Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1943730-Bullying-Its-Sickening
Rated: 13+ · Essay · Other · #1943730
Have you ever seen someone get bullied? If so did you do anything about it, or just stand there and watch? People are bullied every day. Not just kids, adults as well. There are three main types of bullying; Physical bullying, Verbal bullying, and Emotional bullying. A sub- type of bullying is Cyber bullying.
Physical bullying involves the use of physical force. It may involve, shoving, kicking, punching, or even spiting. In most instances, the aggressor is physically larger the victim or may be within a group.
Verbal bullying incorporates the use of words to carry out an act of bullying. In this act the aggressor also known as the bully tries to verbally upset the victim by taunting or teasing. The verbal assault might focus on an individuals appearance, life style choices, intellect, skin, and ethnicity. Most verbal bullies, bully to make themselves feel better.
Emotional bullying also known as relation aggression is the act of an aggressor attacking the victim on an emotional level. Emotional bullying is most common in relationships whereby, one partner might make statements or act in such a manner as to bring about distress to the other partner. Involves: rumors, excluding an individual from certain activities, refusing to talk to someone and even making statement with an intention of hurting a persons feelings.
Cyber bullying is one of the most popular types of bullying in the modern world, Cyber bullying can be described as any form of bullying that incorporates the use of technology.
Kids/ adults even don't realize how bad they can hurt someone. The saying" sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me". Words you say, name calling, down grading someone. On the inside it hurts that person. We are all the same. Bullying can hurt someone so bad, they could self harm them selves. Bullying can lead to suicide. How would you feel if you made someone take their own life, to feel safe, all by words and actions? Suicide hurts everyone around the person who committed suicide, even you(the bully) . Think before you do, think before you say. You won't know its hurting them until they've hurt themselves.
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