Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1941258-something-sad-something-mad
Rated: 13+ · Lyrics · Gothic · #1941258
this more of a lyrics/poetry thing. Kind of like Greenday songs; but my own.
1Black Nights and Rainy Days
Black nights and rainy days,
songs to sing no time for play.
Fly up but never reach the top;
when you reach rock bottom'
you have to stop,
unable to deal with what you've thought.
Restless nights and sleepy days.
My tears are rare, but there's frowns to spare.
The moon's left, the sun is gone.
There's no light to follow in the darkness
when everything's gone
apocalyptic, never end
some just stay,
others run away,
but you can't leave behind what's always there.
Cry dear child,
no child of mine.
For tonight's the night'
when day isn't near
Run now,
when the screams are still loud,
sleep will swallow you whole.
sleep forever, never-ever.
Tonight's a night.
Tomorrow will never be a day.
Starless nights bring cloudy days.
Must I miss,
what's never there?
Black nights and rainy days.

2. Inside Tears
I may look happy on the out
But I'm drowning on the in
Inside tears are never cried
A steel heart will get you through the day- through the endless nights.
No help for me
I'll work it out.
I'm dark on the in
bright on the out.
for people judge what's saw,
not felt.
so smile bright
while insides cry
Endless torture
through the night
For tears not shed
are always fed
to the darkness feeding away
on peoples souls,
and hearts,
and minds.
I'll last another day,
The dark grasp is always strong
but insides always fight.
Wars are fought in the mind,
at The Asylum of the Kind
I may look happy on the out
but I'm drowning on the in
Inside tears are never cried.
How kind, how kind, how kind.

3.Asylum of the Kind
Noises are never seen
Scared the mean
children run
and the older cry
the Asylum of the Kind
is always a lie
Trapped are we
mindless fools
We don't laugh
we don't sing
we don't drool
the Asylum of the Kind
eats the mind
sells the soul
breaks the heart.
Trapped are we
icy ones
where to go
where to come
we from nowhere
tenants of
the Asylum of the Kind.
Tears to spare,
none do dare,
to leave
the Asylum of the Kind.
Because what's outside,
is even more terrifying than what's in.
The Asylum of the Kind
is a personal Hellhole fore the mind
that wonders into blind darkness.

mindless streaming
Hell is sucked
into a hole
that is pitiless to the mind
Crazed singing fills the ears
Breaks the gates
run away
to the flame

scared are we
whom are released
into the darkest bay
where to go?
no one knows
our only home is lost
what is this new world
where we are now
scary and unknown
we grasp to what we've always felt
memories are lost
what do you do
when everything's new?
how blinding
searing are my thoughts.
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