Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1940945-The-Beginning-of-the-End
Rated: ASR · Novella · Action/Adventure · #1940945
Holly must defeat her evil aunt Ivy with the help of friends.
The beginning of the end


                   About a century ago…

         “Don’t take her. No! Take me instead!”

         In a cave, deep underground, a single glowing torch lit a boulder in the ground. Just above that boulder a hole that stretched to the night sky, and the moon’s faint beams did not penetrate the scene where the elf guard struggled to hold the screaming elf mother. Tears were dripping down her pale face, and she stretched out a thin, bony arm to her little child, who was being held by another elf guard.

         “Mama! Mama!” The child cried, her bawling louder than her mother’s screams. The elf guard placed a firm hand over her mouth, quieting her. She struggled against him, and the mother fell to her knees in the cold dirt, sobbing uncontrollably. They were trapped, only a quarter of a mile from the surface, where they could be free. But underground, the place was cold and seemed to be whispering to the mother, “You failed your daughter… you failed your daughter…” Then, suddenly, the boulder moved. Oh, God, Oh God, the mother silently prayed, not now. Please not now, please not…her. The boulder was shifted to the side, and it uncovered a hole. A strong man appeared underneath and climbed out. He cleared his throat. “The queen of the elves whishes to see you.” The child had stopped struggling and was looking at the man, her eyes wide. The mother looked down the hole, and her watery blue eyes clearly showed hatred. “Ivy. It was you. I should have known.” Her voice was cold as ice, and her face, once beautiful, now had lines of hatred on her face, among the bloody cuts. Her voice carried down the hole, and a reply soon came back.

“Juniper.” The voice was also cold, but in a gleeful sort of way. Ivy floated into the firelight of the torch, out of the hole. Her magical powers were great, so great that she didn’t even bother walking. She flew up from the hole and hovered a few inches away from Juniper. Her splendid purple cape, trimmed at the end with a cat’s fur, billowed behind her. She wore a green dress that was made by emeralds, melted and magically made flexible to resemble thread, then sewn together. She wore a diamond necklace, and two blue sapphire earrings decorated her ears. On her head, a pure gold crown with rubies rested on her head, and in her long fingers she grasped a golden scepter, studded with assorted gems. Ivy sneered as she compared the rich clothes she wore to her sister’s dirty, torn, and gray clothes.

Juniper looked up at Ivy. “Why, sister? Why have you done this?”

Ivy smiled. “Power, sister. Power! With my talent and your precious Holly’s magic, I will rule the world! I shall bring the humans underneath my feet and crush them into the earth, as they have done to us.”

“It’s not their fault they’re too stupid to realize what they are doing.”

Ivy smiled. “Precisely. Stupid people ruling the world? They will destroy it in due time. But when I take your daughter’s power, I will become the ruler over all!”

Juniper suddenly jabbed her elbows into the guard’s sides. Surprised, he let go. Juniper sprinted away, her pointed ears drawn back to her head. The other guard released Holly and ran after Juniper, who was evading capture by running around the circular cave. She screamed, “Run, Holly!”

Holly dodged the jeweled fingers of Ivy and leapt off the ground, shooting into the small hole that pointed to the sky. Ivy’s hand barely touched her foot, but the hand held on, manicured nails digging deep into Holly’s flesh. Juniper grabbed Ivy, who let go.

“Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” Ivy’s scream of frustration echoed after Holly. She disappeared from sight.

The guards caught Juniper and forced her to her knees. One held his sword to her throat. Ivy was furious, but Juniper was even more so. “You have destroyed us! You have brought us to an end!” Then Juniper sprang forward, and the sword slid through her throat. Juniper’s headless body crumpled to the ground, and she died. Ivy looked down at the unseeing eyes of her sister. “Juniper,” Ivy said, smiling. “ You are mistaken. This is only the beginning of the end.”

