Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1935305-The-Pursuit-of-Happiness
Rated: · Draft · Romance/Love · #1935305
About a boy finding his way around life, love
The Pursuit of Happiness

A meeting

         Craig looked out the little coffee shop, trying to figure out whether to patron it or not. It seemed a bit expensive for a student, but it was the nearest one to the university and  without the noise of his peers, so he thought he would try it and see if it was worth the extra two rands for the cappuccino. There was a vacant table by the window so he went of to it,. Sat down. Pulled a novel from his bag, put it on the table and waited.

         The waitress came and he ordered his coffee. As he was doing so he noticed this well dressed guy at the other end of the shop. His mind seemed to be miles away, but it did not seem deep in thought, but rather he seemed to be daydreaming. Craig laughed to himself.  The guy must have been five years older than him and the notion of someone that old simply sitting and daydreaming in a coffee shop amused him. The guy turned in his direction and noticed his amusement, he almost turned to look behind him. The notion of someone finding some arbitrary thing amusing about him was so foreign to him, but when it clicked he got up and started toward Craig. Craig was embarrassed by this and begin to fumble with his novel not sure what to say to the guy. He was a well built guy, not a bodybuilder, but something that girls would perhaps call a hunk.  Handsome as well. The handsome part did not bother Craig, it was the well built part. An average young man who spent most of his time in non-physical pursuits he was certainly not ready for a  full on confrontation with this guy.

         When the hunk reached Craig's table he stopped for a second and looked at Adam. Adam tried to pretend he did not see him. He felt ridiculous. The guy sat down and continued to observe Craig for a couple of moments without uttering a word. Craig was forced to look up.

         “Hello”, he said nervously.

         “Hi”, replied the hunk. His voice was different from what Craig would have imagined , it was not rough and forceful as Craig might have thought. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but somehow it demanded attention and inspired an immediate trust.

         “I noticed that you found something amusing about me, please  explain”, the guy said, leaning back on his chair and folding his arms to look at Craig.  Craig, could not help himself, before he before knew it, he had said : “ Well, I just thought it was funny seeing a guy your age sitting there daydreaming”.  It was the bloody voice, it was difficult to lie to this guy.

         “So we have a mind reader here do we? Listen man, I like you. You like a good boy, but don't you ever do that again.” The guy made a move to get up and return to his table. As he was leaving Craig heard himself say :” Please, sit down.”

         The hunk turned and looked at Craig. Again the younger boy had surprised him. “And why should I do that he said?”, with same , even toned, diplomatic and seductive voice of his.

         “You seem like an interesting guy and I'd like to know you a bit?” The hunk turned red with fury. In a flash he had Craig up by the collar. “Are you hitting on me you little fagot ?” Craig was afraid, no doubt about it, but somehow violence and that voice did not seem to coherent. So he felt a strange calm underneath the obvious fear and answered : “ Are you ?”

         “What ? “, said the hunk confused.

         “Man, I'm a new student here. I hardly know anyone and I thought since we had talked, why not. I don't see where hitting on or hitting anyone comes into it.”

         The hunk paused for a second, confused, laughed and sat down. “Adam”, he said. Stretching his hand across the table. Craig shook it.

         “Pleased to meet you, Craig”, he said.

         “You're a brave little bugger aren't you”, said Adam. Craig smiled.

         “Are you from around here? “, asked Craig.

         “Yeah, I live a couple of streets from here, on High Street.”

         “In one if those big houses?”

         “Yeah. Mr Nosy, how do you know them do you know anyone there.”

         “No I've just walked past there on the way here.”

         “I thought you were at the university, that's the other direction”

         “Yeah, but I live in digs. There's a a commune on Churchill”

         The hunk broke out into laughter. “I didn't take you for a hippie.”

         Craig found himself laughing as well. “We are not hippies, Mr Wanna-be yuppie.”

