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Rated: · Other · Drama · #1937299
The fight for the love of a woman, and the development of an unlikely friendship.

Jackie Romano held the old-worn news-paper article up to the sun light, and looked at the black and white photograph contained therein, of him in a full-action shot, as he had jabbed in the nineteen-sixty-eight fight .Now, forty-years later, he touched his old gloves, from that fight, with his other hand--they laid on a table--as he stood inside the old barn, his father had converted into a ring, and recalled the day he had beaten the man they had named, "Golden Gloves," for the local heavy-weight championship, in the very place he stood. At the time his father had first trained him, Doris was the most beautiful ,young, woman he had ever seen;because of this, he had asked her to the local dance, consequently; she had initially refused, until, she had seen him fight. From the first fight she had seen, against a local hack, whom, he had beaten comprehensively, she had, immediately, become obsessed, and had come to flirt with him after the fight, since she was attracted by his charisma, boxing prowess, and roguish charm. He was pleased she had come to see him-- as--she had been the only thing he thought of during the fight: she had smiled at him after his victory, and blushed strongly when their eyes met; he had known she had looked, around the small-crowd that attended his fight ,and had wondered if she looked at other men, but had not realised she had done so, with a roving eye. After the fight, he had asked her out again, this time, without hesitation, she had said yes, and they went to a restaurant called :"Uncle Tommy's. " The restaurant owner: called, "Tommy," of course, was an old sleaze-- who appeared to eye Doris up and down, but Jackie resisted the temptation to punch him, he wasn't worth the trouble. But in the back of his mind he had not been sure he could beat the old-man-- in a fight because ,although ,Jackie maintained an appearance, of being ten-feet-tall and bullet-proof, he had heard Tommy was a formidable, , ruthless warrior.. He also knew, Tommy owned a restaurant chain. Jackie vowed ,someday soon, he would possess it, and went about honing the skills to do so. Unbeknown to Jackie, Tommy, forty years old, himself, had later, begun to woo Doris, repeatedly ringing her, sending flowers, even turning up unexpectedly,at her doorstep, in his brand-new Jaguar-- hollering, at her, to get in, and," come out with him to a bar." She had entertained his advances, and had gone out with him several times, as she found him affluent, mature and extremely entertaining, but also, slightly, scary ,although she couldn't put her finger on it, just, something about him, told her; he was not to be crossed.

Jackie's father Joseph, had trained him every night, but, another fighter began to over-shadowed him:Bevan Docherty,who was the son of Tommy, the aforementioned restaurant owner, also Bevan's trainer. All the local girls had swooned over Bevan, he was," the most eligible bachelor, in the entire town. " Included in this summation, Jackie thought, was Doris; really she still had favoured Jackie, but had checked out Bevan as someone who might rival Jackie, in boxing ability, and in charismatic appeal. Because Jackie had sensed he had a rival for Doris in Bevan, he decided to try and eliminate this competition for her, challenging his nemesis to a boxing-bout, the winner would receive, for his prize, the right to call Doris exclusively his, forever. Doris had played along, as she had loved men competing over her, and their subsequent attention. .

Now, as his thoughts reflected back to the present, Jackie picked up a copy of the add he had placed in the local paper-- for a reunion which was set-down, to take place, in an hours time, moreover, he wondered who would turn up ? A small committee chaired by him, had sent-- out-- invites to all known ex-boxers, and trainers-- who had trained at the time-- that they knew of. He had no idea where Bevan was now, or Doris for that matter, nor did he care, however , he was curious as there was a lot of unfinished business-- between them-- which may never be resolved, if they didn't come along to the reunion. He suspected; they may not, after all, it was forty-years ago, they were possibly ,both dead? However; the main reason he had instigated the reunion was: to draw his fathers killer out, and kill him; he knew, whom killed Joseph .It all went back to, just, after the 'Heavyweight Championship Fight' when Jackie had successfully achieved a buy-out of several business empires: Solley's, who owned timber mills; Herchee's and Valium: a local chain of several law firms; and of course 'Uncle Tommy's', who owned a chain of restaurants around the country. Jackie, who had taken charge of Joseph's companies--(whom was to busy chasing women, to care about his companies)made a quick fortune with the acquisition of the aforementioned, which left the owners destitute and broke. Jackie, later, had received word that his life was in danger, and so had left town hurriedly. Moreover, this had left Joseph(who still the owner of his companies) in peril, and a scapegoat, for what were perceived as' Jackie's crimes,' in leaving the killer penniless. Jackie, when he left ,effectively, abandoned his father to the killer's mercy, and the main reason he did this was his father's betrayal of Jackie-- with dalliance's with Doris--whom Jackie had considered his girl. When Joseph had died, Jackie being the sole heir--inherited everything he owned, which had been claimed by him, on Joseph's death, all those years ago. Although, Joseph had tried to change his will, after Jackie had left town, as he had been left in danger by him, but the will wasn't altered in time, which had enabled Jackie to claim an inheritance, legally his. Why it had taken him forty years to return to the town he had grown up in, and loved? : He was tired of being on the run, from his father's killer, and too old to do it anymore. He had to kill him, before the killer killed Jackie, himself. Now, he left his thoughts , and set the article back down on the table; secured an ankle-holster which contained his pistol: a Semi-Automatic Browning; it would do the job It, being, now in place, and in accordance with the reunion theme, he remembered back to the training session, the day before the boxing-bout, for Doris' hand. "The bout," which had doubled as the' Local Heavy-Weight Championship Fight'.

