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Lyrical Novelty Heavily steeped Spiritual |
Sirius and the Seven Sisters Lucent ... Movements declare purpose, and verity must be a seductive dance: perfumes find the ephemeral dew; also flattery drips from the dazzling tips of my cusps. The Pleiades flung their veils from the cosmos as their skirts also unfurled and flew, themselves, to flout; hence, appears bedazzlement's concussive rain: their fruits upon us; now, the substance of our monuments, we build them to our own blunders. Cataclysm's borne wealth, and in their nakedness: They're lain shameless and naked: just only, quivering but to us, they shimmer pristine again once in the aftermath. Here are the imports of proof of the true estates, whereupon each one's life lies flung by the way; to every wanton scrutiny of every providential eye is their sport: One thousand growling jackal-bitches borne heaven's smirking queen; and my very sustenance now rests teetering, a spectacle upon the points of their cuspids. They knew, I could never let go: I knew, I couldn't hold on; but as every wing'ed notion takes to flight, and just as morning's dew flees the scourge of sun light, so also, the notions that: "We, are all created equal." but, and in all testaments' of the aftermath: We weren't. -------------------- Two Came Walking Hard feet came walking, in the factual twigs of reason, dry and among the flinty stones there strewn throughout our peculiar dis-pleasures. We covered every bloody wager, our every enterprise with compromise; but willingly we now lament our pieces back we've traded. Nair a child, left to hope, neither sought we truth. Lift your eyes by wing'ed ambition to the slopes, sew in these havens for brawn to our cross in such slights. There she leaps, from beyond our expanses. Consider all folly, and follow. Also eat, gather all, and eat of all that is firstly unknown, beloved not of glory, I falter and am faint, I'm kneaded without but there's bread in the dust of our shadows, wiles from the flint's spilled as fountains far spent while others would splash in like tones. Cast me not, O G-d, beneath juvenile thrusts of the wine and it's busks against ordinance there stood we defiant, reach in our stakes as always before: our hearts slipped on the ice as it melted from our grasps then dripped from our own trembling hands. Certainly, this is ours, now and laboriously we seek our own souls, even as we've given it all, winks and nods turned to the cracklings above us, upon us and on our backs went their lyrics in lashes. Lash us instead to celestial steeds of travail, and we'll stride O'ar the vastness. We've let us, traverse, to trespass where the Great Ones abide. So now: We've entered through their blinking eyes, and : "Two, Walk In This Way!" ---------------------- To and Fro And, to involve myself in the agreement, so too, I went in: In, I went. I saw the Great ones, the Holy ones, the Watchers and Giants, also, the Beauties that dwell among them, and too, to inhabit them. So given, are our days to platitudes; but, envy, provokes to much trading, and trading provokes to much compromise. We've our substance to find in the curs'ed ground, from which we are borrowed but I'm fainted and impoverished by covetousness, I want for the substance in yours... O, my indwelling paradox and vestige that I so cherish, even unto hatred, unto nakedness: I seek a cover in the dust, until I am gone over backwards and the righteous are become undone. ------------------------ To and Fro Make my balance without equal. Return to me your beautiful singers; for this sake, your voice also reappears. Lay hold of my hearing. I am begotten among your words' music, as, it is become deep drinking, living jewels, and angel's ponder. Could there be another beside you? O spindling strobes, at strumming abyss and my dulcet bites a dusky staccato, although I've partaken of vulgarity's fact; I will never divide my portion apart, I've perfection or nothing forever. For every all lies replete and within grasp, and the sweep of mine eye. I'm searching for you. So the trades have begun, and the stakes now become things eternal and just as the Great ones know these sweet tastes: We too shall swill their secret delights and swallow them all. So quickly we're drunken by their luster; and yet shall we live in this greatness, we gather such clusters, to our every hunger. ------------------------ To and Fro O chariot sweet, how pure is your strength forth coming and conquered. I bring my fullness to cast as I cling upon your continual passage. I forbid mine eye to lightly incline this lightning's portents that fly from your thunderous approach. Timorousness rattles my bones to the marrow, a bell, with a mallet is wrongly struck and a dove is hatched in the serpent's brood. My struggle is to seizure by sight, by grant but a strike in this glance and brilliant holds are set to flight, wielding the sabers that search out their nights though to flash, so you list, also upon my soul. There too I've been cast, in a great bowl of mixing; with the lives of their multitudes given to your host, passing in and out of mine eyes. And there hide also our Lions, among these, your multitudes, and I find you dwelling in the midst of their pride. Behold, your hand is in my sweet water; you've bathed in their very depths of and drank from my well. And the love that surrounds you, is mine! With your palaces more beautiful, by appearance you've risen to scorn, the Northern