Chapter 1: The diary of Olivia the first

         In the present…

         Holly darted through the tunnels, a jeweled bag clutched to her breast. Her ears lay flat against her head, and her short brown hair streamed behind her. She turned a corner and ducked behind a stone statue. She watched a dozen guards run past her and split into the six different corridors. Holly let out a breath. That was close! She ran away fro them, her strong legs much faster than the fat ones of the guards. She didn’t pause as she raced towards the sunlight. She jumped nearly eight feet into the air, and she flew. The jeweled bag obviously had something special inside it, thought Holly. She flew into a cluster of trees, and shielding her face from branches. Then she halted in midair. She had hacked away the branches around the trunk, so it was like an empty circle near the wood. This was her home. Surrounded by branches, it was unseen unless you were inside the place Holly was. In the trunk was a hole. Holly jumped through the whole and landed with a soft thump and then collapsed on the soft sofa made from sheep’s wool. She stroked and smiled, remembering how she had smuggled it out of the queen’s own bedroom and knocked three of Ivy’s best guards into her fireplace. They had jumped out, screaming, and scattered ash all over the queen’s fancy carpet. Ivy had been so mad. The house was full of treasures from Ivy’s palace: Rugs, chairs, vases, small statues, bags of gold, and her most favorite treasure of all: The sharpest jeweled sword in the country. Holly kept it tucked in its sheath at her waist all the time. She placed a hand on the hilt and drew it out. It’s full glory shone in the light from the holes in the tree. The holes were barely visible, but they let in enough light. She replaced it and heard a sound. She stiffened, then relaxed. It was a knock on the tree trunk. Four taps. She leaned over and tapped twice. Moments later an elf man swung into the room. He smiled at her. “What did you do this time? There are elf guards all over the place. Even Ivy is here.”

         Holly smiled back and showed him the bag. “We better close the opening, just to be sure,” She said.

         Together they lifted the circle of wood lying next to the entrance and fitted it in place. Holly flew up to the wood, gave it a good kick, and dropped back to the ground.

         “It’s secure. However, Ash, I don’t understand why you came over here when guards are swarming all over the place.”

         Ash laughed. “They’d be swarming everywhere in my place. It’s nowhere near as protected as yours.” He gazed around the place, and looked at Holly. “I think we should find out what Ivy’s making all the fuss about.”

         They sat down on the sofa, and Holly dramatically opened the bag, and out fell-

         “A book.” Gasped Holly. She loved books. She had about a hundred of them on her shelf next to her bed. But this one was unlike any she had seen before. It was blue, with gold borders and a red title. The title said: Journal of Olive the First.

         Holly’s eyes opened wide. Her studies from the history books that she had stolen had paid off. She explained to Ash who Olive was.

         “Many years ago, there was a queen. Her name was Olive. This confused many elves, because we choose our names from plants, not fruits and vegetables. Many thought it was a sign for the worse. But really, she was a great queen. She realized that some magic was too powerful and would bring chaos. So she took that power and stored it in her journal, which no one but a descendant would touch. She also had the gift of prophecy. She saw a descendant, who would use the power to save the world. So she wrote a note, and tucked it in these pages. Only the one it was written for could read it. She then sealed herself into the note with a powerful spell, so that when the descendant read it, she would enter the girl’s mind and would be able to help her along the way.”

         Ash stared at her. She shrugged. “What? I read about her. She was one of my favorite historical characters.”

         He smiled. “How about we just start reading?”

         Holly nodded. She opened the book, and a yellowish paper floated to the ground.

         “Oh no!” Holly gasped, springing off the couch to rescue the paper. “It’s falling apart!” She turned it over and saw her name. Holly. She stared at it. “It’s for me,” She whispered.

Chapter 2: Never alone

         “What does it say?” Ash said, eager to know what it said.

         Holly read aloud.


         I want you to know that I, as your ancestor, have discovered that a burden has been set on your shoulders. This burden was set by fate. But my gift of future sighting has told me of this. So I am here to help you on the way. There are a few things that I can give you, to help you. One is the ancient spells that are in this book. Also, there is an ancient prophecy, about you and your destiny.

