Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1943261-Money-Power--Revenge
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Crime/Gangster · #1943261
This story is about the rise of Micbutter, and the revenge of his fathers death.

By Anthony Boykin

It was the first day of June the beginning of a hec-tic summer. Micbutter was woken up by gun shots which have become common in his drug infested area.
Mad Circle Projects are one of the most ruthless housing projects in the city of Pittsburgh. It was the hood Micbutter grew up in. The hood where money ruled and respect was demanded. At his early teen age years, Mic-butter had both, plus he held the power. As the youngest big gate in the city Micbutter was like a magnet to gun fights and drama. Being the son of a beautiful Hispanic and Black woman who pass down to him her good hair and light skin left a lot of the other niggas jealous. He was truly a ladies man and just about all the young girls want-ed to be the one who blessed him with his first born. And this is the story of his life leading up to the revenge of his father…

Chapter 1

“What boy?”
“Can you iron my shirt for me?”
“Give it here! I swear what would you do without me???”
“I don’t know, and don’t want to know.”
Micbutter replied to his mother as he handed her the shirt.
Micbutter was the only child, his mother’s pride and joy. She had dreams of him becoming someone important in life. Which he did, but not in the manner his mother would have liked. Micbutter was one of the youngest, big time drug dealers that Pittsburgh has ever seen.
While doing time in a juvenile detention center in Florida. Micbutter met the kid of a Mexican cartel leader, who was serving juvenile life for killing his aunt. Rico was serving his last year when Micbutter got there. As room-mates Micbutter and Rico became cool. Rico promised Micbutter, that when they got out he would have away for them to make some money. A lot of money by selling coke. Rico knew where his dad’s warehouse was, and was convinced that he would be able to steal large amounts without his dad knowing.

Rico’s plan worked perfect. Rico would ride the Gray Hound from Florida to Atlanta. And Micbutter would take it the rest of the way. It was the easiest transport ever for Micbutter. Who would have thought a 16 year old would have a book bag full of coke.
They operated the same way for the next three years. Micbutter would sale each kilo for $28,000 and would profit like $100,000. And that would be after splurging every flip. He would send Rico half of the mon-ey he profited every month. Micbutter’s, Mom knew something was going on, but would rather reap the bene-fits.
Micbutter was like a hood phenomenon. He wasn’t your average youngster. Between the money, cars and them hoes. Micbutter’s swag was through the roof. On his 18th birthday he came through the hood in a red Monte Carlo SS. Sitting on some twenty two’s with a Bose system that made the block sound like a concert. Him and his cousin Bugs, hoped out that bitch with the burners bulging under their polo’s. Looking like two Harlem nig-gas. Them young niggas was getting it. And the hood was open for them to get it due to an indictment that locked a lot of the older big gates up about eight to ten years ago.

