Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1939630-2525
by rickyg
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1939630
first chapter of 2525 my attempt at science fiction that I love to read.
Quit often things happen in life that we simply do not understand, at least not right away. One such time occurred  about three years ago. And it changed the world and life for ever.

We were very much in the same mess as we are today. The world was sitting on the brink of war and like every other war before this was to be the war to end all wars. I can't count the number of times I had heard that while I was growing up and my years at the academe. But the thing is, with the advancement made in the last two years, folks really started to believe it this time. But come on lets get real as long as there are people getting mad at each other. Somebody will always come up with a bigger gun than the fellow before him.

By the time we got to the end of the last war. I had seen more suffering than I ever wanted to see again. So i did the only natural thing anybody in my position could do, I became a chaplain in the world military forces, and I climbed in rank rapidly to where I was soon the head chaplain over seeing two thousand other men whose job it was to bring aid and comfort to the masses of the sick injured and dying It wasn’t until we were in the fifth year of the war that I decided that I could more good in the military then I ever could as a chaplain. As a chaplain you are limited as to where and when you can go to certain places. But in the military, most often, you are right in the middle the most desperate places on the planet.

         It was about know that they came up with the solitaire project.

The solatar project was the first ever planetary wide mission that mankind had ever  under taken. It seems that a bunch of big shots got together and decided that since we don't know who or what was waiting for us in deep space, perhaps it would be a good thing to take steps to be the first to greet what ever was getting ready to great us. After all what if what ever was out there was not the friendly sort?

Nobody with any intelligence acutely thought it was going to be a real concern, but it was and a lot sooner than anybody had expected. That's the way it was a good thing those same powers decided to proceed with the solatar project.

The solatar was to be the most advanced craft ever conceived by the mind of man. Not only could she travel faster than light, but when needed the ship they say can travel through time. And since time travel was still an untried science, the whole thing was nothing but speculation. Dreamed up to make the population happy

It took five years and twenty billion dollars to build the ship. But that was just the start, a ship like this had to have a very special crew and let's say a special command staff. Which is where I come in. They seemed to think that with the experience I have that I would be the best choice to command the solatar.

Who am I?  My name is John Baxter commanding the solatar. All the hype was true. She was the most innovative ship ever built for space flight. Nonetheless, five years after it was built and christened we still don't know if all the on board commands functioned properly. Yea we were able to test the short range weapons and the maxim speed, all that seemed to be fine. However, we have never tried to time travel. I don't know why but the upper brass just won't give the go ahead for that test. I think there is a problem that they do not want us to know about. All I can do be praying that if it is ever needed the thing will work.

I remember the first time I had seen the ship my mouth dropped to the floor. "That thing really fly's?"

"Yes commander." was the only response I got. .

You walk up to the outside of the ship and there was no visible means to get in the thing. The ships computer had to perform a retina scan of everyone wishing to come on board. At which time the side of the ship just sort shimmered and a doorway opened up about six feet wide by eight feet high from there you stepped on a lift plate that took the rider to which ever level you were to be on.

Upon entering your assigned level a kindly human but still overly computerized voice welcomed you on board. Once all that was out of the way you then could ask directions if you needed to and the computer would light the way to your destination by a series of blinking lights along the bulkhead.

The bridge was a whole other world you stepped out of the lift and the bridge was laid out in a full circle to command seated in the middle. With This approach, every station was the same distance from the commander. When you sat down in the seats at each station of the chair would almost come alive. It was like sitting in firm jello as it would grow and form it's self loosely around the body of whom ever sat there. In crises mode, the chair would tighten up effectively holding the person in place only for the movement of the arms and head. We were still not sure how well this system was going to work,

The anterior wall of the bridge was a huge view screen from where you could see every section of the ship both inside and out. The only place you could not see was a small dark closet down on the sixth level. Everybody came to know that closet simply as the hole. The solatar was also the first ship to use the carpet on the decks instead of the cold gray steel of the artificial gravity plating. Again one of the big shots reckoned that a happier environment will lead to a happier crew. 

The commanders cabin was dark all but the tiny bit of light coming through the windows from the stations running lights and the occasional search beacon from the ships as they flew by in perfectly timed procession as if they were seeking approval from their commander. A soft crackle is heard as brown clicks his com badge. " Atries, this is commander Brown you have a slight lag in your port thrusters." and within seconds.

"Yes commander, we will get right on that. Atries out."


" John when did you come in? Do you not know about a little thing called the door bell?"

" I used it, but you weren't here." Bill spins around with a forced smile on his face and his hand extended towered s his friend. "What do you mean. I wasn't in here I have been."

"Bill that's not what I mean. You were thinking of her again weren't you?" Bill drops his hand back to his side with no trace of a smile.

"And what if I was? We both know that if I had done things a little different." Bill stops and looks back out the window. "If I had followed procedures she would still be alive." John walks over to his long time friend and gently puts his hand on his shoulder. "We Don't know that."

