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religion to promote world peace


UNIVERSALITY IS THE RELIGION established by Almighty God, Jehovah, the beneficent, the merciful, the creator and sustainer of the universe, the Lord of the day of judgment. It is an establishment portraying the supremacy of God over mankind. Christianity is a misnomer for UNIVERSALITY, the religion of Almighty God. Genesis 1:1,27,28; 8:16-17; 9:1-3; Jeremiah 23:23-24; Proverbs 15:3; Psalms 75:2-7; Isaiah 43:13; 48;17-19; Romans 14;10-12. 

THE           BELIEF in the supremacy of Almighty God, Jehovah, advocates, supports, encourages and ensures universal peace, security, faith and godliness by the propagation of love. 1 Corinthians 2:7-16. Jehovah, the source of life and sustainer of existence, first demonstrated love not only by imparting the breath of life to human beings (Genesis 2:7; John 3:16) but also by providing the absolute sacrifice for the final redemption of human beings from sin. John 1:29. In this way God brings back to himself the lost souls everywhere in order to accomplish the UNIVERSALITY of his purpose. The adherents of this belief are known as the universals or universalists. Christianity is a wrong name for UNIVERSALITY.

BIRDS OF identical plumage conglomerate in the closest proximity. From the example laid by God for creating human beings in his image and likeness and making every human being a miniature god; for God dwells in mankind and mankind dwells in God, 1 Corinthians. 3:16-17, Psalms 82:6, John 10:34, the religion that God recommends for the universe he created is UNIVERSALITY. This is a religion whereby one loves God with all ones heart, soul, strength and mind; and loves ones neighbour as oneself. Luke 10:27. The foundation of this religion he initiated with Noah as well as Abraham and spread through Moses (Exodus 24:18; 34:28), Joshua, David, Solomon and a series of prophets and saints and eventually confirmed in “Immanuel’ the anointed saviour (Christ Jesus) Isaiah 7:14; 53;8-10; Matthew 1:22-23. It is a religion where every person, free or slave, foreigner or citizen, is to be treated equally as a human being. Ones neigbour is any other human being apart from oneself irrespective of distance, culture, creed, religion, race, gender, colour, language and nationality. Luke 10:25-37; Acts 2:1-12.

THE PURPOSE OF UNIVERSALITY is to know God, believe in God, worship and reverence God, understand that God is Jehovah – the only God: for besides Jehovah there is no other God; there never was and never will be. Isaiah 43:10; 44:6; 46:9; 48:12; Revelation 1:17; 22:13. It is to assume and develop a way of life in accordance with the will of God. This assumption as well as development is to be carried out in an atmosphere free from erroneous ideas and false expectations. Every human endeavour has to be carried out in accordance with the grace and in compliance to the will of God. This attribute can always be achieved by the attitude of placing God first in every action and activity through prayer for divine guidance. Seek first the Kingdom and the righteousness of God and all (desirable and deservable) things will be added to ones possessions by God. Matthew 6:33. In this way the purpose of God will be manifested for and in those who ask, seek, and knock in faith. For everyone who asks will receive; anyone who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to anyone who knocks. Matthew 7:7-8, Luke 11;9-10.

IT IS A FACT that mankind has not been, and will not be, able to establish the time the universe came into existence. Speculations have it that the world has been in existence for over seven hundred million years. The exact time is not specified. Neither is mankind able to identify the day of the end of this world nor of this system of things. This is so because God has given mankind the free will to acquire knowledge but never to know from the beginning to the end what God has done. Ecclesiastes 3:11. This free will granted mankind by God is without discrimination. It is given alike to both good and bad, male and female, civilized and primitive, developed and undeveloped, literate and illiterate, as well as to believers and unbelievers in the existence and supremacy of Jehovah. It is a universal gift. The free choice of mankind is determined by either faithfulness or disobedience. Disobedience brings disaster. Faithfulness brings success. 1 Samuel chapters 12, 15, 22, and 23. The UNIVERSALITY established by Jehovah must always succeed: for the word of God does not return to God without the achievement of its purpose.

