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Trauma changes Casey from try hard to real G. He is part dragon. Becomes part demon later |
Short description reminder: 5'11"? hair is short,scruffy with shaved sides/undercut,Sandyblonde/Brown with streaks,Hazel eyes,athletic build,Mugley tattoo right arm, Casey: After arrest: Casey sat in the uncomfortable chair,still cuffed glaring at the stained table between him and the cop who'd just walked in and sat down. He'd been through the usual proceedure when they arrived at the station.Then they'd stuck him in an interveiw room and made him wait about half an hour.He figured they wanted to try to get him 'sweating'. Casey looked sullen,ignoring the cop to study each stain on the table.He was trying to stop dreaming up all the possible punishments he'd receive at home that crept into his mind.He wasn't exactly sure of the charges yet.He was about to find out anyway,he knew he'd get assult and reckless driving,speeding ect. Casey glanced up at the cop. The cop, Constable Richard 'Dick' Carter sat across from the infamous Casey Mugley, nephew of The Trent Mugley, glancing through his paperwork. The kid wasn't that badass according to his records, not yet anyway. He was only seventeen and wouldn't be very much involved in the 'big boys business' yet. He had some previous charges to his name though, mostly minor. Theft, robbery, minor assult charges no serious assults or G.b.h or anthing like that. Still he was a Mugley, they would have to handle this carefully if they wanted to get him before the family stepped in. Being a minor they'd had to notify his parents of his arrest which probably ment Trent Mugley knew by now. Carter was actually surprised they hadn't shown up yet. Carter set the papers on the table and looked at the boy. He was going to be trouble, Carter saw the attitude waiting to be let out on the boy's face and in his body language. He was half slouched, leaning back with his head tilted slightly to one side, a classic teenage 'I don't give a fuck' pose. The other thing radiating from him was the kind of arrogance that flows off people who grow up around money, this kid was used to getting what he wanted. And even though the kid looked sulky his eye's were sharp and narrowed. His brow creased like he had a few choice opinions rolling round in his head aimed right at Carter who knew he'd probably hear some any minute now. The boy's eye's sharpened still and his lip curled up just slightly like a sub consious reaction. 'Yep he's going to play the hard case' Carter thought 'this kids been brought up by gang law and know's which side he's on' but Carter wasn't sure how well this kid could pull it off. The kid looked like any other rich, white wanna be rapper. Big chain, a gold M for Mugley obviously and all the typical baggy rapper gear. The irony that this wanna be 'gangsta' was brought up by real mobsters and destined to become one of their top boys was not lost on Carter. 'Guess I'll make you or break you kid' he thought. Casey watched the cop thumb through papers, then stared at him as he put them down and turned his gaze to Casey's. Casey yawned and scratched his chin, both hands still bound together.Then he rested his hands on the desk in front of him, looking defiantly at the cop. As the pain shot through his sore arm, a bad feeling that he realised had been niggling at the back of his mind washed over him, he'd been here for a while, his arm could be broken yet they didn't take him to get it looked at before bringing him here and his head was pounding. He hoped it didn't show on his face. "Mr Mugley, I have to inform you that I've called your parents and-" "Yo where the fuck is my dad then? And I want my lawyer, an don't get a fuckin phone call?" Casey said laughing. His arm hurt like hell and his head ached with the laughter but he wasn't letting this cop get to him. "There's no need to get smart Mr Mugley, if you want a lawyer I can arrange one for you-" A sharp knock on the door made Constable Carter stop. The door opened and another cop, this one in plain clothes walked in. He whispered something to Carter. Casey watched intently trying to hear what what said but he didn't catch it. Carter looked annoyed and said "You can't do that I-" Raised eyebrows from the detecive shut him up. Obviously he could do that, whatever it was Casey noted, wondering what the hell was going on. Carter didn't say another word just got up and left the room looking furious. The other cop leant over gripping the back of the chair Carter had been sitting in. He gave Casey a 'friendly' grin, the kind that's laced. Casey glared back. "Well Casey, now that he's gone so are you. You're going away for a long time. Daddy 'n' the boy's aren't here to save you." "What the fucks going on?" Casey demanded. "You're going to jail this time Casey. Not some cushy place either. Some of those juvie places are almost as bad as big boy jail you know." The cop, Gordon Grey according to the tag on his shirt*, laughed smugly. