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Vampire. Has son, special,born not madeangels want him dead. Only born vamp survived them |
(Opening-no dialogue)-(approx 100/150yrs ago) Opening on a cool night(light breeze-show with something blowing around lightly) with the moon bright and full in the sky, native animal/town sounds pan down a darkened street to the mouth of an alley, cobble-stoned streets. A rustling,soft sounds of scuffling feet. Pan down alley to a dark, cloaked figure, another scruffier man, his shirt front held firm by the dark figure, head bowed, drinking hungrily from his veins. The figure raises his head from his meal (show his bloody, feral face.) He looks into his terrified victims wide blue eye's, with a smirk and a swift movement he breaks his quarries neck and flings his corpse away to the side like an empty can with utter contempt of any respect for the being it previously belonged to .A sniff of the air, his animal like senses savour the smell of blood for a moment. Then he wipes the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand and strides from the alley. His very presence dominating his surroundings and he fears no reprisals, spares no thoughts on being found out. (present day) (loud music, messy house, remnants of party the night before) There are people lying about the room, passed out or aleep. The couch is occupied by a slim shirtless guy with short brown hair. He groans as he wakes up. Another guy gets up off the floor and races to the bathroom to throw up loudly. The shirtless guy sits up, rubbing his forehead and takes a sip from the bottle of bourbon on the floor next to him. "Taste as good coming back up Cris?" He yells to his vomiting friend laughing, then clutches his aching head. Benny, who was lying on another couch sits up suddenly and glances at the wall clock above him. "Oh shit, we gotta get to class Ayden." "Screw that" Ayden says and rolls over. Benny gets up and nudges him, "Seriously, won't your parents kick your ass if you fail?" "PARENT, that wankers not my dad" Ayden muttered back. "He's banging your mum, he's your dad" Tim interjected from across the room, laughing. Ayden throws a cushion in Tim's direction half-heartedly. "Shut the fuck up bitch." Cris walks through from the bathroom and into the kitchen, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. Benny shakes his head at Tim, "You're a dick. Well I'm goin to class seeya round." "Pff why the fuck does he care if you go to class? We're in college now what a tool" Tim mutters. "Shut up Tim," Ayden and Cris say together. (Night, empty undercover car park, fighting) "You'll never stop us Caiden, I would have thought Lucifer knew better than to enlist a half rate hybrid to do his dirty work" Gabriel side stepped lighty dodging Caiden's blade as it sliced gracefully through the air. Caiden stepped back quickly awaiting his opponents move. Gabriel used a simple longsword that paled in comparison to Caiden's magnificently crafted and cared for Katana. The same comparison could be made regarding their fighting styles. Gabriel was graceful and could dodge and weave with ease but failed to apply this to his sword technique. His thrusts were heavy, unbalanced. Caiden leaned away from an ill-timed thrust gracefully. "Not even close Gabe, your style is still as weak and predictable as always," Caiden taunted with a smirk as he struck out and nicked the side of Gabreils angellic face. Gabreil snarled, touching his cheek, blood (that smelled like the foulest substance a human can imagine to a vampire) trickled onto his fingers. "I wonder if your son will think so when I'm through with him" "Leave him out of this, he has no part in our world" Caiden snarled back fiercly, rage twisting his elf like features, his dark eye's burning. "I think you'll find he very much is a part of it" Gabriel smiled smugly as he took another lazy swing at Caiden. He wasn't even trying to hit him now, messing with him was much more fun. Gabriel's beautiful but feral face lit up, his sharp, pointed teeth showing in a fierce, mischivious smile. His eye's glistened in response to Caiden's fury. "But don't worry" Gabriel dodged as Caiden swung his blade, then flashed his smug, unnerving smile again. "He won't be for long." Caiden exploded with rage releasing a flurry of attacks with amazing speed, the average human eye wouldn't have even picked up the fact that he'd moved, one of the benifits of vampirism. Gabriel parried, dodged and side-stepped but Caiden was too good. He flung Gabriels sword away with a well placed flick of his katana which he then dropped as he lunged at Gabriel and grasped his throat with both hands. Gabriel struggled to no avail as Caiden lifted him off the ground and brought him closer so they were face to face, eye to eye. Caiden snarled through gritted teeth "What are you talking about? You go anywhere near him and I'll peel your skin from your bone's!" Gabriel, who'd stopped struggling, laughed heartily, (which made Caiden snarl as angel laughter hurts a vampires ears.) "Oh I won't, yet, I think Avery is already on his way to get the boy." "No!" Caiden's eye's narrowed