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it speaks of a creature that travels around the universe and does what he does best. |
INTRODUCTION THE ANOMALY It was in the early morning hours, at around five am as my story began to unfold, when I saw something partially buried the sand near the Ocean Beach pier. I just stood staring in the beginning, while attempting to figure out what it was, I was seeing. Although the oddity lay still at half mask being afraid at first, I kept my distance. Hours had went by of course, before I got the nerve enough to approach it, but once I was within breathing room of the anomaly, I took an immediate notice of its enormous size. Being at least 25 feet in height if he was a foot and built like, some super human muscle man, I knew it had to be from out there.Not knowing if it would even understand anything I had to say, I sat down next to our alien visitor anyway and ask the question “Where do you come from?” Frighteningly placing my left hand under his neck from there, I gently lifted his head and continued with a whisper, “What are you? What is your name and why are you here I ask again, where do you come from?” After a full hour of him tossing, turning and talking in languages, of which I understood nothing, he suddenly…and surprisingly, spurted out the word, “Evil,” in English. Continuing he said, “That is what they call me evil.” It was then, that I noticed his eyes were dark and had an eerie depthless about them. His stare was sharp and direct and it was almost as though, it was hypnotic; and could cut thru you with a single thought. However, that wasn’t all Walters added. “There was something else about his eyes that caught the attention of mine. It was the redness surrounding his, with an indescribable color centering his left pupil giving him, the look of someone alone and abandoned. I also noticed that his stare gave off the impression of being a person unfulfilled with a void and emptiness if you will.” As I stood still in my own thoughts of concentration, I failed to notice that his right forearm had begun to suddenly move towards me. When I saw it for myself, I knew in a glance that I had to move quickly and not to be sitting there, if he’d suddenly got a hunger for my flesh. He was still however, able to reach out and grab my hand unfortunately, before I could stand away. The creature still moved like lightening, even in his weakened state. When my knees began to knock together at that point and my eyes began to water with salted tears rolling down my face; I thought for sure, this was the day for me to die. I was however pleasantly surprised, when his hand clutched with mine dissipating my worries completely, because I lived thru it, but I was seeing it all. It was almost like looking thru a crystal ball, for at that precise moment, I began to learn how he became, the creature he became. Staring me straight into my face at that point and gently letting my hand go, he reached up with his claw like forefinger and swept away my teardrop. He then with a very light touch, rubbed his skinless bony figure under my eye lid and again, felt the beaded moisture extruding from my pupil, only to rear back with a jerk. It was at that point again, when I was surprised as I saw tiny droplets of water begin to flow down the creature’s heavily armored face matching my own; and I wowed. I wouldn’t have believed it myself folks but yes, this creature had a sensitive side, along with his murdering instinct for survival. When he renewed his grip on my hand at that point, his flash backs hit me like a sonic boom. He must have wanted me to know the truth really bad, for when he clenched my forearm and retightened his grip; I knew I’d be there for a while. With my mind being once again linked to his, I had a much better view into the past noticing that his real name, was once Paul VanHousten. I could now read his every thought and I could feel; and see his whole life racing thru my head as my mind expanded. I began to wonder, if my humanoid brain could handle such transference so quickly, as my head began to ache. It felt as though, someone had hit my skull with a large hammer and for sure I thought this creature would have killed me. Reaching out with both his claws simultaneously, the creature then surprisingly, grasps my wrists while sinking his nails deep into my skin and injected, some kind of green secretion. Even though he relieved me of all pain and discomfort at that point, I still had to question the reasoning behind this meeting rather it be fate or destiny. As our minds continued to be linked as one, I began to think to myself “Why! Why me in deed?” I asked, but then, in the middle of my next thought, he again amazed me, when he gave me a reply. His most unexpected comeback the creature had, was “Why not you! You were the luck of the draw, you now have a story to tell and I hope, you will tell my tale well,” he added. After his statement of course, we then had a very scary moment, when he ogled me eye to eye, while tightening his grip even farther exposing his six-inch blood stained teeth. Immediately at that point following the chopper revealing incident, he lit up his eyes as to frighten me and he did, while raising the large and curved fi n on his back as to attack. This again, got my undivided attention terrifying me into the reality of thinking that I’d better; tell his tale, just as he intends it to be told. Still continuing his scare tactics, the creature then growled out a command of “Stop human! Stop! Your thinking is all wrong. All I want you to do, Walters,” he added is to understand, “that I can no longer harm you or anyone else at this point, for I am dying and will soon be gone from this world.” Once he’d finished with his last decree, he then let out loudly a wailing cry and a grunt passing out grabbing his chest and curdling his final sound. Speedily. The factual events continued racing thru my mind and I saw the truth unfold quickly leading me to this day in which, I found Fleshula here on our beach. It was then, that I really understood how tragedy had struck his world, how it had begun to fall apart and when. This of course, is the story of which I will tell you in its entirety. |