Micbutter was feuding with these Homewood nig-gas. And lost one of his partners recently to a shootout. It was the beginning of the summer, and would end up being a deadly summer. And the next few days would be hard on Micbutter and Darnell’s family.
As Micbutter opened the driver door to his rose colored Benz 4matic, he notice a tented out Tahoe a cou-ples cars up. The possibility of that Tahoe being filled with the niggas he had a shootout with. Forced him to re-move the nickel plated 9mm from his waist line. While riding pass the truck Micbutter clutched the gun in his hand, ready to pop off. But there was no need because there wasn’t anyone in the truck. But that truck would rack his brain all day.
“Today we gather to celebrate the life of Darnell Jones! He leaves behind a mother, two siblings, and a nine month baby girl… And as they weep! We all weep! WE MUST WEEP FOR THE MOTHER OF DARRNELL! WE MUST WEEP UNTIL ALL THIS SHOTTING AND ALL THESE SENSELESS KILLING STOP! We must weep! (AP-PLAUSE) We must weep, SO LORD JESUES WILL HEAR US AS ONE, TO BE SURE HE HEAR OUR CRYS TO TOUCH OUR CHILDREN and WAKE THEM UP! We must weep! WE MUST WEEP AND HOPE SOME OF THESE KIDS WILL TAKE A LONG LOOK AT DARNELL AND SAY LORD I WANT TO CHANGE, LORD HELP ME, LORD SAVE ME OHHHH LORD!!! (APPLAUSE) Yes Yes Lord save some souls in this church today LORD!!!
As the preacher was preaching. Micbutter couldn’t stop thinking about that truck. He wondered where else did he see that truck at. By the end of the funeral he real-ized that that was the same truck that was parked a couple streets down from where Darnell got shot.
After the funeral, Micbutter was convenience that that truck belonged to one of the niggas him and Darnell was shooting at.
“Yo I think one of them Homewood niggas was in the hood this morning.”
“Oh yea! I’m ready to let these bullets fly for my nigga! Fuck that! I’m dumping on any one of them niggas Ikeee!”
Bugs replied to Micbutter as he passed the blunt to him. They road back from the cemetery with thoughts of mur-der on the brain.
Bugs was Micbutter’s favorite cousin but was more like his brother. Bugs was like Joe Pesci in Casino, he liked killing niggas that was his shit!!! When Micbutter first started moving the coke. Bugs was like his security and shit. See Micbutter only served like five niggas a kilo a peace once a month. He felt like not being on the block hustling would slim his chances of getting caught. To se-cure the buys, Bugs followed each one of the buyers home. And gave them each buyer a surprise visit. To intimidate the buyers out of even thinking about robbing Micbutter. That was his way of showing them how easy it was for them to be ran up on.
“Yo grab the guns from Mama J’s and meet me at the spot at eleven! We going murder a few of these nig-gas tonight! Fuck that! Dee was my man! Hay Bugs, I won’t sleep until these niggas are dead Ike!”
After hearing the pain in Micbutter’s voice, Bugs shook his head holding back the tears that seeped from in-between his eye leads. He shook his head in agreement as he got out the car.
Later that night
“What now? Gangsta!”
Micbutter yelled before clutching on the trigger of the AK-47, that he had pointed out of the car window. Bugs followed up by letting the fully automatic M-16 go. Bullets struck Cmack in the chest before he could reach for the Glock 9mm he carried in the small of his back. Blood gushed out from his chest, as he tried to pull off.
As the police arrived at the scene, they found Clarence Macklin D.O.A. in the driver seat of a 2003 Ta-hoe that was riddled with bullet holes. The detective radio for the coroner. To the 3500 block of Franks town Ave., the detectives found one witness that seen the car. A 1999 black Grand-Am was the description that the snitch ass witness gave.
Micbutter and Bugz ditch the stolen buggy in an old garage on Bedford Ave. “Yo that wasn’t the nigga that shot Dee Ike!” “Oh yea, well we gone ride again to-morrow night nigga!” Bugz assured that to Micbutter, while putting the guns back in the stash. The hunt would continue the next day.
The main nigga Micbutter wanted was a guy they called Shorty-loc. He was the intended target from the start. And his bullet was the one that killed Dee…
Shorty-loc received a call, telling him that Cmack just got shot up. Cmack was Shorty-loc’s sister’s baby dad-dy.
“Damn cuz! Who the fuck did it cuz? Awwww shit, how the fuck am I going to tell my sister this shit yo? Where did it happen at?”
“On the Ave cuz, two niggas rolled up in a black Grand-Am, and Swiss cheesed the truck up cuz!” C-money replied to Shorty-loc as he stuffed the clip into the Desert Eagle he had in his hand.
“Yo I’m a hit you back cuz, let me see what the fuck happened. Yo C-money go get them choppers from the spot cuz, and hit me in the morning cuz.”
Shorty- loc hung up the phone, disguised about Cmack.
Chapter 2

“Damn ma, this morning head be driving me crazy girl… Awwww slow down ma, awwwww this feel so good ma….”
While Micbutter was getting gun down at one of his shorty’s crib the next morning. He didn’t know there where two niggas on their way to gun him down as well.
“Awww yea ma…. Hold up, did you here that?”
Micbutter asked after hearing a sound outside the bedroom window. Micbutter got up to look out the window, and (Bang). The roar of two choppers sounded, as slug’s rip through the window glass. Striking Micbutter in the shoulder and chess before he hit the floor. Then all you heard was the screeching of the tires as the gun men pulled off.

The ambulance arrived at Shay’s house ten minutes after the shooting. Micbutter was hit bad and was uncon-scious, and had a faint pulse. Shay was not injured but was shook up pretty bad. The detectives arrived with the am-bulance. With thoughts of last night’s shooting having something to do with this one. It would be a puzzle for the detectives, one that would need Micbutter to live if they was going to be able to put it all together.