Slopes. You've taken control of mine eyes like the glistening thief. You've bound me again, of my own strength! When we were but children, we drank sweet milk, in these gardens, but you grew whole from among their Lilies'; now, O most Belov'ed, desire belongs to you, and you cast it over me, like, some great net. --------------------------- To and Fro Find me not, in some approach to inordinate bounds but come out, so then I'm arrived. Come out, meet me there when also I'm taken away by these sights in your escort: a strange and beauty-swept whirlwind twirls the sprawling trance above, as our footprints on the panoramas testify , we assailed this vast wilderness, but by situate caravan currents, transient slow and silent sedans lain in them sweet, clinched we're sweetly taken both from and into the sea. As evenings so certainly present and angels' lavished incantations: I would not, but turn again to shun another: every one. A seductive chant's appeal, somehow finds me less, but when the incantations fall, and fall upon me, then I'm so inclined, but would go to them never alone, nor ever let us to part. O Come out quickly: My Banquet. This elusive moon might only assume to rise in your presence and so your sweetness comes also up, and up, and up in you; like, clusters of raisins and like, cakes lain twice in their honey. Our comforts swept like young doves that flail unto heft, unto heaven. O Come out, come out, young shepherdess. Lead your tender flocks to pasture, I see lambs fraught and flourish. I'm lain in these tents to quench me down, down to sleep. My confessions are hidden things: They whisper you in soft pallets. ___________________ O Luce, To the Midst: Maia Is there a burden more desirous? O Lady: as lights here sparkle upon these waters, so also is beauty fractured at it's own occurrence, to such glistening dances, and spectacle that lights forever upon your face. I stand before the new day, for which I have longed: Awakening, both bewildered and captured. As a great beast, I am muted at your loveliness: A sailor, thrown away; away from the safety of his own vessel, and now my only desire is to be cast 'neath these waves to the very depths! I reach up to you and drown: O you splendid lady! Mine eyes are become such lions, in relentless panics' of hunger, seeking to devour in your mountains as you dwell. I see laurels and garlands upon your head. Your neck, is sweet honey and cream. As two live in one: ventured too, are my tendered hopes here flung, to the impetuous winds; now I live only, for the storm's return. ---------------------------------- The New Day I appeal to the house of Awakening. I implore a manifestation of our own in refrains, the abundant coming unto your splendid array. Send forth your beasts laden with every summer-fruit, to yield them up: Every all ! From downward, comes your steadfast stroke of gladness. In perpetual beginnings you've reached into the Earth, and you've taken all my delicate stones; for, your delights are sweet in your midst. You among all, who've looked for youth, and you've found these sweet waters in the founts of this beautiful concourse. Renew O sweet morning's' dew at first light's leading forth from sleepy depths. Awaken me, to behold, your light laying hold of the sky, as it also climbs beyond the horizons. I take sureness, from the vastness. Your calling spans every darkness, as they also fade away. Suffer me not to slumbering linger; but, separate me gently unto attachment to your calling toils. In your desire lies my very servitude; only by your face do such heights arise! --------------------------------- O luxe, From the Midst: Electra As to a child, alone in the darkness, so hearkens: Also, I listen to the vanished descant of your call both from and to eternity ... A glistening message reoccurs to me, to again twinkle in my lifts and lifted eyes. To whom have you spoken? And how do you so prevail to the Archer? Shot like an arrow, is my face straightened only and desire is the fury of my course; in the which, I am fastened by thirsts from these desserts of mortal servitude, but unto you splash the careless divinities and I lie down at your fountain. Can any man plead with a diving arrow, to turn aside, or reconsider? I slept in the quiver, then, The Bow-man, was aroused from afar by the sweetness's of your cunning. He reels to and fro: Drunken, by the fragrance of your oils and spices; but he's never loosened of the grip of his eye, nor the acuity of his sight: Only, your bosom to swim and satisfy. The Messenger, The Servant: The Arrow--released! ---------------------------------- Northern Slopes And, I went in. I found the mountains and saw them roll like waves in the Winter sea, the snowy flashes from their midst, much, and the chilling sight lifts also the frigid eye of the "Eagle-faced" entity, to approach the absolutes thus of all Might. Snow covered, secrets inhabit their vastness of frozen bloods, authorities' line and ploy to commit all men to every plight. Reckoned, their visions guide calculate design and swiftly honing their grasps by slight their heightened eyes of relentless hunger to the purpose of only conceiving more, and more power. They lift arrows to the winds and so harken me also, mine lonely and sleepy eyes see them streaked. Hearken, hearken you all to the Arrow and bite! O palaces white, your foundations are lain, cast as the fallen ones, fallen like snow, formed in their crystals. Truths lay purposes to be both served and obeyed, by the