A century before her fate,

She stood before a queen so great,

Whose power nearly matched her own,

And, for years, had ruled alone.

The young girl’s fate was sealed right then,

Her story now was to begin.

Her mother sacrificed her life,

For that young girl to live her life.

For many years, she sought revenge,

And thwarted guards with every bend,

Then she took something from the throne,

And had magic more than the queen’s own.

Then one day they met right where

Her mother died, so sweet and fair.

And then, one of them would fall;

New blood would scatter on the wall.

But with the help of elves within,

One will start the beginning of the end.

         Fate has chosen me, also. This is why I bound myself into these pages. I ask you to read this spell, and free me. I do not want to hurt you, I would like to help you, and give you the power to rule as I did.  If you would say the spell aloud, I will be free from these pages. All you must do is repeat these words: Intantcatium maximus


         As Holly read these words to Ash, a wind swept through the room. Holly looked up, alarmed. There wasn’t enough space for wind to blow through. Ash stared at her.


         “Ahh!” Holly dropped the paper. Ash looked at her with alarm. He leapt to his feet. “What?” He asked.

         Holly shook her head. “I thought I heard something.”

         You did.

         “There it is again!” Holly’s eyes opened wide. Never, in all her 124 years of living, had something like this ever happened. “Who are you?”

         Do not be afraid. It is only I, Olive. You might try to talk in your thoughts instead. That man is looking at you a little strangely.

         Holly looked at Ash. He was staring at her. She gave a little laugh. “It’s just Olive, talking in my head. That’s what the letter meant. She came back, in my mind.”

         Ash seemed to be taking it pretty well. He waved his hand. “How about you continue reading.”

Holly picked up the note and continued to read.

         My time is short, now that I have written this spell. I hope, that someday, you will be able to find me. Holly, in the future, I see you with a man. I understand that the man is your friend. You must keep him close at all times. His and your fates depend on each other. Many times, you will save his life, and in return, he will save yours. My time is up. I will see you soon, however soon that may be. Goodbye.

Queen Olive Geranium Iris Jasmine Lily Marigold Primrose Violet

Holly whistled. “That’s a long name.”

Thank you, Holly.

You’re welcome. Hey, am I speaking to you through my mind?

Of course.

Ash looked at Holly. “So, you know what that means?”

Holly smiled. “It means I’m never alone.”

Chapter 3: Treasure

Holly and Ash jumped as a loud bang sounded from outside the tree trunk. Holly dropped the book.

“Open up!” Came a harsh voice. “We know you’re in there!”

“The guards!” Ash whispered.

Holly jumped up. Her years cutting trees had paid off. She walked to where the entrance led down to the room. She concentrated on the pile of wood near the fireplace. Why she put the fireplace in a tree, Holly did not know. The wood dissolved into mass. Holly stepped away from the entrance, and where it led down, the mass reformed itself as a large piece of wood attached to the tree. Anyone coming in would just see an abandoned hole. There was a crash, and the guards rushed in. They stopped, and Holly held her breath. Finally, they grumbled and turned away. Holly sighed. That was close.


Holly snapped to attention. What?

It’s time.

For what?

No time to explain. Go!

         Next thing Holly knew, she was flying, Ash clinging to her leg.

         What are you doing, Olive?

         I’m taking over your mind.

         YOU’RE WHAT?
Holly struggled against Olive.

         No need to shout. I’m just taking you where we need to go.


         The queen’s treasury. Where else?

         But no one’s been in there for centuries. It was sealed by- wait a moment, didn’t you seal them?

         Yes. It carries a different treasure that could not fall into the wrong hands.

         What kind of treasure?

         We’re here.

         They were flying over a patch of grass. Olive dove down, towards the earth. Holly tried to pull up.

         Don’t resist me!

         You’re going to get us killed!


         Ash had no idea what was going on. “Holly?” No reply. Just like the other times during this flight. What was she doing? “Holly? Holly! Answer me! Holly!”


