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by Bs
Rated: ASR · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1937458
In present how a group must survive on their own having to deal with zombies
                                                                                Chapter 1

Outgoing transmission

  I am Sagitta a survivor of  the zombie  apocalypse  with me there are a few other survivors we have a safe place\par

We live in an old abandoned space ship factory in Arizona it’s not much but it’s heavily fortified so no infected can get true this place\par

If you’re out there hearing this message  then you will know you’re not  alone i don’t know how much the batteries will last but i repeat this message s....a...f...e p....l...a..c..e  and the batteries went out\par

Sagitta do you think there are survivors who had heard this message?\

-oh Philip i don’t know there is no way of knowing yet if somebody got this message then they will surely come here!, his eyes were full of regrets because he knew the chances\par

- Your probably right. I couldn't ruin his hope because that was the only thing that was keeping us going , the simple thought that we were not alone \par

Sagitta was the leader of this group we were five  me Sagitta  Alexander  Philip  Percival and women  whose name we didn’t know she was just calling herself the doctor\par

Despite Sagitta's female name she was no female at all she might have been once but a very rare and very dangerous genetic disease turned her it was in her all along but the transformations only started after a nuclear bomb was dropped  behind her back while she was fighting in a war that the  USA started\par

She nearly died but thanks to her disease or her curse she survived because her whole body was rebuilt by the power of the nuclear bomb thanks to its  megatons of energy yielded in the moment of the explosion\par

All five of us were survivors of the zombie apocalypse that started in 3062 and nothing could stop it it was like a plague but it had no symptoms so it had no cure\par

The best doctors biologist scientist of that time were working a cure but in their way they meet only defeat because it had no cure \par

It was claimed that this plague or whatever it was came from space and they might have been right but they never lived long enough to find their answers\par

On December 3060 two year before the outbreak a space probe was sent to a planet that entered true the Milky Way and was heading for Earth \par

The space probe got fried from all the data on that planet so next month they sent a satellite to investigate and the results were to shocking to be true\par

The astronomers named it Harbringer not knowing what it would be capable of in the next 2 years\par

Harbringer was a very grassy green planet with oceans that could swallow the  whole Earth its size could have not been deciphered because it was growing while it was moving\par

The oceans color was a diamond bluish black but that color had never existed on Earth it seemed that it came from an unknown place with unknown colors fascinating to the human eye\par

Astronomers were asking questions that they couldn't explain how was it possible to expand while on the move but more to the point why was it expanding and how?\par

Behind a very beautiful planet was an even worse faith and this was discovered in the same year in February when the satellite finished collecting all the data and it took a week while all the data was transferred to Earth\par

Harbringer was showing structure like shapes very strange in their design so perfectly balanced so fascinating to the human eye but there was no sign of life \par

This however raised many questions what is going on? Where are they? And the most important who are they and why are they heading towards Earth?\par

                                                                                                  Chapter 2\par

This is command center alpha  nine we are requesting you and you crew mates back on Earth where you will be given a top secret mission the required item for this missions success will be given on you arrival also i would like to mention that  you have been granted a new team member\par

-Captain wake up \par

-what is it again?\par

-Command center has given us a new mission they said it’s going to be a top secret one\par

-Yes i heard it many times before he was sent many times on missions but nothing good came out of it\par

- So captain are we going? Eagerly awaiting his superior’s opinion\par

-First of all don't calls me captain call me Alexey and secondly what is your opinion Philip? the captain trusted him the most because he was showing a great interest in what he was doing and never failed to carry out an order with a  hundred percent accuracy and maybe one day after he is long gone he will take over the ship\par

-well an order has to be carried out am i right?\par

-you are but it’s more complicated than that\par

-then please explain\par

- To put it shortly they are going to ask me to risk my life for don’t know what purpose\par

-Isn’t that why you have become a captain?\par

-yes and no i suppose you know what happened in Pisces constellation?\par

- All i know is that there was a planet and now it’s gone\par

-Exactly i received an order just like this one but that time it was about testing out antimatter warheads\par

