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by Madax
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1940466
Just a brief look at my fanfic, Power Rangers: Data Warriors. I do not own Power Rangers.
Power Rangers: Data Warriors

Digitizing a new kind of hero

One: Dragged Into A Different Dimension

After spending months researching, the middle-aged man had finally found what he had been searching for. The source of it all. Getting there would be tricky, as it was far beyond the skies, further than some of the planets he had heard about from his old friends, even further than the planets where some of his other friends resided. It would be tough getting there, but he knew he could do it. He had to. For a threat greater than any he'd ever heard of was lurking where no-one expected it.
He grabbed his bag, packed full of supplies, and shouldered it. Locking his house behind him, he turned and took one final look at it, wondering when he'd see it again, if ever. This journey would take a great deal of time and would likely be dangerous. But it had to be done.
Turning the corner, he jogged across the street. It began to rain, cold drops splashing down on him. "I wish I'd taken a jacket," he grumbled. Luckily enough,
the bus stop was on the next block. Picking up the pace before the rain, got any heavier, he passed a business he used to frequent, a place filled with good memories, the owner and everyone he knew long gone. He had moved back home to finally settle down. Or at least that was the plan. Receiving the plea for help had changed all that. He had been working on a project for his new job at the time
when the message had popped up. At first he thought it had been from family, but then the message opened itself, covering his computer screen completely. A desperate struggle. A completely different world in turmoil. A gigantic army, led by a power-hungry commander. After agreeing he'd try to help, the man had looked into a way to help which led him to the present.
The bus pulled up and he hopped on, taking a seat somewhere in the middle. He propped his bag on the chair beside him and took out his journal. He flicked it open and began poring over his notes.
Hours passed, the bus travelling past various scenes. Wilderness, mountains, a lake, and small towns. As the sun began peeking from behind storm clouds, the man glanced up. The bus was almost packed. He out down his journal and stretched, checking his watch. People were chatting amiably whilst kids argued over toys. A young man was talking on his cellphone to his girlfriend. He wondered how much he'd miss Earth when he left. Suddenly the man cried out in shock. His cell began shaking, vibrating violently. It rose up in the air, a white light glowing around it. "David?", his girlfriend's voice squeaked over the phone before the sound grew deafening. David's attempt to reply was drowned out as a deep, robotic voice boomed out from the cell.
The middle-aged man stood up slowly, the eyes of everyone glued to him. "I will stop you," he declared. "You can't do what you want to an innocent race! There will always be those who oppose you. I'll make sure of it." The cell grew brighter.
With those final words ringing in the bus, people cried out as the screen went blue and flashed brightly so that it enveloped his vision. Falling down an endless sea of blue, the middle-aged man blacked out.

* * *

The bell rang, signalling the end of class. Lily scooped up her bag and made for the door, desperate for some food. Pushing through the bustling corridors, she managed to reach the cafeteria and joined the queue, feeling glad that she made it while the line was still short. Picking up her tray, she smiled gratefully at the lunch lady, and turned to check the room. Glancing around, she hoped she could spot her friends amongst the hundreds of alumni, discussing everything from the very confusing opposite gender, to the pile of homework they had already, even as far as to include the teachers every student hated.
"Lily!", her friend Greg called out, his voice audible over the hustle and bustle before her. Lily smiled and waved, winding her way towards the table where Greg sat with her other friends, Matt and Nina. "Pull up a chair," Greg said, pointing to an empty spot across from Nina. Lily sat down and looked at the last empty chair beside her. "Where's Ashley?", she asked. Greg shrugged. "Probably later than you," he replied. Matt stretched and reached for his chicken salad sandwich from his tray. "Y'know," he said, leaning in, "I bet she's still in the library working overtime."
Greg reached over and ruffled Matt's hair. "Be nice," he grinned. "She probably just got caught up asking Mr. Ford about next week's test. She'll be here soon."
Nina was twisting her dark hair around her finger. "I'm gonna fail miserably," she said, sighing. Just as about Lily was about to respond, Ashley sat down beside her. "Fail what?", she asked, dropping her tray on the table, and proceeding to eat her soup. "Next week's test for Mr. Ford." Ashley laughed, her long blonde curls bouncing slightly. "Don't worry about that," she said after her laughter subsided. "I can help you with that. And I'm sure Lily can too!" Lily nodded. Matt, bored with the talk of school work, cleared his throat.
"Hey, did you see that video that popped up online last night?", he asked, looking around. The others shook their heads. "Yeah," Matt continued, "about that guy who disappeared off a bus while it was passing through the city. A video went up about it last night. Some guy who was at the back of the bus recorded it. He just vanished." Greg sneered. "No way, man." he replied. "It's probably fake!", he exclaimed.
© Copyright 2013 Madax (truenight at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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