         Holly could hear Ash. He didn’t know what was going on. Holly wasn’t even sure what was going on herself. She tried to resist again and again, but then she realized something that scared her. She’s more powerful than I am.

         Not really. You have magical abilities I will never possess. I am just more skillfully trained in the places of the mind.

         The ground was coming closer and closer. Olive was going faster and faster. Ash was clinging for dear life onto Holly’s leg, his hand clutching her brown pants. Faster and faster, closer and closer. Ash closed his eyes. Holly couldn’t. She could see the ground. It brushed her nose and disappeared. Ash opened his eyes. They were in a passageway. Olive lightly touched the ground. Suddenly, Holly could tell she was in control again. Ash brushed himself off. “Where are we?” He asked.

         “The treasury.” Her answer startled him. She looked ahead. There was a long, dark passage. Holly started to walk, lighting an nonburnable fire in her right hand. Silently, Ash and Holly followed Olive’s instructions through the maze. Ash looked in room as they passed. It was full of gold. But Holly grabbed his arm.


         Holly stopped and glanced around. There was nothing there but a statue. Holly bent forward to examine it, the flames in her hand dancing along the walls. The statue was a dragon. Its tail was laid across his hind legs, and his wings were spread wide. His mouth was open, as though it would roar at the passerby. The dragon looked almost real. The scales glittered in the fire.

         Stick your hand in its mouth.


         Stick your hand in its mouth.

         Holly shrugged, and with her left hand, reached into the mouth of the dragon. To her surprise, it was hollow inside. Holly could feel something round. She grabbed it and pulled it out. It was a sphere. It glowed blue, and a white mist floated inside of it.

         That, Said Olive with pride, is my greatest treasure.

Chapter 4: The unexpected meeting

         Queen Ivy looked up into the face of her giant prisoner. He struggled, but the magic ropes held him tight. She sighed. This was what she would fight against? It was too easy.

         “I tell ya, I’m tellin’ ya, I didn’t do nothin with anythin!” The man’s chins wobbled as he spoke. Ivy wrinkled her nose in distaste. They were so fat. Plus, they smelled. Ivy frowned at the man. He didn’t know anything. Yet, he might have some information.

         “Whaddya gonna do to me? I ‘avent done anythin!” His little piggy eyes were full of terror. She knew that he could have easily captured her in his pudgy little hand and crushed her, but down in her realm, she was the powerful one. She flew up until his eyes were level with hers. He stared at her. His mouth dropped open. He stopped struggling. “Who are ya?” He asked. Ivy smiled. “That is not for you to know. I ask the questions here. No one else.”

         He continued to stare, and Ivy found it most disturbing. She tried to ignore it.

         “First of all: Who is your leader?”

         The man was confused. “My… leader?”

         Ivy huffed. “Your Queen. Your King. Whichever term you prefer.”

         The man thought for a long time. Ivy whished she had kidnapped someone brighter. Finally, after many long moments of thought, he spoke. “Well, I guess it’s the President. He’s the guy who does everythin’.”

         “Excellent. And where does the President live?”

         “In the White house.”

         “And where is the White house?”

         The man thought for a moment, then shrugged. “I dunno.”

         Ivy felt frustration. She tried to calm down. In the end she found herself flying in the open air, her scepter held against her chest. She spotted a lone man walking along the street. Probably a man going home after work. She dove down, and her magic hoisted him in the air by his neck. He shouted in surprise.

         “Tell me,” She snarled, “where is the White house?”