THE RELIGIOUS, monarchal and secular history of the Jews as well as of Israel, the chosen people of Jehovah, reveal the fallibility of human interpretations and application of the purpose of Jehovah in the establishment of UNIVERSALITY. Jehovah, upon the completion of creation of the universe, placed mankind at the helm of affairs subject only to himself, Jehovah. Genesis 1:26-31. Mankind abused this privilege on several occasions. These abuses arose as a result of disobedience, fear, unbelief, stubbornness, pride, jealousy and self aggrandizement.

ADAM DISOBEYED, refused to own up his fault and tried to pass the blame on to God for providing him with Eve. The fallen Eve dragged Adam into the same pit. Adam failed to exert his authority to correct the situation by restraining himself, rebuking Eve and begging God for forgiveness. Genesis 3:1-13. Despite this disappointment which led to the loss of paradise, God still allowed mankind to remain at the helm of his creatures universally.

IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, unbelief stubbornness and pride caused mankind to distance themselves from the will of God. Genesis chapters 6-9. Yet Jehovah upheld his UNIVERSALITY purpose by allowing Noah and the chosen few to survive the flood.

PRIDE, JEALOUSY and self aggrandizement caused Pharaoh, who considered himself the son of Ra, the sun-god, to resent the call for the liberation of the children of Israel. Jehovah will not allow his spirit to strive with mankind. Isaiah 48: 11. It became necessary for the plagues to take place in order not only to compel Pharaoh to succumb to the supremacy of Jehovah but also to push forward systematically the universal purpose of God in his promise to Abraham and mankind. Exodus 4;18 – 12.51.

THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL failed to enter the promised land at the end of forty days, after their departure from Egypt, as a result of fear and unbelief. Fear of the unknown land and unbelief in the unfailing support as well as the supremacy of Jehovah, God of the universe, caused over two million people to err together with the ten spies, and only four people to be right with God including the two spies, Caleb Jephunneh and Joshua Nun. The majority was wrong. The minority was right. The majority may have its way but the minority must have its freedom of expression. One with God is always in the majority. To establish the supremacy of God, the journey of forty days was extended to forty years: one year for each initial day. Only those who reverence and believe in Jehovah had to be allowed to enter the promised land. Numbers chapters 13, 14, 45; Deuteronomy 1:19-21; Isaiah 48:10.

The UNIVERSALITY of the purpose of Jehovah exhibited itself in the annihilation of all those adults – twenty years and above able bodied children of Israel – who left Egypt together except Caleb and Joshua.

THOSE ANNIHILATED, for fear and unbelief, complained on several occasions and finally caused the children of Israel not to go in and occupy the promised land. Jehovah is the same yesterday, today and forever God does not change. Malachi 3:6. The promised land then was Canaan but today the promised land is the new world to be ruled over by Jehovah when this present system of things have been set aside. Only those who worship Jehovah in truth and in spirit will be, by the grace of God, allowed to inherit the new world. These will be those who love God and love their neighbours as they love themselves. These are those who are free from strife and man’s inhumanity to man.

AFTER THE FLOOD all the nations of the world were descended from the sons of Noah. Genesis 10:32. Jehovah made it possible for all the people of the whole world to have only one language and use the same words. Genesis 11:1. This privilege given to mankind was to enable UNIVERSALITY prosper rapidly. The choice of mankind for self aggrandizement led to the construction of the tower of Babylon that brought the division of nations and mixing up of the language of the world. Genesis 11:5-8. Different religions sprang up as people diversified their mode of worship according to their individual ethnic languages. The unity of purpose once more eluded mankind. Jehovah, however, is always on the path of UNIVERSALITY. He wants mankind to come back to him whole-heartedly. He initiated another course of hope for mankind in Abraham Tarah. Genesis 12:1. God reduced the multifarious religions to two distinct ones on the lines of Ishmael and Isaac, the first two sons of Abraham by Hagar and Sarah. Although, Abraham had other six sons by Keturah, these other sons took to the religion of either Ishmael or Isaac as time advanced. Genesis 25:1-2.

