Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1938567-Bargain-Price---A-PC-For-A-Kiss
Rated: GC · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1938567
Something a little spicy for Round 14 of the "Tales of Seduction" contest.

“Could I speak to Peter Blake?” a cold voice said as I answered the phone.

“You are,” I replied.

“Yes, Mr Blake, this is Sally Perkins from the church.”

Sally Perkins. My arch-nemesis—to my mind, a sanctimonious little bitch. Sally and I had irritated each other since primary school. Her father, pastor of an evangelical church, had brought her up strictly. She had few friends, attaching herself to me almost as a protector, although she never ceased to parrot her parents’ beliefs.

“Yes, our computer is playing up; you need to look at it.”

‘Oh great,’ internal frustration boiled. I had told them time and again it was on its last legs, but they ignored me. Just, ‘Peter, can you fix this, please? God bless you’; and all I did get was blessings! I knew what would happen—she’d try to convert me. Again!

After being a young tearaway, computers sank their teeth into me in my teens and I developed some useful skills. But in a moment of weakness, I agreed to look after the church’s ageing and temperamental computer.

Sighing, I visited the pastor’s house. Sally answered, and I saw how much she had changed, now tall and slim with waist length brown hair, bright blue eyes and a nicely proportioned figure. Looking at Sally gave me a great deal of pleasure; listening to her didn’t!

“Thank you for coming, Mr Blake,” she started, ice in her voice.

“Sally, for god’s sake, we’ve known each other for twenty years. Surely you can call me Peter.”

“Please don’t blaspheme, Mr Blake,” the ice solidified. “My parents are at a convocation, and I must take responsibility.”

“Okay, have it your way; let’s have a look at this antique.” I quickly realised the machine had crashed and I told her, “Sorry but the motherboard’s fu… um, fried. Can’t be fixed. I won’t go into detail, but to replace the motherboard would mean expensive modifications. And this heap of junk just isn’t worth it.”

A hint of panic showed in Sally’s blue eyes. “But we need a computer for church records.”

“Look, I could probably source a new box for around $500.”

Now she looked really worried. “Peter, you must be able to do something—please?” The barriers started to melt away.

Suddenly, I saw Sally Perkins, my lifelong pest, as something else. Recently, with studies and business taking up 25 hours a day, I hadn’t seen much of her. Now Sally had burst from the chrysalis of an unattractive grub into a lovely young woman.

“Hmm, well, I’ve got a reconditioned PC I could let you have, but it won’t come free.”

“Okay Peter, name your price,” she replied with a hint of concern in her voice.

A devil entered my soul. “It will cost you, personally, Sally Perkins—one kiss.”

Her face went from concern to amazement to anger. “You must be joking, Mr Blake. I certainly won’t kiss you.”

“Then kiss your computer goodbye,”

“You devil. That’s blackmail.”

“Catchy word for it, Sally; take it or leave it.”

“I … I can’t. Kissing is an invitation to fornication and I certainly won’t be part of that.”

“Fornication?” I shouted, and then a penny dropped. “Tell me, Sally, honestly—has a guy ever kissed you?”

“Of course.”

“Okay, tell me about it.”

Sally blushed. “Jacob Lomax kissed me under the mistletoe last Christmas.”

“Lomax? You have a lousy taste in men; he’s a creep and always has been.”

“Mr Blake, please don’t talk about Jacob like that; I am betrothed to him.”

“Oh this gets better and better. Did you enjoy kissing him?

Sally hesitated and blushed again. “No,” she whispered. “He poked his tongue in my mouth; and anyway he had bad breath.”

“And you’re going to marry this weirdo? Tell me honestly, Sally; do you love him?”

Sally looked troubled. “No,” she whispered, “but love will come between husband and wife if they live a pure and holy life.”

“Do you really believe that, Sally? You’re a smart, gorgeous young woman with your life ahead of you. You can do whatever you set your mind to, yet you tie yourself to someone like Jacob Lomax?”

“But …” she hesitated, “I don’t know. My parents always pointed me towards becoming the wife of a member of the congregation. But …”

“Sally, do you believe the eyes are windows of the soul?” She nodded. “Okay, I want you to sit in front of me and then, for five minutes, I want you to look deep into my eyes; don’t say a word but open yourself to me. I will do the same to you. Contrary to our history, Sally, I don’t want you to make a mistake that night ruin your life.”

She agreed and we began. I knew this involved me opening myself to Sally, and I hoped she would do likewise. It worked; after about four minutes, I saw a tear trickling down her face; when five minutes were up, her tears flowed freely.

Sally looked at me, desolation written across her face. “Oh Peter, what am I going to do? Please help me.”

“This might sound as if I’m taking advantage of you, Sally, but … come here and kiss me. I promise not to stick my tongue down your throat.”

With a watery smile, she touched her lips to mine, so gently I hardly felt them. I responded with a little more pressure, feeling the softness of her lips, the warmth of her sweet breath and the light perfume of her hair. I ran the tip of my tongue across her closed lips, being rewarded with a sigh and her mouth opening a fraction.

I stopped and looked deeply into her eyes. “Was that so bad?” I asked. “Was that an invitation to fornication?”