Adam, not used to being spoken to in this way,  was stunned, not knowing exactly how to react. But he realized the boy was not in the least bit threatening , his annoyance subsided , and he responded, “Just because some of us how to put their clothes on the right way.” Before Craig could answer, he noticed Adam's attention had been drawn somewhere else. He turned his heard to look. A couple of girls were walking into the coffee shop. They were looking around the way Craig had been looking around earlier, checking the place out. They were both pretty well dressed. “Thrown out model boot camp” - said, Craig smiling.

         Adam turned to look at him.

         “Are you laughing at me again, boy?”

         “Thrown out model boot camp..”, said Craig.

         “Oh, shut up Mr Nosy.”

         Craig did as he was told.  He let Adam gawk out his models and picked up his novel, and pretended to be reading, whereas, he already had some idea what would happen and was curious to see how. The wanna be models chose to sit behind Adam and Craig. As they were passing Adam, one of them gave Adam an almost imperceptible nod, after observing his dress. Adam, reciprocated.

         “Give me that novel, Mr Nosy”, he said, at the boy.

         “And what am I supposed to read”.


         Adam laughed to himself. Adam took the book and leaned back. Craig pulled out a textbook from his bag.”The Republic”. He looked at Adam. Adam had the book open but he was obviously listening to the two girls, who although not loud, did not seem compelled to keep their conversation completely private. This scene continued for a while until Craig had to leave for class around 12'o clock.

         “Adam. I have to leave. I need that book”

         Adam gave him the eye. “Give me the other one then”

         “This is a philosophy book”, said Craig, surprised.

         “Mr Nosy.”

         “Your  funeral”, said Craig and gave they exchanged books and Craig got up and left, not bothering to say good-bye, he could see his new found friend was deep in other people's business it would be worth the effort.


         A week later Craig made his way to the coffee shop hoping he would find Adam there. He need his book. He was going to be writing a test on Plato in a week and he needed to study. He walked into the Nabo 's Coffee Shop and sighed a sigh of relief. There was Adam, this time not sitting on what Craig had assumed to be his usual table, but he was sitting on Craig's table.  He walked up to him.

         “Adam, how are you man”.Adam looked up.

         “Mr Nosy”

         “Man, I was hoping, I'd find you here. I need my book.”

         “I'm hurt”


         “No, how have you been and are you having a good day.” Adam sat down.

         “How have you been .”

         “Fine, thank you.”

         “Listen man, I need that book”

         “And my day is going well, how's yours”


         “Is that all. No details for your old friend Adam?”

         “There's nothing to tell man, except that I have a test in week's time and I need that book”.

         “Well, I don't have it.”


         “I don't have it. But I do have a story to tell you”

         “What? What story? Man, I need the book.”

         “I'll give you your book, just listen to this story”

         Craig did not have much of a choice. In any case, the test was in a week, so maybe he could afford a couple of minutes listening to Adam's story.

         “Okay, tell me your story”

         “Thank, you”

         “You remember those two girls you were saying were out of model boot camp pr something?”

         “Yes,” said Craig, still somewhat irritable. Adam, ignored his tone and continued.

         “Well, after you left, I started talking to them.”

         “Oh”, said, Craig.

         “Is this the guy you were talking about Adam?”, said a voice. Craig, turned around . There was a slim, waitress standing behind him. She was nice to look at but nothing special. He kind of preferred the girl who had served him the last time.

         “Ya”, said Adam.

         “I'll get you book, man. I waited the whole week but you never came for it.” She turned to go get his book. Craig smiled and leaned back on his chair.

         “What did you think, I would do Mr Nosy, disappear with you book?”

         “Sorry didn't think about it”

         “Okay, never mind that, listen to my story.”

         “Okay, cool, go on”, said Adam. More interested in his friends story now.

         “Well anyway, “ Adam was interrupted by the girl returning the book. He took it thanked her and put it on the table in front of him.

         “Well anyway,” continued Adam, “ we started chatting. Turns out the one girl really is a model and she met here friend in some fashion show. She runs a boutique on your favorite street.”

         “What, High Street?”

         “Yeah. Any way, her name is Angela. “

         “Who the boutique owner”

         “Yes, man, let me tell the story.”