INITIALLY ABRAHAM, in accordance with the will of God, separated the children by giving presents to the sons his other wives had borne him and sending them to the land of the East, away from his son Isaac whom he placed in charge of Canaan. Genesis 25:5-6. Jehovah, in order to further the cause of UNIVERSALITY promised Abraham, “I will give you many descendants, and they will become a great nation. I will bless you and make your name famous, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you. But I will curse those who curse you. And through you I will bless all the nations. This is the key point that God is not the God of Christendom but the God of all nations, the entire universe. Genesis12:2-3.

ABRAHAM, THE FATHER OF FAITH, (Genesis 15.6; Romans 4:3,11; Galatians 3:6; Hebrews 11:8,17) laid down the basis of the religious worship of the land of the East which was occupied by his sons: Ishmael, Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah under the leadership of  Ishmael. Isaac the child of the covenant occupied Canaan from which religion initially spread to the West. Genesis 25:1-6. Moses, Joshua, the prophets, monarchs and judges played their various parts in the propagation of UNIVERSALITY until it became necessary for the final sacrifice to wash away the sins of the world with the blood of the lamb that had no blemish. This task fell on Immanuel, the Anointed Saviour, the Messiah. Psalms 40:6-8; Isaiah 9:6-7; John 1:29; Hebrews 10:4-7.

THE MESSIAH preached UNIVERSALITY. He worshipped under Judaism. Luke 19:45-48. He reformed Judaism from its parochial nature to reflect the universal purpose of Jehovah. Luke 20:1-8, 45-47; 21:8-19. The gospel is to be preached first to the Jews, then to the Gentiles and unto the utmost end of world. Matthew 24:14; Acts 2:1-8; Romans 1:2,16. This removes the gospel from the confines of Judaism and places it well on the foundation of UNIVERSALITY.

IMMANUEL, the Anointed Saviour, never gave any glory to himself when he was on earth. He always gave the glory to the one who sent him, and that was his father who is in Heaven, Almighty God, Jehovah. John 5:30. It was after his death resurrection and ascension that human beings with limited and fallible knowledge attributed the glory of Jehovah to man. At Antioch in Syria, the disciples were called for the first time, “Christians.” Acts 11:26. This was a reflection that the disciples were behaving like Christ, the Anointed. It, therefore, followed that their religion should automatically be called Christianity. Matthew 16:16-19; Mark 8:27-30; Luke 9:18-21. This great misnomer in giving the glory of Jehovah to the Anointed Saviour, Immanuel, not only removes the original name of the religion, UNIVERSALITY, as established by Jehovah but also makes the religion to fall under the category of all other man-made religion. This attribute of glorifying the title “Christ (Anointed) Jesus (Saviour) and Messiah (the expected Saviour or King)” does not even take into consideration the proper name “Immanuel” which means God is with mankind. This fallibility of mankind negates the principle of God dwelling in mankind and mankind dwelling in God; for human being is the temple of God. I Corinthians 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 6:16-18.

IT IS COMMENDABLE to prove all things but to hold fast to that which is good. I Thessalonians 5:21. The proper and appropriate name of the religion is not Christianity. It is UNIVERSALITY. In order to adopt the name UNIVERSALITY, it will be a necessity to preach a doctrine of “Change and its moral implications.” To perform excellently in this regard, it is needful to be assertive and have the ability to communicate in a logical manner in a world class working environment full of variety and change. It is compulsory to be a self-starter, competitive, imaginative, enthusiastic, self confident, inspiring, systematic and precise. These qualities will make it possible for the suggested change to fit in and survive in a system of things full of young knowledgeable intelligent and rather impatient professionals. It requires the spirit of dedication not only to examine the scriptures but also to prune, expunge, prove, expand, expatiate, propagate and publicize the scriptures. The principle of religion does not teach enmity. All scripture is inspired by Almighty God, Jehovah. Religion is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults and giving instructions for ideal living. This makes it possible that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

WORLD PEACE AND SECURITY can never be achieved by any man-made religion, society, association, organization or government. The basic principle of man-made association is to the benefit of those within the association but to the detriment of those without the association. A look at a list of the religions of the world in alphabetical order shows that UNIVERSALITY AND HINDUISM are the only ones not founded by human beings. Hinduism, today, is spiritually the most powerful religion of the world. With faith as small as a mustard seed one can command the mountain to relocate itself and be buried in the sea. This is what is practiced in Hinduism, but their book of worship (the Vedas) is still being held as a book of cult. These two religions (UNIVERSALITY AND HINDUISM) took their root from Abraham’s children, Isaac and Ishmael. UNIVERSALITY will eventually absorb all other religions of the world.


