Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1943052-From-the-Bedroom-to-the-Coffin
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Tragedy · #1943052
Ray goes through a turn of events that change his life and consequently destroy him
Chapter 1
"Don't think I'm going to go so easy on you this time Ray!"
Blood spread across the floor like a wildfire spreads across a forest- the face that had once been recognizable was now disfigured, blooded and bruised, "you messed with my girl and now you'll see what pain really feels like."
As he slashed at Rays throat, the blood pool grew larger and more rufescent, the pain became unbearable and though he wanted to scream, the words could not escape his mouth.
He felt like trying to run, but upon realizing his intentions, he could feel the skin off his lower left leg and as he opened his eyes, he heard the thud of his torn skin beating the door across the hall, at least 3 meters away from where he lay.
"You feel that? The unbearable pain? Don't worry, you won't feel it much longer."
A hand rose, fingernails shaped like claws and as black as the night sky, but just as it came towards Rays heart, a young female, with luscious blonde hair, was struck by the claws that blazed with fury- hesitation came over the murderous figure and before long he had fled from his murderous work.
As Ray lay there helpless and partially dismembered, he couldn't help but stare at the female that had brought this upon him in the first place and though he knew he'd be fine if it weren't for her, he still felt a tiny ounce of sympathy for her; her heart was still beating, but too slow and too faint to monitor, "I'm sorry, I, I never meant for this to happen to you and even if I die, I hope you manage to pull through."
Ray shed a single, lonely tear and replied in such a gaspy voice, "they won't discover our bodies until morning, we'll die together and by the same hands, I'm not mad at you for bringing this pain upon both of us, but I'm considering my feeling of hatred for you is for the specific reason that you put yourself in harms way, when you could've simply left me to die,"
"but then how do you think I would've felt? Just to stand back, make no move and watch you die because of my mistakes, I understand why you despise me so, but if there was one thing I could do to make things right, it was this... dying with you, so you're not as lonely as you've been your entire life, which is also my fault," the female sighed and then carried on to say, "I didn't know who you were until my boyfriend pointed you out, I was so sure that I knew you and I just had to be sure as to whether you were who I thought you were, do you want to know why I made no hesitation to make a move on you and the reason why you were hesitant?"
She took a long pause, apparently waiting for a reply, but since she didn't get one, she carried on anyway, "you were told that you were already betrothed to a girl named 'Mushisho', which stands for Amelia in Japanese... meaning me," she began crying, "but I ruined your life by rejecting the betrothal, your parents split and believed it were there fault that they chose such a stubborn bride for you, your father became murderous and consequently committed suicide for his actions, whilst your mother simply left and you've not had contact with her for years... I'm sorry for not bringing it up before, I guess now's not the best time either, but better now than not at all... I did, I mean I do love you and even in death I'll love you."
Both drew their last breaths and were suddenly surrounded by nothing, just darkness, but they still had each other.
"Mr Davison-Keis! Wake up and get on with your work!"
Ray awoke to the sound of banging, presumably from Mr Lits whacking his ruler of the desk yet again.
"Two hour detention tonight, don't be late."

Chapter 2
Two hours of detention was tiring Ray out and being with Mr Lits was just making it worse, time was going so slowly.
Since Ray was so tired, his mind was taking control and every so often he would drift away to a place that seemed all too real, "is this real?" he would ask himself over and over again, but it couldn't be real, there was no one around whatsoever, too dark to believe since it was only four in the afternoon in July, "you're not safe," said a voice from in the shadows,
"What?" he asked cautiously,
"it's true, you're not safe, someone you know is going to hurt you, his name is..." the final words became muffled and Ray kept searching for the figure that owned the voice, when suddenly a figure emerged from out of the dark, his face disfigured and his body bathed in blood, "who are you?"
"Is it not obvious? Look in that mirror there," the figure pointed to an open locker, which appeared to be Blade's; as he looked closely into the mirror, he noticed that his face had become the same as the mysterious figure, "what happened to me?! I wasn't like this a moment ago."
"I'm showing you what you will look like after a certain turn of events, the events will consume you, destroy you, vanquish you from existence and this is what you will appear to others as, don't be alarmed by it, it's not happened just yet, but it will."
"You're me, but how are you here?" he asked, the palms of his hand becoming sweaty as he shook with fear of the figures words, "yes I am, I'm only here because I have to warn you- be careful who you trust, not all of your friends are as friendly as they appear, sooner or later one of them will turn on you in an attempt to satisfy his anger and feelings of betrayal."
"You mean I betray one of my closest friends?"
"Unfortunately yes, you won't be aware of it at the time and it won't be until the event that you'll realise who and what I'm talking about, I cannot tell you any more than this and for that I'm sorry, but every action has a consequence, in this instance, yours is the worst kind of consequence."
"I DIE?! Who does it? I have to know!"
The figure disappeared from sight and a light began to flicker and bring life to the dead, dull corridor until it sparked suddenly and brought Ray back to reality where Mr Lits was lecturing him further on how his grades were terrible, "Es, Ds and one F! You're failing all your classes! You never pay attention or do your work correctly, do you not listen to a word any of your teachers tell you, instructions are simple to follow!"
Upon realising that Ray was not paying attention once again, he slammed his ruler on the desk and screamed, "THERE YOU GO AGAIN! NOT LISTENING AGAIN! WHAT DO ANY OF US HAVE TO DO TO MAKE YOU LISTEN?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT GET OUT OF MY SIGHT, I CANT STAND LOOKING AT YOU!"
That was the only sentence Ray completely understood and though he was still a little lost as to what just happened, he still proceeded to leave the room, whilst Mr Lits gave him a stern look.
Still lost in thought, he paced down the long stretch of quiet, undisturbed road and just when he thought he was rid of the figures resounding words in his head, the street lights began to flicker violently.
He stopped dead in his tracks and he could feel a sudden hint of fear sweep over his being and he felt as though he was in the presence of Medusa- his being stone cold and frozen solid, feet glues to the floor as he stared at the last flickering light as it faded, he felt dizzy and just as the light died out, Ray dropped to the ground in a state of unconciousness.
As a small light came into view, Ray could make out the faint smell of blood, decay and rotting flesh and after his eyes adjusted, he saw the stone walls and the blood that painted the walls and could not bring himself to believe that this was where he actually was.

Chapter 3
Ray's eyes slowly open to reveal a snow white hospital cubicle, he brings himself to sit up an as he does, his friend, Blade, looks up and can't believe his eyes, "you're awake?"
"ofcourse I'm awake, why wouldn't I be, I usually sleep, is it that much of a shock?"
"How long do you think you've been asleep for?"
"well judging by the fact that I'm in hospital, I'd say a good 15 hours," Blade shakes his head, "try 5 days, you've been in a coma, the doctors told us you wouldn't wake up for like another 3 months, since you hit your head pretty hard when you crashed to the floor."
"5 days?!" Ray appeared as though he was hyperventilating but it was clear he was simply in shock due to the news, "it's been that long? It honestly doesn't feel like it," Blade sighed and flicked his lucious black hair out of his face, "well it has," he said with a serious tone, a slight tinge of anger crossed over his mouth and netted the words in his emotion, "and let's just say, we've been through hell waiting for you to wake up! You've been mumbling like crazy and you were 'Coma-Walking' the morning after they brought you in, we had to sedate you in order for you to stop."
Ray began to apologize constantly but frankly, Blade was sick of it, "stop saying sorry, it's done now, leave it at that, you're awake and that's all that matters," Amelia, Blades girlfriend, tugged on Blades jacket and whispered, "I think we should leave, before you start something."

© Copyright 2013 Beth.H96 (beth.h96 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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