saw that figures face in the flames. I never had any problems since then, but sometimes I do wake up at 3 am on the dot, to the sound of laughing and hissing.
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