         “Which one is she, the one in the red dress?”

         Adam laughed. “So you noticed you little bugger. “

         “Yes, I did”, said Craig, who was becoming a bit impervious to Adam's taunts.

         “Well, anyway she is involved with some old banker.”

         “Yeah, I heard them talking”

         “Kid, you have potential..Anyway, this guy helped her get a loan to improve her shop, and generally play the good sugar daddy. She had all the creature comforts that her little heart desires.”


         “You know how the old guys are, looking to a feel a little younger so they get themselves some pretty little mistress. The old midlife crisis thing.”

         “That's a big word”

         “A watch it pipsqueak”

         “So everything is going well. I mean, she loves her little store. Worked since she got out of school for it and now ten years later, it's apple of her eye.”

         “Jeez, she doesn't look that old. How old is she 28?”


         “And you?”


         “Aren't you a little young for her?”

         “No, I'm not Mr Nosy, so obviously she's very grateful to this guy for helping her with it.”

         “Okay, so what's the problem”

         “Well, they've been at it, for eight nine months and “young hearts they do get restless” . Adam found himself waiting for some retort from Craig, but Craig said nothing.

         “She does not want to admit it, but she is getting restless.”

         “And pray tell, how did you know that.”

         “I thought you had potential boy. Weren't you listening?”

         “To what?”

         “When they first sat down. Her friend was chirping her about watching  all these chick flicks. “Sleepless in Seattle”. That movie's a god-sent. “You've got mail” and all that.”


         “Well, did you look at those two?”

         “Yes, what about them?”

         “Do they look to you like hopeless romantics?”

         “No they don't, but you can't judge a book by its cover”

         “You'll be surprised. I mean those girls spend more time in the gym that Schwarzenegger. What do you think they do for, their health.”

         “Ah, ya”

         “And the designer label are also for their health I suppose.”

         “They are in the fashion industry, Adam,  what do you expect.” Adam paused fo a second, but didn't say anything. This was the first time Craig had called him by name.

         “And what is the fashion industry about?”

         “About clothes and making people look good.”

         “No, my young apprentice”, said Adam, mimicking the Emperor in Star Wars.

“It's about fueling male fantasies of beauty. That's what women want to be and they chase these fantasies for exactly that reason.”


         “So these two are masters of that craft. They've been at it long enough to know the power of beauty and they use. And probably always have.”

         “What's that got to do with Sleepless in Seattle.”

         “Girl who know the power of beauty also know how fickle men are. So they do not allow themselves to get all soppy. It insults their power and lowers their defenses.”

         “So you're saying she's getting soft”

         “Yeah. Inside every woman is a little girl wanting desperately to be loved”

         “You are devious, Adam”

         “Yes, my young apprentice”. They both laughed.

         “So what is you plan now. A trade embargo.”

         “What? Oh, yes.”

         “So when you left walked off to them and told them I was waiting for someone and was getting a little bore waiting by myself, could I wait with them. I knew they would agreed, the other girl flirted with me when they arrived.”

         “When, Adam, all they did was sit down.”

         “Boy, shut you mouth and listen.”

         “Whatever.” Craig was a bit irritable this time. He supposed he was still getting used to his new friend.

         “So they agreed. I sat down and started spinning them a load of crap about being a venture capitalist. And new in the town. I mean, I have been here almost all my life.”

         “Is it?”

         “Ya, my mother was born here.”

         “What on High Street?”

         “Yes, I went to  school at Trician High. And did a year at ...”, Adam noticed he was getting a bit sentimental.

          “Anyway, back to the story...”


         “I'm not asking you permission.” Craig just looked at him.

         “Anyway, this got her attention.”


         “Boy, aren't you listening? The venture capitalist story. I knew it would. I reckoned if she's getting enough of the old man, she might want someone to replace him and what better man than a younger version of the thing she values. Someone who she can count on to take care of her precious store.”          