She laughed. “Do it again and we’ll see.”

This time Sally held my head, stroking her tongue across my lips, an open invitation to go further. I pushed a little way into her mouth, to be met with her tongue wanting to wrestle. I held her close and caressed her hair, then broke the kiss, nibbling down her neck and causing her to squeak when I gently bit an ear lobe.

“Peter, what are you doing to me? I’ve never felt this way before; it’s so … so … different. Please, do it some more.”

I kissed her again, this time an open mouthed kiss seemingly lasting forever.

She gasped as we broke, then gasped again as I ran my hands up under her breasts.

“Peter, I’m scared; we’re moving so fast.”

“Sally, all you have to do is say ‘No’ and I give you my solemn promise I will stop.”

She replied by throwing herself at me, kissing me across my face and murmuring soft words of encouragement and excitement. I stroked across the soft silk of her blouse and could feel her nipples hardening under her bra. At the risk of being accused of fornication, I opened three buttons and insinuated my hand into the soft warmth of her breast and firm anticipation of her nipple.

Sally gasped and moaned as I stroked and squeezed her, then suddenly, abandoning all restraint, she tore off her blouse and bra and held my head in her hands. “Please, Peter, please kiss my … my tits. Bite my nipples, make me scream. Oh god, I know I am so wanton, but you make me feel so good.”

I didn’t need to be asked twice and kissed and nibbled over her flushed and sensitive breasts. This had the desired effect; she writhed and moaned in my arms, making incoherent sounds of passion and lust.

Suddenly, she went rigid in my arms, giving a cry somewhere between a scream and a moan as she reached what must have been her very first orgasm. I held her until she recovered, looking at me in wonder and elation.

“Peter, what just happened? I … I don’t … I’ve never …”

“Have you never had an orgasm before, even by your own hands?”

“Daddy says masturbation is sinful and I shouldn’t touch myself. But he’s denied me something beautiful, and I want more, lots more.”

“Hmm, I seem to have uncovered a suppressed sexpot. Are you sure you want to take the next step?”

“Are you talking about fornication, you dreadful man?”

“And if I am?”

“Then take me to bed and love me, please Peter.”

We moved to her bedroom and I undressed as her clothes fell to the floor, her body trembling in anticipation. My hands swept over the silky warmth of her skin, causing her to mewl in pleasure. I picked her up in my arms and almost reverently, laid her on her bed.

Sally gasped as she caught sight of my extreme arousal.

“Oh my, is that monster supposed to go inside me,” she whimpered.

“If we take it slowly and easily there shouldn’t be a problem, but as you’re a virgin, it might be a bit painful first time. Let me help you,” I said, kissing my way down to her firm nipples. Sally squealed as I bit gently into them; wrapping her hands round my head, pulling me to her and demanding more. Her breathing became ragged, and she seemed headed for another orgasm. The devil re-entered my soul; I wanted to drive her harder, higher, further, so I stopped exploring her firm, sensitive breasts.

“Aargh, you beast, why did you stop?” she demanded.

I laughed, and just then, an angel displaced the devil in my soul as I took a condom from my wallet. Completely unexpectedly, Sally slapped it out of my hand; maybe the devil had migrated to her soul.

“No, I don’t care. I want to feel you in me, and we can worry about the consequences later.” Risky, but, suddenly I didn’t care either.

Laying next to her, I kissed the soft fur of her pussy and worked my tongue into her hot centre. Moving upwards, I discovered her clitoris anxiously awaiting the opportunity to reveal itself, and I kissed and nibbled it.

Sally’s ecstatic response took me by surprise. Her pleas for me to take her and give her another orgasm were mixed with incoherent moans and sobs of delight and her body shook, trembling with desire.

By now she was obviously ready to accept me into her hot, moist centre. I moved upwards between her legs, poising myself at her entrance. “Please, Peter, do it now. Make love to me,” she cried, and I granted her wish.

I slowly slid into her hot, welcoming tunnel. Tight but fully lubricated, just a short, sharp discomfort caused Sally to gasp, but I stayed unmoving in her until she begged me to fill her.

We joined in an intensely beautiful experience as Sally’s whimpers turned to wails of joy. Her body convulsed in a huge, noisy orgasm and she clung to me as if she never wanted to let go. I followed shortly after, howling my delight and holding her close.

As we recovered from the heights of ecstasy, I looked deep into Sally’s eyes. “Oh Peter, I’ve never … that was the first … I hadn’t even begun to realise …”

I stopped her the best way I knew, with a full wet kiss, returned with great enthusiasm. “Okay, Sally Perkins, what happens now?”

“Well, Peter Blake, you owe me at least one computer.” After she stopped giggling, she looked at me and blushed. “Peter, you probably won’t believe this, but I’ve had the hots for you as long as I can remember.”

“Well, all I can say is, you’ve had a funny way of showing it.”

“Mmm, but I desperately wanted to convert you, and when you showed no interest, I accepted twentieth best and allowed myself to be betrothed to the Lomax creature.”

“And now?”

“Well, I guess you’ve converted me!”

Angel and devil both cheered.

(1994 words, including title)
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