1.          ATAVISTICISM
2.          ATHEISM
3.          BAHAISM
4.          BUDDHISM
6.          ECKANKAR
7.          GODDANISM
8.          HEATHENISM
9.          HINDUISM
10.          HUMANISM
11.          ISLAM
12.          JANISM
13.          JUDAISM
14.          NAVAJOISM
15.          PAGANISM
16.          RELATIVITY
17.          SIKHISM
18.          TRUISM
19.          UNIVERSALITY
20.          VOODOOISM
21.          YOGISM
22.          ZORASTRANISM

IN ORDER TO AVOID the fallibility of human interpretations and applications consider the fact that friendship with the world is enmity with God. James 4:4. Be in the world but do not belong to world. John 17:11,14,16. Human nature is always at variance with the Spirit: for the spirit is always  willing to do the will of God but  the body is always weak. Matthew 26:41; Mark 14:38; Galatians 5:16-26. The early spread of the religion, UNIVERSALITY, from Jerusalem to Rome in first century A.D. was during the world government of the Roman Empire. In Rome the church was  named after the city and government of the day. It was called the Roman Catholic Church.

THE WORD CATHOLIC means universal. The Church, however, failed to adopt for the religion the name Catholicism or UNIVERSALITY. The church also failed to acknowledge the fact that the clergy is no longer the prerogative of the tribe of Levi and that the book of  worship (the Bible) is not a book of cult only to be handled by the clergy. God had already removed from the tribe of Levi the position of the first born son when he said, “I, the Lord God of Israel, promised in the past that your family (Levi) and  your clan would serve me as priests for all time. But now I say that I would not have it any longer! Instead, I will honour those who honour me, and I will treat with contempt  those who despise me.” I Samuel 2:30. This is the origin of religious pragmatism.

KNOWLEDGE WAS GROWING and knowledgeable people had to challenge the exclusive right of the clergy to the book of worship (the Bible). The protestants broke away and today numerous versions of the Bible are available not only in the markets but also in different languages. Any knowledgeable and interested person can now become an evangelist as well as aspire to the highest clergical official status. The unwillingness of some religious bodies to liberalize the use of the book of worship limits the scope of the religion to tenets and dogmatism.

TODAY, THE PROTESTANTS as well as the pentecostalists can never accept Catholicism as the appropriate name of the religion. The acceptance may mean a defeat for the years of struggle between the Catholics and Protestants. The Catholics, however, would be delighted to adopt the change as the proper name “UNIVERSALITY” does not remove anything from the original adjective “universal” which is the same as “catholic”.

ALL THE DIFFERENT denominations of Christendom and those who profess to be Christians have to cultivate the habit of change and its moral implications. It is only when this change has been adopted that the worshippers of God under UNIVERSALITY will overcome strife, commercialization of religion, man’s inhumanity to man, religious rivalry, jealousy and envy in the service of God, and the inability to accommodate people of all other religions of the world. This attitude will nullify the effect of the centruries of armed natural human crusades, inquisitions, and holy wars. Fanaticism will be brought to an end, ostracized, extruded, and eradicated.

SENSIBLE PEOPLE WILL SEE trouble coming and avoid it, but an unthinking person will walk right into it and regret it later. Children just naturally do silly, careless things, but a good spanking will teach them how to behave. If one makes gifts to rich people or oppresses the poor to get rich, the donor will personally become poor. If one has to choose between a good reputation and great wealth, which will one choose? Choose a good reputation. Wise sayings are too deep for a stupid person to understand. He has nothing to say when important matters are being discussed. Human knowledge, brilliance, insight and wisdom are of no help if God is against one. The end of all things is being drawn close with the passage of each day. Be sound in mind, therefore, in order to do the will of God.

