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by Scowel
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1935027
Whimsical, adventuresome human-male vs mythological-female humorous encounter

" Don't look at them! Son, turn your eyes away!
Turn them away boy! "

" Papa, Papa what are they? "

Where licked glare's upon the swells, upon them swept and
distance swags on every nothingness: late,
late morning's raiment, breeze so, the gliders also, gliders all so lazed

sunlight walks verily on stilts to splay
morning unitives familiar circuits slowly
hung the rhythm's bluster just enough, and of five
smiling pelicanus glide there simper and singular in file,
just above the warps and waves.

Like the breath in a gasp, even a glimpse spans great array:
pricked, and taken was KLeon, by youthful hunger to his amazement
to his arrest instantly, captured, by this pique' and it's beauties in the peripheries
glint: the slight and sight of two springing females wound and rung
to such bounding whirls then quickly disappear themselves from
the shallow surf.

... 'neath the salt grasses blown
neatly down, preened in all stormy winds and swashed
their every likeness: a royal escort lain and laced them
limbers are our carriages through these dunes: To whist,
to flights and to vanish herein; as did also, the ganglings'
whip and twist themselves free from a nocturne's woof
into the slightness gilt, a partitive some, and a
vortex: like, some part real ...

"Papa ! Papa did you see ?"

Thwart of their capture, ours are worldly hopes in this onset, so pause we must
and our celestial equines', also poised here, also hushed.

But now: " We'll have to catch them by horseback, son
They are not like us. "

" What do you mean Papa? "

" They do not move, as humans do. "


Turned, the pelecanus thus again and just enough
to both view and appear the silvery slivers that ride between dark first; then,
there's flounced in it's light, here's another glistening shriek of red through a splash, as a shark's teeth, as viciously and as pelecanus number four, disappears beneath the surf. Hinges turned to drop as bursts the roe felt bovine's human heft to calve and lo, a strange and incidental birth.

And lo, at this girl! and this sight, of her through the lattice of every scrubby oak: She strode, returning from her evenings bath,
she, in wide gates not given to men, but the seraph's oust and Te'jas fallows' is a sympathetic thirst
there, such salted windy lists, in the rustle, dryness, and inland's provident leaves, as also did the rattler's sake and
season there this aggress beauty's anon whirl, and none and nothing other ...

The slenderly dis-proportioned female, of long feet when standing flat but when raised, she, herself and onto her cloven toes: a thing and extent so risen to bluster and farrand: the amazement. Her eyes jerked to focus, seized upon the buzzing at her left, from the ground where lay a coiled and tantalizing adder; exceptionally se'jeant, lengthy, and of some notable girth.

A sneering grin began across her face, as she took to sides an hopping pleading playfulness
to the hops around, and taunts the serpent to it's face. Long slim arms arise out stretched
and begin them delicately to up, and slowly lower, floating them in flinging-flying movements.

Forward, froward
leaning more
defiant, a gesture and
dare, that she'd taste, "A kissy,"
at Ixion's spinning wheel!

Reflexively: the lightning's "mine, yours, ourselves."and thrust him,
an usual satisfaction,
strike her quickly dead!
The snake drew himself slowly cocked, having only sprung of death: sees
the arrow's marked and let to
hapless flight, lets to fly!... But an
here to fore never felt
Slap, abrupt against his busks, synching clasps: thwart swells to fasten, to
pulse, ploy and the plunge instant hypodermic-avarice now that only grope, dry, and at thin air.

She caught him there; her hand both and victory grasp his throat,
just beneath the massive head, she lifts the serpent and
peered into it's eyes intent, and gaping mouth,

her smile hiked slightly higher on it's side
as now her own teeth began to show.
She begins again, to her synonymy and playful swerves the menaces
her other hand slides slowly down
along the under-belly slight and loin-anterior of the reptile
just, to stretch him out, all the way out straight ...

Thoroughly, rhythmic, sweetly squeezing
there forced the swelling's mount to upward, and
perilously, he thrashed but threw his every pearly' catapult's
convulse therein, and thirst's her virulent essences drink of his fangs parallel, at Mephistopheles' fount and gush: serpentine treatise drench reluctant but every drop delight's to conclude the fem-cooing as
the ordeal's sequence of events now dictates the rattler's other, and more gruesome fate.

Having upwardly gratified her lower self, she's now an-hungered physically; and,
the female creature then availed to position the snake's vulnerable throat at her own opened mouth and promptly gaffed him upon one of her own sharpened, fronted teeth.
Hand over hand she unzipped the serpent, opening him wide and fully downwards.
Inserting her long fingers between, into and around, then begins to separate his flesh apart from his beautifully
ring-patterned skin: not at all, unlike her-own...

"We'll have to catch them, by horse-back." KLeon, remembered his father's concision, as it was instructed him; but he had now climbed down off his horse and up into a small scrubby oak tree, to get a better view of the spectacle playing out in the distance. And as he realized not, that he'd
positioned himself down-wind from her, his horse caught the very strange and exciting wafts
of sweet opulent female musk's mingled and entwined with rattle-snake venom.

Scarcely could either the boy, or the steed, contain themselves; nor does prowess halt any fear and force-filled bursts when in awe, upon one is crept, that clings haughtiness, and be them such, they're hammers', and they're hurly, hurly swung: "Oh, Oooh!" : Wham, wham, wham ...

To and fro,the rocking solace, fractured askew of both this ravenous beauty and
her impossibility. Imputed pleasure, both forced and stolen, by an unsolicited audience: Grasped
by realization and terrified, as was also, this liven object of beauty in the distance : Enraged thereby; but she fixed her gaze upon KLeon, hearing his gasps, and a snorting horse.

As quickly as she realized: "This is the boy from the beach, but now, he's alone!", she thew the snake behind herself and sprang impellent toward the, still a'swooned, boy.

at having been recognized KLeon fell forward, scrambling, from beneath branches of the small oak tree.

And as quickly as he might, fled, KLeon hopped while scuffling stirrups and thin-air, on to
the horse's back.

By bounds was the female vaulting the distance between them unimaginably fast; so much so, that the horse bolted without goad, and it was all that KLeon could manage to even hold himself, stayed, on the animal; as they made so narrowly as awkward: their escape. -- Recovering themselves at another safe distance, as tension's relaxed a bit now and whoa, whoa'd
the frightened equine. Kleon, turned himself to gaze again, back, stupidly, longing at her.

The female creature stopped beneath the small tree where KLeon was perched, she paced back and forth
then she saw it, dripping from the tree trunk, what she thought she'd also smelled, of KLeon's bungled entrant-voyeur-visitation upon her expense. She wheeled to look up first narrowly at KLeon,

Then as she set to glare him, to his scorning, so began another sense eaten-consideration,
a whirling question like, and whoooo: then, whooo again! and mysteriously yet slowly does
the sneer'y grin return to her face.

... comes a strange and musical : "Come back boy."

© Copyright 2013 Scowel (scowel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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