Ms. A rushed to the car, after getting the call about her son being shot. She was a nerves rec, hoping her baby boy would be ok. She made it to the hospital in no time. As she entered the emergency room, she gave the lady at the front desk Micbutter’s information, before being told that she couldn’t see him yet. He was already in surgery, and things wasn’t looking good.
“Shay what happen??”
Ms. A asked as she walked into the waiting room.
“Ms. A. I don’t know!” Shay replied as tears started to run down here face. She sobbed as she began to explain what happened. “We heard a noise outside the window, and when Micbutter got up to look out the window bullets started tearing through the glass!!!”
“So you didn’t see who it was?”
“No, I never got up, after hearing the shots I rolled off the bed and stayed on the floor.”
“Well who all know???”

“Excuse me, Ms. Alice it is?”
The doctor asked, before Ms. A could finish what she was about to say.
“Yes! That’s me how is my son!”
“He’s fighting for his life right now, and I won’t lie to you. We can’t find the last bullet. And he is bleeding in-ternally, and if we don’t stop the bleeding he won’t make it. But we are doing everything we can Ms. Alice, I promise you that!”
After the doctor walked away Ms. A busted out in tears. Screaming,(LODR PLEASE HELP MY BABBBY) Tears ran down the faces of Micbutter’s love ones, as the doctors worked on trying to find the bullet that was lunched somewhere in his upper torso.

“Yo I been calling Micbutter’s phone all morning! Where the fuck is this nigga at?” Bugs asked himself while dialing Micbutter’s number again. While Bugs was fran-ticly dialing Micbutter’s number, he heard the horn of a black Avalanche.
“Yo what’s good with you Ike?” Bugs asked, as Zart pulled up to the curb.
“Shit, why ant you at the hospital Ikeee?” Zart asked Bugs, as he hoped out the truck. “Yea they say he might not make it, he…”

“Who might not make it?” Bugs replied cutting Zart off.
“Micbutter Ike, he ant doing too good. Some niggas shot up Shay’s crib, Micbutter got hit a couple times.”

Zart explained what he heard, While Bugs stood in shock of what he was hearing. It was killing him to think that his right hand wouldn’t be here no more. The pain grew stronger with every word.

“Dog who told you this?” Bugs asked, as if he didn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Yo you know I be fucking Charrell, I was smashing when she got the call from Shay!”

After noticing that Zart was serious. Bugs hoped in his whip and within minutes he was at the hospital.
Running through the parking lot nerves and scared he walked up to the front desk.
“Yes can you tell me what room Andre Jacks is in?”
“And you are?”
“His brother!!! Danny Ryte!”
“Oh ok baby, wale have a seat and your mother will be right down to take you up.”
“Is he going to be ok Miss?”
“I surly hope so son, now just sit and relax.”

Chapter 3

“So you telling me, C-Money was with Shorty- loc?” Bugs asked the nigga Don Don as he held the Desert Eagle three inches from his head.
“Yea, I’m telling you the truth! Please don’t kill me? I could show you where both of them niggas live at!” Don Don cried and pleaded for his life. Which his words landed on death ears.
Bugs, was on a rampage running up on anybody that was affiliated with Shorty-loc. It had only been nine days since Micbutter, been shot. And Bugs already killed two of them niggas. Shorty-loc and C-money was in hiding and Bugs was on the hunt.
“Yea I hear you bitch nigga, you want me to let you live hun? Bitch ass nigga, where Shorty-loc’s sister live?”
“She live on Tioga, in that Apartment building, on the fourth floor! Please don’t kill me please? I don’t even fuck with them niggas cuz! I swear, I don’t even fuc…..” Before he was able to finish his sentence, Bugs finger clutched tightly on the trigger rapidly putting three slugs into his head. Brains splattered all over the driver side window. Bugs got out the car, tucking the gun in his pants before walking off.
Bugs was determent to find Shorty-loc. But as the week went on, he found that Shorty-loc has skip town. And was in New Jersey living with his cousins. Bugs would have to wait it out, because there was no way he was going to drive to New Jersey.

Beep… Beep… Beep… Beep… Beep… Beep…

As the EKG machine monitored Micbutter’s heart-beat. He laid in a coma reliving his child hood. Feeling like he had died and went to hell. Dew to not being able to wake up from a treble dream.

