Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1935433-A-Growing-Family
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Erotica · #1935433
Matt and his brother Jake have a very fulfilling summer
Matt had just finished football practice on a sweltering summer afternoon. Matt's high-school football league was just finishing off their season with an upsetting defeat blocking their chances to advancing to nationals. Today being his last practice he sulked all the way home knowing that he would need to find something to pre-occupy his time with now. Matt had just turned 17, and was just finishing off his junior year of high-school and he was a complete testament of the offensive-lineman physique. At 6'2 Matt was a solid framed guy weighing in at a good 210 pounds. He had a strong body, mapped with muscular features and a slight layering of fat on his body. Never bothered him to be honest, he liked the bit of heft over his muscle, it gave him a little cushioning on the field. And to be honest he enjoying following in the footsteps of his brother, an alumni and one of the best OL to go through the school. His brother has gone away to university on a football scholarship. His brother was known for his stellar performance on the field and his appetite off it, so being an exceptional member of the OL and having a little extra meat on him only meant he is one step close to being like his older brother.

As Matt was nearing his house he could see from a distance that there was a white pick-up truck parked in the driveway. He immediately yelled, "Oh man! Jake's home!" Matt had a little bit more pep in his step as he raced the rest of the way home.

Matt peaked inside the window of his brother's truck as he walked by in hopes that maybe he was still inside but now luck. It seemed that all his stuff was already moved off the back of his truck and into the house. Once he managed to unlock the door, Matt could see that in fact his brother had already moved his dorm stuff into the main hall. But no sign of Jake. As Matt walked through the house and up the stairs to his room so he could drop his stuff off in his room and get changed he saw a small pile of clothing gathering outside his brothers room. He crept up to the door and slowly swung the door open to find the back of his brother facing him as he was looking into his mirror.

"Almost got it!" Jake quivered, "Almost there!", "Ahaa!" Jack exclaimed. Just then he spun around to find Matt staring at him form his doorway and the look of surprise on Matt's face was priceless.

"Uhh.... What up little bro", Said Jake as he stood in the middle of his room, wearing nothing but a very ill fitting pair of khaki's. Matt couldn't believe what he was seeing, his brother must have really put it on during his year at school, he was huge. The shorts Jake was wearing were extremely taut as they curved around his larger lower body. His once strong legs were now tree trunk thighs that held up his round, firm ass. The button and most of the waistband of his pants were covered by a prominent overhang lead on by his large gut. Jake had a definite muffin top, love handles almost a wide as his shoulders. His once toned pecs were layered with soft fat, along with those muscular arms of his. Not to mention his face rounded out as well and with a forming double chin. Despite all the weight Jake had put on, Matt was surprised that he was still a good looking guy, with his short brown hair and ginger-ish beard coming in, and the coveted family crystal blue eyes.

"Earth to Matt, come in Matt" Jake questioned.

"Uhh... Hey bro" Matt finally replied.

"Thank goodness, though I almost lost you there for a second, aha", Jakes belly quivered with his laugh and had a definite jiggle in his step as he came over and gave Matt a huge bear hug. Matt could feel his brothers soft body press up against his and was still in shock at how large he had gotten. "Hmm... Seems like I may not be able to call you 'little bro' for much longer", Jake stated, "Football this year has been really good to you".

"I could say the same to you", Matt said gesturing towards his brothers expanded mid section.

"Aha, yeah calling me 'big bro' is going to be even more fitting now". Jake gave his belly a good slow rub.

"You must have really been putting it away", Said Matt.

"Well it's kinda hard to hide a 65 pound gain", Replied Jake. His brother in disbelief of how much his brother changed.

"But what about being a strong lineman?" Matt asked.

"Being a strong lineman is more than just being a muscled jarhead, it's also about being big, and have the weight to back yourself up. You can't be big without having a gut". Jake explained, and he was kind of right. Matt never imagined that his that his 230 pound brother, fixated on lifting would come back in a years time pushing 300 pounds.

"Well I guess that makes sense", Matt retorted. "But I got you one last question bro".

"What's that?" Jake said while sucking in his gut so he could pull his now fitted shorts over the last bit of he large backside.

"What's with the pile shit outside my door?" Matt Asked.

"Those... Would be... Clothes I can no longer fit into", Jake said just as he finished readjusting his shorts around his large waist. As he exhaled and really let his gut out, there was a creaking noise from the button on Jake's shorts, and as he leaned forward a bit to examine the noise, there was an instant snap to the right side of his shorts. His large football thighs had burst though the seaming on his right side.

"Shit man", Exclaimed Matt.

"Well I guess these are goners too now", Jake said, slowly peeling off his tight shorts.

"Holy man, I guess you're going out shopping tomorrow", Matt retorted.

"No shit, all I got are my gym shorts from practice and those don't have much room either", Said Jake as he gestured around his thunder thighs with his hands.

"Ahaha, well you better figure something out soon, mom and dad are going to be home soon and are going to want to see you!" Said Matt.

Jake slyly looked over at Matt and said, "Yeah... And what a surprise they are going to get".

Matt went off to his room to leave Jake wandering his room aimlessly for some clothes that could cover his large girth. In his own room he got changed into some clean, non-football gear and chilled out on his bed playing a bit of video games until his mom and dad got home for dinner. About 20 minutes after leaving Jake alone in his room, he came through the door sporting what clothing he managed to wedge himself into. Jake was wearing a high school football jersey which at the time belonged to one of his best and largest buds. Funny how now Jake was the bigger pal and filled his friends jersey to the brim. He was also wearing a pair of blue jeans which amazingly he got on and didn't have them pop, rip or burst open like the other pair khakis Matt witnessed his brother trying on.

"Presentable?" Asked Jake.

"For now I guess... Is that Mike's old jersey?" Retorted Matt.

Jake stared down at the jersey and replied, "Yeah... Funny how Mike was always the bigger dude. Man that seems like forever ago."

"Well it all fits... Sorta... As well as anything could fit a whale, Aha", Teased Matt as he gave his brother's gut a good jiggle.

"Watch it, I don't want a wardrobe malfunction around mom and dad", Jake said to his brother fending of his hands. As Matt teased and played around with his brother and as they goofed off they could hear an unmistakable creaking noise coming from the button and fabric of his pants. "These jeans have a bit of spandex in them, it's the only reason I could get them", went on Jake.

"Alright I'm done. It's just too much fun". Said Matt as he noticed the sliver of his brother's gut poking out of the jersey.

"Well take a picture, it'll last longer", Said Jake as he turned around and left Matt's room in a huff. Matt thought for a second and imagined himself with a huge, powerful gut and an overall hefty build. It kinda stuck with Matt for the rest of the night, lingering in the back of his head.

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