at Gabriel, his jaw set. Avery(another angel) was the most sick, sadistic bastard Caiden had ever met and vampire's tend to meet a LOT of nasty people in there time. "Better hurry if you want to find him before Avery. Of course you could just waste time killing me and Avery will probably kill him. Hmm I don't for the life of me know why I sent HIM of all people to fetch the boy... Oh wait that's right that was the point." Gabriel teased even as he was being choked. Caiden cursed and squeezed harder feeling Gabriel's throat tense under his hands as he tried to crush it. A humans throat would have snapped like a twig with much less force but angel's were much tougher to kill. This would take too long and Caiden couldn't risk Avery getting to his son. He had to go now if he wanted to save him, even if it was a bluff he had to make sure Ayden was safe. Then he'd find out what Gabe ment about his involvement. "Fuck" Caiden growled and flung the feather-wieght angel aside. Gabriel laughed his tinkly angel laugh as he sailed through the air and landed soundlessly on the ground. It was a sweet but razor edged sound. One of the many too perfect feature's of angel's that left highly perceptive people with an uneasy niggling feeling in the back of thier minds and left weaker vampire's clutching at their ears in agony. Caiden turned on his heal and ran from the car park, kicking his sword up into the air, catching and sheathing it gracefully as he went. He ran at top speed through the city, faster than any car can move, to save his son. Ayden climbed quietly through the open window into the dark room. He stepped lightly onto the floor and crept forward, half crouched. Suddenly something hard smacked him in the side of the face and he went down. "TAKE THAT YOU..... Ayden?? Oh crap, sorry!"Kara crouched next to Ayden and helped him up dropping the cricket bat she'd hit him with. "Ow, you got a good a good swing" Ayden muttered rubbing his head. He got to his feet and kissed his girlfriend on the cheek. "What are you doing sneaking in my window?" Kara asked smiling. "How did you get up here anyway?" "I climbed the lattice" Ayden grinned sheepishly and sat on her bed with his arms raised toward her. She sat on his lap, resting her head on his shoulder and hugged him tightly. "That's sweet and kind of crazy" Kara laughed, kissing his neck softly. "You know me" Ayden said with a cheeky smile. "I missed you." "Me too" Kara replied snuggling into him. Ayden lay back on the bed pulling Kara with him and kissed the side of her neck gently tracing a soft line all the way to her lips. He kissed her softly. Ayden felt himself getting lost in the moment as they kissed, Kara had that affect on him a lot but he didn't care, he liked it. He wanted them to be 'lost in the moment' together. He'd liked her as soon as they met. There was just something about her that drew him to her, he could only interpret it as love now. He loved the smell of her long brown hair, her sweet nature and the way she alway's made him laugh when he was down. Ayden nibbled her ear gently, he knew he was probably pushing now it now but he wanted to share everything with this girl and so far there was at least one thing they hadn't shared. It turns out he was pushing it. He felt Kara's hands on his chest pushing him away lightly. He kissed her lighly on the lips, rolled over and groaned. Kara lay with her head on his chest looking up at him with a smile. "Sorry, I don't know how you do this to me, it should be illegal." He sighed with a smile. "But I love you anyway." "I should have known what you were after, sneaking in my window in the middle of the night." Kara teased giggling. She cuddled into Ayden who put his arms around her in response. "It would be nice but you're worth more than that, I can wait" Ayden said and kissed her on the forehead. "You're so sweet Ayden." Kara said smiling. "Hey you deserve to be treated like a queen, don't forget it." Ayden whispered. "You know we've almost been together for two years now" Kara said thoughtfully, yawning." Our anniversary's coming up soon." "Oh is it?" Ayden said as casually as he could. "I'd forgotten." "Hmm really?" Kara said sounding suspicious. "What are you up to?" "Nothing" Ayden said innocently. "Hmm" Kara yawned again. "I'm too tired to figure it out tonight so you're off the hook.. For now." Ayden laughed, "Ok fair enough, good night sweety" "Night Ayd" Ayden held Kara tightly as they settled down to get some sleep. Ayden felt his heart beating rapidly, his senses sharpened as he woke. He didn't open his eye's or move at first. His intuition screamed that something was wrong. His arms tightened instinctively around Kara. She was still there, sleeping peacefully, breathing softly in his ear. Ayden's head whipped to the left, he heard a soft footstep. His eye's snapped opened, he saw nothing. Then... movement over by Kara's roommates bed, a crack then a sickening gurgling sound. Ayden slid out from under Kara, who had been asleep with her head on his chest, she woke with a start. "Stay there Kar" Ayden whispered looking over to where the noise came from. As his eye's adjusted he made out