“Hey baby boy! How was my baby boy’s, first day of school? Did you make your momma proud?”
“Ye- Yea mom. I did my numbers, an- and my colors, and mom I showed them I could count money!”
“Oh you did!!! Well mommy is going to make sure your dad go get you some new Jordan's.”
“The red ones mom! Can I- I get the red ones mom? I really like the red ones mom!”
“You can get whatever ones you want baby.”
Amara assured her excited six year old, as she helped him out of his book bag. She feed him a Peanut butter Sandwich before helping him with his homework. Amara didn't work and was solely supported by her man, Kenny Jacks who was a nigga from Pittsburgh who moved to Florida after helping the FBI build cases on ten of the Burgh’s biggest drug dealers. He fled to Florida with about $150,000 met Jan and started a new life. A life of hard work and small pay checks. But Kenny was content with his new life. The last six years was the best six years of his life.
As Andre finished his homework, he was interrupted by the sound of his father walking through the front door. Excited and hyper Andre ran and jumped into Kenny’s arms.
“Da- dad mommy said I could get the new Jordan’s, the re- red ones dad!!!”
“Oh she did hun, well finish your homework and we gone go get you them Jordan’s.”
Kenny replied to the joy of his life, before kissing Amariea, and handing her his $1,256 pay check. He earned by working on boat engines. A job the FBI got him after he turned states events. He put fifty thousand dollars in a bank account under his son’s name. When Andre was first born, and brought a two bed room house with majori-ty of the rest of the money. This was his new life, he fig-ured he would be safe hundreds of miles from Pittsburgh.
And so far he was living with no worries.
“Hey baby! How was your day at work?”
“It was good! Busy but good, a lot of people are getting their boats worked on before the season change. How was Andre’s first day of school?”
“He said he liked it. The teacher was amazed how good he was able to count money.”
“Oh yea, you know my little man know how to count that doe… Like father like son, ha ha ha!!!” Kenny replied to Jan as he smirked after seeing the face Jan made following his last comment.
“Well do you want me to ride to the mall with yall?”
“Naw! Could you make me a steak bay? It should be done by the time I get back. We only gone right up to that Foot locker by the bay.” Kenny answered Jan’s question with a demand. Something she then got use to over the last six years.
“Little man are you ready?”
“Ye- yes daddy!!!”

As Kenny helped Andre out the back seat in front of the Foot locker. He was confronted by two black guys with an up north ax sent.

“Yo hommie, you got a light?”
“Naw, I don’t smoke…” Kenny replied as one of the guys approached him.
“Ok, well you and your seed be safe cuz.” The guy re-plied to Kenny after braking eye contact with Andre.
After the guys walked off. Kenny continued getting his little man out the car. Once in the store Kenny brought Andre the shoes and a sweat suit to match. At six Andre had a love for nice clothes. It made him feel good inside, whenever someone gave him a complement. It al-so made him feel better than the Hispanic kids that lived near him.
On the ride back home, Kenny let Andre sit in the front seat. This was a big thing to Andre. He loved riding in the front seat. He would watch his dads every move, mimicking what he seen Kenny do.
“Da- dad?”
“What’s up little man?”
“I love you……”

Chapter 4

“Hi you feeling today Aunt A, is there something I could do for you?” Bugs asked Ms. A as he walked into the hospital room.
“No I’m ok Danny, how’s your mother holding up. She love that boy, I know she’s taking this hard.” Ms. A re-plied to Bugs as she rubbed on Micbutter’s arm.
“Yes she do, I never seen her pray this much Aunt A., but everything is going to be ok Aunt A! Your son is a soldier. He gone wake up, you watch.”
“I hope so Danny, I hope so. You know the cops say that they got a suspect that their investigating. But you know what Danny?” Ms. A said as she stepped closer to Bugs. “I hope you find that mother fucker and shoot him right in his fucking head.”
“That’s what I plan to do Auntie. Don’t even worry about it. That’s going to happen! Auntie I need Micbutter’s phone. Do you know where it is?”
“Yea its right here in my purse, I cut the thing off weeks ago. The dame thing wouldn’t stop ringing.”
After hugging, Ms. A gave Bugs the phone. They sat and talked for about a hour, before Bugs left. Bugs knew Rico was probably wondering what was going on. So after getting into his car he called Rico.
“Damn what’s up with my Voto?” Rico shouted into the phone.
“What’s up Rico this is Bugs, Micbutter got hit up three weeks ago Ike. I’m just now getting his phone yo. But I was calling to let you know.”
“Oh I see! What happened?”
“This nigga we beefing with caught him slip-ping. But don’t worry I’m on this niggas heels Ike. Mic-butter is in coma my nigga barely holding on to life.”
“Oh… I see… I see… Well do you need me to send some killers up there? I can have a few of my Voto’s fly up there like, today.”
“Naw not up here, but I’m a text you these niggas picture. And you can send some niggas to Jersey, that’s where he supposed to be at.”
“That’s a plan then, send me the information and I’ll get right on it.” Rico replied, before they both said “one” and press the end button on their phones.
As Bugs pulled off, he lit his blunt of granddaddy and turned up the music. He sang along with the hook of a lo-cal rapper’s song. As the words painted a picture of his life.

