Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1932598-Mythology-Girl-Chapter-Three
by Jeary
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Supernatural · #1932598
Anya Gains her Second Transformation in this Chapter.
"A Sea Worthy Tale"

Anya woke up the sound of her father's horrible singing in the shower. She quickly went to her drawer and grabbed her school uniform. Then She went towards the shower as her father got out of it. " Did you get enough sleep?" Curtis asked. " I think I had a bit too much sleep, I didn't wake up until you started singing in the shower." Anya responded. Curtis looked at his watch and examined the time. "Well I better get going. The police still think that whole turning to stone thing was a publicity stunt." He said as he left.

Once Anya was done with her shower she went and made herself a bowl of cereal and turned on the news. " It seems that the Crescent Hill Museum may not be over with it's publicity stunts. " The reporter on the television announced. Anya listened carefully to the reporter as she ate her breakfast. "We are here at the Crescent Hill Port with a sailor who has a rather strange tale." The reporter continued, " What is it that you saw out there?" The reporter asked. " I tell ya I never thought I'd see something like it...it was big and took the whole ship under! There's A Kraken in these waters and it's not happy about our ships being near." The sailor said. " You heard it here first, is There a Kraken in these waters tune in later at four p.m. to find out, Now for the weather. Anya turned off the television as soon as the weather man was finished with the forecast.

She then got up and left and went to the bus stop. Becky her closest friend arrived shortly after. "Have your usual battle for the shower with your father?" Becky asked. "No I overslept again." Anya responded. "After two weeks had pass since the whole museum stunt and your still oversleeping." Anya nodded her head. "I'm not sure why but I've just been a bit more sleepy lately. "Well at least you have managed to keep your grades up." Becky said. Anya and Becky got on the bus once it had arrived and continued to talk to each other. " Now the news is saying there's a Kraken in the waters." Anya said. Becky laughed , "A Kraken that's probably just a sailor's tall tale. At least that's what my mom thinks." Becky continued speaking. "I'm inclined to believe her this time." Anya and Becky got off the bus as it arrived at school.

Once Becky and Anya were finished with there morning classes they went to the lunch room together. "What exactly has been making you so tired lately Anya?" Becky asked. "Well...I'm not sure." Anya lies. She hated lying to her best friend but she knew no one would believe her if she told the truth. "Here comes Mrs. Perfect." Becky said sarcastically. Cassie came towards Anya and then smiled. " Is Your father still smuggling drugs?" Cassie asked in a pretentious voice. " My father doesn't do that!" Anya yelled out in anger. "Sure he does Otherwise he wouldn't of been stoned." Cassie said. Anya got up out of her seat and was prepared to punch Cassie in the face, but Becky held her back. "Anya don't do it...She's just baiting you." Becky said. Anya took a deep breath and went back into her seat. "Cassie you know the case in the museum wasn't anything like that, so just drop it!" Becky told Cassie. "Fine, it's just one of the things that proves how perfect I am." Becky and Anya both rolled there eyes as they heard Cassie say those words.

The bell rang just as Cassie had left. "See you later Becky." Anya said. Anya and Becky then departed for different classes. The Afternoon seemed to drag one especially once Anya was in her last class for the day. When the final bell finally rang Anya rushed out the door and headed towards the bus. The bus ride home was uneventful as both Becky and Anya were busy doing some of there math homework on the bus. She then went home and continued the rest of her homework. Once she was done with it she began to speak to the Mythos Medallion she wore around her neck. "You know I hate lying to Becky, Why can't I just tell her I have a transformation Medallion?" Anya asked. " It is best not to endanger any one close to you even if it means having to avoid telling them the truth. Besides that who would believe you?" The Voice that came from the Medallion said. "You may be right, but I'd rather tell her the truth." Anya continued. "Why have you been making me practice my fairy transformation anyways? Isn't what I learned when I visited them enough."

"It isn't enough, as you have learned from our training experience the Fairy Bullet attack you used on the false Basilisk two weeks ago only stuns." The voice said. "I know it only stuns non humanoid creatures." Anya said to the Voice. "Exactly using your fairy form could unlock some other abilities, but there are other situations where you may need to get new transformations." The Voice explained. "You mean like the Kraken the news mentioned earlier today?" Anya asked. "Possibly." The Voice answered. Anya went and continued her practice with her fairy form, she didn't discover anything new but she did have fun. Once Anya was finished with her training she returned to her normal self. As she looked on the corner she saw someone she didn't expect to see. "Swift? Is that you what are you doing here?" Anya asked.

"I have something to give you." Swift said. Anya eyed Swift suspiciously expecting him to give her a bit of trouble. "What is it that you have to give me?" She asked. Swift reached into his pockets and pulled out a strange white shard. "Here take it." Swift said. Anya didn't know why Swift decided to give her that shard, but she decided to take it anyways. "Alright I'll take it." She said. As soon as she took the shard from Swift he hastily returned to his world.

