Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1945098-My-shed
Rated: E · Poetry · Entertainment · #1945098
Every man`s nightmare,~~~ his shed.

My Shed.

My father always said, "Don`t throw anything away,
just keep it in your shed, you`ll find a use for it one day."
So when I got my house, I remembered what he said,
and trusting in his wisdom, I invested in a shed.

I put it up, so proud I was, for this will be my store,
for all my tools, my nuts and bolts, odd bits of wood and more.
So, as I gather many things, like washers, nails and screws,
I know there`ll be a time one day, these things I`ll need to use.

There`s bits of cable, pipes and plugs,odd taps and so much more,
all kinds of bits and pieces, that I`ll use one day, I`m sure.
But my shed is getting very full, it really is a mess,
I have so much trouble finding things, I should tidy up I guess.

I need to do a job today, but just can`t find my hammer,
and while I`m in here rummaging, where did I put that spanner?
Oh well, if I can`t find it, I`ll buy another one instead,
then when I`ve finished using it,I`ll put it in my shed.

So Dad, I know you meant well, when you gave me your advise,
but, looking in my shed, it does not look very nice.
I know that I should sort it out. and throw some things away,
but how can I be sure, that I won`t need it all one day?
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