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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Crime/Gangster · #1943080
This story is about the traps of life when growing up in the hood



By Anthony Boykin,

It was a cold winter night in the mean streets of Pittsburgh City. Police sirens blended with the sounds of the leafless branches swaying, as the wind blew. The police was at the scene of a double homicide. That made the death toll that year, rise to seventy three. The police tape off a section of the court. While two lifeless bodies laid on the cold pavement. The crime was witness by a set of 12 year old twins who happen to be up late that night. In shock of what they seen, they vowed to never speak a word to anyone about what they witness. The detectives knocked on every door in the court. Trying to find someone who might have seen what happen. The detectives briefly questioned thirteen of the families that lived in the court. And the aggravated detectives still had nothing to go on. Detective Bill Gray, knew this wasn’t going to be an open and shut case. Do to the fact that, snitching was like a death sentence. If you got caught talking to the police, shit it was on! But detective, Bill Gray was going to make sure that he spent most of his time on the Hill district, hoping that he will stumble across a lead.

“Yo Ike, I’m tired of taking these old motherfucker’s garbage out! We got to find a new way, to get this money bro!” Jason wined to Jermain, while throwing the hefty bag in the dumpster. Jermain nodded in agreement, still a little shook up from what they witness last night. The two was a set of twins whose mother smoked more crack then ten fiends put together. There dad couldn’t put up with the drugs, so he split. Leaving the boys to fin for their selves.

So over the years, the twins would make store runs for the
niggas that hustle in their court. The boys grew close to a few of the niggaz. But the nigga Gold would be the one who takes the boys under his wing.


“Gold what’s up my nigga?” Og Blood, spoke to
Gold as he walked in the hall way. “Slow as fuck my nigga! But what’s up with you?” “Same shit, yo dickhead
Gray, is posted in front of Roxy’s, court.” While Og
Blood, was talking. Gold was rolling a blunt of purple and bubble gum Kush mixed putting his famous twist on the blunt. Before standing, Gold brushed some of the weed particle off his lap, showing no emotion but a little nerves about what he did last night. As many thoughts ran through his mine. He knew no one in that court would rat on him. But wasn’t sure what evidence the Dee’s was able to scramble up. The shells was clean, and the gun was at the bottom of the, Ohio River. These thoughts eased his mine a little as he replied to Og Blood, “So the dickhead ass, jakes is in Roxy’s court? I did them fagot ass mother fuckers a favor by killing them New York niggaz you know Ike!” “I know bro!” Og Blood, replied as Gold, passed him the blunt.


“Hide over here!” Jason said to Shameka, while playing, hide and go seek. He led her to a vacant hallway in the court behind his. Shameka laughed while ignoring Jason’s hand on her ass. Jason have been trying to get in Shameka’s draws, coming up short every time. But today he was in for a surprise. Jason kissed Shameka’s neck, as her body shivered. She stood there motionless, as her virgin pussy became wet. She wanted him more than ever now, but scared of him penetrating into her virgin pussy. She thought about, hearing some of the other girls, talk about keeping their man, by giving him some good head. “Jason I want our first time to be special!” Jason thought to his self, “Here we go again!” And wasn’t ready for what was about to happen. Shameka, sat on the last step, and reached for the shoe string that played as Jason belt. She positioned her face in front of his crouch and reach to pull his dick out. She slowly started to put him in and out of her mouth. Twirling her tongue around the head. After a few minutes into it, they were interrupted by a bang on the hallway door. Jason hurried to pull his pants up, as Shameka wipe her mouth and stood up. “I know yall in there!” A voice screamed through the crack of the door. “Let me in Ike?” It was Jermain ditching the little fat girl that chased him. Jason and Shameka decided to finish another time.

Chapter #2 Looking in the eyes of a killer

Later on that day, around 7:30, Gold was trappin in the twin’s hall. He knew the twins saw him kill them two niggaz last night. And figured he would soon have a talk with the boys. Gold had become like an older brother to the boys. He brought the boys sneaks, and Play station games, when they came through hot and shit.

After serving the last fiend, Gold lit his ninth blunt of the day. When the hallway door flew opened, they walked into the hall. Jermain, a little nerves of the sight of Gold, put his head down avoiding eye contact. Jason had no fear, and thought what Gold did was some strait gangster shit. “What’s up? With my young niggaz,” Gold said to the boys, while reaching to give them daps, “Yall hungry?” “Hell yeah,” Jason said while dapping Gold up. “That’s what’s up! I got some Pizza Hut on the way. Jermain what’s wrong, you look like you just seen a ghost?” Gold ask, while grabbing him in a headlock. Gold wrestling, and joking with Jermain made him feel a lot better. He was no longer looking in the eyes of a killer. He was looking in the eyes, of the only older nigga that gave a fuck about the two.

“So, yawl was up pretty late last night, hmm?” Gold, ask the boys while playfully punching on Jason in the hallway. “Yeah, me and Jermain were playing Mortal combat, and then we heard all these gun shots.” While Jason was telling Gold the story, Jermain was on his way to let the pizza man in. As the pizza man left out, Jermain looked at Gold and ask, “Why”? Gold, knew what Jermain was talking about. But didn’t really know how to respond! The two New York niggaz raped the twin’s mom. A couple of days earlier, Roxy let these lame as niggaz cook there coke in her house. After finishing, the nigga Seven convince Roxy into give him some head. But after she refused to suck his man’s dick. Seven punch her in her face. And they both took turns ramming there dicks in and out of every hole that you could imagine. Coming pass to see the boys, Gold found Roxy beaten and rape on her living room floor. She explained to Gold, what happen. Three days later, Gold’s crazy ass seen the two niggaz. And visions of a beaten and raped Roxy inter his head. Around the same time, Gold pulled a 45. , from his waist, and fired shots at the two, hitting both before running off.