a figure turning to face him. He leaned down slowly and picked up the bat Kara had hit him with earlier, then started across the room. "Who the fuck is that?" Ayden demanded gruffly. He wasn't afraid of a fight but he was scared Kara could get hurt. He'd do anything to protect her. When there was no reply Ayden spoke again, holding the bat ready. ""Tell me who the fuck you are or I'll knock you out prick." The sound that came from the figure next stung Ayden, grating, it felt like someone had stuck a knife in his ear and yet is was so sweet, so musical. A tinkly high-pitched piercing laugh. Ayden cried out in pain, wincing. Suddenly it stopped, he felt a rush of air as the thing sped past him, faster than anything he'd ever seen toward Kara. "NO!" Ayden lept at the dark figure dropping the bat, it fell to the floor with a thud. He missed. Kara's scream pierced the air. Suddenly the light flicked on, the figure turned with Kara in his arms. Then Ayden saw his face. At first he looked like an average man, about the same age as Ayden, maybe a little older with dark hair but there was an edge to his flawless features. Something that made him look feral, like an evil pixie gone wrong with a mouthful of pointed razor-like teeth. "Kara!" Ayden screamed as he saw the red patch forming the front of her shirt. In the man's hand was a blood covered dagger. He threw Kara onto the floor roughly and started toward Ayden. Ayden didn't know what to do, he felt rage building up inside himself... And fear. 'Kara's been stabbed', the words played over in his head, his mind raced along with his heart. Ayden's hands began to shake in anger and terror. He ignored his body and the dark haired man and raced to Kara's side. "Oh shit baby don't... Don't die" Ayden's words caught in his throat as he held back tears. He checked Kara's wound, it looked pretty bad but he wasn't a medic. He pulled his phone out of his jeans pocket to call an ambulance. Ayden felt a hand on his shoulder. As the intruder spun him round, the phone flew out of his hand. "She's going to die... So are you kid but I think I'll keep you alive long enough to watch her bleed to death. "The man giggled, his eye's sparkling with amusement. Ayden's eye twitched, the man's laughter irritated his ears. Once again he felt the anger building inside him. Now his whole body trembled with rage. He glared at the man. Ayden heard a gasp from behind him, again the intruder laughed. Ayden let out a deep, agonised, strangled growl as he lept at the man. Power and adrenalin surged through his body. His vision seemed to sharpen, as did the rest of his senses. He felt like he was high on something, only something more potent than any drug he'd ever heard of. He tore at the intruder punching, kicking. It seemed like he was moving so fast. As his anger ripped through him his teeth began to throb, his jaw and gums felt like they were on fire. The intruder looked shocked. He wasn't laughing anymore just dodging, ducking, diving, taking a hit, dodging again until Ayden flung himself at the man knocking him onto the floor . Before he knew what he'd done the figure lay motionless in his arms. A metallic taste burst into Ayden's mouth, he was suddenly so thirsty. He'd never felt such hunger in his life nor the kind of relief he felt as the blood flowed into his mouth, trickled down his throat. He felt like it was the first time he'd ever really tasted anything, the blood was all he could focus on. The smell filled his nostrils, made him wild, dizzy, excited. He drank hungrily for a few moments until he realised what he'd done. He'd bitten the guy, tore a chunk out of his throat! Though he still didn't even realise he'd spat out one of his k9 teeth after a fang had ripped through his gum and pushed it free. And all the while Kara lay dying but he was so hungry. 'I've fuckin lost it!' He thought through the haze in his mind. "Kara!?" Ayden ran to where she lay and scrambled to her side wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, smearing the blood across his face. Ayden didn't even see the other figure kneeling by her side until he spoke. "I stopped the bleeding as best I could." "W-who the fuck-" "She doesn't have much time, she'll die," "Fuck" Ayden picked Kara up gently speaking frantically through the tears streaming down his face. "Baby please don't... Don't die, you can't die, I'm sorry baby please-" "Put her down" Caiden spoke quietly, a hard edge to his voice. "What no I-" "She won't make it, he made sure of that. They can't save her" Caiden took a deep breath, exhaled sharply. "WH.. Shit what do i do?" Ayden cried. Caiden couldn't stand to hear the pain in his son's voice, "there's one way you can save her" his voice was barely a whisper. "Ayd.." Kara tried to speak, she lifted her hand toward his face as if to touch his cheek but her hand dropped again. The effort was too much. She was so pale, gasping. Her face twisted in pain. Ayden gently wiped a bit of blood from the corner of her mouth, he winced as the smell hit him. He felt hungry again but tried to ignore the feeling. "I'll do anything" Ayden said firmly looking up into the mans familiar looking