Lyrics to Growing Pains By Pooman

I came up ruff Ike No father only friends
And momma couldn’t meet the N’s
I’m only ten No charismas I got use to it
First day of school wasn’t no knew outfit
Only Pooman having a fucking fit
But now it’s a Mack 11 with extended clips
In the cut with my cuz cooking up them bricks
Dame how things change when the money change
It’s only growing pains
Dame they shot my man up
While he was getting head from his bitch
And the word is His cuz
Already put three niggas in a ditch
But me I’m trying to get rich
Baseball game
A few niggas that can pitch
In the hood when you whiling
They say you on your bugs shit
Money and power growing pains I love this


Bugs turned the music down as he pulled up to his little bitch’s house. He turned the car off, and grab his gun off of the passenger seat, before getting out. He figured the best way to try and clear his head was to get some good pussy.

“WHAT YOU DOING?” Bugs shouted as he walked into the bed room trying to scare Tina.
“Nigga you scared the shit out of me! Why you all ways playing?”
“Shut up girl, I’ll scare your fine ass whenever I want. What you going to do about it?”
“I’m a show what I’m going to do about it!”
Tina replied as she shoved Bugs onto the bed, flopping on top of him. They began kissing as her hands unbutton his pants. She massaged his man hood, as her tongue traveled down his torso. Bugs laid back and anticipated the pleasure he was about to receive.
Tina was short and thick, with a head on her shoulders. And have been interested in Bugs for a while now. It was something about his none giving a fuck attitude that she was attracted to. With no commitment she gave him the key to her crib and everything. And all he does is come through and hit from time to time. And get her hair done when she ask. That was all she required, and Bugs didn’t mind at all.

Chapter 5

“I didn't tell you, last week when I took Andre to get his shoes, I bumped into some Pittsburgh niggas.”
“Oh, how you know they was from Pittsburgh?”
“He asked me for a light, and I can tell a Pitts-burgh nigga from a mile away.”
“Oh well I’m glad you didn't know them. Cause we dame sure don’t need your past to resurface.”
“No we don’t! So what’s up little man? Want to go get some ice cream?”
“Ye ye yea dad, let’s go get some ice cream!!!” As Andre struggled to get his shoes on, he bent up the back of the new Jordan’s his dad bought him a few weeks ago. Which made his mother give him that evil look, that look your mother gave you when she know, you know what you’re doing is wrong.
So he sat down on the floor and put his shoes on being careful not to bend the back. After putting his shoes on, him and his dad began to walk out the door.

As they walked out the door Kenny noticed a black tented out Lincoln Town car. It sort of looked like a undercover cop car, but being that Kenny was no longer involved in any criminal activity. He didn't pay it no mind, and didn't notices that it pulled off behind him.
The ice cream paler was a few miles up the the road. Kenny enjoyed riding with his little man. After a long day at work that was the best way for him to wine down. He would use that time to school his boy about life.
As Kenny pulled up to the ice cream paler, he noticed that same Lincoln making a right on the corner be-fore the ice cream paler. Kenny was now a little worried. He cautiously got Andre out the car, while looking over his shoulder. As they walked into the ice cream paler, Andre made eye contact with a familiar set of eyes and a face that he would never forget.

“Yo, Ike!!!”
After hearing the word Ike, Kenny instantly pushed Andre back in the store and took off running trying to out run the guy who asked him for a light a few weeks ago who now stood in front of the ice cream paler with a 38 special. (POW POW POW)
The guy shot three times before Kenny drop to the ground. The owner of the store grab Andre and locked the doors before calling the police.