Gold, wanted to tell the boys what happen, but thought it was Roxy’s place to tell them. So, he just told the boys that the niggaz got what they deserved. And explained to the boys about disrespect and how to handle it.

The three sat and eat pizza, while Gold schooled the boys on some of the shit, he go through while trying to get that money. After eating like four pieces of pizza. Jermain went in the house and was sleep by the time Jason came in. While still in the hallway, Jason tried to convince Gold into helping him put his foot in the game. But a few years later, Gold would end up doing more than put youngins foot in the game, he brought him straight to the top.

Chapter # 3 The come up

“Yo, I need you to go meet these niggaz out, Homewood for me. They got some new shit, that’s supposed to be fire.” “So what’s in it for me,” Jason asked. “A black eye, if you don’t hurry your ass over there!” Gold replied to Jason, who’s now seventeen, and running as Gold’s right hand man.
Jason jump in his 89 Regal, and made it burn rubber as he pulled away from the court. Gold and Jason became the top dogs over the last three years. , And was supplying half of the Hill.

Jason was headed east onto Fifth Ave., JayZ’s Hard knock life, was banging from the 12 inch woofers. He had to meet Burner, at the YMCA, on Brush ton Ave… A bit nerves, he was about to ride through one of the hardest Crip neighborhood in the Burgh. Taken a pull from the blunt of purple, he calmed his self-down. And made the left on to Homewood Ave., then made another left on to Brush ton Ave… Gold told him, that Burner would be in the parking lot in a black CTS. As Jason pulled into the parking lot, he notice, Burners car. Both cars pulled beside each other, as Jason’s window came down, Burner threw a brown paper bag through Jason’s window. With no words both cars pulled off.

{“It’s a hard knock life for us, it’s a hard knock life for us, and instead of kisses we get kick”}
While listening to JayZ, Jason sang along with the hook, thinking of the hard knock life him and his brother lived as kids. Noticing a police car, just about a car length behind him, Jason turns his music down as he approached the red light. As the light turned green, Jason made the left onto Millville. Noticing that the police car continued to go strait, Jason turned his sounds back up. “A few blocks more” he thought to his self. Jason was a deep thinker, so for the rest of the ride, his thoughts wondered like crazy.


“Where my money nigga, don’t make me put this hot shit in you! It was only a whole one! You ant done yet?”….
“Dam Gold, you know I got you my nigga! Have I ever played you Ike? I’ll bring it to you tomorrow, 4 sure, my nigga. But what’s up with some new shit? This shit ant moving like that, Ike.” Paul explained to Gold how the fiends bin complaining. It was a drought in the city that year, and everybody was stretching their coke to the maxim limit.

But Gold was about to change that… As Paul walked out of the hallway, he notice the crowd of fiend in front of the hallway that he be trapping out of. One of the fiends in the crowd was talking shit about how nasty Paul’s coke was. Paul jogged over to the hall to make the sales, while making snaps Paul was ready to put it on Jack for talking shit on his coke. But the hundred and fifty dollars Al-night, had eased his anger. Paul only needed like three hundred dollars. And to his surprise he was able to make the hole $300 off of this rush.


After parking, Jason grab the bag of coke and got out the car. While opening the hall way door, Jason heard Gold and someone else talking. As Jason walked up the steps he notice that Gold was talking to Pimpen Paul. Jason really didn’t like most of the older niggaz, Gold would fuck with. They were down falls in Jason mind. All they did was bag, “Gold, front me this, Gold, front me that”, a bunch of washed up hustler looking for their next hand out. “Gold we got business!” Jason stated while cutting Gold’s conversion short. Gold dapped Paul up and told him he would call him later.

While walking up the steps Gold let Jason think that he was running shit, as part of lesson one, always take charge of the situation. And never delay important business.

Ms. Ross had everything set up for them. She had the pot of water boiling on the stove, the napkins and scale set on the table. Gold poured the coke in the Pyrex, then put the Pyrex in the pot of hot water, within minutes the coke started to melt. As it was melting he put 15 grams of soda into the melting 2 ½ ounces of coke, thin sprinkled a tea spoon of hot water into the Pyrex. After stirring the shit up he took the Pyrex out of the pot of hot water. Thin put it into a bowl of ice water. Within minutes it was rock hard.

“By owe” Jason said after tapping the coke with a butter knife. “That shit hard as hell Ike!” With no response to Jason’s excitement, Gold put the Pyrex back into the pot for about a minute, then after taking it out the pot he tapped the top of the Pyrex on the table, clunk, was the sound it made as the coke failed out the Pyrex. “This shit look like fire Ike” Gold said, as he put the coke on the scale. 78 grams is what the scale read, “only 8 grams extra” Jason said in an uncertain voice. “That’s what we want, that melt nigga. We’re going to take over with this shit here.” Gold replied as he broke a little peace off. “Yo go give Ms. Ross this, see what she thinks about it.” Gold gave Jason the peace he broke off. For Ms. Ross to test.

