Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1935672-From-Misty-Emeralds-comes-Jade-Fire
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1935672
Lorie, must make Jake understand the hunger that burns inside.
Authors Notes: this is my entry for the Sensual Moments round #11. It has a word count 2.983 without titles and notes. I choose picture number three as my prompt inspiration for this entry as it seemed to fit right in place with the developing saga of Susan, Jake, and Lorie Cee as they explore life and its many twisting turns. Oh, I do hope it is good enough to stand on its own but it is in fact a continuation of two other short stories. "La Vie en Rosè and my entry for 'Sensual Moments' round #10 "A Green Eyed Bequest

** Image ID #1934542 Unavailable **

From Misty Emeralds comes Jade Fire

The slaps of his thighs against my butt echoed off the marble wall beside us, it mixed with his animalistic grunts. It made a primordial song that seemed to grant consent for my loss of control. I could hardly breathe, my knees pressing tight against my breasts, my ankles hung over his shoulders, my ass rocked up a six inches off the chaise lounge. With each thrust, it seemed as though he was trying to drive his engorged cock deeper inside me. It felt as if the head of his dick had swollen to nearly twice its normal size. Faster and faster, he drove on. My emotions so raw and intense, each time his cock hit bottom... spasms of excited rapture coursed through my very soul. I wanted to scream out, but there was nothing-extra left within me. Only whimpering pants for air escaped as if I were some pathetic creature in torment, and then at once came the relief.

"Oomph ...uum ...." My insides exploded, and quakes of ecstasy rocketed through my entire body.

"Auu...gh ooh. " came his guttural moan as his breath escaped in a loud sigh. He froze in place; his manhood locked in ejector mode as it pulsed releasing his warmth inside me like some molten-hot grease gun. I spread my legs wider and let them slide down over his biceps; he pulled his arms up one at a time over my legs, and then lay down on top of me. His face cradled over my shoulder, we lay cheek to cheek as he, and I both struggled to regain our breath.

I whispered into his ear, "Oh my god, we haven't done it like that in a long time. Thank you, it was glorious, and I certainly needed it."

"I'm sorry; it took this long to steal a date-night, it's just we've been so busy, with the baby, the office, and the publicity tours. But you know I aim to please."

"I know darling." I whispered back running my hands up and down his sweaty, well-muscled back. I felt him tense as if he was going to roll off beside me. I grabbed him tighter and pulled my legs up around his thighs, and locked my heels behind his knees. "Oh no, don't move; I love the feel of you inside me, your weight bearing down, I need this, don't move, please."

"As you command princess, sure ... I'm not crushing you?"

"No, it's perfect--just a minute longer, please." The musk of his warm body cascaded through me when I inhaled.

He let his weigh settle back down, but slid his arm around and under my neck. I could feel his hot juices spreading inside me, his little Jakes filling my vagina. Yeah ... six, months, that's long enough to wait for number two, isn't it?

"You know what today is; don't you?" I asked in a soft whisper hoping he would hear me out.

"Oh, please, don't tell me I've forgotten another anniversary of some kind, ah ... wait, No, that's not till next month. Okay, I give, what did I forget now?"

"It's been two years tonight, since, we made this chaise ours." He was quiet; I sensed he was holding his breath. "Jake, we haven't talked about her much since the night I gave you her letter, and I have left it alone; thinking you needed time. But damn it, I was there too that day she left us; I saw her kiss, her last breath escape into your lungs. Jake she had given me a kiss, much like that, before .... You and Jeff came in."

"Are you sure you want to do this, open up the past, aren't we happy?"

I reached around him again locking my hands below his shoulder blades. I didn't want him to get away... to run from my needs. "Christ yes! I am on top of the world, but I feel like we are avoiding an important part of ourselves. Baby do you understand, she is inside you, inside of me. She is part of us, and just as necessary as our lungs, heart, or livers. We would not be whole without her. I never want to forget her or not feel her beside us."

He started to move again, I dug my nails into his back and pulled him tight to me.

"NO! Please hear me out. Stay one with Me." he relaxed.

I let my hands grab his hair and pull his face to mine, I kissed him with as much passion as I could muster, praying that somehow he could feel just how much I needed this moment with him.

"What I actually mean about the two year mark is; I want to start back to work. You need me with you, not that the new kids you hired aren't doing their jobs. But it seems like you guys are still just going through the motions. I think it's time to ramp things up a notch. I need to be part of the chaos again. I love you; I love our house, my mother, Susie and everything about our lives. But I'm feeling left out. Before we got married, for eight-years, I was in the middle of everything, Jake it's like a drug; the excitement, the constant threat of the world ending with each deal we made. I have figured out that I need that as much as I need everything else. "

"What about the baby?"