         “The master strikes again”

         “I went on about how I used to be a stock broker and now had decided to change career and was still setting myself up here in Johannesburg. So I'm looking for new businesses to invest in. She was still sussing me out. So she did not want to say anything, but suddenly she blurted out, could I do anything for her. I said I would see, her store seemed a bit small. She relaxed a bit. Her friend was getting a bit anxious, feeling like a third wheel. Fortunately, she had an appointment so she left.”

         “And the poor girl was in your clutches I suppose.”

         “I started talking about, how I  had this girlfriend whom I was getting tied of because she was small minded. “

         “Do you?”

         “Do you have a girlfriend?”

         “Of course”

         “Is she small minded?”

         “They all are.”

         “Gee man, how can you say that?”

         “Focus, my young padeewan focus.”


         “She listened. I went on and on about how, she does not appreciate what it takes to capture the interests of someone like myself. I work very hard. Like her.”

         “Like who?”

         “Like Angela stupid.”


         “And how I put in a lot of time into my career. Like her and has come from through a treacherous times to get where I am. And he thought she would be enough but she's not. “

         “Why 'd do that.”

         “Cause, I'm sure that's how the old man feels or makes her feel.”

         “You wanted to upset her?”

         “No,  I wanted to push her buttons. You see I know she doesn't like feeling that way. But what she doesn't realize is that she is the other side of the coin to the old man. She is just as ambitious as he is, but she expected her beauty would be enough. Now that she understands its not, it must be difficult to criticize the old man. But she would never admit that. So she accepts his inattention because she knows he's like her.”

         “How does that help you?”

         “Well, she may accept it, but she still needs it. I am in the same position so she'll assume I can understand, plus I'm a venture capitalist so I can replace the old man.”


         “Once I saw she had bitten, I raised the subject she was discussing with her friend the old chick flick story. I already had her, so she listened. Made silly little comments which I called insights and said I would like to meet her again for coffee so I could get more of her insights. She agreed. I ran off to an appointment.”

         “Wow. That was a week ago. Have you met her yet?”

         “No, I'm meeting her this weekend.”

         “Okay. Speaking of meeting people. I have a group discussion at the varsity with some friends. So I have to go. I'll see you man.”

         “No, fine. I'm usually here around eleven most of the week.”

         “Gee man. I'll come tomorrow and we'll try a different shop.”

         “If you want to come. Come. That's all.”

         “Fine, I'll probably see you tomorrow.”

         Craig picked up his bag and went off.




         Craig came the next day a little after eleven. Adam was not there. He was a little disappointed but he was sure he would come. And he did. Twenty minutes after Craig. In his usual meticulously put together casual dress.

         “Nosy, there you are boy.”

         “How are you Adam?”

         “Fine”, Adam took a seat.

         “And so, how's it going with you.”

         “Ag, I'm fine. Stayed up until midnight yesterday studying for that test I told you about.”

         “The life of a young student, ah”

         “Ya, what can I say. Any new stories.”

         “Yeah, come down boy. I'm not a machine.”

         “Listen do you want us to try that other place I told you about?”

         “Yeah, why not. Where is this place.”

         “I'm sure you know it. It's the other coffee shop. Where all the students go.”

         “You mean that nosy place where all you sit there with books and cigarettes showing us all how smart you are?”

         “That's the one”, said Craig, laughing.

         “It's not funny man. I'm done with those days.”

         “Oh, come on old man. Just for old times sakes.”          

         “Ya, I suppose. Why not?”

         They were off. Went through Ridge road and turned left on Commercial Street. It wasn't a long walk. About fifteen minutes. They made an odd couple, though. Adam the well dressed, well built yuppie and Craig in his white shorts and t-shirt. Adam was self-conscious at first, wondering what the people looking at them thought and as usual he took it out on Craig by teasing him, but he got used to it soon enough. He enjoyed his little friend and was alarmed to find that he didn't really care all that much what people thought.

         They arrived at Tacs          . No more or less noisy than one would expect from a student hang out. Adam, a bit nostalgic for a while , [found himself risking his well ironed shirt by putting his hands into it?]. They sat down amongst the students littered about with their books and cigarettes.