SOUNDNESS OF MIND has a profound effect upon the way people live their lives. It does not make one to retreat from mundane responsibilities and cares of life, nor does it encourage a sense of hysteria over the impending destruction of the world and the present system of things. Rather, soundness of mind involves evolution from childhood to adulthood, showing good judgment, being sensible, discreet, rational in speech and actions. It means letting the Word of God rule ones thinking and actions. Since the present system of things make one live among a crooked and twisted generation, soundness of mind is the change needed to avert problems and difficulties.

SOUNDNESS OF MIND also helps one to have a sober, realistic view of oneself. This is essential in view of the recorded words at 2 Peter 3:9. Almighty God, Jehovah, is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with mankind. God is patient with mankind because he does not desire any to be destroyed but diesires all to attain to repentance. This is the reason why a long rope, latitude, opportunity, is given by God to everyone; good and bad, just and erring, believer and unbeliever, obedient and disobedient so that some changes in the right direction may be effected. The logic is to allow time to force the erring parties to reach a compromise and restore normal relationship with God and mankind.

PATIENCE WILL BRING about the desired soundness of mind which some still need to make changes and adjustments in order to honour God, father, mother, elders and constituted authorities and to qualify one for the gift of not only long life but also everlasting life. This is principally the purpose for which UNIVERSALITY is a desirable religion which demands absolute trust in God by mankind. God has laid the foundation for this trust long ago. It is only left for mankind to reconcile themselves with God by building faith on the foundation.

THE REQUIRED RECONCILIATION is the effort being made to bring the two or more opposing sides and parties (human nature and the spirit, the different religious bodies, the different denominations within the same religious body, and the sects and zealots) to agree at this moment – of your reading or hearing the reading of this document which should go down in history as a memorable occasion. Whosoever says that he or she is in the light, yet hates his or her neighbor, is in the darkness to this very hour. Whoever loves his or her neighbor lives in the light, and so there is nothing in him or her that will cause someone else to sin. Whoever hates his or her neighbor is in the darkness. He or she walks in darkness and does not know where he or she is going, because the darkness has made him or her blind. Disagreement occurs as a result of dissatisfaction.

DISSATISFACTION IS A FACT of life. It is also a necessary ingredient that pushes the frontiers of people’s aspirations. It makes people to aim for greater and higher attainments in life. It is not different for members of any religious body. All the evidence around people point to a world that is grossly limited in what it can offer. Nothing in the world is permanent. Sooner or later they will decay and be swept away by the latest trends. Whatever is fashionable and trendy today will soon expire. In deed the whole world and its seemingly beautiful elements face imminent destruction. I John 2:15-17.

IT IS FOR THIS REASON that people are reminded that this world is not their home, but that they should seek a new home to come. People are just passing through this world. People’s aspirations, affections, desires and ambitions must then be centered on a more durable and everlasting heritage. A heritage that is free from the corruption, depravity, defilement, avarice, injustice, and evil that are now prevalent in this world. God has prepared another place for his people. A more beautiful place, than this present world, where there will be no problem or pain, but only pleasure. Isaiah 2:1-5, 25:6-9; Revelation 21 to 22:5.

IN ORDER TO ATTAIN this pleasure, it is necessary to have reconciliation. Leave your presents at the altar upon remembrance. Go back and reconcile with whoever you remember that you have disagreement with. Thereafter come back to the altar and make your offerings. This attitude will make God bless you more abundantly. It is not possible for your to say you love God and want favour from God when you do not love your neighbor. Matthew 5:23-24, 43-48; Luke 6:27-36. Develop love for God and your neighbor, who is any other person apart from yourself. Luke 10:27. Develop an understanding of the world around you so that you may, in the not too distant future, be able to make sure of some very valuable contributions to the development of your country in particular and the world in general. This will make you fulfill your desire to leave the world a better place than when you came into the world.

RECONCILIATION CALLS FOR one to overlook all the disagreements of the past. Look forward to and desire the progress of every person. Where two or three persons faithfully gather God is in their midst. Whatever they prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and whatever they permit on earth will be permitted in heaven. Matthew 16:19; 18:18-19. 