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Casey spat angrily. His dad wouldn't leave him hanging. Uncle Trent might though. Casey had been in a lot of trouble latey. "I been after you Mugley's a long time Casey. Now one of you falls right in my lap. The golden boy himself all on his own, left to fend for himself cos he's fucked up one time too many. You're almost a better catch than Mr Trent Mugley himself would be, 'course he'd never fuck up as badly as you would he Casey? You're just a stupid little fuck that got born into the right family at the right time aren't ya? All over the papers. Caught in celebrity scandals and shit. Your dad might have been famous in early days but you're ment to be a criminal, be descreet. Not the sharpest tool in the shed are you kid?" Gordon taunted, laughing at Casey. "Yo fuck you pig you don't know shit 'bout shit" Casey snarled, the cop had pissed him off successfully. Even though Casey knew it was probably a ploy he couldn't help biting. He never could. "Nah I'm sure you're just as bad ass as Daddy and his friends. Rich little prick like you who grew up surrounded with people to fight your fights for you." Gordon was pushing trying to get Casey riled up more. "Yo you just a fuckhead" Casey said with a smirk trying to regain some composur. Gordon ignored that. "The thing is Casey you're getting charged. I'll read the charges in a minute. You ain't getting out of this mess. You're gonna be 'held in remand' as you pose 'a grave danger to society'" Gordon said with a grin that made Casey wish he had his gun on him.. "What the fuck for?" Casey was slightly worried but he pushed it aside. He was pretty pissed off at the moment. "You assulted officers, resisted arre-" "Pff so? The guy grabbed my busted arm which by the way is prob'ly broke yo, it was a fuckin reaction" Casey smirked and shrugged his shoulders. "What about the murder charges?" Casey thought he'd heard wrong for a moment. Then the screams hit his memories. His head started spinning and he felt a sudden wave of nausia. "Yo W-what the fuck you t-talkin bout?" Casey managed still focused on the screaming he was hearing in his mind. The pictures that followed, the blood splattered across the windshield of the car opposite that he hadn't prieviously registered. His head ached as the memories flashed in his mind. His cousin Dharke had injured himself trying to pull a crazy skateboard stunt in forrest chase (they were on thier way to a hospital, they never went to the one in perth as it was too close to home) His girlfriend Alex (Alexandrea) and his other friend Sammy had been in the car too but he'd seen them all get out before he scrambled out of his smashed car to run from the police who'd started chasing them only minutes before. Casey had been speeding. The cops had chased Casey on foot even tasering him. He had managed to pull out the barbs, get up and run but they kept chasing him. The second time he was tasered, they got him. He had a strange endurance he couldn't explain but he was still human. His head twitched involuntarily, trying to shake the memories away, his head spun almost out of control. His hazel eye's flickered. They wanted to stay shut but Casey knew that would be worse. "You're being charged with murder. Four counts Casey. Why do you think your Uncle isn't here this time" Gordon paused. He hated the mugley family, any crime family really but especially in his 'backyard' and Gordon was a cruel bastard at the best of times. He continued, wanting to see the impact in the boy's eye's "Would have been five counts but the laws a bit shakey when it comes to unborn babies." Casey stared at Gordon, his face dropped. His dark, sharp eye's threatened to betray him with tears at first but.. No. Gordon must be lying. Just trying to shake him that's all. He didn't kill anyone especially not a.. a... no, no way. Never. Casey was stunned momentarliy as his mind heard then dismissed this information, not able to hold it. It was too horrible. The words remained floating around his mind but they seemed empty. His mind refused to link them with any meaning. They were just symbols. A jumble of letters he couldn't put together, couldn't face. "Got nothing to say you little prick?" "Yo don't fuck with me bitch. You can suck my cock" Casey flipped him the bird and refused to make eye contact. Probably his minds way of avoiding the truth. If he didn't study the cop's body language and cold blue eye's he couldn't figure out if it was true. He was still in shock from the crash. His mind was ready to block anything too stressful. A skill of Casey's that was both useful and dangerous to his own safety at the same time. "You can play it tough all you want kid. You're fucked. I don't need your statement or confession to charge you and hold you for this either especially since you were stupid enough to resist arrest and attack officers. And there's plenty of witnesses" "Where the fuck is my dad ya wanker?" "He's... Not.... Coming" Gordon spoke each word slowly as if Casey was deaf or something, a gnarled smirk across his grim face. It was a face some cops get after too long on the street. Not a pretty sight especially when plastered with such a domineering, gloating expression. "Why... The.... Fuck..... NOT!?" Casey yelled the last part leaning over the table toward Gordon Grey. He was sick of this crap. His control was slipping fast, on the edge of minor delirium. His wounds and the mental strain of the accident were wearing on him. Gordon grabbed the boy's shirt front, near his throat. "Oh you really are a little shit aren't you? Where you're going they'll beat that out of you. Might have them give you a going over when you get there hey?" Gordon taunted nastily. He was getting mad too. "Or maybe I'll knock some sense into you myself before you go." "Yo you'd love that wouldn't ya pig? Beating up kids seems just your style" Casey said, roughly pulling himself free and getting ready to run for the door if need be. The cop moved round the table toward him. Casey bolted. Gordon caught him just before he reached the door handle, which would probably be locked anyway. Casey played right into his trap. He turned, punched the cop right on the nose. Casey had always been too quick to fight. The cop pinned Casey against the wall near the door face first, crushing his injured