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by Allie
Rated: ASR · Other · Fantasy · #1942995
The first chapter of Little bundle of Joy Life of Romance

I don’t care what my parents’ think, If they’re in denial, that’s their problem, not mine. I just want someone I can love and care for. Someone to cuddle with at night, who knows that they means the world to me. Someone that I can talk to about anything, no matter how serious or crazy. Someone that I can say “Good morning beautiful and she will reply, “Aww, how did I get so lucky?”
When Rose had sex with Damien, and loose her virginity she never expected to get pregnant. The sex was painful at first but quickly became pleasurable. A few weeks later she started vomiting in the mornings and throughout the day as well. She also noticed that she was eating more than usual and she was even having some cravings. She took a home pregnancy test and when it came back positive it made her a bit scared but she knew in her heart that she had to tell Lil. She knew it wouldn’t change her feelings for her because she had approved of her having sex with Damien and wanted to have sex with him herself but she was shy even around him and had decided to put it off. She tried to tell Damien but he was in denial of the whole pregnancy himself but she expected that from him. After this she knew that he had more than likely hated her for getting pregnant. But she didn’t know if he would wanted to be involved in the child’s life. After all he was the father of this baby, maybe just maybe it could bring them to be close friends again like they used to be.

I love you so much baby. I want to be able to spend the night with her as she pulls me close I rest my head on her chest and we relax and talk about whatever is on our minds. As we lay in bed on our soft pillows just talking like we always do as if we had known each other since the day we were born. As I fall asleep she gets out her laptop and starts to get some work done as she is a born Vampyre and therefore does not need sleep. We are laying close together and I pull out my journal that I keep personal free verse poems in and begin to write a piece about her from the bottom of my heart. She looks up from her work looking over at what I’m writing about as she says “You writing that for me sweetheart?” I reply, “Yup my sweetheart just for you with love from the bottom of my heart.” A smile comes to her face as Lillith replies “You’re so sweet baby you know that?” I reply, “Yup I write it because I love you and you should know how I feel about you besides kissing." "So what you working on hun?” Oh just some spreadsheets for work (FYI Lillith works from home) can’t wait to get my paycheck. I reply, “We’ll make a lot more money once I’m finished with my degree only one more quarter left. I’m just glad that I can share the pieces I write with you, I often don’t tell others because of fear of criticism and what others reactions may be. But with you Lillith it’s different. Both of our college degrees will really help us out once our baby Lil Rose gets here. Ya I’m really excited about the baby Lillith replies. I’ll admit a baby was unexpected but it doesn’t change my feelings for you. Rose replies. “I know hun I feel bad I really do but sometimes in a lesbian relationship a girl needs a little man love and I had the perfect Vampyre his name is Damien, and oh goddess is he amazing.” Lililth replies, “Ya I know what you mean baby, I’m just so happy that we have each other. “Don’t worry Lillith my sweetheart we will make great mothers. I also think that raising Lil Rose will be a challenge for us. Lillith replies, “Ya I bet it will.” Well I’m going to get some work done I want you to get some rest for the baby.” I reply, “Oh ok as Lillith kisses me good night, I love you my firework.” Lillith says, I love you too baby your a sweetheart.” I snuggle up to her and slowly I begin to fall asleep as Lillith caresses my neck with her warm breath. I slowly put her hands on top of mine and place both of our hands on my tummy. I feel Lil Rose kick and I look up at Lillith as we look into each other’s eyes that sparkle like the moon as a smile appears on both of our faces. She kisses me good night again and I lay back down. As I’m almost asleep I shiver and Lillith grabs a nearby blanket and puts it over me. After a while I’m asleep and while I’m sleeping she gently caresses me and runs her fingers thru my short black hair and gently rubs my back since it aches from the baby not to mention that I also have scoliosis. I’m a bit tired and this is all I got for now tell me what you guys think depending on replies I may decide to write more.

FYI Damien is the ex bf who gets Rose pregnant, she doesn’t believe in abortion and doesn’t want to put up the baby for adoption. They are very close and talk often but they both live their own lives but they are still friends..
© Copyright 2013 Allie (alliso6 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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