doing thereof. And we come to understand, to lift higher still our own eyes: we bend, bow and kneel. Dominions here given, before the flames devour the cities, crackling beneath men, that sought warmth in this blaze. O can those fires be never satisfied? Captivity, always secures: O baker, O butler, O Chariot sweet, just at tranquility's image, they're also enraged. Be not deceived: "The first will be last: and the last will be first!" O Beastly image, we beheld your devoured mirages that are now only shadows. The temporal hand's breadth is lost, even now and forever: only, feeding your flames! ----------------------------------- To and Fro From beyond the adders fangs, in deed, are we set upon our journeys and strengthening in the way. O malicious twisting, how quickly you climb to the heights of permeation with your companions appearing by ranks. In circle and steal steadfast stealing eyes to swallow features of color from the fading face; as the hollowing besets, numbness and stiffening now embrace this, our vintage fermentation. The serpent lying open, openly: behold, a shameful thing. Watch you, these mountains that roll like waves in the sea, too bow themselves down, to cast off their crowns, at the feet of their king. Gather in O shining cities: All be adorned in white, and kiss the cold betrothal there striving in the heights: Five foolish virgins early arrival. This mystery belongs to me and, I light it like a candle. ----------------------------------- To and Fro The causes are also witness: Beatify whosoever be driven to wound and to war and to ... but, cannot relent. Fury steadfastly twists in my bones, and it binds me to conquering only, to conquest, of any or all. My existence, lies in the grasping, of ... that, within mine eye exists. Behold, I am cast amid the Norse : men' stricken like catapults, the trumpet's romance, and the unbound strength of the onslaught and charge. With great power at rage's lash. Mercy, there Mercy is driven away. Cravings unto slaughter now fills this violence in torrents over but against, my stiffening, numbness and hiss there twisting in a gristly thew: my theurgic lusts' in menses-cataclysmic sway. Consummate castings before me, rolls forth a blaze like a wheel, and calls to all desperately ravenous beasts in it's wakes: "Come forth!", to those vicious and frenzied who, are purposed to decimate and now come to play. By this continual stroke, thrust raging through and through our midst, even our pathways lie ravaged and destroyed; but, I cannot relent! O straight and narrow: grasp now the broad avenue without bounds. The Mystery, is mine, and my hunger is even greater than these entries or measures. O purpose of greatness, O greatness of need, your multitudes travel the breadth and the length, but they, by pillage and gleaning survive. What help comes by ways, the providence yields, to bounties of desperate gatherings: for, "daily bread," once eaten, tomorrow abides in promise alone, that: "Yesterday's hunger, was thus satisfied." ------------------------------------ O Luce, To the Midst: Alcyone I went up, and stood in the great mountain. I saw the richness of the sides and slopes to the North; as they appear like Great Kings, marching out! There, I lay myself down and became upwards: A beautiful fortress filled with strength: A palace of refuge with merchants who trade glory and dominion for splendor and majesty; all was absolute and full in it's loveliness ... Great kings in the Earth, looked with amazement and desired to climb to these heights! Yet only I stood: "A Glistening City," to behold. In the heights of my elevations, I manifested great towers for to cast mine toward sights: an hhh'asperate expense, an expansive exigent, immanent juncture, and beauty in such longitudes; at creation's very worked imbrication: Occident, length and breadth. As I then turned to taste in the East and Southwards' there was come unto me--a fragrance, of oil and of spices'; and, they spake unto me : "Come Home." I was become desire, but only desirous, and that twisted the situate wisps into my sinews, and the excellency beneath my great strengths; and together with their twisting, flung me down into desolate voids. Cast down empty! By Love,: Your enchantments: I'm ensnared, drunken, always deeper and helpless to escape. I am overwhelmed by some mighty armada. I am a merchant-vessel , filled with pure gold, and am again a seed, sunken in the midst of the highest high seas. I can see nothing, but You! I wait beneath your frolic, drowning ever deeper and always. --------------------------------- The Void And, I went in, And found The Gardens, at their edges I see The Great Ones standing as the light approaches and the darkness is fled away, cast down to Earth; where also the shadows go hissing past and whisper frightful things upward from the ground; but follow always, as they've agreed, unto this sway. Look down, O faithful darkened one of Summers' heat, where blindness sleeps in ignorance as day looms--the fierceness and justice--almost awake! Night-time's shards of dryness covered strength by an empathic dance to emphatic impishness! Dusty wells wrestle with stolen feelings as their scent is taken. Hunters pause their prowling' to the South ... Hidden Kings, now cover claws; Mother-fire's child still, is cloven loyal. Vows the "Lion-faced" entity to a faithful pride and sleepy heart. ---------------------------------- To and Fro Behold: You are hidden in the ground and covered by the dust. Now