Doris, with her ruby-red lips, golden hair, which had glowed like sunshine , and soft-sweet voice, soothed him as she had rubbed the profusion of sweat off his back, with a towel, at the same time, his father, Joseph barked out instructions. "You're gonna kill him champ. Make sure you keep your guard up son."
After-- Doris had finished towelling the sweat of his body, the training recommenced; Jackie had launched into his sparring partner with a series of combinations, which culminated in a left hook, knocking the other to the canvas. Momentarily stunned, the sparring partner got back to his feet, and quickly engaged Jackie with a flurry of punches himself. When Jackie, unable to hear his father's voice, had paused sparring, and looked around to where Joseph had been standing, he had noticed him gone. Also absent at ringside, and inconspicuous by her silence, was Doris. He had begun to look for them everywhere, until; he thought he had found someone in the small shed ,beside the barn, which had doubled as a meeting room, for the trainers and their fighters. He had tried to open the door to the shed, but found it to be unresponsive, as if someone had held it closed. Then, after a minute or so, the door opened and out came Joseph and Doris laughing.
When Jackie had seen his father with his arm around Doris, he had thought it to be a fatherly embrace, something seemed wrong though, but he wasn't sure what?

Doris departed, since the two fighters had showered, and she had checked out Bevan Docherty's camp, even though; they had poured scorn on her for ,seemingly, spending more time in Romano's corner ,and they had tried to feed her misinformation which she had ignored. Bevan had paused ,during training, to tell her how much he loved her, and she had returned his platitudes. The Docherty's had trained in the neighbouring barn, again, converted into a ring. When she had returned to Romano's, after which time, the two boxers had finished showering--she told Jackie about the rival-camp-- and made comparisons-- which he was eager to hear. They were: Jackie was miles ahead in speed, endurance and by far the better fighter.

Meanwhile, Jackie picked up the old news-paper article ,again, from the table, as an unknown man arrived.. He looked familiar to Jackie, but his identity wasn't clear until he drawled and snatched the article from Jackie's hand, and pointed to Jackie's action photograph, it was Bevan Docherty.
"Jackie Romano" , said Bevan," the biggest fraud in the history of the world."
He spat at the photograph which caused Jackie to grab him around the neck.
"Bevan Docherty , we meet again! How is it gonna feel to have your arse kicked, by me, for a second time?"
"You know, when you were out for the count, the referee didn't start it, until ten seconds had elapsed, my corner ,later, told me. I should have won and you know it. I should have won Doris."
"I'm gonna finish your punk-arse for good, once and for all, you can have Doris .
He tried to tighten the grip around Bevan's throat, but unable, he felt the strangle returned by the other, so tight he could barely breathe.
He felt an arm around him, then a sweet voice ,which made them both turn around, and stop what they were doing , it was ,unmistakably, Doris.

When she placed an arm around him , she felt him return her embrace.
"My sweet baby, said Doris, it's been so long, I've missed you so much, at last I return to your side."
"Where have you been darling ," Jackie said. ."I 've been waiting for you, since we broke up, when my father bragged after(the fight for your hand) that you had made love, during the training session-- before the 'Championship fight,' but I forgive you darling.
She noticed a startled look on Bevan's face, whom appeared to be digesting things, as if unravelling a mystery or a jig-saw puzzle.
He looked ,incredulously, at her.
"You mean to say you had his father, too."
She ignored him as she was after Jackie, and continued to hold him, lovingly.
" I went off with a circus man, after your father, we broke up too, she continued. That was a mistake your father. I am so sorry.I always thought of you baby because we kept returning back to this town, but seeing your add for a reunion, I knew the time was right to resurrect our love. "
She saw a sprinkling of people--who had clearly walked in for the reunion--as they were greeted by some-sort-of attendants,perhaps, facilitating the role--they also had arrived, as the twosome discussed their issues.

She saw Bevan, whom approached herself and Jackie, and gave them a wink. He put an arm around them, this made her wince, for she had wanted Jackie to herself.
"How about we share her, he jived, there's plenty of woman to go around."
He slapped her , playfully , on the behind.
Doris felt shocked at this, but decided to distract him until she was able to turn her attention back to Jackie.
" Thank you Bevan," she put her hand on his, which still touched her bottom, and steered it away.
" I am flattered baby, but I am very much a one-man gal , and am very much with Jackie. What we had honey: our friendship was very sweet, but must remain in the past. "
"I think we should do it," returned Jackie," as you said ,brother, there's plenty of woman to go around."
Doris felt her face flush scarlett , for she had not expected things to backfire .She had contacted Bevan regarding the reunion because she liked to have another man-- who tagged-along and admired her every- word, and catered for her every whim.She had done a search on Facebook and found Bevan.
But now, Jackie joined in his embrace of her, in what appeared to be an acceptance of some form of polygamy;she thought ,quickly, of an exit strategy.
"Boys what's going on?" You've had your fun and games."
She looked in the corner ,at a table, where ,some, men were seated drinking around a table.
She tried to pull away.
"Lets go and have a drink."
She nodded in the direction of the table, but neither man let her escape their embrace.
She whimpered," please?"
"Get your hands off her," said a voice from behind them.
She recognised the now withered, frail figure, of Tommy Docherty, and remembered those ,blissful summer, nights spent roaming the town in his Jaguar, all those years ago.
The two men released her, since she knew, this man ,once, dominant, could ,still, summon their obedience.