         It took a little longer than at Nabo 's  for the waitress to arrive. Craig, was more accustomed to this than Adam, who was about to make some unpleasant comment about the place when a short, somewhat chubby waitress came to serve them.  She was not fat, she just seemed to have some baby fat left. Adam noticed how pretty her smile was. She reminded him of his aunt's glass maniqueens.  Fragile and clean. Adam had almost forgotten girls could be like that for all  the bimbos met at his usual haunts.

         “Two cappuccino's please”, said Craig first. The girl didn't bother to write it down and turned back to put the order through.

         “Where do you get the money to buy cappuccinos every day, Nosy?” Craig was a little embarrassed being called Nosy amongst his friends and looked around almost on impulse to see if anyone heard.

         “I get by”, said Craig, wanting to change the subject.

         “I'm sure you do. Listen, it's on me this time. Save little Nosy 's money today.”

         “Cool. Adam, could you not call me Nosy here please man.”

         “Ah. Little Nosy is embarrassed.”

         “Come on man, please.”

         “Okay, okay. No need to have a ceasure.”

         “Thanks man.”

         The waitress came back and handed them their coffees. As she was walking away Adam mumbled. “Hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave”. The girl heard him and smiled to herself her back to him. Craig almost said : “ Wow, Adam the master casanova shy”, but he was afraid he's retaliate by calling him “Nosy”, so he just kept quite.

         They sipped on their coffee quietly for a while, when Craig realized being able to sit with someone silently may be the surest sign of friendship, but this friendship was not that far gone. The silence was becoming a bit uncomfortable, so he decided to try a bit of small talk.

         “So what did you do when you went to the university.”

         “Ag, this and that.”

         “What, are you embarrassed?” , said Craig, testing the waters, hoping Nosy wouldn't be the first thing to come out of Adam's mouth. And it wasn't.

         “No, I'm not. I was doing a B Comm”

         “In what?”

         “I hadn't decided. I only did a single year.”


         “Ag, stuff came up.”



         “Okay, okay.”

         “Listen, do you know that waitresses name?”

         Craig was a bit disappointed. He thought maybe he could get more out of his new friend than stories of conquest and the like. But he let it slide.

         “Ya, I do.”

         “What's her name?”

         “Gena. But Adam, come on.” Adam turned to look at him for a second then turned to the waitress. The girl had been eyeing him out from the corner of her  eye since she had delivered the coffee. It seemed far too easy for Adam to resist. Besides he missed her kind of innocence. He waited for her to look his way and when she did he smiled. She blushed feeling caught. He knew it what was happening so he called her over.

         “I'm coming”, she shouted. Putting her tray down and going to the kitchen as if she had something to do there. Adam found this charming. She was obviously wanting to come straight to him but had to put on a show of being busy and not that interested. It was obvious to him, and he liked that. She was obviously not that devious . A mere novice.

         He waited, finding pleasure in the effect he had on her.

         “Adam, you not gonna do one your … on her are you?”

         “Relax, boy, I just want to talk to the girl.” Craig didn't like it, but he kept quite. He knew that in truth there was nothing he could do to stop Adam. A few  minutes passed and the girl came out. Picked up her tray and came to Adam, making it a point to look around at customers she had nothing to do with. Adam smiled.

         “Yeah, how can I help you?”

         “Craig here tells me... You do know Craig?”

         “Yes, I do.”

         “Craig here tells me, you were going to the gym at the varsity, but you've stopped because of your ex.”          

         “Yeah, I have, but how is that your business?”

         “Sorry, I don't mean to pry, it's just that . I had a similar problem with my ex. I tried to ignore it but it gets under your skin. So I figure, a pretty girl like you shouldn't have to suffer just cause some guys don't appreciate what they've got.” She looked him for a second trying to figure out if he was for real. She took the bait.

         “Okay, fine, and so?”

         “Well, I have a friend who works at the Virgin Active down on Champagne Street, and I could get you in there cheaper.”

         “Really?”, she said, forgetting herself and getting a little excited.