         “I-in Washington D.C.” He gasped, struggling for air. Ivy smiled. She knew where that was. Then she let go. The man fell, landing on the roof of a house. He stayed there, staring at her as she flew away. She just needed to get back to her room, grab her poisons and weapons, then go. She flew downwards, where she dove into what looked like a rabbit’s burrow, and landed on a boulder. She was in the same place, where nearly a hundred years ago, the blood of Juniper had spilled. Ivy remembered her sister’s fury as she had thrown herself through the blade. Now, as Ivy looked down at the patch of blood that had stained on the boulder, she realized why Juniper had done it: She had sacrificed herself for her child. When the blood touched her jeweled shoes, Ivy had immediately had them cleaned. She did it herself with magic. But it had cost time. Enough time that Holly had escaped. Enough time to help her learn how to thwart them. Because of Juniper, Holly became one of the most feared criminals ever known. Lost deep in thought, Ivy did not see the two figures approaching, swords at their sides, nor did she hear one whisper to the other: “Stay behind in case I need backup.” And the second figure slip into the shadows. She only noticed when the figure spoke, with the same ice-cold hatred that Juniper had in her voice. “Ivy.”

         Ivy spun around, and gasped in surprise and fear. Juniper stood before her, a hand on the hilt of a golden sword.

Chapter 5: The next part of the fulfillment of the prophecy

Holly held the blue sphere in her hands, extinguishing the flame. The sphere glowed, showing them the way out. After many twists and turns, Holly and Ash stepped into open air. They breathed deeply, relieved to be away from the dark. Holly realized the sun was setting. She grabbed Ash and flew into the sky. The grass waved in the gentle breeze. The sky was orange, with little pink clouds. Holly flew, not looking where she was going, unable to tear her eyes from the spectacular sight.


         Holly halted. What is it?

         I can feel it. The next part of the prophecy must take place. Go down that rabbit hole.

         Holly looked down. She recognized that hole. It was what Ivy called her secret entrance. But Holly knew where it led. It led to the same place where her mother had died, just above the queen’s room. Olive? What is the next part of the prophecy?

         Then one day they met right where her mother died, so sweet and fair. And then, one of them would fall; new blood would scatter on the wall,
Olive recited.

         Holly sighed. Lovely. A battle to the death.

         However, this will be one of the most important times of your life. Today, you will find out who will survive in a battle to the death.

         Holly dove down. The wind flew through her short cut hair. Her pointed ears pressed to her sides. She caught a glimpse of a man with a net, but then she was in the hole. She landed, her boots digging into the soil. Ash dropped to the ground. Together, they walked down the tunnel. Holly and Ash stopped when they spotted Ivy. She was sitting on the boulder; her back turned away from them. Holly knew that she would have to fight Ivy soon. She whispered to Ash, “Stay behind in case I need backup.” He nodded and slipped into the shadows. Holly took a deep breath and entered the room. Suddenly, she could feel emotions. Anger. Determination. Most of all, hatred. She spoke. “Ivy.”

         Ivy spun around, fear and shock on her face. Holly reached for the hilt of her golden sword.


         Ivy stared at Juniper. Wait…no, not Jupiter. Holly. Ivy hadn't seen her since the time she escaped the same place they were now. Ivy smiled. A sword wouldn't do much good against her magic. “I believe that you are challenging me to a duel? If so, then let us begin.” She stood up, facing Holly. The girl had no idea just how powerful the scepter was. Ivy struck. The scepter shot a beam of red light. Holly dodged it and it crashed into the wall. A huge chunk of dirt shattered. Holly sent a blue light. It flew right past Ivy and hit a guard straight in the face. The guard crumpled to the ground. Dead or unconscious? Ivy didn't care. She threw two red spells at once. Holly dodged them both and sent a green light. Ivy blocked it with her scepter. It flew out of her hands and Ivy grabbed it before it could hit the wall and shatter to pieces. She sent a green spell, a red spell, and a purple spell at Holly. Ivy stared in astonishment as Holly dodged all three, and at the same time cast five blue spells, each one hitting a guard that had come up behind her. Ivy knew the time for games was over. She concentrated. A large yellow glow appeared at the end of her scepter. It intensified with every second. Then there was a FLASH!  For a moment, all Ivy could see was white. Then she saw Holly. She was slumped against the wall, blood pouring from her chest. Then she fell, leaving a trail of blood on the wall. Ivy stared. Then a laugh rose in her throat. She had done it! She sped out of the room, past the figure, and she saw the sky ahead. Then she shot out, and-

         Ivy tumbled head over heels. What happened? She looked up. She was in a net! The humans had trapped her! They were trying to catch a rabbit and they caught her! In fact, a human in a cap was staring at her, his mouth open wide. She would not allow this! With her scepter, she blasted her way out and dove back into the hole. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. It was a sword! She gasped. Ash was standing there, an expression of cold fury on his face. Then he dropped the sword and ran to Holly. So this is the end…thought Ivy. Then she collapsed and everything went dark.