-I see now why you don't want to take part but if we don't then who knows what the consequences will be?\par

-Then Earth here i come you convinced me however he was not very convinced that this will end well\par

The invisible road from Pluto to Earth was made out of air with thin dust particles so from time to time they would clash with the ship’s hull but the outgoing research made it so resistant that it could withstand a ship crash at first it proved quite difficult to find an alloy strong enough but this has been resolved with an aluminum-diamond-crystals alloy\par

It was not long till the ship reached Earth and they were preparing for the takeoff\par

The ships name was Discovery 2 named after its predecessor Discovery 1 who was the first ship to carry out a mission on a longer range than ever before\par

There was however  a second ship who was as famous as Discovery the Dragon's Killer but not much is known about its past or why was it so famous since the records have been gone for a millennium the ship is  being kept at history museum in  New York\par

Since then many luxuries, fighting, scout, carrier ships have been built but as time passed better ships came to exist so the old ones became scrap or its parts helped to build the new ones the ones whom they had no use for were left in space \par

After the final data  was transferred the ship was ready to leave but this time it had 3 crew members  a new member was Susan the most renowned doctor of that time she had those green cat eyes and her hair color was brown but she was known for her device called the learning machine\par

Alexey was checking if everything was alright and 10 minutes later initiated the countdown that started from five and ended in zero\par

By the time they left Earth's gravity they had already organized the living quarters in which they are going  to live in the upcoming days\par

The journey to Harbringer was a quite one nothing really happened they were expecting a few pirate ships but as it turned out there were none\par

Finally they reached Harbringer and the real mission began\par

                                                                                                      Chapter 3\par

Since the last time they heard of Harbringer which was 4 months ago the planet had suddenly changed while it was growing its sides were collapsing but the middle was not affected at all the water seemed to be vanishing at sight \par

It was to strange not to be observed but that didn’t stop the 3 members not to land on the planet\par

-so this is the planet?\par

-i believe so\par

-but there is nothing here and suddenly they found two dead alien bodies now that was a shock\par

They were small green black eyed aliens and they seemed to have some sort of black clothes but again it was a strange black and obsidian black\par

They were so scared and astonished at the same time that they froze for a few minutes but then Susan reminded them why they were there\par

While Philip and Susan were preparing the bodies to be transported to Earth for an advanced autopsy Alexey found some strange carvings on the buildings but eventually touched one out of curiosity and got teleported to an unknown place\par

Philip looked for him for hours but when he was nowhere to be seen he had to leave  but he was not ready to be a captain or that's what he thought\par

When he ran back to his ship because he was the first in the chain of command since the former captain disappeared the first word was let’s get the hell out of here and damn it Alexey was right no good thing  can come out of this\par

Like things couldn't get any worse there was news of pirate ships in the area but that was a smaller problem compared to the enthusiasm of a doctor\par

What they didn’t know  was how a big threat this two bodies posed they could wipe out humanity but this wipe out was a transformation into a something called a brainless human\par

The first one who was infected was Dr Susan  she was the first one to work on the bodies but it was later when she discovered that something was not alright with her and started having a great fever but nobody took her seriously\par

On the way back from  Harbringer to Earth  as the  info predicated they were pirates  but they were looking for somebody or something when they saw Discovery 2 and opened a communication channel\par

-This is Captain my name is not important i know why are here i demand your cargo and you just might get out of here alive\par

Philip hated threats so he gave no answer\par

- I know you can hear me i won’t repeat it twice now Philip got mad\par

- First of all captain afraid of me you are interfering with a top secret mission leave now and your stupidity might be forgotten\par

-never you don’t and a moment of silence occurred understand what you are dealing with those two are not just aliens they are the extinctors of humanity and if you land on Earth well it’s the end of us  \par

-why would you care? Asking with a interested tone\par

-i don't but if there are no humans then who am i going to struggle illegal goods to?\par

- You have a wild imagination i admit that but i am leaving now and you can't stop me the communications channel has been closed \par

The pirate ship was a  ship  highly  loved among the pirates it was a Pirate Nova raider  it was usually weaker then space law enforcement's but  they were deadly  to deadly and when  used in  large scale  nothing could stop them\par