“Ms. Ross tell me what this is like!” Jason ask, as he walked into her room. Ms. Ross threw the peace on her chumpy. And after one pull, her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and her jaws clinched as she enjoyed a high she haven’t felt in years. “Damn boy, this is that Tony the tiger shit, its great!” Ms. Ross stated as she put her pipe back on the table. “So it’s good?” “Yeah that shit is bomb” she replied as Jason walked out of the room. “Hello” Jason said, answering his phone. “What up nigga?” A female’s voice echoed through the phone. “Handling some business!” He replied. “Well we got business tonight right?” “Oh fa sure, I’m a call you soon as I finish up with Gold.” On the other end of the phone, was Shameka. Who was now Jason’s main squeeze? And being that Shameka had a head on her shoulder. Gold would encourage Jason to do right by her. “Yo, who was that?” Gold asked as Jason walked back into the kitchen. “Shameka”, Jason replied as gold through him a bag of coke. “What’s this Gold” “70 Grams, it’s yours bro, I’m a call you once I get back in touch with these niggaz.” “Ok my nigga, I’ll see you later, one.” Jason replied as he walked out the door.


“Shamekaaaa!” Ms. Bell yelled, as she opened the door for Jason. “Hi you doing Ms.Godes maker.” Jason joked with Ms. Bell, while walking into the living room. “Fine Jason, and you?” “I’m ok a little tired but ok.” “Hey baby!” Shameka said, as she walked into the living room. “Mom what time are you leaving?” “When my ride get here, Ms., Missy why you” ….. “Ms. Bell Would you like to use my car?” Jason asked, before Ms. Bell was able to shoot a nasty remark at Shameka. “Sure baby thanks!” She replied, while cutting an eye at Shameka. “No problem! Ms. Bell when my money get right, I’m a put you in a nice whip. Something tight.” “That nice of you to say Jason, now I will see yawl later.”

After Ms. Bell left, Jason and Shameka went into the room. Jason laid on the bed, while Shameka rolled a blunt. They got high and fell asleep, after about a ½ hour, of hard sex.

The next day, Jason was awaken, by the sound of his cell phone. “Hello!” Jason asked, as he answered his phone. “What up my nigga?” the voice on the other end echoed through. “Just got up my nigga!” Well get the fuck up! I got like $2200 for you right noun my nigga!” “Oh yeah! Let me call you back in like a ½ hour…. Mater-of-fact meet me at my mom’s in a ½ hour.” “My niggaaa! I’ll be there.” ““ One,”” they both said before hanging up there phones. Jason hopped up, kiss Shameka’s sleeping eyes, and was out.


“Man, could we go to the mall before you get too busy bay?” Yalonda said while walking back in the room. Gold gave no answer, as he looked through his phone for the number to the Crip niggaz that had the new shit. “Baby!” Yalonda cried in a sexy voice hopping to get a positive response. “Yeah bay! We can go to the mall, just let me handle this and we out.” “Thank you bay!” Yalonda said while slipping him into her mouth. “I said yeah ma; damn!” Gold said in a frustrated voice. He couldn’t remember what number he put the Crip nigga under. Instead of names, he would use numbers. So if he ever got pinch the police wouldn’t be able to get no bodies name out of his shit. “By owe!” he said to his self, as he came across the numbers 456. He sang to his self {456 Steric Street Crip}.

“A, go get dress, and we out.” Gold said, as he moved her head out of his crouch. Now in a better mood. While Yalonda got in the shower, he made the call. “Yo what up nigga? It’s Gold speaking numbers.” “Pep Boys 3:30” the voice on the other end of the phone stated, before hanging up.
Gold was trying to buy three keys. And wasn’t trying to pay more than $58,000. That was less than 20 a piece, and the price in the hood was 23, and that was on a good day. After doing the math he would save 11 thousand. He thought it was worth the try.

“Yalonda! Hurry your ass up!” “I’m coming baby” Yalonda replied, thinking about what Jimmy Choos she was going to get, to rock with the Club Monaco dress she had Brought in Vegas. She was always trying to shit on the other bitches. But she was fly though.


After getting to his moms, Jason scrambled through the kitchen drawers looking for his scale. “Mom, Mom!” Jason scream. “What boy?” Roxy screamed back. “Did you see my scale?” “It’s on top of the refrigerator.” After finding the scee-wop, Jason broke two ounces off of the 70 grams Gold gave him. And then called Lil. Larry. “Where you at?” Jason said into the phone. “About to pull up!” “Alright, I’m in my moms.” A few minutes later Larry was walking through Roxy’s door. Jason gave Larry the two ounces, and told him that the price would go down next flip.

Jason had a little crew he ran with. And Lil Larry was Jason right hand man. Jason and Lil Larry got cool, a couple of years ago. Lil. Larry help Jermain and Jason crush these niggaz one day at a party. Jermain was the only one that got caught, and was sentence to two years in this juvenile detention center up in Erie. But while in lock up Jermain beat up one of the staff members, and got an extra six month. He would be due to come home in three month.

Until then Lil Larry would play as Jason right hand man. Handling the hand to hand sales in the hood as Jason took care of the big business. Lil Larry had a nice hustle game and was dedicated to putting mad hours in on the block. Jason admired Lil Larry’s work ethic, because he hated to sale to the fiends. And Lil Larry would stay on the block for days making thousands serving nothing but the fiends.