face. If Ayden wasn't in such a state he would have realised it was because the mans face was so similar to his own. The same dark brown eye's and smooth angular elf like feature's. He was a bit taller than Ayden though, his hair was darker and his face had a hard look to it whereas Ayden's was usually bright, smiling. Not now though, his face was contorted, twisted in pain. "Please. Help her!" Ayden begged staring up at the man as he lay Kara gently on the bed. He checked her pulse, it was so weak. "You have to do it."Caiden said looking at down at Ayden who sat next to Kara holding her hand. Somehow Ayden knew what he ment, he felt strange but he knew what he had to do. He couldn't bring himself to think the words as he bowed his head and pressed his lips to Kara's neck in a gentle kiss. He felt her pulse, smelled her blood now too, such a strong, sweet smell. It smelled so much sweeter than the mans blood. His body responded automatically, the other fang pushed against his remaining k9 through fire that burned in his mouth, the pain intensified, ripped through his jaw as the k9 was pushed free by his new tooth, like the other had been. He turned, spat it out and then he pierced the skin on Kara's throat with them and began to drink from her viens. The blood that burst into his mouth and flowed down his throat this time was different, he moaned when the taste filled his mouth. It was intoxicating, sweet. It roused his senses much more than the man's blood had and almost drove him completely wild. He realised he had no idea what he was doing just as he felt a hand on his shoulder pulling. Ayden was still drinking, Kara held firmly in his arms, A low menacing growl escaped his throat, he was dizzy again. His mind was so hazy. 'What was I?..... mmm blood' Ayden barely felt his body being shook. Caiden grabbed the wild eyed, slightly crazed boy from behind and tried to pull him away. Ayden held on tightly, another low, gutteral growl ripped from deep in his throat. "Stop!" Caiden shouted still trying to pull him away. Ayden stopped dead letting go of Kara who had passed out by now and the two men fell backwards. "Oh right, why didn't I think of that before," Caiden muttered. "What?..I" Ayden shook his head, still dazed, he smelled her blood again and crawled back toward Kara. "Oh bugger this" Caiden grumbled leaping gracefully to his feet. He walked toward Kara grabbing Ayden's wrist and pulling him along the ground as he went. Caiden stopped near Kara and produced a dagger from somewhere within his trench coat. He dragged Ayden (who growled and swiped at him uselessly) closer to her and held up his wrist. Caiden made a small, deep cut with a quick slash and held Ayden's bleeding wrist over the stab wound in Kara's chest, letting the blood drip into the cut. Then he opened her mouth slightly and let some blood drip down her throat. Ayden watched alternately growling and shaking his head obviously trying to get a grip on himself, until he felt a blow to the back of the head. Everything went black. (Small kitchen, wooden table, misc items, surrounded by four mismatched chairs.) Caiden sits on one side of the table cleaning his katana. Ethan sits to his right nursing a cup of tea. "D-Do you really think it was wise to bring them here er.. I mean pulling the lad out of university when he's never even met.... ah-" Ethan fell silent under Caiden's hard, flat gaze. Caiden's lip curled up into a snarl. Ethan fidgeted with his tea. He took a sip, looking away nervously. "I was just saying" He muttered weakly under his breath. "Well don't" Caiden snapped."You weren't there! You didn't see his face... You didn't see him draining the life from his girlfriend's body after he saw her get stabbed!... He ripped Gabriels throat out Ethan! This is the only place for him right now. You know what can happen when a new vampire is left to go wild." "But I thought-" "You don't know how he'd feel if he'd been the one to kill her" Caiden snarled as he leapt up from his chair. He stormed from the room leaving his sword on the table. Ethan sighed and took another sip of tea. He was used to Caiden's temper by now, it came with the territory when you lived with a vampire. They had notorious tempers. That was something they'd had to monitor in Ayden over the years which was kind of difficult since Caiden had insisted they don't interfere in his life or be seen by the kid. He wanted his son to have a normal life and be protected from the world beyond human knowledge. Besides Ayden had never displayed any outward signs of vampirism, (he certainly had no problem when it came to sunlight) other than occasional bursts of rage. (Which had made for some horrific tantrums in his younger years.) Neither Ethan nor Caiden knew why but then there had never been another kid like Ayden as far as they knew. He was the first true born vampire, not a human with an 'infection' of sorts but an actual racial species in it's own right. He was the only one the angel's hadn't managed to kill before birth. (And vampire/human relations were not a common occurance anyway, even counted over the centuries since 'the great curse' in which the original