and then I see redness appear in you, as your rivers sometimes turn to blood but the darkness of night has always been your protection in the flames. You've entered consummation. You know the scent, your pathway, through the very depths as blackness careens in the darkness. You drank where the rich man could not cool the very tips of his tongue. Look down, O Empathic, as you live between dancing and wrestling; O loyal prowler in the darkness: You are only faithful: hunter of and killer to those desperately wicked ones: O Scorch'ed Man! --------------------------------- To and Fro Now from the midst: whence comes the occupation of my desire; and, the cause of my struggle in hypocrisy. I also grapple here but attain a slumbering victory. O, be-laborious wrestling: are men even thorns or rushes in the dust? Why, why did you come here? I beseech thee fire, again, just to see consumption. You own the writhing dwellings of pain, and you are be-taken in your abodes'. As you strive to attain and strangle now: so too, shall you feast when your own flesh, you feed to these flames! O how I've made myself blind and unable to return: My way is lost to my sight, my groping in desperation's found one who is me; only, at the solid bottoms of the sea. The breath of my life lies in the Heavens but I'm also here, in you, and of yours! And beneath these darkened waves I'm thrust again to the deeps'-- I hear you ... sung unto your surroundings, sweetly and stilled. I search, in this stillness. I search for your heart's concerning twirls among these winds and tangles, and there's only: Entelechy! ---------------------------------- To and Fro I touched at your village's sedans and virtue met with me; but On the coast-lands we will be equal. Love lies between your heights and my depths and as the agreement stands to cast down every wall: that veil prohibits our entering in. I stood for you, I watched for you; like, multitudes in their arrival, like, as Beauty, from the wilderness; as, Sweetness from the sea. My true love travels amid dreams, and assimilates time to our affections, and to our commitments. O my imminent, my perfect balance and boundary--I haven't any need, beyond your lavish incantations ... as you both exceed antithesis to blurry infinitude, and to compass my limitations as children's' play things. The promises, I commit to you are desired of me mine. I've received you to my keep: and you give to mine increase, that we might also receive in the abundances. I'm established in you ... and you're understood-- in me. So ask, Who shall ascend? It is you, and is I. Behold enlightenment, and the heavens are not beyond our limitations. We are thereby of ourselves free in every deed; and I have the keys: "Thou, Most Beloved!" ------------------------------------ O Luxe, From the Midst: Merope Listen, my love! Listen and watch: I shall neither know yet, another emptiness, nor bed this foil bereft, nor let it be wed to me-- I wept: "Lost, is mine ever for I'm only lost to mine only bride ..." But through my tears, I saw the blazing images of our consummation: and there I cast my heart into the flames! Our couch, I've fold'n the clasps of pure white sands, upon the coastal pleats of Africa: only there to lay you ever down in the skin of Lions', also traced in lamb's fleece and just are the soles of your every movement and feet. Rest your head in my hand; I've thrown my inebriates O'ar, as an avalanche from the mount. I'm sweetly vexed by the rumblings beneath: I'm plummeted into your artesian eponymous, through the treacherous slips in your eyes'. Train me: I've slipped in the curvy paradigms, off your shoulders 'round your thew and thighs, both quickly--slough/quick, both-- and slowly so. Taboo: The Moon rises, so too betray 'neath shimmers drape, the maidens of the sea, they roll, and bow themselves down-- to bathe us flickery kissed, and licitly licked upon by their waves, at our feet and continually. Swirls this warm night breeze's caress, also, and play the vanquish Africans' left of found lovers, singing softly, each unto an other, in the sweet distance: as our close and greatest lover's paradox in proof: Both, cleft in exists in stints; yet clinched in love tossed and tresses ever, in every moment's screaming exigence. Hush, hush. I'm ever so drunken so, in you; and my breathing is rhythm in the throngs and throbs of those African drums; This night finds our feature, just in these flames, so surely choreographed is it forever: Our blazing whirling ethos' ballet: Our lover's driven reverence in revelry. ----------------------------------- To and Fro Open to me again is the passage inward, and here I was made, of knowledge, to receive this great grant of endeavors without failure; but through the midst of adverse journeys and their sway lay strangely worked things far beyond my abilities: but, through the hands of many: I've attended to my own attaining. So, my fruit is brought forth in the Garden called: "Others." Opened unto me again, is--my opening again, to the outwards and my casts--most of certainty and toward the returning waves, that began in the very depths of the seas. Opened unto me again is the entering into The Gardens, where great ones dwell and laugh aloud in gladness of reception; again, is unity dispersed through out the collected goodness and enlightenment ends in the beginning of sweet influences and touched too with their tendrils' every soul that's beloved. ----------------------------------- Inside And, I went in ... Finding inside all beginnings of the midst; so too, that we are also inside out. I saw the forms of mysteries and how to enter them and come to their beginnings, to order the cosmology of the firmament, the names and their numberings, numbers of sands, the measure of Seas; also, the dark and vast wakes--where we find and get again, the very dusts of our forms from the grave, from the "Thief in the night." O backward eyes, you in-looker I see your causes and thus behold your thinking. O wise with knowledge look through, and through understanding; establish me to behold us, where wisdom dwells: with the "Oxen Faced," entity. Nakedness and stillness are his strengths. Time, cannot lay hold on him; he's no ruddiness. Shameful blood, is not here in our face! Pearls are your seeds to all ways. Look around, O "Oxen Face": you mystic cow! Eastern wonder, fills those yellow sailors. Cover smokey, and jade-green vessel's' circumspect drifts--follow them unto Autumn's incense--tiny chimes and the tinkling bells ... Cover beautiful eyes, where loveliness rises and millions sleep in lonely walks; they're, falling through the midst of their weaving's mists and calling to mysteries. Enter unto the eyes of the Orient inward, and the Eastern "Mystic Cow". --------------------------------- To and Fro Now, from distant graves of the ancients, comes a yielded confession: That remnants illustrious of strength consume the bones wrought without honor. Your power lies in violent resorts. Murder, was in your passage ways to your children given to your redemption. Your posterity, you razed to the dust. Until their returning again delightfully filled of another child's place and a mother's' coveted hope now devoid of time and bereft of an only solace. In vanity, you disquiet the innocent, and defrauded them their mothers' hopeful bosom; without cause. You are the entrant, whoso enters rejection, through backward and entranced pursuits. Only trust beyond the grimace found horizons of the charm. Forsake the lingering sleeps. Ancestors will not profit those true children; all things eternal are out of time, out of blood, and away from "The Serpent." ----------------------------------- To and Fro And as for choosing communion: remembrance there, casts me unto the tender faces of youth, to behold: A youthful choice, their beautiful face; and, each tender spirit's prodigal embrace: revives a distant flower's fragrance, delicacies, that only drift, to their return and again their delightful tastes. Relents, the thief but a glimmer, and restaurateur sweetness of those, sweetly revealed and your depths are uncovered: A twinkling, to an hungered eye; laments recreated reveal, tomorrows glistening ornaments, and where they also lie. ------------------------------------ O Luce, To the Midst: Celaeno Hearken the Levant howls let to find you; for my existence is become a purposeless quest. I'm lost, in these wanderings. Will you light for me the way; would you make known to me, the paths, wherein, you've led me down to my snare? I followed your fragrance, as night follows day; and of lust, and of love in your offered incense: I did, and am too, become, and too, I've just floated away in these smokes. In the dryness of dusts, I vie, the impetuous thrusts, there and in them busked me hard toward harder bane's parchments of thirst. And of Lust's sweetest oily drip, drip, drips descant: Joyous vanity, vanity's fantasies vanish, followed and yet, in spite, in woe, in insanities clinched, I'm gripped by a beauteous frill: my ever aft, fleeting roe'ish/fe'line foe. Starved, I my flesh among the lepers, among the leprous hoards, gnashed, gnawed and still I'm thrashed at your prospect. Your specter yet fuels my hunger and your substance is never declined; but just ashes there, lie in wait. Still the enchantments, and who else has known of your loneliness? Emptiness, yours, is also become desirous. O would you have the lie? O, my pursuits, O, my deceitful matrimony: See only one man wrestling and yet, dose my only bride dance alone? And, behold: five virgins, yet six, that hear not the truth: Your true love and lover longs, ever ... Yours alone, devour mine every accounted desire, but vanities fill the nothingness with frilly spangles. I am bereft in the joy, fully nothing : that this haunts me beyond myself. ____________________ Transformations Waters falling beyond the mountain steeps, will not linger. O people, we of "That City," do not enter through a glistening or in the twinkling of our eyes. But we hold, monsters that linger in the seas and greatly devour those remnants who hesitate. Approaching "That City," distant, multitudes hope unto haste, twisting their struggles unto a serpentine seed, also them to separate. Strife, in the water: Travails from frozen slopes unto rushes wound upwards from the "Garden's" own womb, but at our very gates. O continual eastward stroke, seize the "Ox's Mystic Eye" and net cast over these Orients; led to this milk by "The Surreptitious Beasts." Lovely porcelain, jewels made jade and multitudes vast wherefore your beasts of the galaxies bloomed their foliage splendorous. The Heavens await. Awaken, awaken for here and only here, rises every day of my Sun. Sleep is not blindness! I know where your eyes twinkle and blink, when lesser lights rule, soft and still voices that we heard: stillness is found, and renewal awaits. Behold, the sweet milks of the snake, fruit of the depths: Enter, "The Gardens," at the bottoms of the