Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1935962-DEAR-GOD
by Kj
Rated: E · Fiction · Philosophy · #1935962
A conversation with GOD
Hey God! How are you? Hope you are doing fine there. Well God you are very well acquainted with the whims and fancies of this world and its cohabitants. All of us often knock your door every now and then for anything we want. Sometimes you act like a debit card for all of us where in we keep spending the unlimited wishes bestowed on us and you keep crediting our respective accounts. Sometimes you are just like an excellent counselor listening to all our vows and confessions. I wonder sometimes that how do you perform the humongous act of managing our wishes, feelings, secrets, anger, jealousy, greed, lust, needs, pains and lot of other things? I mean are you a super human being!!!! But how can you be, you don't take birth like us, you don't die like us, you have been always there since time immortal.

You must be wondering by now that what exactly my agenda is. Why I am not filing my petition in your court just like my other fellow mates? Amidst a busy schedule, why I am wasting your precious time? You must be in utmost curiosity to know what exactly I am up to now.

Well God! I am not seeking wealth from you because I strongly believe that my greed will outlive it and I wont be still satisfied. I am not seeking good health either, as you accorded me perfect health but I only ruined it and I will do it again. I am not asking for love either as I am blessed with loving parents who love me unconditionally; nobody has ever matched their love for me. I am not wishing for a harmonious world as you allowed me to be part of this beautiful world, where everything is in perfect marriage and creating gigantic equilibrium called Life. No God! I am not even asking for more power as I feel strong enough to achieve my objectives in life. I don't even feel the need to ask for a friend because all this while you have never left me alone.

Hey God! Don't baffle. I am coming to the "point".

I simply want to know you God. How do you act so perfectly? How come you are always in sync with life?If you are so perfect then how come your creations are so imperfect? Sometimes you deny granting wishes and needs of people on the earth, How do you do it God! ; Because I know the challenge in saying a no even when the other person needs it so badly. How do you maintain your calm when people like me get angry on you for various reasons? As I know it is very difficult to maintain the patience especially when the other person is displeased with your actions. Why biases does not affect your decision making power and to our astonishment you always turn out to be just and fair in the long run?, because I closely very well understand it is almost impossible to be just and fair when the person in question is a loved one. We always have grudges against you, and sometimes we carry our hatred towards you for the whole life but you still continue to shower your blessings on us without fail. How can you be so kind to us?

I always get perplexed thinking of these humane acts of yours and this act becomes even more significant considering the fact that God! You are always alone.

Dear God! I want to share your own personal moments of joy, because I do understand the eagerness to share that special moment with a loved one only to make that person smile. I want to share your moments of pain because I have personally experienced that pain halves when it is shared and doubles when you are alone. It is said and strongly believed that each one of us is part of you only; you descend lot of souls everyday to our world. Don't you ever feel the pain of separation God!, as I have known that it takes a while to fulfill the gap and sometimes the wounds of separation haunt you for whole of the life!

Though people like me keep you busy the whole day but don't you feel lonely God! Please allow me to share your loneliness sometimes may be, because I know how traumatic and scary is the state of solitude.

Let's meet sometime God!

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