         “Holly! Don’t leave me, Holly! Holly!”

         Holly opened her eyes, gasping. The pain! She looked up. Ash was standing over her, tears running down his face. She lifted her hand and her took it in her own. She smiled weakly. “It’s okay,” She whispered. “I’m okay. It doesn’t hurt.” She could feel tears running down her own face. Ash held her tight. “Holly, I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.”

         “It doesn’t matter, Ash. It’s okay.”

         Then suddenly, he swept her up. She held him, and their lips met. Holly felt joy. There was nothing better. Nowhere she would rather be than here. He held her, and she held him. They didn’t let go. Then Holly felt her world go fuzzy. Her world dimmed. She knew that her last moments had come. She whispered, “ Ash, I love you…” and then all went black.


         Ash held Holly, crying.  They had gone through so much together, and now she was gone. There was a pain in his heart. The pain was so great nothing could describe it. He had only loved Holly, and now she was dead. He would never see her smile, never hear her laughter, never feel her soft and firm hand hold his own. If only he had the talent to help her-

         Then something came to him. He remembered it so clearly it was as though it had happened yesterday…

         Only 50 years old, Ash struggled to lift the heavy sword. His mentor waved a hand impatiently. “Ash!” He barked. “Hold your sword correctly!” He lifted his own with ease. “Ash! Not like that. Like this!” He showed a fighting stance. Ash dropped his sword in exhaustion. He stretched his arms and called healing. It traveled up his body and Ash sighed with relief as he felt his strength return. He picked up the sword. His mentor watched him. “Ash,” he said. “The only thing you are good at is healing. It is a difficult magic. I congratulate you on that. However, you will not be able to take a rest and regain your strength in a battle. So now pick up your sword and hold it correctly!”

         Ash jerked upright. Healing! Of course! He looked at the still body of his only friend. It might be too late, but he had to try. He closed his eyes. He had never healed a person, other than himself. He called the magic to his fingertips. Then he pressed them into Holly’s wound. For a second it stayed there. Then he could feel the magic traveling from his fingers, like a warm stream. He opened his eyes. The wound was closing rapidly. The magic sucked the blood on his fingers back into her chest. The wound was getting smaller and smaller, and soon it was gone. The only thing left was the blood on the wall and floor, and the huge hole in her shirt.

         Then Holly’s eyes flew open. She leapt to her feet, her head turning. Then she slumped against the wall, a hand to her head. Ash caught her.

         “Ash?” Holly looked into his eyes. “Why am I covered in blood?”

         For a second, Ash couldn’t speak. Then he blurted out. “Holly!” And he swept her up into a giant hug. And though it was night, the glow inside of the two elves could have lit up the world.


         About 50 years later…

         Ash and Holly looked out across the sea, their arms around each other. Holly sighed and leaned against Ash’s shoulder. “Today, Olive will be able to regain her body.”

         “And I can finally meet her.” Ash smiled. “A queen that lived centuries ago yet is your best friend. Things like that are child’s play to what we’ve experienced.”

         Holly loved how he said we. She smiled. “We’ve hardly separated since the day I died. If it weren’t for you, this little guy would never have come along.” She pointed to her swollen stomach. Inside her, she knew that a little baby elf was growing. “ I want him to grow up in a safe place, Ash. But humans are everywhere. One day, they will find us. And I can’t have him living in a place like that. I couldn’t bear it.”

         Ash sighed. “Maybe Olive will have the answer. So let’s rise her up so she can tell us.”

