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Rated: · Preface · Experience · #1939953
Eight steps to solving any problem

I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea and or impression behind my writings, philosophy's and ideas or meaning about the things I say or believe because people will twist you words for their own benefit. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ that he is the son of God, was born of a virgin, lived as a man, was killed for the sin of mankind and arose from the dead, followed and fulfilled the original law of God which in turn fulfilled the prophesy’s of the Old Testament. Now after stating all that I also believe that God gives us a choice to honor him or do what we will with this life, to put it simple the choice is yours.

My objective is to help people look inside themselves and evaluate themselves for the better or worse. In this age of information and technology it is so easy to become over whelmed or deceived by those who prey on them who are in search of some kind of truth to bring them peace and clarity into their life. For some knowing the path is one thing but having the ability and strength to walk that path is something entirely different. It is in this spirit of understanding that I will attempt to help someone who may need to find there true path and inner strength on this journey we call life.

At some point in time we all will reach a point where there will be a job that needs to be done, or a project that has to be completed or a goal or plan that will will have to be accomplished and it will seem like for the life of you you can't get a grip on how to handle the situation or find the exact solution. I believe that these eight common sense guidelines can be applied across the board to help anyone come to a resolution that will at least put you on sound footing and point you in the right direction to the answers you seek. These are not get rich quick schemes or some kind of mind trick this information that is already out there for you to use but has been shank-en down condensed and made palatable for the human mind to digest, make no mistake this is work!

You should document your progress so you will need pen and paper, a notebook wold be preferable or you can track yourself with a compute, just keep some kind of journal to refer to too track your progress. Ready, OK here we go...


Write down what is your desire, fully describe what it is you are attempting to do and what will be the end result of these attempts, who will be involved and what will be their part to play in this action of yours, who will benefit and what will be the cost. I must stress this very important fact, there is no free ride, if you think that you are going to get a free lunch you might have someone else eat yours so expect to pay some kind of a price whether it be monetary, or just blood sweat and tears you will have to pay a price. So prepare yourself to do what is needed or pay whatever price is required of you.

I know that there are other religious beliefs out the some of you don't even believe in God that your choice, others just science good for you, the only thing I an saying right now is have a open mind. Please take a moment and look up Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 of the Bible, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. in fact read the hole chapter if you really want understand where we are going next. The key word is SUBSTANCE, what you desire is not seen it is in your mind but the ability to believe that you can bring this invisible desire into the realm of reality is powered by faith the ability to hope and to make invisible visible.

What faith is not is wishful think, where you visualize a image in your mind and concentrate or meditate on that thing in the hope the cosmic universe will bring it to your door step, while there is something to be said about the power of concentrated thought knowing that at any one time we only use a small percentage of our total cognitive ability, no what we are talking about he is taking tangible steps that will lead you down the path of success. A methode that will help you acquire the hopes and dreams you desire bring into reality.

We have determined that DESIRE IS THE STARTING POINT for your goal but to gain the full benefit of the METHOD, you will need to develop a:


Let me ex plane what I mean when I say “DEFINITNESS OF PURPOSE,” When a person comes to a certain point in the course of a endeavor they will come to a cross road, I guess you can say a point called the P.O.N. The point of no return is described as the point where turning back or trying something different from the original plan would be more costly in time effort and or materials then it would be to finish the thing you started in the first place. So the best thing you can do is to see your original plan thru to its logical conclusion. You will need to reach decisions promptly and change these decision slowly, if at all.


Self Discipline is nothing more than coming to a decision within your own heart that no matter how hard it is you will at least do your very best to acquire the thing of your hope and desire no matter what family member say negative or what friends tell you, you cant do or what other obstacle may come in your path that you will keep marching on toward your goal one step at a time. There is a old saying “ The longest journey starts with a single step”, but you will have to take another and another and another until you reach the ultimate victory.

Also it is wise to be aware that opposition resistance and opposition by it's own very nature will come. When a person steps out of the normal of what other think we should be or just what some become a costumed to they become uncomfortable or afraid of being left behind even those most close to you may give the most negiitive push back or unconstructive criticism. Unconstructive criticism is designed to tear your down or make you feel inadequate, constructive criticism will shine a light on areas that you may need to focus on to bring them into line with what you desire, It is good to know the difference. This is ACCURATE THINKING. Having a firm grip on your creative vision of where you are, where you are going and how you plan to get there. It also helps to maintain a above average level of enthusiasm because when the test and trials come, and they will come, your enthusiasm will feed your paientance. Speaking of patience it will do you a world of good to develop high levels of patience. In this world of instant this and automatic that we become accustomed to having everything right away right now and when it doesn’t happen we become frustrated and give up. Well let me tell you it ain’t so and if you don’t adjust your think you are setting yourself for a loss. I am not saying to take the slow motion approach but if you go rushing after something and fail you are more likely to give up with a single failure or two.