vampire species was wiped out.) Usually the angel's just killed the mother and removed the child to make sure it could not survive but Caiden had protected his beloved Emily and their son. Though he'd done it from a distance. He'd done everything he could to get her to hate him though it tore his heart to pieces. He feared his own vampiric nature may cause him to hurt them one day. The only way he could stay away from her was to get her to tell him to. She was one month into the pregnancy when he'd left. So for the last twenty one years (and 8months) they had protected his family from afar though eventually Ethan had persuaded Caiden to send a trusted friend in to take over as he couldn't bear to see him deteriorating anymore. Until they'd sent Benny in when Ayden was fifteen, living with Caiden had been hell. (More so than usual.) Benny was twenty two (and will remain that age) but short enough to play the part of a teenager and smart enough to make himself appear to age, ect when necessary. Now it seemed that was all for nothing. Ayden had turned.. Well 'discovered' his true nature, discovered what he'd obviously alway's been, what had somehow remained dormant for twenty one years. Twenty one years of hunger that had all unleashed on one angel, who's blood would have poisoned any other vampire. Caiden had his own theory on why Ayden appeared human, had never shown his strength and speed or other abilities. He figured Ayden's mind had sub-consiously suppressed them, controlled his power to protect him and help him fit in. A survival method. Of course this theory was partially born from Caiden's own hatred of what he'd become but it made sense, human physcology still applies to vampire's. Because Ayden was a born vampire, a true vampire he was slightly different to his father, for one thing they already knew sunlight had no effect on him and he had an unusual aversion to religious symbols (like the stupid myth that crosses burn vampires, but they only seemed to give him a head ache.) Ayden was not quite what he was intended to be though as his father wasn't a true vampire and had passed the 'blood curse' down to him. Ayden was something new altogether. Now that he'd 'awoken' and was cursed they had no idea what to expect. The blood curse was created by god to spite and punish Lucifer and his beautiful vampires because he defied god. God created the world and various life forms so he and the angels could play games, (according to Caiden this is where a lot of greek mythology comes from, Ethan wasn't sure wether he believed this or not.) Soon they grew bored and restless so god decided to create more intelligent life forms and to give them free will to make the games more interesting, less predictable. Then god decided on a whim to extend this to his angels, curious as to the results of his new idea. God and his angels toyed with the humans, strung them along more and more elaborate, cruel plots, tortured them, starved them, made them turn on each other by creating many opposing religions. All the while Lucifer grew more restless and uncomfortable. He watched these creatures dying, saw and felt thier pain. He went to god one day with his concerns stating that they should be told the truth, be given honest choices but god just scoffed and sent him away. Lucifer could no longer bring himself to enjoy the games, now that he had his own free will and the shackles of his mind had been unlocked he grew to believe that god and the other angels were wrong. These 'game pieces' cried, they had feelings, this was wrong. Again he went to god but this time god grew angry, how dare Lucifer question his all knowing authority (Caiden called it his 'know it all' authority), and he bid Lucifer and all the angels to give up thier free will and bow to him like slaves without question. Lucifer also questioned this, asking why he must do this, why he must follow blindly and allow god to do such terrible things without reason or retribution for his sinful actions. God was furious and flew at the much smaller Lucifer in a terrible rage. He tore off Lucifer's wings, blood covered the cowering angel from head to toe. God shouted "Twice you have dared defy my authority! This you shall never forget!" God took horns from a goat and threw them angrily at Lucifer. They struck the angels head and there they remained as he cried out in pain. All the other angels taunted him calling him 'goat'. God had Lucifer thrown from Heaven into a vast firey cell below the earth, where some of his first, failed and usually icky life forms had been dumped and forgotten (demons) so the other angels would not dare defy him. There Lucifer lay alone, weak and broken for many years until finally a man appeared, walking toward him from the gloom. The horns that had wounded Lucifer remained in his head and had grown into his scalp, the blood that had now dried on his skin left it a dark crimson colour. He could tell by the fear he saw on the man's face that god had marred his once beautiful features with uglyness in his anger. The terrifed man stopped before him and stared as Lucifer sat up, now feeling much stronger from all his years of