         “I'll give you his phone number and you can call him, and I'll come back next week sometime to see how things went. Tell him Adam sent you. I'll talk to him, he'll know what you're talking about.”

         “Cool. Let me get a pen”, she said. She fumbled around her uniform and pulled one out. “Okay, what's the number.”

         “Don't you have a cell phone?”

         “I do, but its getting fixed.”

         “Oh,” said Adam, relieved. He pulled out his cell phone and looked for the number of the Virgin Active. He gave it her. She wrote it down. He did not really have a friend at the Virgin Active. He had a membership there and he hoped to talk to the manager to allow the girl to get a membership at a discount and he would pay the difference. 

         “Thanks, so much man. You're a life saver”, she said.

         “It's not a problem”, said Adam. Craig turned to him and said:

         “How in the hell did you come up with that story.”

         “A bit of guesswork and putting two and two together.”

         “Pray tell”, said Craig, more fascinated by what Adam had done that concerned for the girl.

         “Well, she looks like she's on the rebound”


         “That little lost girl look she kept giving me. I'm sure she heard me when I mumbled about her leaving but she didn't even turn around. She was savoring it. The little lost girl look says she is not either playing or not involved. She seemed too innocent to be playing, so she's not involved. The girl does have a bit of baby fat but she is beautiful and not really shy. So someone must have been interested in her at some point. “

         “But why should that guy work at the gym?”

         “She's self-conscious, so she probably starts and stops at the gym every now and then, so I just guessed it was because of a boyfriend.”

         Craig was stunned. He sat there for a while taking it in and then said.

         “Okay, but Adam, she's a nice girl.”

         Adam didn't answer him. They finished their coffee and Craig had to go to class, so they both left. Adam could not really see himself sitting there all by himself amongst all those students. Adam called the gym later and made his arrangement with the manager. He told her she was his cousin so he would not give him too many question. He was a bit of an old timer and he might be a bit too nosy.


Gina went home that evening a little excited. She could allow herself to believe that a guy like Adam could really be interested in her. But a girl can hope. I mean , why should she should have all the losers. A well dressed guy  who knew how to take care of himself. Certified Chunk of Beef. That would do nicely for a change. She giggled to herself, thinking how naughty she was feeling.

         So she did not forget when the time came for her to go to the gym and try out Adam's offer. It wasn't really trying  out for her, she simply believed him and was going there to get what she had been offered. 

         She arrived at the Virgin Active around six , straight after work. Had spent the whole day hoping Adam would pop in again. He didn't and it was John and his stupid jokes and Sam the cook and his monotonous speech again the whole bloody. So she was quite excited to finally be able to do something Adam...that's what she was calling it … and be off to the gym.

         She got to the reception and said that Adam had sent her. The guy was a bit confused for  a while and kept asking her “Who?”, but just as she was getting disappointed, the manager came from his office and heard the conversation. “Oh, don't worry, Luke, I'll take care of this.”

         “Ya, Adam said you were coming. Said you were his cousin, and you would be wanting to join the gym”. Gena was confused for a while. Cousin. But  she thought it was nice trick that her and Adam were on so she played along.

         “Ya, I am”, she said, hoping to hell he would not ask for  his surname.

[The Bashing..the minionship]

First one to discover Adam's cheating and his two other women and beign the grateful miresable sod she is pretends not to know and keeps at it, until,  and outburst

She has a illegitimate son...and she starts shaping him into the new image...the new self that is defined by the hunk...



         On his way to back to his flat Adam went past Smith & Adams, a law firm that his aunt, who actually took care of him used to work with. He had been orphaned ten years ago when his parents passed away in a car accident.  He liked his father, but he had been very attached to  his mother. And losing her was a traumatic experience to the boy. It left him hollow inside. He felt that no woman could ever replace her. The times they spent competing with each other as to who could stand the other's films the better. She liked her romantic stories and he was into martial arts movies. Their tastes could not have been further apart. So one day they went to the DVD store to get movies as usual. But they both managed to get blockbusters they had been dying to see. He wanted to watch his first, his mother wanted to watch hers first. Someone mentioned something about tolerating the other's tastes. Their weekly competition began. Every Sunday they would wake up early and after his mother returned from church, they would go to the DVD store and get a set of movies , four each. They would take turns watching them. They had so much fun talking through the whole movie, one telling the other what he enjoyed and the other trying to understand or make fun of it.

