Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1935447-In-A-Split-Second
Rated: 13+ · Other · Drama · #1935447
This story is a tragedy about a boy who died from meningitis and how his family react.
Part I


“AAAAHHH!” I screeched in pain.
My stomach went into overload. I bent over and a flood of digested slop exited my mouth. My father stormed out of his room and began to panic. I fixed my eyes at the bottom of the loo and gurgled. BLLURBB, a second flood! My dad turned his head. His panicking face had turned into an expression of disgust. I hit the toilet flush button and it ate up every last bit of it. My stomach pain was relieved, for now...

“Michael!” my sister screamed.
“What?” I replied angrily.
“Shut the hell up” she exclaimed.

My sister got up out of bed and made her way towards me.

“Wake me up one more time, and you will be my breakfast tomorrow!” she shoved her hand in my face.
“What ever. In your dreams!” I replied sarcastically.
“It’s more like a nightmare” she replied with a grin.

I asserted myself from the argument. I could see where this was going. My older sister, Michelle, was a small-minded imbecile. I think attitude caught her in its net. But I had no reason to care about her. She had no respect for me what so ever. She turned away from me,

“Humph!” she grumbled.
“Good night sissy” I laughed.

She disappeared into the darkness of her room, and so had everyone else. In fact my dad had already begun to snore. Well I guess it’s now time for me to shut my lids as well. I went to bed and slowly shut my eyes, nice and relaxed and drifted of to sleep, then a dream began....

My Dream

I saw my father wake up and his arms shot up like rockets. His eyelids struggled to open.

“AAAARRLL!” he yawned.
“Wake up sweetie” my mother pestered him.
“Honey, is that you” he replied
“Come on darling, wake up” she repeated.

As she repeated, her voice slowly faded away, and she began to disappear

“NO! Don’t leave me!” he screamed.
“Sorry sweetie, I have to go to work now. I will see you later” she said faintly.
“Please! Don’t leave me, don’t leave me!” he cried.

But their was no use, she was all but a permanent mark in his my memory.

“DAAAAD!” Michelle yelled interuptingly!
“DAD hurry!” she yelled in desperation.

His sorrowful emotions left him. Dad threw the blankets off him and sped towards Michelle. Their she stood, her tears were unstoppable and her hands blocked her mouth. He was greeted by the most horrific sight he had ever seen.

“Michael...” Dad whimpered.
“MICHAEL, NO, MICHAEL!” Michelle continued to scream.

Dad’s heart stopped for a split second and skipped a beat. His mouth fell open and his eyes stopped blinking.

“Son...” he whispered to myself.

I lay there in my small bed, with blood dripping from my mouth...

Part II

Michelle leaned against the wall in shock and her tears began to fade. Instead she watched my dad drop to the ground on his knees. He leaned towards me on my deathbed and tightly wrapped his arms around my me. He wasn’t screaming, he held on to me solemnly, emotionless. A tear fell from his eye and struck my cheek, he held me close, and refused to let me go.

“D-Dad?” Michelle whispered

No reply.

“Dad, answer me” she exclaimed.

Michelle raced to the phone and dialed 111 emergency.

Beeep, Beeep..... “Hello please state your emergency” the operator said.

“Please! I need help! Me and my father woke up and went to check on my brother, we got their he was dead with blood dripping from his mouth! Please operator send the ambulance immediately!” she exclaimed.

“Stay calm sweetheart. What is your name? “
“Michelle...” she yelled while panicking.
“We’ll be their in a second. Keep yourself together ok?”

Michelle hung up and awaited their arrival, she sat in the corner of my room and shut her eyes. All she could see was the eerie darkness which surrounded her. The darkness felt her pain as well.

“Michelle, Michelle.....” a familiar voice whispered.
“Michael...?” she questioned herself.
“I love you so much” I whispered to her.

She exploded with tears and screamed,

“MICHAEL, I’M SORRY” she screamed.

She filled to the brim with regret. She gnashed her teeth, wept and wept.

“Calm down Michelle, calm down. We are here to help you darling” a sweet voice said. She realized it was the nurse!

But she couldn’t stop. She was uncontrollable. My dad’s face appeared before her. He was smiling, and grasped Michelle’s body in his arms.

One last tear fell from his eye,

“Everything will be ok” he said calmly”.

I stood their and watched my sister and father hug and cry. But then I realized...

“This isn’t a dream”.
© Copyright 2013 Sad Man Sam (leeim at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1935447-In-A-Split-Second