seas. ---------------------------------- To and Fro To the Watchers: Predisposed, at the gate of entry, to abide ... Evenings' darkening fell into the Garden forests, and sleeping waters rose up into the beasts suspension. Music from beneath calls unto--voids : the thickening encroach; also, "The Virgins" are given milks of surrender and release from their confines of ordinances maternal feedings. Now, glittering sprinkles purple and blue among swirling currents, adrift--in silent transport ... At the coasts all vessels wait stilled, at moorings length and rocking sway they, their motions as rolling waves en-cradle. United to repletion, wholly, as trust involves peace and single tones' leading. "The vacancy," is now an invitation to nocturnal ushers' silent surmount, and as damsels yield to waiting voids effluence for their filling. Whence comes now, the time of journey's spending at the adverse gates of aberrations. "Watchers" know that latent and idle hisses carry past, and perish in their passing. Appearing Wisps gather victuals, night's spirits feed there, then vanish in the wakes, as the Virgin drifts further than the vessels yield--to depths of their journey and currents of colored fields. Hidden among the jewels and in glimmering display: A vessel vestige to adorn, there rolling among these darkened waves; in bosoms lend, to cradles sway. Then surrendering last of the virgin's daily melodies, and as sweet maternal ushers whispered through the gardens: "Trust the Watchers, at these gates, predisposed, to guide the way." ----------------------------------- To and Fro I found myself among their beautiful agreements, where the midst's' are firm, and sweeter yet. Come now upwards, from "The Depths," ... Jewels to see, our delights would be, O hear the calling, and come out for your cause. Yours is an alabaster box; and unbroken it bares the perfumes of every joyous paradigms delight, that remain yet: Unspoken, and not ours to feign. First light searches, brake they from O'ar "The Northern Slopes" and starkest horizons; then, does my only heart leap with vehemence of "The Lions," upon me, upon my chest to roar an hungered hunger of "The Seas." I just lost my breath! O emptiness, and a returning wrestler in the surf; returns the very dread of dawn, also every breaking wave does ardently preen the "Watching Father's" awns: as knowledge, wisdom and understandings fell there billowing, in their swarms. Tomorrow's palaces, I've visited, where you return again beauty--unspeakable. Royals are our servants! But for to sprinkle our seeds here and there and through out the cosmos and heavens, behold, "Their Cities," still glisten, and for your sweet music, I will always wait. And I wait for the sweet anointing in your oils, your ornaments only, in your hands; once and unto every all and only: A joyous fragrance, there's lightly to dance, to ploy, and come unto: And we live. We love, and in love fall. We fell, voluptuously and ever. Autumn's secrets softly cooed that: our whiten cryptic omens' brawl. ----------------------------------- O Luxe, From the Midst, Taygeta At the image of your foundlings, but, Oh, OOOh! I cannot ... What fashions your agreements so? How flourish these your immensities in such strength? And, of all brilliance: Who conferred them multiplied? We could never the inward lights to bare, but, you, I found greatly beloved, and come unto as it's both in and of the deeps where yet, you take me through their gates. I'm a'loft to flights O'ar, and beyond the nearest to the havens of these stars. And I have a home for you: in mine eyes. They are your affectionate lovers, children of darling's' all and that follow you continually. I bathe you always, in adoration. I adorn you with splendor. Tenderness's, are your many couches: sweet and very sweetly rest you upon these pillows: And rest. My desire is your perpetual servant, and here, I always wait. These many ways you might return to me. ----------------------------------- To and Fro How can the father sleep, as his virgin towers dash themselves to pieces upon the crags of the rocks, where horses cannot run, and children do not play? Can a man go to the sea and gather again, any, of those sweet perfumes, cast down from the steeps; from, the "Great and Northward Slopes?" Are the tears of the beholders made bitter with the salts, that also swallowed the seas? Your alabaster box lies yet unbroken, and love is in your only hand to once commit, the sweetness once and forever dashed. Cast not your pearls to every way. Shameful blood should never enter, and time cannot lay hold here upon such perfect wells. Replenish these gates and your waiting gardens. O beloved expectation, your breaking dawn turns unto your breach, and forthwith this birth is upon you, through violence of toil and travail; so, enter thou now into the stead fast stroke. ------------------------------------ The Inheritance of Acquisitions For ever are your dwellings sought, and among your givings dwells the greatness of your course. Your servitude has become both your deliverance and your hatred for these bonds ordained. Remember, O great wrestler, that your toward willingness's direct these fetters; and that too, upon you rides their weights and fights: either much, or none. You've made of yourself a trust-worthy vessel through which must enter these times of life, and your bloods, you'll receive again from my seas; but the choices of your hands, will be that mixture that's set before your own posterity. Wonderful