         Together, they walked towards the small gravestone. Holly knelt down. It read: Olive the first. “This is the one,” She answered. Then she stretched out her hand. A mound of earth rose from the ground, turned over, and settled back into its original place. And there, lay Olive’s body, magically preserved. She had pale skin, and her hair was long and jet-black. Holly could hear Olive gasp as her spirit looked thorough Holly’s eyes and at her own body. Holly smiled. Soon, Olive. Soon.

         Ash squeezed her shoulders. Then they both stretched their hands over Olive. Then the magic came. Olive’s figure floated, and Holly could feel the pull that was drawing Olive to her body. Olive hung on for a few seconds. See you soon, she said, and then she was gone. Suddenly, Olive opened her eyes and gasped. She collapsed on the ground. Ash and Holly surrounded her. She looked up. Her eyes were bright green, and as they looked at Ash’s brown eyes, then at Holly’s blue ones, memories came back. Olive unsteadily got to her feet. She tested the ground. Then she slowly hobbled towards them. “So.” Her voice was sweet, like pure honey. Olive smiled, and Holly grinned back. Ash was staring at Olive, a smile on his lips. His curly black hair was the same color of Olive’s. He held out his hand, and Olive shook it. “Hello, Olive. I was looking forward to talking to you. There is a serious matter we need to discuss.”

         “Whatever it is, I’ll try to help.”

         Ash pointed across the sea, towards the setting sun. “Look. Look at the world. Somewhere, elves are hiding. Somewhere, elves are trying to escape the humans. The humans will soon have technology so great, that we will not be able to hide from them. We need to transport all the elves to a different place, where they will be safe, where they will be away from humans.”

         Olive’s smile was sad. “I suspected this day would come. Holly, do you have my greatest treasure?”

         Holly pulled out the sphere. “What does this have to do with anything?”

         “It is a miniature world,” Olive explained. “I have transported many near extinct creatures to this place. It captures the whole race, plus their belongings. Of course, if a person from her race used it, her and anyone touching her would not be transported into this world.”

         Holly’s eyes had a light in them. “So we could put the entire elf race in, and when we find a place away from humans, we can take them back out. Right?”

         “Right.” Olive took the ball. “Let’s begin. Hold on to me.”

         Ash and Holly each placed a hand on one of Olive’s shoulders. Olive covered the ball. A blue glow seeped through her fingers. Holly and Ash felt a slight wind. Then all was still. Olive let her hands drop to her sides. “Well, I guess that’s it.”

         Holly nodded. “Now we have to find a place where no human can find us.”

         Ash smiled. “This is the beginning of the end of this age.”

         Then Holly took Ash in one arm and Olive in the other, and they flew away, towards home.


Wait! What happened to…

The elf guards that captured Juniper and little Holly

         After Holly escaped, Ivy was in such a rage that she killed the two guards and tossed their bodies in the ocean. She had the sword framed on her wall, so that she could remember that she had at least triumphed over her sister. One day, she found the frame smashed and the sword gone. Holly had actually stolen it and given it to Ash. Since then, the sword had hung by his side.

The human Ivy captured

         When Ivy died, the ropes binding the human fell off of him. He ran away, and luck was with him. He found a way out, and told everyone about the elves. Nobody believed him, and he was put into a mental institute for a while. Then a generous friend sent him to a school to learn proper English, geography, and history. He married a woman and they lived n a small farm, raising chickens and a cow.

The man walking home from work

         The man knew he couldn’t stay on the roof forever. He jumped off and broke his ankle. When he finally got home, he told his wife what had happened. She didn’t believe him, until he showed her the red marks where he had been lifted by his neck. He wore a splint for a few months, and they agreed to keep the existence of elves a secret.

Ash, Holly, and Olive

         Ash and Holly’s child was born a few months later. His name was Aspen. Ash and Holly continued to search for a haven, and eventually, they found it. Using the powers of magic, they transported themselves into a different galaxy. This planet thrived with mythical creatures. At last, they had found their home.
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