"Yes but."

"And you do not know that either."

"Yes I do" said bill shoving the hand off his shoulder and begins to make his way to the cabin doors as they silently slide open. With out looking back at his friend.

"And you down inside, you also know it." Bill steps through letting the door go shut behind him. He just stands there a few seconds leaning with his back against the bulkhead to his body lightly shacking as the dark echoes of a moonlight serenade reverberate through his thoughts.

The mess hall had never looked as good as it did that night. The first year cadets had been told what an honor it was to be selected as hosts for the upper class men at the graduation ball. A comment I remember was not exactly true.

The upper classes were dressed out in their ceremonial uniforms all spit and polished, not a button out of place, and every shoe so shiny they could see their future reflected in every toe. The music that filled the air was the moonlight serenade as the big mirrored ball slowly spun soaring from the ceiling.

The commander straightened up, head in a proper commander position and slowly began to make his way back to the bridge.

"This is commander Baxter commanding the solatar requesting permission to dock." a soft crackling noise was heard coming back from communications. "I say again this is commander Baxter commanding the solatar requesting permission to dock. And come on board the station"

"We read you just fine commander." the crackling was replaced by the voice of a lady in a very prim and very military style. "May we ask the purpose of your visit commander?"

"I am bringing your supply's and new crew assignments."

"That's great commander." all the formality in her voice was gone. "With this load we are now a fully functional space station. You are cleared for docking at Alpha Bay. And Commander Welcome aboard the star field one, station clear."

"This is the solatar clear." Baxter could hardly wait to get his ship unloaded. He had some down time coming and he had every intention of taking it right here on the station. It was after all the only place in the known universe that had a forty something single lady with delicate brown hair and hazel eyes and the voice of an angel.Good thing his view screen worked and hers did not. That gave him a distinct advantage.

"Star one to the solatar." There it was again that voice. "This is the solitary. Go ahead station."

"Sorry about the mix up still have some bugs to work out in the system. But I've been told that alpha bay is a no go it's in use. You will need to go to Zulu instead." he didn't want her to know but if she asked him he would go all the way to the moon to unload if she asked. "Understood station, solatar out."

Star one station had the most advanced communication system ever built. Some of the equipment was considered to be above top secret and not one person on board knew everything there was to know about communication command.

It was believed that we could talk our self's out of any problem that came along. Nevertheless, there were still twelve banks of disruptive lasers, over seven hundred torpedoes and countless numbers of hand weapons just in case that talking thing didn't work out.Carefully and with great care the solatar was maneuvered around the other space craft in orbit around the station. There were generals flagships nestled in next to freight haulers which under any other circumstance would never happen. You know given the size of it space is very crowded place, but it's not every day a station goes on line.

Just as they got to the place they need to be the huge doors in the side of the station slide up and out of sight and at long last with a gentle thud the ship came to rest at the station. The ships computer told everyone that all systems were now secure and commander Baxter walked up behind his pilot and laid his hand on his shoulder.

"Good flying Mr Brown, as soon as the ship is unloaded take a few days of rest you have earned it for not scratching the generals ships." Baxter turns on his heels and heads back to his command "communications ship wide if you please."

"Your on sir."

"Everyone of you did fine in your duties the last few weeks. I want all of you to take a couple days of rest. Then when you get back we must ready the ship for what ever it is to do next. Baxter out."

As Baxter made his way to the exit, he couldn't help but still be amazed at the things this ship could do. However, there was still that nagging feeling that something was not right with the time warp components. Enough of that now he wanted to get to the station to meet his angel.

The interior of the station was not at all what you would expect. As you entered the main docking bay of the first thing that greets you was the most interesting sight. An animated hologram is there to welcome you on board. It had about five minutes of information about the new visitors it told of the stations dos and don't s and the fact that the bridge was strictly off limits to all guests unless you were invited to go there.

All along, the walls you could find computer panels to aid the guest if they found themselves lost very much the same system as on the ship. Baxter thought to him self.

"Commander Baxter?" a subtle spoken rather young nervous voice got my attention. "Yes." a

"I am private Smith, sir" the young privet snapped to attention, buttons shinnying in the corridor lights. Every hair was in place and just the proper length and he had the regulation smile.

"O, my dear private I see they got to you as well."


"Never mind it's too late any way.

"Yes sir, any way I was sent to escort you to the bride sir." Young mr.Smith turned sharply on his heels and started in the other direction then stopped when he noticed that his charge was not moving as requested.

"Sit if you will please follow me the others are waiting as we speak." Baxter hurriedly took a few steps to catch up with his guide.

"Can you tell me what this is all about? After all, I had." Smith abruptly cut Baxter off in mid sentence and just for a moment slowed his pace.

"You had better ask them that for your self sir."

© Copyright 2013 rickyg (rickyg at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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