Chapter 6

“NURES NURES HES WOKE, BABY LOOK AT ME, ARE YOU OK!!! MOMMY’S HERE BABY, MOMMY’S IS HERE!!!” Ms. A screamed and shouted as tears ran down her face. After three months in a coma Micbutter had just screamed for his father who have been dead for 13 years.
The nurse page the doctor, while running into the room. She tried to keep Micbutter contention as she checked his pulse. Micbutters eyes blinked repulsively, as he looked at his mother. Who was crying and praying thanking Jesus for giving her, her son back. “Andre, can you hear me? Squeeze my hand if you can hear me!” Mic-butter faintly squeezed the doctor’s hand. Witch gave the whole room hope that this was a sign to a full recovery.
The doctor page two other doctors, and asked Ms. A to step out of the room. “Andre I will be asking you to do some things for me. Don’t try to talk, just concentrate on what I ask you to do. Andre try to wiggle your toes!” Andre slightly wiggled his toes. “Good! Now try to wave your right hand!” Andre hesitated with his left first, then slight-ly waved his right hand. “Very good! Now Andre try to speak!”
Andres lips quivered as he mumbled, “they shot my dad.” “Good good you did very good Andre. Now Dr. Lee is go-ing to check you out and run some test, your mother will be back in the room after he’s finished.”
“So how’s my boy doctor?” Ms. A asked as he walked into the waiting room. “I think he will be ok, with some therapy and rest, he should come along just fine. If you don’t mind me asking! Where is his father?” “His father, hum! His father was killed in front of him when he was six! Why?” “Because when I asked him to say something, he said “they shot my dad.”” “He did? He never talked about that day before. His therapist told me not to try to pressure him to talk about it. So I didn't and over the years I thought he probably forgot about it. I didn't want to open any bad memories.” “Oh! Ok sorry to hear that! And that had to be hard on you and Andre….”
As Dr. Ross was talking he was interrupted by the sound of his pager. “Ok, I got to go. Dr. Lee will let you know when you could go back in to see your son.
He’s a strong man, so you got to be strong to.” Dr. Ross stated as he began to walk away. Ms. A sat back down in the hard wood chair. That reminded her of the chair she use stand in when she would help her mother prepare dinner.
She sat there waiting, praying, and thanking God. Minutes seemed like hours as she watched the old clock that hung on the pale green wall that boxed her thoughts in. Her son was alive. She couldn't help but to think how life would have been if Andre’s father would have survived. She ran to Pittsburgh to find the same thing she was running from. Drama, drugs and gun fights after watching her boy lay in that coma, she was ready to go back home to Florida. Her only problem would be getting Andre to agree on moving back with her.

She didn't condone what he was into. But knew he had a enough money to get them away from the bullshit. As her mind wondered she relaxed back in that old wooden chair and let her eye leads shut. She was finally able to rest.
As Dr. Lee walked into the room he seen Ms. A rest-ing so peacefully he didn’t want to wake her. But knew she would have wanted to be resting beside her son. While softly shacking her Dr. Lee whispered her name trying not to startle her.
“Mrs. Alice You can go sit with your son now. I gave him something to rest but he should be waking up soon.”
“Oh ok doctor thank you for taking care of my boy he’s all I got!!!”
Mrs. A replied as she got her self together. Using what seemed like all the strength she had left in her body to push herself out of the old wooden chair. She walked into the ICU and asked the nurse what room Andre Jacks was in. The nurse put one arm around her and walked her to the room. Explaining to her the reasons why Andre should make a full recovery.

Chapter 7

“Yea cuz I’m with whatever cuz!!! I can’t go back to the Burgh, my sister said they looking for me like crazy cuz!!! I know you need somebody murked cuz!!! Or got a lick for me, I need to put together like fifty bands, so I could make moves south cuz!!!
Shorty-Loc explained his self to his cousin’s partner Blaze. Blaze had his hands in a lot of shit. And was totally into all the shit Shorty-Loc was talking. All types of niggas started popping into his head. But it was this one nigga Jo-se, who controlled the whole South Brunswick he would have loved to have out the way.
Jose was a Mexican who supplied South Brunswick with the best heroin in New Jersey. And with him out the way Blaze would be able to slide right into his spot. The only problem would be getting to him. Jose ran South Brunswick for years, and nobody ever lived to say they robbed him. But Blaze figured it was worth a try.

“Listen Joe, I got someone I need to disappear, I’ll pay you twenty and you can keep any fruits that you find Joe.” Blaze responded to Shorty-loc.
“Yo cuz, you ant said nothing! Just give me a chopper and show me a picture of the spic, and I’m a show you how burgh niggas get down cuz!”
“Listen Joe, this shit ant going to be easy! Jose keep himself surrounded with killers Joe. Yo boy boy ….”
“Boy boy going feel this hot shit hit his face cuz! I betcha he fuck his bitch by his self cuz!!! Get me some guns and watch me work cuz.” After finishing Blaze’s sentence Shorty-loc pass Blaze the blunt. Already thinking of a plan to not only kill this nigga, but also trying to rob the nigga for as much as he could get.