It was like 11:30, when Gold and Yalonda arrived at the mall. Yalonda sexy ass wanted to stop in Victoria first, knowing that this was the only store Gold didn’t mine helping her shop in. “How about these, bay?” Gold asked, while holding a pair of red thongs in his hand. “Do it matter, fucking with you, I’m not going to have them on long.” Yalonda replied, while paying for her things. After leaving Victoria, Yalonda continued looking for the shoes she wanted.

It was 2:30 when they pulled back up to the house.
Gold, gave Yalonda a kiss, and told her he would see her later. While pulling away from the house, Gold called the Crip niggaz. They met at the Pep Boys, at 3:30 on the nose. Gold convince them to sale him each key, for $19,000. They agreed, only if Gold was able to get five at a time. After a few minutes of doing the math in his head. Gold made the deal.

Gold figured with his Larimer niggaz coping how they cop, and Jason’s hustling ass crew, the five keys wood be gone in a week. And with the shit moving that fast, the Crip niggaz, would have no choice but to take him to see their boss.


“Shameka! Bring your sex ass in here.” Jason yelled, while counting about seven stacks. “Here put this in the safe.” He handed her a wad of twenties, and smacked her on her ass, as she walked by. After putting the money in the safe. Shameka put in her infamous fuck cd into the CD player, then laid on the bed. Noticing the signs. Jason locked the bedroom door, and began to kiss, and lick on Shamekas inner thigh. He slowly removed her skirt and panties, while sliding his middle finger across her silky clit… Shameka moaned in pleasure, as Jason tongue ran through her, neatly trimmed pussy hairs, into the split of her love lips. Twenty minutes into it. Gold’s voice echoed through Jason Nextel. “Damn!” Jason cried, while grabbing his Phone. Jason removed his face, from Shameka’s pussy, before replying “What’s up old head?” “Yo, its time my nigga. Meet me at your moms, in like ten minutes.” “I’m there my nigga!” Jason said in a, I’m on my way type of manner. “Bay, go get that money, I’ll be here when you get back.” Shameka added as she notice the disgust that Jason face wore. “Yeah you better be!” Jason said to her, as he kiss her on her lips.

Chapter #4 A Young Niggaz Dream

While walking through the door, Jason seen five, saran wrap blocks on the kitchen table. Gold sat Jason down, and went over the plan. “Look, this is how we going do it, young nigga! The drought about over right! And niggaz are going to start dropping their prices. To maybe about, nine, or eight…” Gold pause to inhale the weed smoke. “But these nigga is greedy young nigga, and that’s where we going get elm. We’re making straight melt, while them niggaz are going to still blow their shit out the water.” While reaching for the blunt. Jason interrupted, by asking how much should they make off one of the blocks. “Like $27,000 each. That’s why you got to step your game up nigga.” Gold packed four of the blocks into a duffel bag, and threw one to Jason. “Hit me when u ready, Ike!” Gold dapped Jason up as he walked out the door.

Everything, went as planned. They ran through them five keys, in like a week. That month they seen the Crip nigga four times. And about, eight times the following month. The Crip nigga finally introduced, Gold to the real connect. An older Turkish man, that ran with a hit squad of goons. The connect would eventually fall in love with all the money Gold would bring. So he showered Gold with keys on top of keys.

Jason’s stash went from like $10,000 to like $98,000 in like three month. Jason expanded his empire, to the north side, he opened traps in the housing projects around the inner city. Pumping about a ½ key a week out of most of them. Gold, pretty much sat back and was only serving his Larimer niggaz. He would let Jason sale the rest. Jason’s crew, was some young go gettas. Taking over, were ever they would post at. Over the years Jason picked up on a few things he would notice while coming up. And one thing was, he notice that, a happy costumer was a loyal costumer. Jason was the real deal, not only was he consistence, he was loyal as well.

Jermain was due to come home in two weeks. Jason couldn’t wait, he was eager for his other ½ to be beside him again. Gold had set up a surprise vacation to Jamaica. For Jermain’s coming home present.

Chapter #5 Welcome Home

8:30 am, Jason woke up to the smell of breakfast. Jermain was on his way home. And Roxy wanted her boy to come home to a hot breakfast. “Yo Ike!” A familiar voiced echoed through the court. It was Jermain, walking through the court with a grin on his face from ear to ear. Jason thought to his self “finally my other half is going to be out here with me.” As Jermain walked through the court he dapped a few niggaz up that were posted in front of his mom’s hallway. Before entering the hall, Jermain notice his dream car parked in front of the court. A candy apple red Mustang, sitting on some gold Dayton’s. He thought to his self, “it’s time to get it” not knowing how good Jason have been doing for himself.
The joy that was in Roxy and Jason face, when Jermain walked through that door. Could have brightened the Dark Age. They grouped hug, as Roxy released tears of joy, sobbing how she was getting her shit together. They sat and eat breakfast, while Jermain told them stories about being locked up. After not really eating much. Jason left the kitchen, and returned with an outfit and sneaks. “Yo bro go throw this on and meet me out side.” Jason said to Jermain, while handing him the stuff.