Philip was lucky because this Pirate Nova was an older version it belonged to the earliest of them illegally mass-produced and now there were like 2 of them  both of them were on Earth in different museums\par

The ship that Philip was driving was also a Nova same as the other but the guns were more powerful and the hull  despite the alloy had a  shield which was a great improvement considering the fact that before the ships had only their hulls \par

Unfortunately the number remained the same because the pirate ship aimed at Philip's Nova and attacked with the first ray of laser but unfortunately for the pirates the ship's shield was stronger and Philip attacked at once but this time  one of them got destroyed and in a millisecond only the Nova remained\par

After the battle was over Philip maintained its course for Earth in the meantime he went to see Dr Susan because she was the only one left except for the bodies that couldn’t talk\par

While Susan was working he saw that Philip was watching her work and  they stared at each other for a few minutes and only after that  they spoke a few phrases \par

-Philip I’m sorry for your loss i know he meant a lot to you\par

-Thanks but i don't think he is dead he wanted to believe in that so badly that he made up his mind\par

- Well if you say so but she saw that something was troubling him and asked him:\par

-you have won the battle and thanks to you I’m alive but something is bothering you what is it?\par

-well before they attacked the captain said something like this two bodies are going to extinct us\par

-do you believe him?\par

- I wish i didn't but he gave up his life in order to destroy these two so something must be true from his story\par

- I suppose your right but could this be the end of us if it turns out just like he said?\par

-Nah i don't believe so since we are on Earth we developed a cure for everything some can take out a disease instantly and others just stop it\par

But they should have listened because things are going to get very bad in a few years\par

                                                          Chapter 4\par

Since Alexey disappeared  not much was known about him they thought of him dead in some corner on Harbringer however Philip didn’t find him  but there was another option where he was dead and his body evaporated \par

Well Alexey wasn’t dead at all he was perfectly fine except the fact that he had no clue where he was  and that a great foggy  blackness surrounded him or that's what he thought because he couldn’t see anything else then darkness but it seemed that some eyes were watching  him not directly but thru a camera\par

At first he thought he is still on Harbringer but that wasn't the case\par

What he didn't know was that nobody was watching him because the time he got teleported there was already night well not the Earth-is one because  this planet was  sitting next to a black hole and because of that  one side was always darker than the other one\par

The planet seemed not to be affected by the black holes gravity the only thing it could do was to turn one side of the planet into an eternal darkness\par

When he realized that he is stuck on this unknown planet far away or maybe close to Earth he had no way of telling because  he had no clue where he was  stayed calm and whispered i am going to get  out of here one way or the other\par

When they looked up at the sky he saw that he doesn’t recognize any stars or constellations\par

He was fascinated that up there was a black hole and he was the first one to be so close but it also reminded himself it’s not by a coincidence  that this planet was not destroyed by it \par

There must be some intelligent life forms here or they were and left because they glowed tired of this planet whatever the case that gave him hope that if they can stop a black hole then they surely can bring him home\par

But he was sad because he knew if humans ever reach this level of development then nature would surely do something to remind them that he is in charge\par

While he was bored of waiting he looked up and named the black hole Blacky because it was disturbing his boredom\par

Now there were two people Alexey and his friend Blacky who was one of the most dangerous things in the universe but they were good friends because none could speak to each other\par

When he had nothing else to do he found a place to sleep it was not much but as far as he knew it was safe and warm but this place was new to him and strange and he definitely missed home so falling asleep got a little harder then he  thought but finally tiredness got to him \par

While he was sleeping he dreamt of his childhood how happy he was and how he always adored the birds because they were free and that's why he joined the space academy but he wasn’t free not at all he had to what others wanted from him and he had to do it but eventually growed tired of it so he went scanning planets close to Earth because he found it more interesting than those top secret ones\par

He gained admiration from the other captains and they wanted to promote him to the rank of general but he refused and everybody was shocked\par

Since humans discovered space travel there was no one who would have refused but his refusal earned him a title and he was the first in the hall of fame\par