"The gal is mine," he sneered, sardonically, and the love she once had for him, instantly, vanished-- when she saw-- what he had become: (his face looked malevolent: the Joker in Batman; the cat about to swallow a canary.
He placed his hand's on her shoulder's, as if she were his' prized spaniel'.
She wanted to spit in his face, but decided it would be best to play along with his game, until a better plan came along.
She felt relief when he seemed to lose interest in her; she felt him remove his hands; saw him draw a large-pistol, from a side-holster. He turned to the gathering, and pointed the pistol, at the three, to cover them.
"No one move," he remonstrated. He looked at Jackie.
"Romano, at last! I have the pleasure of killing you. Remember how you ran away like a coward. I would have- had you killed; you engineered the collapse of my 'business empire.' and you took one of my best gals." He nodded in Doris's direction.
She saw him frisk the two men. He looked at her and smiled as if he recalled an erotic pleasure.
"I will frisk you later my lovely. He grinned broadly:' like the cat that had swallowed the cream'.
Then he laughed deeply, as if he remembered a most savoured memory, and looked at Jackie.
"It was I, who killed your father! "
She saw Jackie stumble a little as if he had an injury.
Tommy , though, seemed ,unfazed, ruthless.
He sneered at Jackie's slight stumble as if it he took it for his sadness at his father's demise.
" I thought you didn't care for that no-good father of yours, after-all he had a piece of Doris ,here, too. That's why you ran away all those years ago, and left your old man to take your bullet."
Since Jackie lifted his hands-- above his head-- it appeared-- to her-- to be a request for him to speak.
"Sir, can I just sit on the sofa. I have cramp. You killed him! I say a job well done. How did you do it?"
Because Tommy held his hand up, and seemed to motion for Jackie to wait, he then indicated him to be seated, which he was.
She saw him turn his attention to Bevan. I had him killed, by my associates, after-all he ruined me! Didn't he son, but you-you ran away. Golden Gloves my foot! Like this coward here (he looked at Jackie). I will let you live boy if you swear total allegiance to me, now. But as for him.
He walked to where Jackie was seated and placed the gun to Jackie's temple; she saw his head drop.

She decided to try to save Jackie-- she would try to persuade Tommy to put his gun down: offer herself as a honey trap because even if he didn't give- it- up, and fall for her trap , it would stall him, and give Jackie a chance to overpower him. She would die here today if she didn't take this risk, now!
"Tommy," she purred coyly, I am yours baby, put that thing down."
She saw him turn to face her, and she walked to where he stood--beside Jackie. Since she kept walking, Tommy moved to meet her, and warned her to stop or he'd shoot, but she couldn't stop herself, even though she tried. She waited for the bang, then darkness, it came, but she was still alive. Lying dead on the floor was Tommy. A bullet through his stomach. She looked at Jackie on the couch, behind them; he tucked a small revolver back into an ankle holster.
"Just as well, I always carry this baby : Browning Semi Automatic."
He looked proudly at the weapon as he tucked the trouser leg ,over the holster, concealing it.
She feigned interest in his weapon, but more concerned with Tommy, she tried to stem the flow of blood from Tommy's chest wound.

The police and an ambulance were called. Tommy was taken away. Fifteen minutes later, when the paramedics arrived, she thought he would live, as they said the bullet had missed vital organs.

Much to her surprise and anger, Jackie and Bevan , in a sudden show of unity, had asked her to leave , and because everyone else had long since left, when Emergency Services arrived, she listened outside the door, and peeped through a gap, as they had not seen her as a threat, and did not realise she still lingered there.
"Did you see the look on her face," said the voice of Bevan.
"She really believed we both wanted her, "replied Jackie."
"It's sort of an irony, we ended up together as friends, being once sworn enemies."
"You know our fathers have ,both, done us in: betrayed us for Doris."
I was so angry with my father and Doris ," said Bevan." My mother left my father because him and Doris slept together."
Jackie walked closely to Bevan ; they shook hands.
"How about we build a new state- of-the-art boxing complex right here."
He pointed to where they stood: in the old barn.
"And tear this old place down with so many memories."
"Out with the old in with the new."
They spent the rest of the evening drinking beer and toasting their new business venture.

The next year, construction began on a gym, and a huge-fight complex, and the men together ,as friends, to this day have trained up some of the best fighters in the world; plus even a few heavy-weight champions.


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