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Rated: E · Other · Other · #1932613
The mind is a library of all the events and memories of life.
  A young teen saunters along lost in his own private world. That world is stuffed chock full of exciting activities and experiences, all of which are stored properly in their respective brain cells much the same as a specific book has it's place in a well organized library.

  All that is needed to open that magical mental book of the specific memory he wants is for one of his senses to be stimulated. Then, using the fastest computer in the universe, he instantly is standing in that aisle, speed reading the exact same book of thought.

  He is able to read every detail about any past event he has ever experienced. Like an explosion, a movie fast forwarding, it fills his mind with the entire episode. One may call it daydreaming, sleepwalking, or by any other name. It seemingly is more frequently found in the minds of youngsters encountering new adventures in life.

  It often contains a mix of fantasy, blended in with facts, which become a virtual reality for him. Emotions connect simultaneously with these memories and cause him to commit unusual acts such as jumping, spinning around with arms spread wide, or uttering sounds that accompany the thought he is experiencing.

  He may shoot an imaginary weapon or a basketball unconsciously. As he pantomimes to the thoughts within he remains oblivious to the real world surrounding him. Adults shake their heads in wonder while other youngsters laugh among themselves. Meanwhile, all of them silently acknowledge they get a guilty feeling for having once done that very same thing.

  Visions of that last goal scored in the soccer game are re-run over and over in slow motion as the imaginary crowd roars while the rival players grimace because their impending loss has now become a certainty.

  The classroom is just around the corner and he needs to hurry before that bell rings. His leisurely manner is transformed into one of urgency so he begins to hurry. Still lost in thought, he almost collides with a new girl in school who is holding an arm full of books while standing and talking to a friend. She reels backwards in surprise, and as he reaches out to catch her, time stands still.

  Her friend shouts at him, "Hey, Dummy, look where you are going!" The words are forever lost to him as he looks into those eyes, beautiful eyes that are talking volumes, staring back into his. He is simply and completely overcome as an unfamiliar wave of wonderment creates a vacuum of desire within the depths of his being.

  In that fraction of a moment, just like the touch of a magic wand in the hand of a Fairy Godmother, his old world is stored back on the shelves of his mind in their proper locations for another visit on another day.

  A new world has opened it's doors to the young man.  He will venture back into his adolescent world, temporarily, from time to time in his life. Now, he has moved on to the wonders of a newly found adventure in the threshold of adulthood. 

  An unseen Cupid covers his mouth with his hand. He laughs, then whisks off in search of yet another young soul to induct into the most powerful and confusing world ever conceived, that of emerging manhood. Poor lad, he is stricken mightily with the power of love,
the most wonderful and compelling emotion one can ever experience. All else falls on the wayside of life for this first moment they share.

  A feeling of a new journey in life sweeps over him. It is filled with brilliant rainbows over waterfalls along with dark and dastardly pitfalls. One that will overpower and take control of every emotion it encounters from the splendor of his first moments in love to dark despair over the loss of a love.

  At this moment, he does not have a care as he absorbs this feeling and vaguely wonders at the newly found excitement in his life that will pen hundreds of thousands of new pages, chapters, and volumes in his library of memories in years to come.

  He mumbles an awkward apology, flashes a smile, and continues on to that holding cell of a classroom where he will begin filling that new shelf located in the aisle of love. One that has vacantly awaited this moment since he came into the world. He is pleased to note she also enters,and with a tauntingly warm smile, takes a seat next to him.
  In the end there will be aisle after aisle of these books filled with memories of love for both of them in every size and form. Some tattered and torn while others will remain thin, pristine, and pure. Only time will determine where the dust from the whirlwind of love will settle for each of them.


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