There were a few who ever got there but they were not space ship captains they were very rich people  and each and everyone did something  special  but even then he didn’t care\par

He was still the same man famous or not and he  still loved freedom above all and if  he would have accepted to become a general then he would have lost  it he preferred a life where he could do whatever he wants with the risk that if something bad happens he might be the only one who dies\par

When his happy dreams were over the bad ones were advancing he hated what he had to do  and how  many had to suffer not because of him because of his orders\par

He was sent to end a war where rebels were  fighting against America because the most democratic nation of all was starving his people but the European Union had no clue because  they were manipulating everything they could but this didn’t last long because they eventually found out and launched a massive attack helping the rebels and Alexey was instructed to drop the bomb and billions died that day  among them was Sagitta a very great commander who had changed and lived to see an other day this only made things worse because the whole Earth's nations were fighting against America and shortly after he was defeated \par

After that  the leaders were changed and Sagitta came to the chain of command where he was focusing  on making everybody happy and developing better ships\par

Alexey regretted every day of his life and he woke up sad  only to see that this side was now the bright one and now he had a very thick beard like if one year had passed while he was sleeping\par

                                                                                                    Chapter 5\par

-This is Captain Philip commander of the Nova space ship duo the recent events the former commander Alexey Mihailovic went missing so i had to take the  command into my hands\par

-Roger that  how exactly he went missing? there were reports that he might be dead and that he might have evaporated but none had real proof\par

-Well if i would tell you that he might have teleported would you believe me?\par

-Probably not but why? do you think he might have teleported somewhere else?\par

-I have thought of that possibility too and it might sound crazy but this was my opinion from the beginning but nobody took it seriously\par

-I see why  because just like the rest of them it has no solid proof\par

- I just don't need proof because i know\par

-Still people need proof in order to believe\par

-who cares what they believe? I just know the truth\par

-We could discuss this topic for an eternity but i doubt we have that much time  so where are you now?\par

-I just left Pluto  and I’m heading towards Earth i should be there in lets say if everything goes alright in a month or less\par

-Good to know i heard a rumor that the pirates attacked you what did they want?\par

-They wanted the cargo and when  i warned them  before they closed the communications channel the captain  told me that something was wrong with these bodies and they should never  reach Earth and after that everything is a blur only thing i know is that we lived to see another day \par

-What do you mean by they should never reach Earth ? what could  they do?\par

-Something about causing some sort of change  and that will exterminate humanity and i didn’t believe him at first but when attacked me then things changed\par

-What you were trying to say was when he was so desperate to attack you then you started believing him?\par

-Something like that because he gave up his life for it and as far as i know pirates never  give it up so easily they flee  and they will attack you later when they know that they  can defeat you\par

-Oh as you said he was just desperate to get rich with those bodies who knows what their value would be on the black market?\par

-Maybe but he knew that since space pirates came to exist no one has ever sacrificed himself instead  if they couldn’t take the valuables then they would call a  fleet of pirate ships and surely nothing could stop them but he was still surprised why risk his own life? did he speak the truth or wanted the cargo? no ..no.. it cannot possibly be \par

The conversations were short because  they had nothing to talk about everyone was doing his job and when the questions were asked and answered they had nothing else to talk about\par

Besides the occasional talks he had no one else to talk to and why would he? he was new  and there were others who would gladly take this place and he was in no mood or how he became  a captain when there was a  longer road ahead of him\par

The only person he would gladly talk to was Dr Susan somehow he  might  have been attracted to her or maybe because she was the only  human on board besides him he couldn't decide but he had no time to decide there were important matters he had to attend to and always checking  the navigation systems was one of them\par

Time was flowing  very fast and in a month's time  they would reach Earth but the question why never left his memory it was a question but not a simple one because no matter how hard he tried he could find no answer besides what others told him  money but that was a thought he did not believe in and wondered what is Alexey doing right now because he knew he wasn’t dead\par

On the way home he admired the asteroids  they seemed somehow different when he was younger asteroids didn’t had  his true interest  but now that changed and while looking he saw something that made him smile it was snow how it existed he did not care because it reminded him of Christmas\par