Shorty-loc, grab his drink off the table and followed behind. While admiring the striper’s fat ass he had hopes that she would be able to help him get close to Jose. Jose was a regular at this strip club and was the one who sup-plied it with the ecstasy and mollies.
Part of Shorty-loc’s plan was to find a common medi-um between his self and Jose. And already was on his way to a privet room with Jose’s main side chick.
“Damn ma you fine, I could rub on this fat ass all night!!!”
“Oh yea, but could your money last all night!!!”
“Baby I came all the way from Pittsburgh to give you this paper girl!!!” Shorty-loc responded as he pulled her fat ass down tighter to his lap.
“Is that right?” Maria asked as she press her ass a little harder on the bulge that was forming in shorty-loc’s pants.
“You know it girl!!!! I’m a be out this way for a while, and can use a sexy little thing like yourself on my side. And I really don’t give a fuck about who your man is!!!” Shorty-loc responded as he pulled two hundred dollars out his pocket and handed to her.
Shorty-loc had the gift of Gab when it came to the ladies. He would make the smuttiest hoes feel like a queen. And his words was already penetrating Star’s emo-tions. As she, road his lap she began to have thoughts of actually being some ones main bitch. Other guys have tried to convince her, but for some reason Shorty-loc’s words sounded sincere. She was tired of Jose’s demanding ass, who only came to see her when he was high-ed up off them molly's, or needing her to make a run for him.
“WOW fellas give it up for the beautiful Sunshine. She was doing the damn thing out there!!! BUT NOW PUT THEM ONES UP AND PULL OUT THEM FIFTIES!!! Cause coming to the stage next, is the BEAUTIFUL, THE SEXY, AND THE FREAKEST DANCER NEW JERSY HAVE EVER SEEN MY GIRL STAAAARRRR!!!!!!
“Well that's my que daddy! I hope you stick around, because I would really like to get to know you better.” Star said as she rushed to get her shit together to go up on stage. Her act was crazy exciting sixty seconds into the song there was already a half of band up on the stage. She would make about four and half bands a weekend. One would wonder why she even put up with Jose’s bullshit.
After her time on stage she returned to the VIP sec-tion in a different color bikini, two champagne glasses, and a bottle of Moet. Shorty- loc admired her tan sexy body as she grew closer to his VIP table.
“Damn baby girl that performance was off the hook! I’m a little intimidated now sheesh!” Shorty-loc said to Star as she elegantly set the glasses on the table.
“Baby you don’t got to be intimidated! You look and, feel like you can handle yourself.” Star replied as she sat next to Shorty-loc.
“Yea you know what it is girl! I’m what you been missing all your life, but now I’m here proposing to you a new life.”
“A new life hun! So what would be so different, be-sides waking up to this handsome face of yours?”
“Look bay I’m a keep it all the way one hundred, I plan to rob and kill your man. Collect my twenty thousand off the niggaz that want him dead and bounce south with the prettiest little ma I have ever seen!”
“How you know who my man is, and what make you think I won’t tell him your plans, shit I just meet you!”
“Honestly I was supposed to come in here sweat talk you. Get some information on your man and be out! But the second I seen you them plans changed. Now I’m just hoping you make the right decision.”
“You defiantly got away of convincing people to do what you want hum, but I’m feeling you so we going see how this turn out. How about we finish up here and finish this conversation at my house.” Star said before finishing her champagne.
The hook was sunk and Shorty-loc was leaving the club with would be the main peace of his mission. Star was just happening to be making a drop for Jose tomorrow. And they both figured that would be the perfect time.