THERE HAD BEEN and there are still times of troubles and temptations when people do not listen to sound doctrine, but follow their own desires. They join groups and form factions for themselves and collect more and more teachers who will tell them what they are itching to hear. They turn away from listening to the truth and give their attention to fabricated stories, folklores and legends. Now that the need for reconciliation has been realized you must keep control of yourself and maintain peace in all circumstances. Isaiah 8:21-9.1; 2 Timothy 4:3-5. Do not backslide. Endure suffering, do the work of your calling, uphold the Good News and perform your whole duty as a servant of God.

SPIRITUALITY ITSELF, religious spirituality and the will of God will take precedence over all other requirements of life and of the living. The closeness to the perfection of God that God requires of mankind will ultimately be attained. This attainment would gradually surface as a result of a series of steps. These steps will take their root from the reconciliation of all religions of the world, the cultivation of virtue, the exercise of faith in God and the books of God, and the acceptance and practice of the moral standards established by Almighty God, Jehovah. Jehovah recognized Ishamel and Isaac, the first two sons of Abraham – the father of faith – as the source of the major religions of the world. By the time Hinduism, which is the most spiritually powerful religion in the line of Ishmael, and UNIVERSALITY close ranks, all other religions will be absorbed for the good of mankind. The unity of purpose that had long eluded mankind will be restored. The great nation of the descendants of Abraham will emerge. (Gen. 12:2). There will be the necessity to cultivate virtue.

THE CULTIVATION OF VIRTUE entails the exhibition of moral excellence, goodness of character, right thinking, prudence, courage, self-discipline, equity, compassion, perseverance, honesty, humility, loyalty and conformity to a reliable standard of right and wrong. Genesis 2:16, 17; 2 Timothy 3:16,17 clearly portray Jehovah as the true source of moral standards. The exercise of faith in God and the books of God requires the dependence of mankind on Almighty God, Jehovah, as well as studying and putting into practice the word of God as contained in the books of worship. Mankind should follow the books and make no distinction between one and another of his prophets. God, as the preserver and the guardian of his books, has made them available for mankind today. No one can ever succeed in either eliminating or altering God’s word. This is because they are God’s books, not man’s. God has given them to mankind so that mankind may be guided to the straight path. You will be deeply moved as you discover the message they contain.

THE ACCEPTANCE AND PRACTICE of moral standards established by Jehovah cover honesty in all things (Hebrews 13:18; Deuteronomy 25:13-16; Romans 13:1; Titus 2:9,10). These include the promotion of trust and goodwill, the recording of agreements for the prevention of misunderstanding and complexities that may arise because of unforeseen occurrences (Ecclesiastes 9:11 -12; James 4:13,14), dress and grooming (Deuteronomy 22:5; Romans 12:2; 1 Timothy 2:9,10) and immoral practices (Leviticus 18; I Corinthians 6:9,10). These facts points to an aspect of the supremacy of God.

THE SUPREMACY of Almighty God, Jehovah, is not in doubt. Yet God gives human beings the option to choose whether to serve God or not to serve God. This free-will of human beings ought to be exercised judiciously under divine guidance: for God is constantly watching his creatures and the universe to see whether evil or good is being done. Proverbs 15:3; Jeremiah 23:23,24. Almighty God, Jehovah, the final and supreme judge of the universe judges one by what one really is; not by what one says one is nor by what others say one is; and no one can deceive God. Isaiah 44:6; 46:9; 48:12. Psalms 75:2-7. Jeremiah 23:23,24; 30:8-22, 32:27. Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14. Proverbs 15:3; Romans 8:1-17; Hebrews 9:27; Revelation 19:4; 20:11-15; 21:6-8; 21:3-5; Isaiah 25:8-9; 43:13.

IN ACCORDANCE WITH Jeremiah 31:31-34; Romans 8:8-12; Hebrews 8:8-12; Joel 2:28; Jeremiah 32:27 and by the grace of Almighty God, Jehovah, either in the fulfillment of his promise of pouring his spirit on all flesh and writing of his law on every heart or by the exhibition of his infinite and absolute power, may UNIVERSALITY take its proper place. Amen.

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WEDNESDAY – 31ST JANUARY 2001.                                                                                                                                                     
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