He became so familiar with asteroids that he could tell their composition just by looking at them this one is mainly built of frozen water and he thought to pick it  up and deliver it to Mars\par

Before calling mission control he went once more to check on Susan  but never spoke to hear he knew that something is wrong  but the thought of  the pirate made him uneasy if its correct then she is going to be the first one infected he just had to wait to see\par

When he called mission control to tell them that they might arrive a little later because  of the water asteroid and how Mars could benefit of it Susan came rushing to him\par

-Do you have a minute?\par

-Of course what is it?\par

-I did everything i could with the bodies and came to the conclusion that they are carbon based creatures and inside have an exoskeleton because their bones are too weak\par

-Oh ... but this is great news\par

-yes it is but now if you don't mind i will go take a rest i haven't slept in a few days and i think i also have a fever or just my body temperature is really high\par

-have you checked  if you’re sick?\par

-i didn’t have the time yet\par

-From now on  you cannot touch the body until we arrive to Earth\par


-This is an order now check yourself and go to sleep\par

- i will\par

This only made his fears grow large because fever was something you couldn’t get on a space ship and if she was sick on the first place then she would have stayed \par

He was wondering if this was that moment where whatever it was  showed its first sign  but nothing came after \par

                                                      Chapter 6\par

Alexey  had spent by the looks of it  one year on this unknown planet and he still had no clue where he was the one thing he was sure of was that this was not home and it will never be \par

He had two options  stay hidden and die of old age or go out and try  his luck from his point of view he had nothing to lose\par

When he  went out he saw that everything has changed the other side was now the dark one  and the bright one was full of life\par

He was so scared at first that he went back to his little hideout but human curiosity made him go out again\par

While he was sneaking from rock to rock  he observed that this side was full of life and more to that there were also buildings but  they were strange and he couldn’t remember why was it so familiar to him like he saw them somewhere else but he had no clue yet where\par

When he saw the inhabitants of this planet he remembered they looked exactly like those two on Harbringer except their color was a mixture of green and silver but the possibility that they were some sort of family or from the same race  could not be denied\par

The houses from the outside looked primitive yet intelligent it appeared that they were made of rocks or something they  have not discovered because it never existed on Earth but not every building looked like a house\par

The buildings size was different and it had smaller sized structures and larger ones some were smaller then Alexey and others were giants compared to him\par

While looking inside the house he  found out that the furniture was dwarf-is  very elegant in design  but also  very though and heavy but as he spied on more houses he saw that only a few had it so it must be a luxury that only a few could afford it\par

The poorer houses were the same the only difference was that they only had something that looked like a bed\par

What he found really strange was that the rocks from the outside had the same color as the furniture from inside which was grey and that when he came here there was no one not a single house\par

There were very strange animals that looked like they came from Earth and somebody was drunk when he imagined them giraffes with twice the length and two heads chicken  looking dogs or dogs looking like chickens  he could never decide\par

The aliens as he called them because he had no other name for them were doing their daily routine whatever it was\par

They looked the same he couldn’t decide which was female and which was male but the one thing he was sure of was that there were adults and children \par

The children were going to a place that looked like a school where they were playing or learning but  \par

it had something to do with those rocks\par

Then he realized that the planets whole culture were those rocks but he couldn’t tell what they could admire in them so much\par

People or in this case aliens were so busy with their work that they failed to notice that there was a stranger among them  one who didn’t belong there and not even a stranger a new  alien member of another civilization they had never heard of\par

Something was wrong there was only one of him and millions of them  and yet they had no  clue that he was there \par

From the middle of nowhere came a distracting sound that lead  to dizziness and he fainted when he woke up  he saw those aliens around him and they were saying something in their own language but he was not one of them so he couldn’t understand they injected him with some sort of drug that made him sleep again\par

                                                              Chapter 7\par

As he was closing in to Earth mission control opened up a channel where they congratulated him and Susan for the mission's success\par

In a few hours he was close to Earth and started the landing procedures with the mission control's acknowledgment\par