Jason went outside to cool the leather seats of the new Mustang he brought for Jermain. As Jermain walked out the hall way, Jason threw the spear key to Jermain. “What whip bro?” Jermain asked, scoping the numerous of cars parked in front of the court. There was a red old school Regal sitting on some chrome Dayton’s, a Green beat up fiend bug, and the red Mustang that he seen earlier. “Your whip nigga!” Jason replied. “Don’t tell me that Mustang bro!” “Yeah that Mustang bro!” Jason said, in a confident voice. Jermain threw his hands up, and smiled, while walking to his new car. After entering the car he turned the ac off and dropped the top. Jason joined him and got in the passenger seat. Jermain turned the music up and pulled off, while letting the words from JayZ’s I’m feeling it record linger in the air.

“Yo bro it feel good being free, but being free and pushing a fat ass whip, feel even better! Yo you don’t know how bad I wanted to get out here, and get this money with you. I had dreams of us doing what we’re doing right now, nigga. Riding in this same whip bro. I love this shit Ike!” Jermain expressed his filling to Jason as they sat at the red light on Center and Kirkpatrick. “I’m home now sexy, what up?” Jermain yelled out the car window to a shorty that stood on the side of Ham’s barber shop. She smile and waved, as the car pulled off.

The Twins road around the city, showing off Jermain’s new whip. Stunting and hollering at every shorty with in ear length of the car. It was 11; 30 in the morning, when a voice chirped out of Jason phone. “What up youngin?” “Yo Gold, what’s up with you?” Jason replied “Shit did Jermain touch down yet?” “Yeah, what up big bro?” Jermain yelled into the phone. “What’s up my young nigga, shoot out to the crib.” “I got a surprise for yall.” “I don’t like surprises Gold what’s up.” “Yo Jermain! You ant get that tough up there nigga, just come pass the crib. Jason you’re going to like this yo, see y’all when y’all get here one.”

After hanging up the phone. “Hit the parkway bro, go like you’re going toward Monroeville Ike.” Jason said to Jermain, while rolling a blunt of purple. “But yo, what’s up with the surprises and shit bro? I did 2 and ½ years of surprises, wondering what was going to happen next! You feel me?” Jason asked while, making the tires screech, as he made the right onto the parkway. “Yeah I feel you nigga, now com the fuck down bro! This is Gold we’re talking about, quit being probabilistic. Dude gotcha some jewels or some shit Ike. Be cool bro, be cool!” Jason replied as he took a drag of the blunt they were smoking.
And tapping his brother’s shoulder, as if he was reinsuring that everything was good.

“Yo, the nigga Gold bin holding us down bro. Yo, all that shit me and mom was sending you, was from Gold. He paid for mom to go to rehab and everything bro. And on some real shit bro. Yo, make this left! But on some real shit them two New York niggaz back in the day rape mom bro. And Gold murked them niggaz, yo!” “Whatcha you say nigga?” Jermain ask, as the news almost sent him into a curb, as he made the left onto Gold’s street. “Yeah bro, them niggas raped mom Ike.” A tear formed in the webs of Jermains eyes, as the words came out of Jason’s mouth. The bad news left Jermain speechless for the rest of the ride.

“My brother is back on these streets! Nigga we’re going straight to the top my nigga, me and you. Bro don’t let that fuck up our day, them niggas is dead, now let’s get it, me and you bro! Pull in this drive way!” Jason was always able to calm Jermain down, he was always able to paint a picture that would motivate Jermain. “Yo we going to have a ball tonight!” Jason said to try to brighten the mood. “I know! I’m trying to fuck something nice tonight bro. Hey what’s up with little Mia, she was writing me for a minute?” Jermain asked as they pulled in to Gold’s drive way.

“Yea I be seeing here. She be fucking with this Larimer nigga. He be selling dro and shit on the eastside.” “Ok she told me she got some niggas taking care of her.” “And little Larry was fucking her to.” Jason added as if he forgot. Before they was able to ring the doorbell Gold greeted them at the door.

While sitting in Gold’s living room, Jermain couldn’t stop looking at Yalonda’s sex ass. She was sitting on the couch in a tee-shirt and these little ass boy-shorts on. He couldn’t help but to look. “Yo if you think Yalonda look good wait until you see the ladies over here. Gold said while handing Jermain plan tickets to Jamaica. “Welcome home little bro.” “Ok my nigga! Ok! But, Gold, these tickets is for today.” Jermain replied. “Surprise nigga!” Jason said while being a little surprised his self. “The plane leave at nine, I will meet yall at yall moms at seven, and we will pull out from there. And Jermain keep your eyes off my bitch” Gold said in a playing manner.


Ring ring, ring ring, Mia’s phone rang as she tried to curl her hair, she scrambled to answer it. “Hello!” “What’s up girl?” “Who’s this?” “Rashawnda bitch!” “Oh what’s girl?” “Guess whose home?” “I already know, I’m getting fly for his ass right now.” I know that’s right girl, were your dude at, you talking loud as hell bitch.” “He’s outside washing his car, he don’t know I’m a be in that bitch by myself on my way to the Hill girl.” “Did you talk to Jermain yet?” “Naw but I just got off the phone with Daz, and she seen him pushing a red drop top girl. Him and his brother.” “Girl them are some fine ass niggaz, and they got that doe. I’m trying to hook up with Jason, girl you got to put in a word for me.” “I will try, but Shameka got that nigga on lock girl.” “Well call me when you get on the Hill bitch.” “Sure will.”

