Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1944279-Harbinger-of-Darkness
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1944279
A creature of the dark decides to go against his nature.

The chamber was darkened by shadows. The only light came from the torches and fire pits scattered around. An inner fire burned within the catacombs, but the air near the entrance was chilled. It was in this chamber, deep within the dark recesses of the castle, sat Vergris. He sat with his crimson eyes scorching with rage and hate. Deceit filled his heart, that was frozen and spiteful. The aura around him was choked with all things wicked. The result was a illuminating purple that cast a stark glow in the black that surrounded him.

Vergris was known to all in the world as a Lord of Darkness. His Kingdom was eerily beautiful, but great in being deceptive to the non-magical. His chiseled jaw set in a scowl could sense something foul in the realm he had claimed as his own more than a millennia ago. He had been the sole survivor of the dark wars that raged in the shadow lands during the time the darkness fought against the light for purchase in Salasmira. His flawless bronze skin, slightly pale from his constant lack of sunlight accented his firm gaze. Ebony hair spilled out over his shoulders, falling to the nape of his neck. The dark robes he had on covering up the nakedness underneath seemed to meld into the background of the chamber leaving only his face exposed.

A noise from outside the chamber drew his attention from his thoughts on how to conquest the light.

With a mere snap of his fingers, he made the door to his inner sanctum open allowing for the light of the outside to flood the chamber.

A guard entered the throne room, jaw set, eyes ablaze with...fear. Vergris liked this very much. Still, it didn’t take the bite from his voice when he spoke.

"What!?" Vergris barked. He was in no mood for visitors. He’d just sought a quiet place to think.

"My liege," the guard said, bowing his head slightly. "The Council is set to convene. They await your presence in the Great Hall." He bowed deeply, dismissed with a simple gesture from the Dark King.

The doors to the throne room echoed as they once again shut out the rest of the world. It was time to discuss the very subject that made him brood. The fate of his people, the demons and other evil beings of his dark realm.


Vergris thought with such distaste, he could feel a vile taste invade his closed mouth.

The humans were trying to outmaneuver him? Him!? The Grand Duke of Darkness himself? It was almost laughable. It irritated him to no end. How dare they even attempt such a thing? They were pathetic to think this little organization of theirs was going to amount to anything. Especially when he was through with them…

The thought of his plan made a smile creep across the slim features of his face.

Vergris stood from his throne, walking down the obsidian steps. He clasped his hands behind his back as he went. The dark robes he had on disappeared with each step, and in their place appeared dark armor with a dark aura that seemed to drip from with his every movement.

His movements were sharp, yet fluid. It with the liquid grace of a cat, and all its craftiness included. Vergris paused in his contemplating to acknowledge the other presence in the room. He had been slinking about in the shadows, studying the Lord with curious eyes.

"Come," Vergris beckoned him to his side. "We have a lot of work to do. It's time to meet with the Council."

~ ~ ~

Raynar walked through a moonlit grove hidden deep in the mountains of Asura. Asura was a beautiful land filled with mystical beings of every shape and size. Humans lived in Asura too, but most possessed little to no magic. In Raynar's case he was a young wizard of nineteen. He was tall with naturally tanned skin and finely toned muscles. His eyes were a mesmerizing azure color with hair a dark red that was always in the form of spikes that shot in every direction possible. This was a result of a spell gone wrong the last moon of his birth.

Raynar made his way through the maze of flowers and trees to a quiet flowing river illuminated by the light of the moon. He sat beneath his favorite willow tree and took his shoes off, dipping his feet into the cool water. An evening breeze ruffled his hair and he breathed in the sent of lavender and lilac. He heard the river water drop off into a pond in the distance. The trickling water flowed lazily into a crystal clear pool just beyond the brush that kept him hidden where he was now.

A bird suddenly called into the night, Raynar looked up to see Sylvari, a black and brown falcon owned by one of his friends. Sylvari landed on Raynar's outstretched arm and nuzzled his cheek gently. Raynar smiled and rubbed the birds head. He heard someone whistle and Sylvari took off toward the sound. He soon returned, followed closely by Azriel. Her dark brown eyes shown brightly in the moonlight and her chestnut hair flowed in silky waves down her back.

She smiled at Raynar and sat next to him as Sylvari circled and landed on her leg. Raynar didn't say anything, but continued to stare at the water lapping gently against the bank. Azriel looked at him and then up at the stars.

"So what are you doing here Ray?"

He didn't answer at first but then looked toward her.

"You first"

Azriel smiled and punched him lightly in the arm.

"I couldn't sleep," she sighed, "There's just too much going on for this poor little world to take."

Raynar nodded, that was the reason he had been up too. Everything in Asura was being turned upside down. A portal had recently been opened between their world and a place called Salasmira. Now many of the mystical creatures from Asura had become corrupt. They were now savage, or grew to enormous size dripping with a dark aura. The beings from Salasmira would cross over into Asura causing more trouble then anyone in Asura could deal with in the beginning.

The more Raynar thought it over the more he realized most of the creatures of Salasmira were the same as the ones in Asura. Twisted versions of Unicorns, Pegasus, Dragons and Fairies. Although, they were few and far between. The Guardians of Asura, a group of powerful Witches and Wizards who fight against the evil that spills from Salasmira implemented a marshal law once the protective wards were in place to protect many of the cities from being corrupted. The world had gone into a magical war with the beings of the dark realm.

The beings that scared his people were the dark creatures called werewolves, men and women who looked regular, but could transform themselves into beasts. Vampires, were undead men or women that used the blood of the living to survive. Raynar had heard talk that not all of these creatures were evil, but he couldn't be too sure. Naturally some of the creatures in his world were evil but they knew how to deal with them.

Zantiln, the leader of Asura, spoke with a wizard from Salasmira named Kevdak. There was great evil that crossed over with the good and he would help Zantiln in fighting it. As it was Zantiln had asked Syris, Raynar's wizarding teacher and the King's right hand, to help in assembling an army. Of course Syris had asked Raynar to help.

There was a meeting to be held the next morning in the great hall of the Valford palace on what to make of everything. Raynar hadn't slept good since he heard what was happening and he feared the unknown and what could possibly happen to his home. Azriel leaned over and gave her friend a hug and he snapped back into the present.

Raynar smiled down at her and returned the embrace. "I'm so scared Ray," Azriel whispered. He didn't know what to say. Azriel never revealed to anyone that she was afraid. She always said that fear was a weakness that can keep one from succeeding.

"I'm scared too" He finally told her and she half smiled at him. She shivered and Raynar pulled her close.

Azriel wasn't an ordinary human, she was a fairy. Raynar had known her since they were young, when Syris had adopted her. Both of her parents were killed during the war in the dark times. That was before Zantiln had gained control of the throne and everything in Asura was destroyed. It has been almost eighteen years since then and since peace his crowning, peace had reigned. Until now, when this portal suddenly opened throwing everything into hell once more.

A breeze blew strands of hair in Azriel's face and Raynar brushed them back gently. She was soon fast asleep, feeling safe with his arms wrapped around her like a blanket. Raynar took another look at the moon and laid his head on her's, soon dreaming as well.
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