\b0 While they should have been greeted as famous people  they got no greeting at all all they got was  let’s get this bodies to a hidden  top secret facility while Philip was insisting that this was a bad idea but nobody listened to him\par

They would have become famous if people knew but thanks to SPACE institute and of course the government now led by Sagitta nobody knew  in the 20 century the so called Space institute was called NASA but as centuries passed and technologies evolved they found that the name was better suiting\par

Philip never forgot the pirate incident and always wondered if he did the right thing but he couldn’t decide at least not yet\par

Dr Susan's health was deteriorating and she was not sick but she had a fever  that was expanding and at that rate she is going to soon get brain fried and Philip was more worried than ever\par

Philip ordered Susan to take an x-ray scan to check if everything was alright and nothing was wrong however there was an increased activity  in the frontal lobe more specifically in the cerebral cortex but  that  was normal\par

He said his goodbyes to the people who he found close to him but he couldn’t say anything to Susan because in a way he is going to miss her and on the other hand he still wanted her alive when he is going to come back \par

Philip felt a bit safer but he was still worried and instead of spending a few days after a long trip he went back on the ship and started doing his other assignment that he chose for himself delivering the water asteroid to Mars\par

In less than a day  he left Earth and started his new route to Mars with a thought that made him sad will there be anyone left when he comes back\par

Upon his arrival he dropped the asteroid because gravity would do its work and  in a small time it will melt down thus offering a chance \par

- Thx for trying to help us we really appreciate it but as you know the planet needs more water and even so there is a slim chance that it will recover from its past\par

-I can always bring more and i bought you some equipment\par

-what equipment?\par

-well.... he was just supposed to bring them here not actually know what they were\par

-I see.. then they surely must be  the spare parts and the nuclear  generator we requested\par

-If you say so i will be landing shortly\par

-Oke we will be waiting for your landing\par

In fact they were spare parts but that nuclear generator was new in design and it used as primary resource rocks\par

As he landed the inhabitants of Mars welcomed him with a warm heart and he couldn’t ask for anything else they showed him around and he saw that since the last time he was here they were actually growing plants  and they liked this Martian soil\par

and in time it would make a perfect  planet in which to live in\par

But he didn’t stay top much to admire the accomplishments instead he went to find some more asteroids with a high water percentage and he found and dropped enough to make a slight change\par

When he was done the people living on Mars thanked him once again and he was off to return home but he would not return  for 2 years because while he was transporting the asteroids a few managed to  damage the ship and even trying to ignite the engine again would have caused an explosion  so he had to wait or try to repair it but both ways it would take a long time\par

                                                        Chapter 8\par

Alexey  woke up but this time he was small and he was on Earth with his family  that he lost during a hostage situation he never wanted to go back to that moment of his life because that was the moment when he had lost everything  everything that meant something to him\par

After his parents died he was an orphan and had to leave with his grandparents he didn’t hated them but they were not his parents\par

There he meet a dog and they were the best friend until he died again a painful moment of his life when he wouldn’t wake up because he  had nothing to wake up for\par

Eventually he found the strength to move on the loss of his best friend and went to school where he was fascinated by space\par

In his dreams he always dreamed that one day he is going to be in space and that was his greatest wish\par

He remembered a time when  a space captain came once and started talking about space its wonders its dangers and everything that came with being a captain from that moment he was his mentor he was not famous  but for Alexey he was famous enough to take that road or maybe because his name was also Alexey\par

He always enjoyed the Russian winters  they were  his favorites his best time he didn’t mind the cold he could play all day and he had his dog to play with him they made a great team together but when his dog died of  old age then he started hating  winter\par

He was not very good at learning but why would he trouble himself? New devices came out that made you a super learner they were expensive but he made sure that he can buy one\par

Then his memory faded and went into a deep state of sleep but when he woke up this time it was a memory of when he was the most happy and then went back to his usual state of sadness\par

This time he was in France more exactly Paris and he was not alone he was with his wife on their honeymoon that ended in a funeral\par