“Zoë can I use the car today, my girl having a baby shower. And I want to be able to leave when I want.” “Yea take my Cutty.” “I’m not driving that car bay, you done too much shit while driving that car. I’m scared to ride with you, in that damn car. Can I take the Acura pleassseee bay?” “Go head girl, you lucky I fucks with you like that. Your ass better not get not one scratch on my rims though!” “Now you know I drive better than you stop playing!” “Yeah right, but go head bay.” “Thank you!” “It’s cool bay! Call me later.” “Ok, give me kiss!” Mia suggested as she was walking out the door.


“Damn it’s biting out this bitch!” Lil Larry said to his self, as he got mobbed by like seven fiends. After serving the last fiend, Larry put his coke back into the mailbox. As he walked out the hallway, he notice a black SS crawling up the street, at the entrance of the circle. Larry tried to make it to the twin’s mom’s hall, but by the time he got to the middle of the court. The tented windows of the SS came down. And the barrel of an AK47 poked out. And a masked gun men let off like 15 shots straight at Larry, before the driver sped off. Leaving Larry and two friends, bleeding on the pavement with multiple gunshot wounds. A lifeless body laid in the grass in front of Roxy’s hallway, Larry pass out while trying to open the hallway door.

Roxy heard the shots and called 911. Within minutes the police and the ambulance arrived on the scene. “Base this is unit 16, were going to need homicide and the corner, dispatch to 2517 Warring court, we have one DOA, and two with multiple Gunshot wounds, over.” Officer Keith Lyle transmitted over his radio.


“Hello, I’m calling for a Mr. Anthony Lee!” “This is he.” “This is Mr. Lagrotta, from Investment Today.” “Ok!” “I’m calling to talk to you about your portfolio.” “Ok” “Mr. Lee, I think it would be in your best interest to split the $200,000 into four different stocks. My partner and I, have been looking at these other three stocks that bin doing magnificent. And Mr. Lee, if everything go as planned. You would be seeing four times the amount you put in, over the next two months. This is a win-win deal for you Mr. Lee!” “It sounds good Mr. Lagrotta, so do whatever you guys think is best.” “Mr. Lee, you’re going to have a good year! I will start the paperwork, and I will fax you the papers for you to sign and fax back.” “That sounds good.” “It’s a pleasure working for you Mr. Lee, you have a good day!” “You to!”

While reading a Money magazine, Gold decided to invest some money into the stock market. And so far everything was going as planned. A way out was starting to look possible. With both of the twin’s home, he figured that he would eventually give the whole game to them. And that his connect would consider putting the twins on, and letting him walk.

Gold copped so much work off them Homewood niggaz that they eventually took him to see there connect. Then he copped off the connect so much, that this Turkish mother fucker, threatened to kill Gold and his family if he ever tried to quit.


While busing a right into the Circle Jermain, noticed, that the cops and ambulance was in front of their court. “Yo park right here and let’s walk up!” Jason said while putting his blunt out in the ashtray. “I wonder what happen, they deep then a mother fucker.” “I don’t know but I’m calling mom right now!” “Hello!” “Mom what happen?” “Lil Larry just got shot, yall keep yall ass were ever yall at!” “We walking through the middle court now!” Well I hop yall ant dirty!” “Naw we cool, look I’m about to walk in the court now, let me see what happen call you back!”

The cops had a section of the court taped off, were a body bag laid. “Damn I hope that ant my nigga, shit!” Jason said to Jermain as they got closer to the court. “What the fuck happen!” Jason asked some fiend nigga that was standing across the court. “Yo this black car pulled up and just started shooting!” “Who’s in the body bag?” “Spoony!” “Oh were is Lil Larry?” “They rush him to the hospital already, hey you got something?” “Nigga I should smack the shit out of you asking me something like that nigga get the fuck out of here!” Jason pushed the fiend nigga away from him.

“Yo what time is it?” “3:15!” “Jermain replied. “The plain leave at what nine?” “Yeah!” “Look I’m a go to the hospital and see what’s up with Lil Larry. Go to Shameka’s mom’s house. Tell Shameka to pack me some close, and let her know I’m on my way to the hospital. Yo just chill there until I get there.” “Want me to call Gold?” “Yeah tell him what happen and that we will be ready at seven. Alight I’ll see you in a minute.”


“Hello!” “Where you at girl?” “On my way to the Hill.” “Well you might not get to see Jermain.” “Why what happen?” “Girl Lil Larry just got shot up!” Lil cute ass Larry?” Yeah girl, police is deep as hell up here, and I don’t think the twins are going to be up here while it’s like this!” “Is he ok?” “I don’t know girl, but they took him to the hospital, I hope he’ll be ok!” “Well I’m on my way to your house.” “Ok see you when you get here.” “Mia!” “What! “ “Do you have a blunt?” “Girl you know it, I should be pulling up in like ten minutes.”


“Who is it?” “Jermain!” “Come in boy, welcome home, where is your brother.” Shameka asked in a concerned voice. “He on his way to the hospital, Lil Larry just got shot in my mom’s court.” Jermain replied as he flopped down on their couch. “Oh Shameka Jason said pack him some close, we going to Jamaica tonight. Gold taking us for my coming home present!” Shameka’s phone rang before she could respond. “Hello!” “What’s up ma? Is Jermain there yet?” “ Yea he’s sitting right here. Is Lil Larry ok?” “Yea he will pull through.” “That’s good where you at now?” “On my way to your house, is my brother there?” “Yea, didn’t I just tell you that? So you leaving me for a while hun?” “Just for few days. The nigga Gold surprised us with Jamaica tickets.” “That was nice, well bay let me finish packing your clothes I’ll see you when you get here.” “Ok ma, love you.” “Love you to.”