agreements lie in the gardens, and are protected by "The Watchers," and you've been among them but you cannot at will enter in; until, you've returned your lots again to the seas. Can any man control it's waves and tides or will you walk among it's members? Are the trains of the moon become as your own influences, to appoint? Does freedom dwell in the stiffening or does life abide in numbness? ------------------------------------ To and Fro And, I went out, and found the places of all manifestation; again I saw the Great Mountains, The Giants, the Expanses and Horizons, also the extremities that entered through extravagant excesses. Even "Time," belongs to someone else, and so: Our days are yet given you, through them, and as out of their own midst, if they're so willing: each, with fruit, as times permit a passage. They're laden heavy and yield always to what desires so await, verily, to devour them. And as the rivers flow--we know that we drank from the well's of their beginnings; also, we cleansed us in the "Waters" of purity, but as we stand at it's edges and behold the continual passage that fills the cups of understanding and establishment: what has passed--is now the future; and what was coming--is now past. I am going to "The Sea," always, as agreed and again--to the past and "Gardens of Agreement:" there beautiful to the eyes, pleasing to the flesh; and soothing flatterers, to the pride; but all, are members of desire. ----------------------------------- Look Not West As rubies remain beneath the emerald land, springs the "Western Cloven" blind and desperate. Hues of the Oaks drawn hews of desperate men, to man's domain. The "Redness," in Earthen vessels covers it's own humans', that we whisper their truths, as blood cries upward, from their ground, unto Mercy's eyes: "Drink thou, from the face of Earth; only look not, upon my shame!" Shining through their rain: is a fractured light's agree: to bend into bows, that surround greening "Springs," from their wicket gates. Enter the Ire: The Irish of land and of blushing springs that turn over their wheels in-turning their shame: and to Ruddy "Man Faced" Entities. Turn again red, those cloven in flames, as ruddy men wrestle for dominion's, and stones resting high, in high places. High Castles: in all hallowed places: intends to remain! -------------------------------------- To and Fro My smitten child: Were your appointments to hurt, from the beginning? But by what abhorrent-wanderings, have you abetted your simplicity, to that which you cannot control: The behavior of another, or the behavior's' of your own. The well's to tender, dwells in the midst; and springs from hidden things beneath; but by fountains they flow and multiply. Lift your eyes higher still. Behold Lazerus, afar off, there, at your gate, he will be again; but he cannot cool even the tip of your tongue, as only your crumbs he desired. And as his desires came, so also did Lazerus come forth; but he was your test and only hope, to breaching here. Lazerus, was mine eyes. ------------------------------------ To and Fro You drank blood up from the Earth; and in this world alone you live, and thus you slay, the remnants renown. Now cast off the seeds of dead remains: where authorities situate their own, and ruthless Whores--there drink bloods up. Whores drunken only by their drinks: and in the bloods of every saint. The predisposition brought your rebellion in wrath unto rage, but drew that blood up in your face; and you bare it towards the "Northern Slopes!" With your left hand slung their Giant's smite, and rising to prevail, your seed proved mighty in this world. Separate your water's now from the seas. Abide the great afflictions all, that lie in the "Lands of Nod," but you kept their welling secrets, of mystery's dark domains. O blind man, hurt and hardened, be swift to shed blood; blood-stained feet upon these stones, with anguish gnashed yours there, but here upon the edges of our teeth. Gnash, O teeth, your rage for "Glory," a glaring fool, in wrath's array! The Earth, from whence you are formed, gives credence unto this order of strength, brute force comes also up from those oppressed. O forbidden bounds and Spirts' veiled: cross not here, to "Heaven's Gates!" O brazen ruddy man, Crying Shame, is Need's companion: Brandished upwards from your face. ------------------------------------ O luxe, To the Midst: Sterope Arise now my love to love, O you beautiful palace , I desire to stand before, and adorn your walls with children of these rubies and your crystals pure. I stand before you and perish! I stagger in your pathways; as I consider to approach you, your beauty mocks me there, to over flow me like a river of sweet wine! And, I am drunken so, and therein love with your floods. Having been washed by them: I desire to be drown therein--too, I'll be also drown ... I've walked down your streets, to visit your loveliness like unto a "Great City," and your passages cried out like "Lions," in pangs of hunger. Will you also enter in, to meet me there? I saw you turn, resplendent: I saw you turn to splendor; and as clear waters meet the sun and scatter it's sparkles: so their cloven of noon's light are shaped in "Great Bows," to set our flames abroad, that casts mine in amazement! So: I've seen, and I've seen you: my drunkenness, and therein, I've declared your delights to you, but still reeling, I await consummation. I'm famished. These are my only belongings, come to and from me, from the empty places, and