They were made for each other because both of them had the same dream  they played like kids laughed  like to crazy people\par

She died in a car crash and since then he couldn’t forget her every year he remembered her but it was not enough because it won't bring her back\par

From that day on he was suffering until he became who he is today or was because now he is nobody or at least not who he was before\par

He managed to finish school becoming a valuable asset for NASA which changed later on\par

After a while he got tired of doing their jobs because it always ended  badly he was not to be blamed but he took it on himself because in the end he was the the full reason why they happened and ended up by his will harvesting water and other precious materials\par

But he was the reason why Christmas existed in 3050 because after a time  people often forgot the importance of this event so every Christmas he was a  space Santa  delivering gifts not necessarily to kids but to everyone and shortly after people started doing what he was doing mostly a dream since he was small but now it was like a dream come true but he didn’t felt to satisfied because of the evil he had done in a few years and sometimes the only gift he had was snow but it was a rarity at that time and the happiness it brought was worth more than everything \par

Suddenly he heard something that sounded like words but not human words in any case but somehow he managed to understand them and they meant he knows and started opening his eyes\par

Still dizzy from whatever was injected in him he saw dark shadowy silhouette around him and they were quite a few \par

                                                Chapter 9\par

Still waiting for others to come and bring the necessary pieces of  equipment for repairs he sent out 2 distress messages to Earth and Mars \par

The only problem was that Earth was far away and it could take a few months and Mars well was close but its technology was outdated and relaying heavily on Earth's but they were not that inferior they had everything they needed to live and do their researches but they didn’t have those Nova spaceships because they were programed to be built twenty years later but that never came\par

As he was waiting he was felling weird but not any kind of weird like something bad was happening because Earth was not responding to his message maybe it didn’t arrive yet he thought so he sent another one but he had the same luck\par

While Mars intercepted his message he asked them what is going on Earth but the message he got surprised him he found out that the last time they spoke was one day ago and some sort of virus was infecting humanity but it was something more than just an infection it was actually turning them into  mindless creatures who were  humans a few days ago and they were actually trying to eradicated them and it was working but more and more were turning and eventually hope was lost \par

Philip  then realized they are all dead or at least a big part of them it looked like a scene from a  a movie called the Dawn of zombies but this time humanity wasn’t prepared and there were no main characters only survivors  if their were any and even then how long could they last? it was a question that had only one answer time because time will tell\par

So its true he said in his mind after all those warnings and everything it still happened and i failed to do anything about it but maybe its not to late and it will never be\par

Hope was fading from him quickly but not all of it  since hope never stops existing in one way or an other\par

He got tired of waiting and called them again\par

-Hello when is the ship arriving?\par

-hello as i said i can only predict and even then its a long time but why the hurry?\par

- i think your joking with me humanity is getting wiped out and you dare ask the question why?\par

- its not a question of why but rather what are you hoping to achieve there?\par

- i don't know yet i will figure it out  i have  a long time until i get there if i get there\par

- don't worry  you will reach it but first the trailer ship  must arrive and bring your ship back here its  to dangerous to do anything in  space\par

- i guess your right but still i must wait a long time\par

-better waiting then  being dead i think i like the waiting one better but anyways we have a few well quite a few weapons and equipment that we think you might need if your to survive there \par

-well thank you for being so kind and your right am i going to need those if i am to survive at all\par

- a good deed never goes unnoticed\par

As he was waiting he  had enough time to think  of what was  he going to do on Earth but he couldn’t think of anything his mind already knew the answer but Philip didn’t well not yet anyways\par

His mind knew that if he is going to stand a chance he needs the find other survivors and as a group  their success rate might just increase\par

After  6 months of waiting even if he wasn’t alone all that time because he was having conversations he felt alone in the whole universe but the bigger question was why him? it would have been so much easier if he died with them or somewhere else in the universe in a ship crash and all the problems would have been solved  well at least the dying  part but that would have been too easy God had other plans for his suffering and  they just begun and who knows when they are going to end\par

Slowly but steadily they finally arrived on Mars where the rest of repairs are going to take place\par