"Our daughter, Susie. Holy-shit Jake, my mother practically lives at our place, why do you think we had to sneak back here to the old house to have this little rendezvous. Besides, Marcie adores her too. Why do you think she agreed to move in with us? We have no shortage of babysitters for Susie. I need to get back in the game. Even, if it's only for a few months."

"A few months? Is everything okay?" A sudden fear flashed in his eyes.

"Hey everything's fine, what I meant is ..." I hunched my butt up, rocking myself against him, forcing us into a tighter coupling. "I am pretty sure we made a little Jake tonight, so I want to spend some time in the office while I can."

"What--you going to do?"

"I don't know ... edit I suppose, make a few calls, chase down contracts, and write some; I'll do what Susan did. Go around kicking publishers in the balls."

"Hah, most of them don't have any, and it's not because half are now women. But that aside, back then Susan had you there to come behind her, and make it all better. Who's going to kiss their boo-boos now?" He rolled up on one elbow, hovered for a few seconds then leaned in and kissed me softly. When he pulled back, he said, "What's up kitten, what is this actually about?"

"I finally broke down and read, Misty Emeralds, I was afraid to do it before because I knew what it was about. I wasn't sure I could handle the whole world knowing about us. Now, after 55 million copies sold, it was time to see how much you told them. I knew it was Susan's and your story that wasn't what I was frightened of. It was what you might have said about me."

"No, it was just a lucky break; I made it up, it's out of mine and Jeff's screwed-up, perverted heads."

"Oh bull ... who do you think you're kidding ... I quote, 'She just stood there, in nothing but her black cowboy bra, you know the one, head'em up and move them out.' Jake, that's Susan talking, and I will not believe otherwise. How many times did she use that line?"

"So we borrowed a few of her lines, I thought it was a good one. There's nothing wrong with that. It doesn't mean the book was about us."

"Holy-fuck Jake, 'Misty Emeralds' that's what she called my eyes. You're forgetting, I was with her too, did you think I wouldn't recognize her words, her descriptions of all those sweet nights when she taught me what it meant to be a woman in love? I want to do the sequel; you only told one side of the story, yours, and a little of hers, I want to tell my side. You found some kind of closure when you wrote about her. I need the world to know I loved her too."

"Why can't you do that from home?"

"Because it's not the same, I am not like you; I need to be in an office surrounded by the hustle that made that time so alive. Walking in there each morning was like stepping into an erupting volcano. I need that feeling around me, again, so the story comes out right."

He was quiet, and I stared longingly into his eyes, praying, and pleading.

"Okay, I am no better at telling you no than I was with her. But Misty Emeralds is not about Susan and me."

"Jaaaaake! Really!" I twisted and stretched out to the table beside our chaise. I grabbed the book, and I started reading.

"We just stood there facing each other. Without another word, I kissed her again, a long wet kiss with plenty of tongue. I let my hands slide down to her butt and I dug my fingers into her tight ass, steering her towards the bed. I pushed her down, and we continued to kiss. I couldn't decide what part of her I wanted to touch first, her skin so soft. While her body was so firm and athletic. I needed to taste her, the thought became an over whelming compulsion. Just thinking about how I would let my tongue circle her clit was making me insane, I let my hand grip the little thong she still wore and started to pull on the tiny patch of cloth..."

I stopped reading because I could feel Jake stiffening again. I let the book close and fall to the floor. "That my dear husband was you repeating Susan's recollection of that first night her and I were together. I can still remember the sexy little underwire she wore, the crotch-less garter belt and black silks on those long succulent legs of hers. And your rock hard dick says it's the truth. Because my dear husband, nothing gets you harder than her games."

"So you're getting bored with me?"

"No! Nothing like that! You used to buy her presents after you two played your games. You said it was because you felt guilty. But why did you keep playing the games?"

"Because, the next time we would make love she would start one up. I would tell her I didn't need them that I loved her and was happy enough just to make love to her. But she wouldn't stop, and the next thing I knew we were fucking you and Jeff all over the world."

"Yes, I read that part in the book, so I guess Jeff knows everything too?"

"Of course, she was with him before me; it was Jeff that introduced us."

"Did you ever stop to think that the reason she never stopped playing her game was because she liked the idea of sharing you."

"What are you talking about, where is this going?"

