Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1936080-Tank-and-the-Swamp-Man
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1936080
Tank finds himself in the swamps once again to hunt a vicious creature.
“You say this mask will protect me from illusions? Just what the hell did you send me up against this time? I swear Carl, if you don’t find me a nice easy gig once in a while I’m gunna come hunting for you.”

Tank went to put his phone back in his pocket when a better idea came to mind. He chucked it off the side of the fan boat and into the swamp water. He turned in his seat to address the operator of the boat he chartered.

“Alright Cletus, I am ready. Take me to the monster?”

“Say what now?”

“Uh, nothing,” Tank gave the man his best smile. “Let’s get moving.”

“You got it boss.”

Tank faced forward while Cletus started the fan and sent the pair gliding over the shallow water. After an hour the engine stopped and the boat drifted to a stop. Tank turned in his seat to look at Cletus again.

“This the spot?”

“Nope, but it as close as I takes ya. You lucky you found me, most folk won’t even come this close.”

“Well how the hell am I supposed to get there?”

Cletus grinned showing off his missing teeth. He grabbed a bundle from under his seat, pulled a cord attached to it, and tossed it out onto the water. It hissed when the cord was pulled and continued to hiss after hitting the water.  When it did hit the water it was half way inflated into a small raft. Tank looked from the raft to Cletus, he held out a paddle for Tank.

“Best get. It about a mile a paddlin before you get to where you wantin to go.”

Tank took the paddle, unbuckled himself and climbed over to the raft. He could understand not wanting to get too close to a monster, couldn’t blame anyone for that. It was the best way to remain alive after all.

Paddling with the prosthetic hook turned out to be easier than he thought it would be. Tank was finally getting used to the damn thing. It took him twenty minutes to go a mile. It was easy but not as fast as he would have liked. Tank beached the raft and began the search for anything that might indicate that a monster was near.

It didn’t take long to find a foot print. It was human shaped but deep. It couldn’t be old no footprints could last long this close to the water. Tank followed the prints.
He walked about a hundred feet when a woman stood up from the tall foliage. She was beautiful, long and lean with tanned skin. She was also naked.

“Excuse me ma’am, but I don’t think it’s safe to be out here. I believe there is something evil living out here. You need to go, now.”

She didn’t respond. She started to do some sort of belly dance. Two more girls stood up to Tanks left and right. They pushed up against him and started dancing as
well. There were three girls, all naked and all with the exact same face.

Tank reached into his cargo pocket and pulled out the mask Carl had sent him. He slipped it on. The girls vanished. He pulled it back off and the girls were still there dancing and gyrating. It hurt his heart a little bit to have to put the mask back on, but he did. He continued to follow the footprints.

Ten minutes later Tank kneeled down to get a better look at the ground. The foot prints were getting harder to see as the ground grew more solid. He heard a grunt and looked up. A man crouched down in front of him not ten feet away. He was a big man with a tattered…

“Are you wearing a damn cloak?” He slid the mask off for a quick peek just to be sure. The Scene remained the same. “Is this some sort of trick?”

The man stood. His cloak was tattered and shredded. The only part of it not damaged was the hood. Tank noticed his hands. They were covered in crimson, his nails pointed like claws. Tank raised his rifle and pointed it at the man.

“You need to start talkin or I am gunna start shootin.”

The man’s brow lowered and a low growl escaped his lips. Tank fired. The man sidestepped and charged. He was impossibly fast. He slammed into Tank and sent him flying.

He hit the ground hard, the rifle flew off and splashed into the water, the mask right behind it. Tank stood, drawing his boot knife in the process. The man thing crouched not far from Tank. The air around it shimmered and the three women repaired. This time they were covered in blood.

Tank rushed at the thing as fast as his legs would move. The hair on the women lashed out in all directions then clumped together and became snakes. The snakes all turned their attention on Tank. He skidded to a stop and back peddled. He was desperately afraid of snakes.

“What the hell are you!”

Tanks foot hit a rock and he fell onto is ass. He kept moving back on his hands and feet.

“Looooooooooooorn…” The creature responded.

Tank stopped. “What the fuck is a, Looooooorn?” He lowered his voice to mimic the creature's.

The things eyes widened, it must have caught the sarcastic tone. It charged at Tank. He sprang up to a crouch and jumped when it got close. His hook caught the Lorn thing in the eye and caught on its eye socket. Tank whipped around on to its back and drove his knife into the back of its skull, The Lorn thing stumbled and fell. Tank’s hook was still caught in its eye socket, he was drug down. He hit his head on a rock and it was lights out.

Tank woke up after the sun had set and went to find his raft.

© Copyright 2013 Linton Bowers (stryker2020 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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