After hanging up with Shameka, Jason called Gold. “Yo Lil Larry just got shot!” “I know I just got off the phone with Jermain. Do you know who did it?” “I got an idea, but I don’t want to talk about it on the phone. I’ll tell you later.” “That’s what’s up.” “Yo instead of picking us up at my mom’s we will be at Shameka’s mom’s crib.” “Word, I’ll see you then.”


“What we gone do with this car Loc?” T. murder asked as he exited out the driver door. “We gone burn that shit, somewhere over here. So the police will think a Hill nigga shot them niggaz.” “Zoë that’s why I fucks with you Loc, you always got the plan thought out. Zoë had seen Lil Larry getting freaked by Mia one night in the club. And then seen his number in Mia’s phone a few weeks ago. Zoë called the number and him and Jason had words. “I bet that nigga don’t talk shit over that phone to nobody else.” Zoë said to T Murder as they hopped in the whip.


“A dog what make these niggaz think we are going to keep going for this shit! These niggaz ben over here to motherfucking long!” Rodney stressed to KK as they watch like four fiends come out of Jason trap on the north side. “Rodney, the niggaz be looking out dog!” “I don’t give a fuck! Them niggaz ant from over here, and they keep taking our money nigga! And I guess you just cool with that hun?” “Naw I’m just saying ant none of these north side niggaz showing us love!” “Well this shit here won’t be going on much longer, I’m about to shut that shit down dog!”


“So bay what’s your plans while I’m gone?” “I don’t know. I got finals all week, so I’ll be in the house studding.” Shameka replied while handing Jason his keys. “That’s what’s up you just make sure you keep my pussy tight, you hear me!” “Yea and you make sure you keep my dick dry, you hear me!” “You know I am, well this is gold calling me, and he must be outside. I’ll call you when the plane land.” “Ok baby have a nice trip, love you.” “I love you to ma, call you later.”

As they was leaving out the house, Jermain couldn’t help but to joke about all the love you’s and shit, that Jason and Shameka sheered. “Nigga she got you sprung Ike, that’s crazy nigga you really in love.” “So what that’s my bay she holds a nigga down! And matter of fact shut up and get in the car nigga!” “Al-ight nigga, I love you!” Jermain replied in a humorous way before entering the car while laughing.

As they got inside the car, they both gave Gold dap. “So what’s the word on Lil Larry?” Gold asked while handing Jason the blunt. “The doctor said he’ll pull through just fine.” Jason replied while taking like three drags off the blunt. “So who you think did it?” “Yo I think it was this nigga Rodney, from the north side. This nigga hate that we got that trap over there. And Larry told me he seen the nigga ride through the other day.” “Oh yea! Want me to put them wolves on him?” “Na I want to look in his eyes when he dying, I’m going to do this myself Ike!” “Not by yourself nigga, remember I’m home now!” Jermain added from the back seat. “Who’s working the north side trap right now?” Gold asked “Spade!” “Do you think that nigga Rodney will trap to hit the trap next?” “I don’t know, what do you think I should do Gold?” “Call Spade and tell him to close the trap until we get back.” “Al-ight!” Jason replied. “But in the meantime let’s go over here and fuck all this Jamaica pussy Ikeeee!” Gold stated while dapping Jermain up, and laughing.

Chapter 6 Putting in the work

“Yo I’m trapping what’s happening!” Spade rapped into his phone as he answered. “What’s up Ike?” the voice on the other end responded. “Chilling my nigga, what’s up with you?” “On my way to the airport.” “Oh yea, that’s what up. Where you going?” “To Jamaica.” “I thought your crazy ass brother was coming home today?” “He’s right here.”
“Let me talk to the nigga!” “In a minute, yo Lil Larry got shot today!” “Is he all right?” “Yea he’ll make it. But I’m thinking that nigga Rodney did it Ike!” “Who that nigga from over this way?” “Yea yup! So what I want you to do, is shut the spot down. I’ll be home in a week, we’ll talk about the rest when I get back.” “Dame you fucking up my plans, but I got you Ikee, one!” Spade replied before pressing the end button on his phone,
“Dame this nigga shot my man on some jealous shit! And this nigga keep disrespecting my young bitch! I’m ready to do him tonight!” Spade mumbled to his self while walking to the safe they had stashed in the basement of the trap.
As spade walked to the car, he notice Rodney and like three other niggaz standing on the porch across the street. “Oh that nigga think its sweet!” He thought to his self, while putting two shoe boxes in the trunk of the car. He wanted to run up on that nigga right there. But he knew it wouldn’t of ben wise, with it being daylight and all. “I better not see that nigga tonight!” He mumbled to his self as he entered the driver side of the car.