rest. "What is your crime?" Lucifer asked the man, his voice hoarse from lack of use. He had not seen a soul for 300 years apart from the various lower beings that always skittered around him (primordial demon life forms). "I-I-I simply stole a pig s-sir.. And I h-hung for it.... I-I drank too much... They say now that you go to..... Well...." The man stammered. "A-are you h-him?... The Devil? King of demons?" "Yes" Lucifer stood, his voice rising, glaring at the 'sky.' "If he be king of Angels, then let me be the king of Demons!" Lucifer took charge of hell from that day onwards and the man helped him in his work, trying to convert people. Lucifer wanted to help them. To Let them have and use their free will as they saw fit but he had little power to do so as they were god's creations. Lucifer had to first 'own' their souls before he could govern over and protect them from god's games. (Or have to have created them, thus 'owning' them, though not in the human understanding of the word) So Lucifer decided to create his own races, first came variations on the demons he saw around him in hell, then he created what humans call the were wolf. His first wolves were simply animals, carriers to infect humans and convert them. It didn't take Lucifer long to hone his skills. Then he created his most beautiful, graceful race. Known in human mythology as the elf. Gental, agile, musical creatures designed to be attractive to humans so they would intergrate well and breed with humans who's children would then be Lucifers charges. But god soon discovered what he was doing and was so furious he flooded the earth, killing almost every creature save two of each of his own creation whom he charged to a man named Noah. This only made Lucifer more determined in his work. He simply made more of his people. By now his elves held a special place in his heart and he sent them first. This made god even more furious and he placed terrible curses on all of Lucifers races. Knowing the elves were his pride and joy god spitefully cursed them first. They recieved the worst punishment, the blood curse, it's hunger and terrible temper. Cursed to live among humans, whom the elves had loved but never to be part of their society, never to be accepted by them again, cursed to feed on them. The new world became a horror filled nightmare as the remaining elves and wolves became feral, rampaging through the human settlements they now inhabited murdering and torturing all in their path until they were all eventually killed. The dead, humans, elves and wolves were buried. Humans went about their business rebuilding their lives.. But as the sun crept below the horizon, not all of their dead remained in their graves and thus the Vampire was born. Ayden woke with a start and sat bolt upright. He'd had a horrible dream. Someone was in Kara's room, she got stabbed then.... Then what happened? As Ayden looked around the unfamiliar room panic began to set in. The room was dark but he could see everything clearly as if he was wearing night-vision goggles. "Kara?" he choked... 'what's that smell' Ayden sniffed the air, it smelled so good, so sweet. He got up and followed it out the door. He was still worried about Kara but he just couldn't break away from the trail of whatever it was that smelled so good. He became aware of his aching jaw and his mouth watered. He was so hungry. He padded quietly down the dark, unknown hallway and reached a door. The smell was stronger here, it lead into the room. Ayden heard a soft thump, thump, thump. A steady but subtle rythym coming from inside the room. He grabbed the door knob, turned it slowly, pushed the door open quietly. His heart beating rapidly in time with the sound from inside the room. "FUCK!" Ayden jumped as he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned. "Get up for a midnight snack?" "Wha-.. W-who?" Ayden sniffed the air trying to ignore the intoxicating scent that made him light-headed. "You hungry?" Caiden said dryly raising an eyebrow. "Huh?" Ayden was confused, his mind was so foggy. That smell was so.. "We got a lot to talk about. You ain't going in there alone til we do." Caiden said with a sigh. "Who the fuck are you? Where am I? Where's Kara?" Ayden demanded. "Slow down. Your girl's.... Alive. She's asleep in there." Caiden motioned toward the door. "We gave her something for the pain so she'll be out for a while. Do you remember-" Ayden ignored him and bolted past through the door. He saw Kara sleeping in a small bed by the back wall and raced to her side. "Kara! Shit... You really scared me babe" Ayden held her hand and stroked her hair gently but as he leaned in to kiss her forehead he recoiled as the smell hit him. His head spun. "Don't worry, it will go away in a few days, when she's... Like us" Caiden spoke quietly, a sadness in his voice. Ayden hadn't even heard him walk over. "What are you.. Talking a.. About?" Ayden sounded woozy. He shook his head. "You probably shouldn't stay-" "I'm not leaving her alone. I don't even know you... Hey how come... Where are we?" Ayden narrowed his eye's suspiciously. "I was wondering how to break it to you.... I'm your father and