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Arrival at Puma Isle
The Brandy Broke Story part 32.
Welcome to Puma Isle.

After a long night with the river dolphins guiding Coral and Herb along the dangerous river in their wooden boat. They were delightfully entertained when the sun came up and were able to watch the intelligent and talented dolphins dance and swim in the river. It was nearing noon and the dolphins had showed off a wide variety of tricks that amazed Coral and Herb. The lead dolphin ordered the boat brought over to the river bank so Coral and Herb could get out stretch and tend to any calls of nature. They were warned to not go far from the river bank and to make the stop as brief as possible.

The jungle was as vast as it was mysterious and beautiful.

After taking care of business and having a good stretch. Coral and Herb returned to the boat. The lead dolphin told them that soon they would arrive at Puma Isle. They would be safe there and could stay as long as they needed the rest. The Isle was protected by the Puma's. The Puma's were the ancient enemies of the Tiki Statues. No harm would come to them during their stay as long as they obeyed the rules.

"What are the rules? Surely we do not want to break them and get into any trouble. We have had more than our fair share of troubles over the last year." Coral explained to the lead dolphin.

"The first rule that must not be broken, squeaked the lead dolphin in his peculiar squeaky voice, is no fighting! The only fighting that is tolerated are those fights that establish rank among a group. This is the way it is done in nature. The protector of the Isle will have no fighting for jealousy, revenge or hate. Any and all fighting will be dealt with by the protectors of the isle."

Coral and Herb glanced at each other across the boat. They were looking forward to a few days of rest. After being held prisoner and slave by the Gotta Boogy tribe for over a year followed by a daring escape with the help of Sheeta. Then the close call with the Tiki Statues last night they were exhausted and road weary, or would that be river weary?

Soon the dolphins seemed to be swimming in perfect unison. As if they were showing off for more that just Coral and Herb. When they came around the next river bend it became abundantly clear why.

"Greetings, honorable Queen Ruby of the Selkies, our friends and allies for centuries," the lead dolphin said clearly to the sea lion.
"We have brought you some guests who need to take refuge on Puma Isle. May we pass into your territory to safely deliver them?"
"Welcome, Jocque leader of the river dolphins, honorable friend and ally of the Selkies. It has been a very long time since we have had visitors to our territory. Especially of the human kind. Yes, you may pass to deliver them to the safety of Puma Isle.

We invite you and yours to swim and hunt with us. Our two tribes have much to catch up on. It has been too long since we have visited." said Ruby Queen of the Selkies. Then she slid gracefully down off of her rock and rubbed noses with the lead river dolphin.

It was then, that Coral and Herb noticed all of the other sea lions. They blended in with the jungle and the river bank before, but now Coral and Herb seen them very clearly. Herb noticed that no two looked exactly the same .That is when one pretty, little female having long blond whiskers and long black eyelashes swam close to the boat and waved at Herb.

The river dolphins then guided the well made, wooden boat along the river once again through some of the most breath taking beautiful and scenic spots on the river. Where surprise water falls gushed from the river bank here and there with great dramatic crashes into the river.

While the well-made wooden boat was guided along by the River Dolphins
Coral and Herb noticed "right in the middle of the river" a small isle covered with lovely colorful flowers. It looked hardly big enough to land two boats on and have room to walk around. While they drew rapidly closer to the isle, with the River Dolphins guiding them, the isle seemed to be growing larger as they approached. They watched with mouths hanging open while full grown trees and ancient pillars just shot up out of the ground and then appeared and seemed to have always been there.

When at last the river dolphins gently guided the wooden boat to a stone carved boat landing, the isle was indeed very large and not at all as small as it had first appeared. The isle could easily be half a mile long and half as wide. It had only seemed a small clump in the middle of the river at first.
The isle was an intoxicating vision of loveliness. The sights. The sounds. The scent of the fruit trees and the aroma from the flowers was alluring and yet, Coral would not get out of the well made wooden boat.

She took one look at the Puma Statues and froze in fear.

"No, I can't deal with anymore statues!" Coral complained out loud to Herb.

Queen Ruby of the Selkies, quickly swam up onto the landing area of Puma Isle and gave Coral a huge smile. Her black friendly eyes sparkled like the river.
"You do not have to fear these statues Coral. They are the guardians of this isle. They will not hurt you. Once you pass the threshold between them, no one, not even me can cross over without an invitation from you and your husband. But perhaps you would feel more comfortable with someone you know to convince you."

"Hello, Herb and Coral," said Sheeta from the flowers.
"Sheeta! Is that you?" Herb asked from the back of the boat.
"You silly man, yes, it is me! It is safe for you to stay here for a few nights. These Pumas' are good." Sheeta reassured them. "I am a catlike creature, I should know."

"Well? Coral? What do you think?" Herb asked Coral as he made ready to get out of the boat.

Still Coral refused to get out of the well made wooden boat.

"Coral, my love, I love you with all of my heart, but my butt hurts, this place is really nice AnD I WaNt To GeT oUt Of ThIs BoAt!
Please, Queen Ruby said it was OK and even Sheeta is here. Please my love." Herb had a tone in his voice that only Coral understand when he was truely tired and really needed to rest.

Coral took a deep breath, then agreed to get out of the boat. She insisted on tying the boat off herself. She said a prayer to Jesus when she tied that well- made, wooden boat to the stone dock.

Herb immediately made himself comfortable.

Coral noticed that the Sea Lions and the River Dolphins had all swam off together in a loud, playful splash. They had agreed to hunt and swim together for a few days and catch up on old times.
Herb was snoring loudly in the hammock; it had not taken long for him to get to sleep. He was very tired and Coral imagined that he was as happy as her that they were at last free from the Gotta Boogy Tribe.
Coral found herself more restless than wary and Sheeta had mysteriously disappeared, 'Just like a cat' , Coral thought to herself. Coral had wanted to talk to Sheeta about a few things. Things like, 'how is it that so many animals can talk?'
She decided to get a few items from the boat; Coral had located a small but wonderful looking shower on the isle. She was overdue in the shower area and quickly gathered what supplies were available from the wooden boat.

It had been over a year maybe even two years since Herb and Coral had been captured by The Gotta Boogy Tribe. She had not had a hot shower since before their capture.
Coral enjoyed that steaming hot shower very much.

Little did she know that the water she showered in was magical. The kind of water that truly invigorates a person.

Invigorating enough to make Coral 5 years younger with that one shower.
While Coral was enjoying her shower she had the strangest feeling that someone was watching her.

And she was correct in her feelings.

To be continued.

© Copyright 2013 Tasia714 (tasia714 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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