your frilly haunts. ----------------------------------- To and Fro When renewal comes, and of proportion, I know that I am near to the purpose, and this, it's cause: So many faces adorn the passage walls; some, to involve, but, some to avoid. Residents' in-dwell, as tenants, some, to embrace--some to flee; some to embrace but culling their shame. City streets call out: Voices' from from the darkness, and the Wisps', of the takers creep out of their abodes, to answer every all. O empty vessels, your lots do flow like a river: down to your condemnation. So why do cast yourselves into the very midst thereof? The same voices call unto light, as, "The Serpents," laugh and recede. "That City," lies in your distance from and to all; and comparatively few be those, that find these gates. Many, will reach across to these riches' and die as thieves; but, some are still between us, who, dwell in the seas, that thrash and swiftly play to swim and frolic among these many waves: and again ... ------------------------------------ To and Fro And unto your benevolence, I make my request: for your keeping and for your vestiges in that day. I take unto myself, your questions in the cover; my head offered--uncovered. You, are more beloved than your past, and it's culminations, you will surpass: but, through transformation. I adduce: an imputation unto your totality, that supersedes your grasp. Only follow me as I go. Never will I lose the way: nor could I deliver my own soul--at your loss: but, You became a Lioness prowler, roaming Africa: O pride of hunters; O roaming pride, determinate slayer, and smite upon my heart. Behold, your palace awaits ... Lying pure upon that coast, naked is your habitation. Trust indeed is your strength; and time cannot lay hold upon that, to which, you've belonged. Shame does not lie in wait: but among the members of surrender at the gates of your grace: surpassed. ----------------------------------- To and Fro In the times of the beginnings, they were made: yet, as the agreements whereof, you were willing to be beholden by, I've cast my lot as well; and caused them to increase--throughout my members. When we joined in we became their consummate surety, and now permeated thereby, I behold: "Those Gardens," and "Their Greatness," and taken of that "Beauty," yours, unto in-dwelling them. I have looked unto them once again, and I am astounded! As I stand at their edges, my longing is to be in their midst; and surely, I would be persuaded to eat; what, until now I've only tasted. That same water, with which, I only cooled my tongue: caused a flood in this Earth! I dare not venture in, lest I be also consumed in their pursuits. How can those flames be satisfied? Your beauty is truly enchanting, and would surely lay me sleeping in the dusts. ----------------------------------- I Will Never Forget You! I've knit your continuation to mine own! As I live, and excel in all: So, excellence will devour your totality. As I live, and excel in all: So, I am affirmation, of your consummate, abounding mystery; to which, I'm imprisoned--for ever! Deep, hidden and beautiful things: upon them: I'm given to gazing transport, and beheld you in their very absolutes and among them there: As I live, and excel in all: So, my declared is, of passage, wholly at your feet. When you step, it will be unto eternal increase, and glory unbound; if you fall, it will be unto the very depths of love, and there filled to overflowing; and as you linger, it is in the desire of my heart and consummation, that's lain among the many withering boundaries that you've exceeded. All in all: Vast beauty is you dominion, filling all heights, and depths of your habitations' and your measure. Such, are your gifts of Holiness, and given through your servants' vessel as is: mine only toward desire. ------------------------------------ Beholding Seasons followed, their wants as they went: So they've come and gone. Be gone. Become eating eyes, true of hunger and power beheld; multiply seeing and see G-d's measure. Encompass there all ways--and go! Go unto, into all directions: Taste, Obey, and yourself there control all, all ways--thine. To all Children true and called! ------------------------------------ To and Fro Continual contention, aberrations multiplied, foliage of the cross tides'; an adverse breeze and sway, initiations at the gate and entry way: admission to all of whom, that are predisposed and strengthened yet to pay. Hence comes the times' of spending: a journey with provisions, where preparedness is the only staple, sustaining in that day. Watchers know the forthcoming breach unfolds that force the turmoils' yield and birth, to valor's tempering and absolute-perfection, necessary, to only enter in. Violent pride of excesses, lie miscarried where birth is an act; of surrendered will; and who forces himself into a world, for which, he's unfit, and unprepared to live? Born out of time, forced he, an entry : An Entry ... through rebellion in the womb, and there, died, upon his very presentation. ------------------------------------ To and Fro And thus measuring, the affluence by bounds or bonds of determinate purpose, and among these Nomadic compulsions' thrash, these: Perfected in the perpetual journey. These who've arrived, at the ulterior destination, which is only, the completion of this "Cycle." And finally, all things: Are finished, in the beginning: Behold, here is also the Beginning, in the Ending: and these are the "Two, that Walk in this Way!" |