“Hey!!! I need a favor my friend? I have a problem that calls his self-hiding out up there.”
“Ok text me his picture voto and I’ll make sure it gets in the right hand. My voto do you know who he’s up her with?”
“His cousin live in Monroe Township, he go by the name J Rue, but the word my friend is that they’re in South Brunswick,”
“Ok voto we right on it.” Augusto replied to Rico be-fore pressing the end button on his phone.
He retrieved the message then forward it to his top ten workers. And Jose just happened to be one of them. Jose received the picture message as he walked through the doors of Push the Exotic Strip Club, hoping to catch Star’s fine ass before she got done working.
He approached Shelly the bartender and asked her where Star was at. In the same disrespectful demeanor that he treated her with weekend after weekend. She couldn’t stand his mean ass, but knew he basically ran the club. And getting on his bad side was not a good idea.
“She left about a half hour ago with some guy.”
“Oh she did hum, did you know him?”
“No he was a new face around here, but I think I heard him say he was from Pittsburgh”
“Pittsburgh hum, was this the nigga here?” Jose ask as he pushed his phone with Shorty-loc’s picture on the screen toward her.
“Yea yup that’s him.”
“Are you sure Shelly?”
“I’m defiant! I served him a bottle of Rose before he went into the VIP.”
“Ok Shelly, good looking mommy! Here take this and buy yourself something nice.” Jose stated as he handed her about four hundred in ones and began to leave. She couldn’t believe her eyes, as she grabbed the money off the bar. She now felt like what started as a bad day, has now turned into a great day. She poured her a drink and swal-lowed it down quick before her harassing ass boss had a chance of catching her.

Jose sat in his car in front of the club as he called Star’s cell phone. After ringing about six times he was connected to her voicemail. “Hey mommy! You got some-thing I need with you right now, so after you have fun with your new toy get back to me ASAP, and oh make sure you put dude to sleep, I need to talk to him. Feel me!” After disconnecting with Star’s voicemail, Jose grabbed the De-sert Eagle from up under his seat and started to drive to-ward Star’s house.

Star didn’t hear her phone ring but noticed that the red message light was on. She caught a glance of it while Shorty-loc was pounding her out. She kind of knew it was Jose because he would be the only person calling her at this time in the morning. As bad as she wanted to see what Jose wanted she couldn’t bring herself to ask Shorty-loc to stop. He was fucking the shit out of her, something she haven’t had done to her in a while.
As shorty-loc touched her emotions with every forceful thrust, Jose was on the side of Star’s house waiting on his cell phone to ring. Minutes felt like hours as Jose grew inpatient. It was now about three o’clock in the morn-ing and Jose patients was running thin. He was ready to bust in and shoot both of them but didn’t want a messy scene. And because deep down he had feelings for Star and had hopes that she would hurry up and call.

“Jose can you hear me?” Star said as she tried to wispier into the phone. Wondering if somebody over heard her conversation with Shorty-loc at the club had her a little nerves.
“Yea I can hear you, what’s good did you listen to my message?”
“No, just seen that you called what’s wrong bay!”
“Ant nothing wrong, actually you just hit the jack pot for me mommy. Augusto is paying big money for your little friend you got in there. So just come and let me in, and we will talk about this other shit later. I’m a little bit mad but since I’m a profit off this shit I believed I can forgive you.”
“Oh thank you Jose, thank you! I won’t ever do this shit again, I just was…”
“Mommy just come down and let me in.” Jose stated while cutting Star’s pled short.
She tiptoed down the steps care full not to wake up Shorty-loc. Feeling bad but knowing if she wouldn’t have call Jose back he would have busted in and shot them both. Her hand trembled as she unlocked the front door.
“Where, the nigger at Star?” Jose said as he walked through the front door.
“He’s upstairs in my room, and Jose he have a gun under his pants.” Star said to Jose as he started up the steps. He quietly cocked the Desert Eagle as he softly put one foot after another up the steps. Star’s room was now visible and he could see Shorty-loc asleep in Star’s bed. After seeing Shorty-loc, Jose rushed up the stairs and quickly smacked him in the head with the gun, while screaming to him to wake the fuck up.
“Oh shit hold the fuck up cuz, what the fuck is you doing?” Shorty-loc shouted as he put his forearms up in front of his face.

“This is for the voto Micbutter mother fucker!” Jose shouted as he swung the gun at Shorty-loc’s face again busting his eye open this time.
Blood splatter everywhere, as Jose clutched the trigger of the bloody Desert Eagle killing Shorty-loc, as he pleaded for his life. After noticing that Shorty-loc was dead, he took a picture with his cell phone and text it to Augusto, before calling his cleanup crew.
“Hey my voto, I took care of that situation last night.” Augusto said to Rico as he counted out fifty thou-sand bands that he was dew to pay Jose.
“My friend you guys sure do work fast. I will be sending you an appreciation package later on in the week.”
“Ok my voto, you know your problems are mines right!” “Oh for sure my friend, and yours is mines as well, Otiose my friend.” Rico replied as he pressed the end but-ton on his phone.
© Copyright 2013 The Hand (pooman34 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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