         Even if they had had a hard week at school or at work this always lifted their spirits and brought them closer. Soon they felt free to discuss other things outside the movies. So the boy always knew he could go to mother if he had problems and she would get it. He was never a shy guy and had friends like anyone his age, but it was his secret that his mother was his best friend.

         So when she departed he lost both a mother and a best friend. Her aunt was left to take care of him. She did. But she was nothing compared to his mother. She was an spinster herself. Never had any children of her own so she was a little awkward. So Adam drifted away from her for a while, she was no comfort for him in his grief. And her constant renting about his parents leaving him nothing but debt was not something he never wanted to hear. So he simply let her take care of everything. He was grateful that she was taking care of him when there was no money coming to him from his parents. It never made sense to him how his mother and father could make such an oversight, especially his mother. They had never had money problems and were both reasonable enough about money, especially his mother who had a leaning toward things like insurance. But it was too much to consider in the pain, and by the time he had come to live with it, he simply didn't care anymore, he was used to things the way they were. He only had to promise himself he would never allow himself such pain again.

         In any case, his aunt sent him to the lawyers every month to fetch some documents from Smith & Adams. Today was one of those days. So he went into the lobby, signed his name with the security guard and went to wait for the elevator. Smith & Adams was on the fifth floor. He could have taken the stairs as he did sometimes but he felt like taking it easy today.  The elevator came and he got onto it. It was playing that funny “elevator music” that elevators have in expansive buildings play.  Of course, he knew what it was, he had taken piano lessons for a month as a child, but he did not enjoy it. He liked to be out there running around with a ball. He wasn't very good at it, but it was enough for him to get respect from his friends and that was enough for him.

         The elevator opened and as he stepped outside the first thing he saw was some stunner with glasses on walking past with paper in her hand. He looked at her dress. She was wearing a long black skirt and an a matching top which although suitable for the place, was a bit plain. Her glasses though. Those were expensive. There a fashionable chick in there dying to get out.

         The fact that she was wearing Lest, showed she read fashion magazine's. Well, probably, anyway. It was not a common label. Exclusive and only really liked by those who knew what they were doing. Found only in a couple of boutiques. So what was with the watered down Channel wanna-be suit. It could be to push men off, give her time to watch them without them watching her. She probably had had enough of them for while.

         She happened to be going in his direction , so he followed her silently. She must have felt eyes on her back, because she turned around suddenly and asked: “Can I help you?”

He was almost taken aback, he didn't expect her to sense him. “ Oh, no. I'm going to Mr Jakes office.”

         “Oh. Okay. Follow me”, she said.

         “No, it's fine I know where I am going”, he found himself saying.

         “Alright. Good day then”

         “Ja, thank you.”

         She continue on her way and he turned soon after to get into Mr Jakes office, taking one last good look at her.

         “Oh, Adam, hi. You're here already.”

         “High Mr Jakes. Yes I am. Didn't get to my usual distractions today so I came early. Looks like a day for taking it easy.”

         “Okay, it's not a problem, it's just that, your documents aren't in the office right now. I'll call the secretary and tell her to fetch them. Can you wait?”          

         “Not a problem, sir.”

         Mr Jakes got on the phone :

          “Lucy...Ya can you bring them right now, he's waiting in my office...oh, okay ask her to do it then, she's been around a couple of weeks, I'm sure she'll know what to do...okay, we'll wait.” He put down the phone.

         “Is that the girl I saw just now, in the black suit?”          

         “Oh, did you see her. Yes. She's doing law down at the varsity. Will be finishing next year. She's very bright. We're thinking of hiring her. So we're letting her work as a paralegal for a while, see how it goes.”