It was not long since the ship was back on his legs again or was it wings? it was hard to decide which was the expression  since it had both  but the wings were firstly added for a better  view but it also gave a masculine look for the ship  and later they discovered that it actually helped reaching  a higher speed in no time \par

No matter what they were made of they would always burn out  in  space so they were mostly used on Earth for a  higher speed  and while out of the atmosphere they were pulled back  so they suffered a minimum damage \par

The repairs required a small time compared to the one reaching the ship so it was strange but not strange enough for Philip to notice maybe he did but he was too happy to care for strange things for the moment\par

As the ship was ready to take off again the supplies were loaded to the ship and the last goodbyes were being said he noticed something strange but it was already too late to do anything about it\par

The trip from Mars to Earth was a longer one then expected since the repairs were good enough but they couldn’t bring back the original engines it once had\par

                                        Chapter 10\par

As his sight was coming back he saw more and more strange creatures and each and everyone looked alike but they were completely different\par

Besides the odd looks they had something like veins coming out from their what looked like their brain\par

They had black eyes and had the same skin color but they were different and looked different which reminded him were there more than one species or was it just a random\par

When compared to Alexey they were smaller and they had no muscle they seemed so  weak but they were not as he weak as he thought even though their psychical form was weak they relied on technology and so they knew what was Alexey thinking before he even begun to analyze  them  even further\par

Before he could make a word one of them spoke but it wasn’t used to that language so it was very hard to understand what was he saying\par

What are you intruder doing on our planet? but Alexey's voice had faded away so he couldn’t speak just yet\par

Then another one spoke it seems he came from Harbringer  and he still lives? but how? we eradicated the other side and another interrupted him unless he is not from there  look at him does he look  like us to you?\par

Then a scientist like alien spoke  his dna test shows a high  familiarity with the monkeys and there is only one place where monkeys  live so he must be from Earth\par

-So your saying he is a monkey?\par

-no not at all  my  scanners show a  higher intelligence but not as high as ours so it must be that his ancestors were or might have been from the ape family  after all look at him he looks like one who learned how to walk straight and achieved some intelligence\par

Then they were talking in a complicated language that Alexey didn’t understand like before this time they were more than words they had a certain higher tone like they were shouting at each other\par

After what looked like a meeting Alexey figured that much out that they were discussing his fate but he was not scared he seemed to have allies among them\par

After a long silence they made up their minds and one of them came to him\par

-Hello Earthling\par

Alexey finally could speak but the only words he could say were a ..a...a..A so they were controlling his voice after all\par

-hello now this was exciting he had so much to say and ask but the only words he could find was hello\par

- I know you have lots of questions and you will find the answers you seek but tell me are more creatures like you on Earth?\par

-first of all I’m not a creature  I’m human and yes they are\par

-i think our scientists might have underestimated  your intelligence after all you went to Harbringer with a ship of your own  and was it luck or faith that brought you to us we don't know but we seek what you know  as much as you seek ours and maybe we can help each other\par

-what could it be that you seek from me?\par

- we don't know yet but if we could become just  like you then we wouldn’t need the technology to  save us its already failing and more and more are dying because  we are very old  more precisely  one hundred years old in human time the only way we survived was cloning ourselves but  no matter what we do  with every cloning and brain transfer we start losing more than we are gaining only if we had your physical body \par

-  you speak of human time but that age is still  a luxury for us and only a few could afford it after all\par

-Hm...i understand your point we should be dead by now but would you let your own race  be extinct ?\par

-never but i don't have to make choices like that\par

- not yet but you will have to\par

- what is this supposed to mean ?\par

- we don't know yet but we would like you to go to Earth and check out something for us\par

-what exactly?\par

-rumors mostly do you know what rumors mean?\par

- yes he thought of old lady's gossip\par

- well then aren't you excited to go back to your planet?\par

-this just a test from you  even if i go there and do as you wish i cannot stay there because as you just said i am the key to your survival\par

- if the rumors are true then yes you are the key\par

-this again what rumors? what is going on?\par

- the answer to this question human  only you  and you alone can find out \par


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