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Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1935576
The life of Lee Spellman
The infernal ringing of my alarm invaded my dreams, ruining the illusion that summer vacation didn't end yesterday. I rolled over and smashed the snooze button with my fist. I might have broke my alarm but at least I got a few extra seconds of sleep before my dad burst in and flicked on the light.
"First day of Junior year!" he shouted throwing the keys at me "Go make some friends" I caught the keys before they smashed into my face and hurtled them back at Dad. they hit his chest with a thud and clattered to the ground.
"I have friends" I mumbled, pulling the blanket over my head.
"your books don't count" he replied while ripping the comforter off my bed.
"tell that to my closet" I grumbled, rolling over into my pillow. my clothes took up a mere fifth of my walk in closet, while the rest was dedicated to all the best novels.
"you aren't good enough friends for my son!" he bellowed into the open closet. I summersaulted of the bed and jumped into the mini-library.
"don't listen to him guys" I stage whispered. "he is just jealous. my dad laughed and I grinned down at him. he wasn't short, I was just a tall lanky awkward teenager who was always tripping over himself. Dad stepped out of my room and I groggily yanked off my worn flannel pants and slipped into a tee-shirt and jeans. Medford Oregon was too cold for shorts, even now, while it was still august. sleepwalking to the kitchen, I slouched in a bar stool and watched my mom pour her coffee into a travel mug.
"mornin' sweetie!' she chirped in her soft southern accent.
"can you...mmm... bowl?" my head drifted towards the cold granite of the breakfast bar. Mom set a bowl in front of me, along with the skim milk and a nearly sugar free box of cereal. "never mind... too tired to eat' I grumbled.
"common' darlin'!" she said, all bright and happy wither steaming latte. "your a Junior now, gotta have a healthy breakfast!" she poured a large amount of cereal into the ugly pastel bowl and pushed it towards me. I debated arguing over how breakfast cereal wasn't exactly healthy, but that would require talking and I was to tired to talk. I stuffed my mouth full of the food my mother had set in front of me.
"so are you thinkin' about datin' this year?" Mom asked, leaning against the counter casually. I choked on my Cheerios.
"you are old enough for a girlfriend, Darlin', and there is prom this year" she continued.
"Mom!' I said exasperated.
"I am just sayin' honey! most of the other boys are datin'."
"I am done having this conversation with you' I shoved more of the soggy Cheerios in my mouth to prove it. my mom rolled her eyes and kissed my forehead.
"alright, I am headin' to work, stay out of trouble." she grabbed her purse and headed to the garage.
"bye Lee" my dad said following my mom out of the house. the door shut behind them and I dumped my cereal down the garbage disposal.
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