         “That's nice.”

         “Adam, it's not like you to be out of words.”

         “Oh, come on sir, I'm not that talkative am I.”

         “I'm just joking, my boy, and stop with this sir nonsense. We've known each other long enough.”


         “Oh, Amanda. Meet Adam James. Adam this is Amanda. I was telling you about her just now.”

         “Oh we met in the corridor”, Adam said. He smiled expecting her to smile. He wasn't quite sure whether she did or not, her reaction was so slight.

         “Nice to meet you Adam...Here are the documents, Mr Jake.”

         “Thank you, Amanda”

         She left. He was intrigued, but he turned his mind back to Mr Jakes, who handed him a thick envelope from the documents that Amanda had given him.

         “Tell you aunt to please come see me. She needn't be alarmed, all is well, it's just we need to discuss something person to person.”

         “No, that's fine, Mr Jakes, I'll do that. It was nice to see you, goodbye.”

         “Cheers Adam, see you next month.”

         Adam left.  As he was about to step on the elevator he saw he saw Amanda again, talking to Ines. A young upcoming advocate that Adam could not stand. He thought the world revolved around him. From the girls boy language he could tell she seemed to dislike him as well. Her arms folded unnecessarily and her eyes not looking straight into his but darting about as if she wanted to be somewhere else. He liked her immediately.

         The elevator came and he got into it.



         The weekend was a long one. A lot of fun but it drained him. He almost forgot to give the gym manager the check for the discount for the girl. Gena.

         He went to his usual haunt around twelve on Monday, having slept really late. He found Craig wasn't there. He was disappointed. He figured the boy must be busy with school stuff. When he came back on Tuesday he was there. He was pleased. He went off to him, patting him on the back and saying : “ Howzit, there Nosy.”

         Craig smiled and looked back at him. “Ag, I'm fine man. Had a bit of long weekend. So I had to study the whole day yesterday. But I'm sure it wasn't as long as yours.”

         “How would you know?”

         “I saw you at The Galaxy. Thought you were tied of noisy places.”

         “I am, but you saw who I was with.”

         “Yes, I did”, said Craig, sounding disappointed. “ I suppose you have a story to          tell. Anyway , I thought you were going to see Angela this weekend. “

         ”I did, we had lunch.”

         “Then you went off with Gena in the evening.”

         “Nosy, I have nothing to do the whole day. I must keep myself occupied.”

         “So, all these girls are just something to keep yourself occupied.”

         “Don't be so crass about it.”

         “I just mean, you were talking about Angela on Tuesday, last week. It's a week          later you are talking about Gena and Angela. How many of them do you go          through.”

         “You're forgetting your place, boy.”

         “You're not my father. I do not have a place with you?” Adam looked at Craig and          his angry little face. It took balls to stand up to someone like him given their          difference in sizes. He found he respected the boy just that little more for it.

         “Well, why do you keep hanging out with me, if you do not like it.”

         “A morbid fascination, I suppose.”

         “Boy, you're...Okay, I won't talk to you about it again then if you do not want me to. But what else is there to talk about. Your books.”

         “Ja, for one. “

         “Okay what about them. Just wait, let me get my pillow.” They laughed.

         “Nosy, you're a funny one.”

         They passed the rest of their little meeting talking about Craig's studies, Craig sharing some of the things he had learnt. Adam, felt a bit like a fish out of water, but he had been a student himself so he soon got back into character. Craig was surprised to find him as intelligent as he did. Maybe he was a closet reader.  He kept wanting to compare books to movies, which Craig found annoying, but somehow when he was finished it seemed quite insightful. They did not meet for another two weeks. Craig was too busy with his studies. Adam went about his business as usual.


[ Ideally Adam should get all three girls whatever that means and the girls meet each other and Amanda discovers that his aunt is fraudulently using his money that he “takes care” of him with. The girls teach him a lesson. And he learns the error of his ways and sticks to Amanda. (But, it's up to you) [What happens when people stop avoiding intimacy ? What's the resistance they go through, how do they handle it?]


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