Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1942490-Really-big-lucky-stars-Konata-pt-1
Rated: E · Fiction · Entertainment · #1942490
Konata of lucky star is about to go through some changes but this is only the beginning.
AN: This story will start in first person pov and will be like this for most of the story but will switch to third person at points as well.

Chapter 1 Just another normal day

I was sleeping in my bed peacefully on another monday morning when my alarm clock started to ring and i quickly planted my hand over it to stop it because i was still sleepy from last nights late night gaming session online with my favorite mmo rpg. I looked up at my clock hoping it was set wrong for once but as i looked at it the time was right because my clock read the time it always did “Aww man.” I didn’t want to get up but unfortunately if i stayed in bed any longer i wouldn’t have enough time to get dressed for school, pack my bag, eat breakfast, and get to the train in time to catch it. I got out of my bed and got dressed in my winter uniform and was about to walk out of my door with my bag and everything but then i glanced over at myself in the mirror and then the thought that had always came to my mind every time i looked in that or any other mirror appeared (Why am i so short it’s just not fair.). I decided to take a moment to walk over to my mirror and look myself over to see if there was anything special about me that made up for my size but there didn’t seem to be anything so i closed my eyes and let out a sigh, picked up my bag and went out the door, quickly made a piece of toast and put it in my mouth as i ran out the door of my house to get to the train station before my ride left without me.

I got to the train station before the train left and got a seat to sit in and sat down but the thought of my size didn’t leave my mind like it usually did and kept bugging me until the train stopped and i got off and met my two friends Kagami and Tsukasa Hirragi. “Hey.” I said in my usual happy tone, Tsukasa “Hi kona-chan.” Kagami “Hey you.” We talked for a few minutes about nothing really interesting until the train that took us all to school arrived and we all were able to find a place to sit together and i finally decided to ask them “Do you two think there’s anything wrong with my size?” Kagami “Huh, what do you mean?” “I mean do you think there’s anything wrong with how short i am compared to everyone else.” They both looked at me a little confused by my question. Kagami “Well you are shorter than you should be for your age but there’s nothing wrong with that i mean your probably not the only person like your mom was as short as you and she was older than you were wasn’t she.” I just sat there silently with my head down and my hair covering my eyes. Kagami “Why are you making such a big deal of this now anyways you never complained about your size before?” “Well I’ve just been thinking for awhile, what if i was taller like you two or miyuki-san you know.” They both looked confused again and we remained silent until Tsukasa broke the silence with a random conversation that seemed to just make both her and Kagami forget completely about our size topic which was fine because i was glad to get it off my chest at last but the thought still pledged my mind all the way to school but i choose to ignore it and talk with my friends instead of acting like some anti-social freak.

We arrived at school awhile after our talk on the train and headed our separate ways to our classes. Today was a little different because instead of falling asleep in class like i usually did i was wide awake but only because of the thought that just wouldn’t leave me alone and i thought (Why is it that today that this is bugging me so much i didn’t even get to read my manga on the train or on the bus today and now it’s keeping me awake in class, aww man today’s just not my day is it.). During the lunch period of school me and my three friends sat in out usual places and we all began talking about various things that didn’t really have any significance to any one of them, i even got a few jokes about Kagami’s weight in but at one moment i stopped and looked around at my friends and saw how much taller they seemed to me even while siting they all seemed so much taller and while my legs just hanged off my chair there legs touched the ground flat and they were still taller than me, especially Miyuki being the tallest of us all was the one that caused me, for the first time ever, to fell a little uncomfortable to be around but none of them seemed to notice my out of the usual behaver and the lunch period passed without any talk about our height discussion at all, if they even remembered it at all.

After school ended and Miyuki had left on her train and me and Kagami and Tsukasa had got onto our train i had to bring up the conversation again as i said “Hey kagami, tsukasa.” Tsukasa “Hm.” Kagami “Yeah.” “I...I just wanted to say..i’m sorry for that stupid conversation this morning i really shouldn’t be worrying about small *cringe* thing like size anyway.” Kagami “Yeah...sure.” Now having appeased the hunger in my mind to talk about my size again my mind settled down and i was able to relax a little. After the the train stopped and i said my goodbyes to Kagami and Tsukasa as we got on our separate trains and headed home.
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