Let me share this observation with you. When a baby first starts out, to move around on his own most of of the time they just start out by crawling around, learning hand and foot coordination to provide itself motion, then after awhile they learn to pullup themselves up either with you help or by using objects around them to stand, them plop they fall down. Imitating those who they see around them they try again and take a step then plop, they fall again they pull themselves up themselves up take a step a plop, down they go. This process is repeated over and over until that baby gains enough strength and confidence to walk on their own. A child will fall many times and may even get bruised up but we teach them to get back up and try try again and they do, the next thing you know they are walking and running around everywhere.. This a basic observation and a constant theme in the idea of faith, taking small calculated steps to arrive at your destination.


It has been said, “ YOU CAN'T KEEP DOING THE SAME THINGS AND EXPECT DIFFERENT RESULTS”. The truth is nobody wants to lose or even to come in second or third place, but the bare bones fact is someone has to win and someone will lose, the trick is to take your own personal initiative coupled with accurate thinking to analyze why you didn't succeed and figure out what steps you need to take to better your chances at your next attempt. I am not saying to give into defeat before you even start out on your quest but to prepare yourself for whatever may come your way, and set back and loss will happen. Another good point for you to remember is that “LUCK IS WHEN PREPARATION AND OPPERTUNITY MEET “, So don't be afraid to fail but also note that “failure is not and option” because the only one who truly fails is the one who gives up. Also it helps to have a clear creative vision of what you intend to accomplish the more of a positive vision the clearer your definiteness of purpose will be.


Procrastination is a dream killer. It will cause you to put off what needs to be done, example someone will say I have plenty of time to start exercising I will start tomorrow or I will start saving for my retirement next year, or I will go visit my parents next month and you keep making excuses not to do what you need to do today then you realize that tomorrow has come and gone. Don’t lose the fight before you get in the ring. Don’t make excuse, the best thing to do is get in there. The best way to overcome procrastination is to just do it, gather your resources and have at it. You have your goal, get what specialized knowledge you need, evaluate you own personal experience and observations and take that first step, then the next hold on, plop so you fell get up take a step left foot right foot left foot...
You must be persistent because it is this sustained effort needed to induce faith, you must believe that you can do. Faith works like this, The I-am-positive-I-can-do attitude generates the power, skill and energy needed to do the task at hand when you believe I-can-do-it the how-to-do-it will develop.


I am putting this out there because there are times when you will need help beyond what you can gather for yourself, that is when to use this principal; the bringing together of other like minded individuals together for the sole purpose of a stated goal. Each person should have a stated interest and these interest should be in harmony within the group so that all ideas and actions will flow smoothly, of course since we are human beings and all human being will want to serve their own ideals there should be some sort of compensation or incentive to promote cooperation within the group. Some call this the master mind concept or the collective or hive mind principal, but I chose to use the one mind analogy because every person involved should be of the same purpose as to what to figure out what needs to be done to bring the idea into reality and causing it to flourish for the good of all concerned..

Here is another old saying, You can catch more bee's with honey than with vinegar”. I rad this story in a book somewhere. There was this big time executive we will call him Mr. X was doing interview for a top personal assistant in his company, after interviewing many people for the position he had narrowed the prospects down to three individuals. All three had the education necessary for the position, the first two ha graduated from high ranking colleges, one had graduated from a top university at the top of his class the third had put himself thru college and graduated in the top top of his school. They all had very good resume with references and all seemed capable of getting the job done. Mr.x though long and hard,”what criteria can I use to get the best person for the job, after all this person would end up being my right hand to represent me and the company. Them he had an idea, I will will take each one of these guy's to lunch to see how their real personality is. Over the course of a week he took each to lunch and got them to relax and reveal their true nature. Well to make a long story short he picked the third candidate because this person had a;


even when faced with some not so nice circumstance and minor stress. Our Mr.x was heard saying later to college there are many are many that have ambition, motivation and creativeness but the person that has a truly pleasing personality can be trained and is useful in any area and it is just easier to deal with a person like that. I am not talking about brown nosing or suck ups nobody like that stuff but just to be enjoyable to be around will make everything so much better. ACCURATE THING together with a SPIRIT OF COOPERATION topped off with A PELASING PERSONALITY will take you very far on your journey.

Well there you have it, this is my best effort to help those of you on your journey we call life, all I ask is that you have a open mind and keep a positive attitude.
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