I pushed up on him, "Okay let me up a second." He shifting his weight off me, and I slid from beneath him and sat up. I started for the shelves across the room, but with my first step, our mixed juices started running down my leg.

"Damn, you certainly filled me up tonight."

"I think it was more you than me. If you come back, I will be happy to clean you up." He said as he licked his lips around a very nasty smile.

I grabbed my robe, wiped my legs with it, and threw it at him. "Maybe in a minute, I'm not done making my point."

I got the album from the shelf and went back sitting beside him. "Here, look at this, it's the picture you took the first time you were at the Grand Canyon, you told me That you felt so low because you were there with this awe-inspiring sight, so unbelievable that it defied description. But you had no one there with you to share it with?"

"I wasn't exaggerating. It literally felt like the old cliché, like someone had thrown a wet blanket over me."

"Look at this picture, the one you took when you and Susan went there together, what is this?"

Jake stuck his head under my arm to look at the album resting in my lap. It took a second for him to realize what we were looking at.

"Oh my god, did she tell you what we did there? We couldn't help it. I was so excited finally to get to show her what I couldn't put into words. When I saw that she understood what I meant, my jeans were bulging so badly, I thought my zipper was going to break." He turned his face and started suckling on my tit. I clamped down on his head with my arm and leaned back on the chaise as the picture album fell to the floor.

"Stop, that, will you please stay with me, you are trying to change the subject, and I am trying to let you see something, show you why, we are where we are." He stopped leaned over and picked up the book and handed it back.

"Okay, go ahead I am all ears."

"Jake can you be serious for two minutes, please this is important, you asked why, and I am trying to explain it to you." He stopped, and I pointed to the picture of the two foot wide rock outcropping surrounded on three sides by a sheer cliff drop of nearly a mile deep.

"Susan showed this to me one night, she said, it was on that day when you two fucked on this rock, with certain death only inches away that she understood. Jake she loved that you were excited by her sex games, but she didn't play them because you liked them. She played them because they made her know she was alive, they are her proof that her life was worth living."

He gave me a puzzled gaze; I closed the book and set it down. I pushed him back flat on the chaise and slid over on top of him sitting on his hips. He tried to move to adjust his position so he could get inside me. But I didn't cooperate. No, I moved around making it impossible for him to get in. He grabbed my hips trying to hold me still. I leaned forward putting my hands on his shoulders and let my legs hang off either side of the lounger onto the floor so I could control the moment. I rose up a few inches and then let my full weight slam down on him, and he gave a slight groan. I reached behind my ass with one hand and grabbed his cock.

"If you ever want this bad boy to taste pussy, again. You better stop and hear me."

He became extremely still, I wasn't sure if it was because he was ready to hear what I needed to say or because he was finally feeling my nails digging into his dick as I squeezed its shaft.

"Jaaake, she was an adrenalin junkie, a hormone whore, she was addicted to the endorphins, and she hooked us too. I told you I didn't want to be without her, and I mean it, I crave what she made us into. I need it, the rush, and the danger. Moreover, you know exactly what I am talking about, but you don't want to accept it. But if we are going to continue to live we have to embrace who and what we are."

In spite of my claws on his joint, he was rock hard, and as firm as a shovel handle. I rose up and gently guided his dick into my hungry pussy, the danger of telling him what I wanted and his possible rejections made me so wet I was dripping all over him. In one slick motion, my loins swallowed him to the hilt. I lifted my legs from the floor letting my weight force him so deep inside me I thought I would burst.

"What's your answer husband can you share me with the world or do Susan and I find someone new."

He moved his hands up to my breast and started rolling the nipples between his fingers and thumb. Then he said,

"Okay ... okay. She definitely made us in her image. You are hired; you can start now, I have a little something I want to give you to celebrate."

"Sir from where I am sitting, I assure you, it is no little thing." I started rising and lowering myself on his cock, I did not need any foreplay, no warm-ups, I was on fire and wanted to ride him like he was an untamed bronco. I bounced and thrust my hips up and down in a wild frenzy, then without warning I stopped, I leaned down, looked Jake in the eyes, and said.

"I wonder what Jeff would say if we called him up and asked if he'd come over and stick his dick in my ass?"

He looked up at me and went he realized I wasn't kidding, I felt his dick quiver inside me.

"Lorie baby, what are you planning to call the book?"

"How about, 'Jade Fire'?"

"Oh god, yes! That is it exactly, that's what I see in your eyes ... right now, fire ... green fire."

© Copyright 2013 Joey's feet are sopping wet (iamjoeyc at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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