that's not the worst of it." Caiden blurted, attempting to add a bit of humour but it didn't seem to go down well. Ayden stared at the man in front of him who couldn't be a day over twenty-five, if that. His face undeniably resembled Ayden's, even down to his lop sided smirk, angular features, slightly more pointed ears than normal and dark eye's. "Uh... There's mo-" Caiden was cut off by his sons fist as it connected with his jaw. Hard. Caiden shook his head, shocked. "Ok well I guess I might des- Hey!" Caiden's hand shot up and grabbed Ayden's fist as it came at his face a second time. He held it in place as Ayden tryed to pull back. "You got ONE" Caiden gritted his teeth as Ayden's other fist shot out. He leaned out of it's path. He sighed and whipped Ayden round by his arm, twisted it behind his back. Caiden held him there, applied a bit of pressure until Ayden whimpered in pain. "Hit me again and you'll end up right back here, got it?" Caiden commanded. He waited for Ayden to nod then let him go but Ayden turned and swung again so Caiden tripped him with a simple sweep of his foot. Ayden tried to push himself up with his hands but Caiden held him down with a foot on his back. "Oh sorry I lied, I get bored repeating moves and I have a feeling this could take a while" Caiden smiled smugly studying his nails as Ayden struggled to get free. "Get off me asshole!" Ayden yelled angrily. "I guess years of pent up childhood resentment can't be cured in two minutes," Caiden remarked removing his foot. He watched Ayden leap to his feet, stepped out into the hall and prepared for his next move. "You piece of shit!" Ayden lunged at him again. Kara would have woken up by now if she hadn't been sedated. Ethan had and was standing down the hall watching nervously, unsure of how to intervene. Caiden blocked a few punches easily then shoved Ayden hard into the wall, bringing his arm up to his throat and pinning him there with a bit too much force. Ayden gagged so Caiden backed off a little, he didn't want to do any real harm to his son. "Fuck you" Ayden spat, "You just show up, kidnap me and my girlfriend after years of silence? You never even sent me a birthday card you selfish bastard!" Ayden was practically screaming, he knew he probably sounded like an angsty teenager throwing a fit but he didn't care right now. He had so many years worth of anger and pain and shit was getting way too wierd for him to deal with just now. So many fatherless years. Then having to put up with the jerk his mum met five years ago trying too hard to be his dad and show him stuff he'd already figured out. Though it wasn't all bad, he had some good mates and he'd been able to get advice from them over the years. Especially Benny, who's family Ayden had never met for some strange reason. It wasn't the same though. "You cheated on her, then you left us" Ayden said, his voice cold and venomous. He was still pinned. "You think it was easy for me to leave her? Making her think I'd done that?" Caiden snarled. His dark eye's piercing fiercly into his sons as he lost his temper, his face inches from his Ayden's. Ayden flinched, momentarily shocked and a little scared. Then his own dark brown eye's narrowed as he rallied. Anger consuming his fear like a fire blazing through a forrest. "You were the one who left, even if you didn't cheat on her.. You left." Ayden spat. The hurt he saw in his fathers eye's only made him madder. Caiden winced but held his sons firey gaze. Their eye's mirroring each others both in intensity and physical appearance even down to the slightly red tinged iris. "If I hadn't left you might not be here. She might be." Caidens voice trailed off and his son cut in. "Like you care, you weren't even there when I was born. She told me.." Ayden's voice cracked slightly, tears of humiliation crept into the corners of his eye's. As he looked away to gather his emotions his father stepped back, releasing him. Caiden hesitated. His expression gaurded, thoughtful. His anger dwindled and was replaced by a painful realisation. By leaving he may have caused more harm than good. This was about Ayden's own pain and grief. Not just the anger the boy felt toward him for leaving his mother. "I-I thought I was doing the right thing. She was human. I-I could have hurt her. Hurt you both without even realising." It sounded weak even to Caiden now but it was true. He was terrified of Emily getting hurt especially if it was by him. How could he trust his strength, his vampiric nature around a baby? But he was also afraid she'd eventually leave him. She would have one way or another if she'd stayed with him. She'd still die one day and then what would he do? He could have turned her but how could he curse her like that? It wouldn't have been fair. But that's what he'd helped his son do for his girlfriend isn't it? But she was dying at the time and he couldn't stand to see the look that was on his sons face. He didn't know what else to do.. "Yeah well I guess you were wrong" Ayden's voice cut into his thoughts. Ayden hung his head and shuffled back into the room where Kara lay sleeping, undisturbed by the fighting. Ayden curled up