“Girl this weed got me high as hell! I’m surprise Zoë’s nagging ass didn’t call me yet.” Mia said to Rashunda. “I know, that nigga is off the hook with it. A bitch did you ever give Lil Larry some of that pussy!” “Girl yea, I thought I told you that. That nigga cute and all, but he got to step up his fuck game girl.” “Is that why yall stop talking?” “Girl no, Zoë’s seen his number in my phone.” “What!” “Yea girl, he called the number and everything!” “He didn’t trip?” “Naw not really, he just made me get my number changed. The nigga crazy though, I wouldn’t be surprise if he shot Lil Larry.” “You think?” “I don’t know but I wouldn’t be surprised though!” “Not to change the subject Mia, but the other night at the club I was horny as hell after we got done dancing.” “After who got done dancing?” “Me and you bitch!” “Girl tell me you high, what you mean you was horny!” “I don’t know how to explain it, but have you ever had thoughts of being with another girl?” “No not really, I mean Jermain wrote me and asked me that before, I thought about it and that was that.” Well I’m thinking if I was to get with another girl the only one I would feel comfortable with is you.” “Girl you crazy!” “I’m serious one kiss Mia, just to see how it feel.” “I don’t know girl, you crazy.” “One kiss bitch that’s all?” “Ok one kiss!” Mia sat on the couch next to Rashunda they both closed their eyes as their lips meet. Rashunda gently pushed her tongue between Mia’s lips until she felt their tongues meet. Mia twirled her tongue around Rashunda before their lips separated. “That felt good, wired but good.” Mia said after they finished. “I know girl my pussy wet as hell!” Rashunda added. “So bitch if I ever decide to go all the way you better be ready!” Mia said as she grabbed her keys and purse off the coffee table. “Bitch call me tomorrow!” Rashunda said as Mia walked to the door. “I will girl, let me go before Zoë’s ass come looking for me.”


“Will be land in Jamaica in approximately 30 minutes. Thanks for flying with American Air Lines!” The pilot announced over the intercom. “Yo we about to land, wake up nigga.” Jason said to Jermain as he tugged on his shirt. “That nigga was snoring loud as hell!” Gold added. “I’m up nigga damn! I ant sleep last night, anxious to get the fuck out of lock up. And here you go waking me the fuck up!” “We about to land nigga!” “Al-ight call Shameka and tell her you love her or something, and leave me the fuck alone!” Gold laughed, at the two talking shit to each other reminded him of when they were younger.


“Where you going!” Nay Nay asked Spade as he grab his gun off the dresser. “Going to make this snap right quick. I’ll be right back.” He replied. “Wale bay could you bring a blunt back in with you.” “Yea yup bay call you when I’m on my way back.” “Round two when you get back right!” “Oh for sure!” Spade replied as he walked out the door. He got in his candy apple red SS, and pulled off headed for the north side.

Spade knew Rodney would be drinking at the Home plate. A bar all the north side niggaz would go and drink at when it got slow on the block. So he parked his car all the way down the street on Woodland, and walked down to the bar. As he got to the corner of the bar he notice the fiend nigga Jack standing in front of the bar. “Yo jack who got that work?” Spade asked, as like if he was a fiend. “A couple of niggaz. Why you trying to get something?” “Yea but I only fuck with Rodney though. Go tell him I’m on the side of the bar.” “Ok!” Jack was high as hell and thought Spade was a fiend. Two minutes later, Rodney and Jack hit the corner, into a hell of bullets. That hit both in multiple areas. Spade tucked the hot ass gun in his hoody. And jogged to his whip.

With it being so dark on Woodland nobody really seen Spade as he jogged to the car. He got in the car and calmly proceed back to the Hill. A little nervous as he road pass a fleet of police cars, on their way to the crime scene. Spade tossed the gun over the Roberto Clemente Bridge as he road over it.


“In today’s news! It was a bloody June 2, in the city of Pittsburgh yesterday. Two separate Shooting left three dead and two wounded. The first shooting accrued on the 2400 block of Warring Ct. at approximately 4:20 in the evening. Dave Matts 47 from Bloomfield was found dead on the scene. The other two victims’ names was not released. The police have no suspects at this time. The second shooting accrued on Woodland Ave., on the cities north side. 41 year old Jack Reems, and 26 year old Rodney Battles, were both found on the side of the Home Plate bar, with multiple gunshot wounds. They both died later at Allegheny hospital. The police have no suspects for this shooting as well, but believe the two shooting are not connected. We will have more on these shooting at 11:00.”


“Bay you be careful out there today. The police is probably going crazy, three niggaz got killed yesterday, and it’s going to be hot!” Mia said to Zoë as he walked into the room. “I’m chilling anyway, did you catch the names?” “Yea, Rodney, Dave, and Jack.” “Oh well I don’t know nobody by them names.” Zoë replied as he sat on the edge of the bed. He started rubbing his hand across Mia’s ass, trying to get her ready for round two. But Mia was thinking of the kiss she shared with Rashanda last night, and really didn’t notice Zoë touching her. “Damn bay you act like you don’t feel me rubbing your ass!” Zoë said after smacking her on the ass. “Let me show you how much I feel you!” Mia replied, while pulling his dick closer to her face. She gently put it between her lips, and extended her to tongue until it reached the head, and started twirling here tongue around the head. The way Mia suck dick had Zoë fucked up. And had him willing to kill who ever tried to come between them.


“Yo who you think killed Rodney, dog?” Loose asked K.K. as they stood on the corner waiting on the afternoon rush. “I don’t know dog, but when I find out I’m gone put them right with him!” K.K. replied while tapping his hand on the glock 45. He had tucked in his pants. “Yo I think that Hill nigga got something to do with it!” Loose replied. “You think so, he did look at us funny as hell yesterday, when we was on the porch. Yo if he did or didn’t do it I’m gone murk dude next time I see him! That’s my word dog!” K.K. said while puffing his blunt.

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