arm against his chest and making him scream in pain. This drew attention and the door busted open. Gordon read Casey his charges while he held him there and told him he'd spend a night in the cells before being sent to blah in the morning. "Johnson he hit me and tried to bolt again. We're charging him anyway so take him to the cells. If he asks later get him a lawyer but we'll have to send him to blah tomorrow. We can't keep him here." Gordon said this while making sure the other officer, who just happened to be one of the cops who'd chased Casey earlier in the day, noticed that his nose was injured. It was bleeding anyway so Casey doubted the guy could miss it. "Yeah alright, come on. Violent liddle prick aren't ya?" Johnson grabbed Casey roughly, cuffed him and lead him through the station to the cells. Casey got up early, he hadn't really slept. He had the cell to himself but there were a couple people in other cells. Some of them never shut up. They were all older than Casey. One guy kept giving Casey shit, he was pretty nasty looking but (Casey being Casey) he told him to go fuck himself. The guy got pretty pissed off even throwing a lit up toilet roll at him, it missed. Casey laughed which pissed the guy off even more. He shouted all kinds of abuse at Casey until a guard came and told them all to shut up. When he sat up he saw the same guy, who was in the cell opposite him looking his way. When he caught Casey's gaze he ran his finger across his throat threateningly and sneered. Casey just shot him the finger and lay back on the thin, filthy mattress waiting for.. well whatever. He had no idea what was happening but he was sure his dad or uncle would show up today. He couldn't believe they hadn't come yesterday. They were probably just trying to give him a scare. Casey was still in a state of shock and his arm hadn't been looked at. He thought that Johnson cop might have said something about it getting taken care of when he was transfered. Transfered to blah juvenille center. Casey had heard of the place, it was ment to be the states toughest juvy center. He'd never been inside but he was a Mugley. He should be ok, right? Besides he probably wouldn't be there long... 'Murder'... His mind whispered the word almost tauntingly. Casey still didn't register the reality of it. He couldn't handle it just now. Under his mostly put on surface he was still just a kid really. The Mugley's were hardcore 'business men' but their kids grew up fairly sheltered to some degree. Even those that would or had either decided on or been chosen for the same life as their parents. A few uneventful hours passed. Then Gordon showed up along with some other cop. His nose looked slightly swollen. He came over to the door of Casey's cell and stopped. He had a pair of cuffs ready. Casey sat up and smirked. "How's your nose asshole?" Gordon seemed to ignore that comment, the other cop too. "Get up, you're getting transfered" "You can't-" "Get up. Face the wall. Hands behind your back." "Fuck you" Casey replied, not moving except to rest his arms behind his head defiantly. Even though it hurt like hell. "Fuckwit" This came from the guy across the hall who apparently wanted to kill Casey. "Mugley get up. Face the wall now." "Eat shit" Casey said with a smile. "Thats it open it up. We'll have to drag the smart ass out" Gordon said unfastening a pocket on his belt where he carried a can of pepper spray. They opened the cell door and entered as Casey leapt to his feet. Casey eyed the cops and the now open door. He judged he had enough space to duck round them if he was quick. They advanced toward him. He twitched, went for it. Gordon anticipated the move and dove for him. He missed slamming into the wall instead but Casey stopped suddenly just outside the cell door. He turned on his heel. He'd realised there was no easy way out, not from here. He was in the middle of a cop shop for fuck's sake. He leant against the door for a moment. The cops looked puzzeled, momentarily,not moving. "Fuck it, waste of energy" Casey shrugged at there confusion and gave them a smirk. He'd found some power. They saw he knew it. Made them look like fools in front of the others. Not that it would do him any good. Some of the other prisoners were laughing at the guards now and calling out insults. Casey walked back into the cell and stood facing the wall with his hands behind his back. The cops grabbed him fast before he got any other ideas. Gordon snapped the cuffs on roughly and spoke into his ear. "Think you're smart hey punk?" Gordon grabbed a fistful of Casey's short blondish brown hair, yanked his head back and slammed his face into the wall. "Ah fuck" Casey cried as his face connected with it. Fresh blood started to trickle from the small gash on his forehead and down his face. "Hey go easy, he jus' a kid boss" someone called out from across the way. Gordon pulled Casey back off the wall. "Anything else you wanna say?" "Prick" Casey muttered almost losing his footing as Gordon yanked him back and pushed him toward the door. The trip to the center wasn't very eventful. Casey had managed to stay quiet. His head hurt too much for him to bother causing trouble. His forehead hadn't bled for long either. It took about an hour to get to Blah . Then he'd been processed and put through the same routine everyone went through on arrival. His wounds were looked over, turns out his arm wasn't broken just mangled a bit and covered in dark bruises. Then they led him to his cell. Casey felt eye's on him as the gaurd lead him through the hallways to a cell. Some looked agressive, others curious. A few people called out thing's like "Fresh Meat". Finally they stopped |