next to her on the bed ignoring the strong scent of her blood as best he could. It actually seemed a bit easier now. He was dazed and possibly in shock so he didn't even think about what was happening to her or himself. He was just happy she was ok. Ayden wrapped his arms around her, his head on her shoulder. He lay like that staring at the space in front of him just listening to her breathing as it grew stronger for a long time. Caiden remained motionless in the hall for some time as well. Eventually he moved. He shut the door quietly. Ayden listened to his barely audible footsteps as he retreated down the hall. Ayden held Kara tighter not wanting to let her go, afraid to sleep in case anyone came to hurt her until he could fight off sleep no longer. His eye's closed slowly. When Ayden woke he was alone. Sunlight crept in around the edges of the thick, dark blue curtains. The house was quiet. Ayden got up wondering where Kara was. He went to search for her but only found a nervous looking man sitting at the table in the kitchen with a black mug in his hands. Ayden smelled the tea before he'd entered the kitchen. Before he'd left the room actually now that he thought about it. Ethan looked up at Ayden who was stood in the doorway looking lost. "Er.... Ah... Your ... Ah f-father felt it best if he wasn't here t-this morning.." Ethan fidgeted with the mug nervously, avoiding direct eye contact. "Who.." Ayden paused. "Where's Kara?" "Er... Uh.... I'm Ethan by the way, very nice to meet you.. Uh.. Officially... You're girlfriend... Er is um.." Ethan sighed. He slid a piece of paper that was in front of him across the wooden surface of the table toward the boy. Ayden looked puzzled. He padded into the kitchen and took the paper in his hands. He glanced down, saw it was addressed to him in Kara's handwritting. He read: Ayden, I don't know what you did to me but I can't stay here. You bit that man. I don't know who you are anymore. I don't even know what you are but please leave me alone, goodbye Kara Ayden re-read the note again and again. He placed his hand on the back of a wooden chair to steady himself. The world began to spin in front of him. He was so angry and still so dazed that he didn't even hear or feel the chair backing crack under the pressure of his hand. "Er I think he's been up there all day" Ethan whispered to Caiden."I only found him a few minutes before I called." It was early evening, an hour or so after sundown. Ethan had been searching for Ayden since he took off this morning. He finally found him about twenty minutes ago sitting three stories up on the edge of the roof of a near by building. He'd called Caiden straight away. "Thanks, go home I'll take care of this." Caiden said. He lept at the side of the building. He used plant boxes along the window sills to propel himself up to the roof. He walked over to where Ayden sat, his brow creased in anger. He sat with his legs hanging over the edge turning something over and over in his hands. Staring down at it as if it was the object of all his anger. As Caiden reached his son and stood next to him silently he saw what it was. A small black ring box. 'Oh crap' was Caidens first thought, he had no idea where to start. He knew heart ache well enough but with Ayden's mother he'd been the one to leave and he was pretty sure Ayden in this state would be more than willing to use that fact against him. Oh well he owed it to the kid to try, even if he'd probably screw it up and piss him off even more. So what if he took it out on Caiden. He was big enough to wear it, he probably deserved it really. "Uh.. You ok?" It sounded stupid even to Caiden but how else could he start? Ayden turned to face him and glared. His eye's burning with contempt. "Ok dumb question I know" Caiden smiled trying to lighten the mood. "Leave me alone" Ayden said quietly and looked out over the city. "Look Ayden I-" "Just leave me alone!" Ayden shouted as he got to his feet and turned to face Caiden. "You're not... You're not my father, you left us. You left me. Now you think you can show up and play the dad?" Ayden's dark brown eye's filled with angry tears, the kid was hurt. He just got dumped and now he wanted someone to blame. Caiden took a hesitant step forward, reached for Ayden's shoulder. Ayden flinched, not meeting his gaze. Caiden dropped his arm swiftly. This was all new territory for him, father/son talks were not a big part of everyday life as a vampire. "I'm s-" "Don't bother" Ayden cut in harshly, glaring at the sky. He cast one angry glace at his father and stepped back to the very edge of the building. He held his arms out wide, let himself fall backwards into a graceful flip right off the edge. It was a petty act of defiance on his part. If Caiden wasn't so annoyed he'd be proud. His son was taking to his new world with ease. Caiden had a sudden thought he didn't like, how did he figure out he could?... He must have tried to jump off the building.... Caiden jumped down to the ground and sped after him. It wasn't hard for him to catch Ayden, he was much older and well used to his power by now whereas Ayden was still getting used to his abilities |