Curtis came home to his daughter waiting for him after a long day of work. "Anya What did you make for dinner tonight?" He asked. " I made some Macaroni and Cheese for tonight." Anya responded. Curtis sat down and ate his while continuing to ask his daughter questions. "How was your day at school?" He asked. "Fine." Anya quickly responded. "Anything exciting happen?" Anya shook her head, "Nothing as Exciting as that rumored Kraken that was on the news earlier." Curtis finished his meal and rinsed his plate off before putting it into the dishwasher. " More likely a hoax, but this coming weekend I may get a chance to see for myself." Curtis said. "I don't want to be alone for the entire weekend can I come with you?" Anya asked. Curtis gave Anya's question a bit of thought before responding to it. "I Don't see why not, you can even bring Becky Along if you'd like." He said. Anya went and hugged her father. "Thanks, Dad."

Before going to bed Anya's phone rang. She then checked the Caller Identification to see who it was before answering. She saw that Becky was calling her, now that she knew who was calling her she hit the answer button. "Hi Becky." She said. "Hi Anya how are you doing?" Becky asked. "Alright, how about you?" Anya responded. Becky quickly answered. "Fine, have any plans for this weekend?" Anya quickly remembered about the trip she planned with her father. " Actually I do, I think dad has something to do near the port where the Kraken attacked,luckily he invited us along if you'd like to go that is." Anya said. "I'd have to clear it with my mother, but it does sound interesting. Call you later Bye." Anya responded quickly. "Bye." She then ended her call and got ready for bed.

The next morning it was time for Anya and her father to get ready for there long weekend trip to the Crescent Hills Harbor. Anya awoke to the monotone voice of the medallion asking her a question. "Do you think it was wise to invite your friend along for this trip?" The Monotone Voice asked. "Probably not, but it wouldn't be like me to not invite her. Besides aren't you the one one who advised me not to act any differently. The voice slowly responded. "True I did say that.." Anya quickly interrupted. "Then it's fine...besides chances are her mother wouldn't let her leave on a trip like this. She continued speaking to the voice in the medallion. "I'm sure of it, What could possibly go wrong?"

Anya put on a a casual blue tank top, and a nice pair of blue jeans with holes where her knees would be. She picked up her suitcase and headed out the door to meet her father who was waiting for her. "Ready to go?" He asked. Anya smiled at him as she put her suitcase in the trunk. "I'm ready.." She responded. Just as they were about to leave Anya saw a familiar face waving as she was running towards them. She noticed from the brunette hair in the shape of a pony tail and the brown eyes, that it was Becky her best friend. "Wait for me!" Becky yelled as she ran towards them. "Becky?! How did you manage to get your mom to let you go?" Anya asked. Becky quickly answered Anya's question. " That was easy, turns out she believes learning how sailors work a ship may actually benefit my educational experience." Anya's father then smiled. " That's good to hear, now hop in." Becky first put her bags in the car and then went inside the car. Once they were all in the car, Curtis checked the driveway for any oncoming traffic. Once he was sure it was clear they all went west towards the Crescent Hills Harbor.

It took about a thirty minute drive from Anya's house to the Crescent Hills Harbor. Curtis, Anya, and Becky all stretched there bodies as soon as they got out of the car. "Smell that, that's the smell of fresh sea air." Curtis said. "We know how it smells Mr. Sapphire." Becky said. Curtis then turn towards Becky and then smiled. "Feel free to call me Curtis." Becky simply nodded a yes to him. "You sure it was ok for you to invite us along dad?" Anya asked. "Absolutely, besides I didn't just invite you cause of work, but also cause of the ship were about to go on." Anya looked at her dad curiously. "Ship? You mean were not staying at a hotel?" Curtis then shook his head. "Nope, this ship isn't just carrying artifact aboard, it's also a cruise ship built by the Museum's biggest sponsor the Reign Corporation." Anya quickly asks. "Reign Corporation? The One Cassie Reign's father owns?" Curtis then nodded. "Yes, that's his daughter how did you know her?" Anya quickly answered. "She goes to the same school as us, we've been in a few classes together as well."

"That's too bad, I thought I'd be introducing you to someone you haven't met." Curtis said. "Don't worry about it dad, we've met plenty of times." Anya said. Anya, Becky and her father then went to board the ship. "Welcome Aboard." The man at the front of the entrance said. "Why don't you two take a look around now that we're on board, I have some other things to discuss with Mr. Reign." Curtis said. "That's fine with us." Anya said. Anya and Becky went and explored the cruise ship. The Ship itself was massive form the inside and out.

"There's no way a Kraken would be able to sink this huge ship." Becky said. "Nearly forgot about the Kraken business dad talked about. Especially since he mentioned Cassie being on board as well." Anya said. As they continued looking around the ship they bumped into a girl with lime green hair. "Oh Sorry!" The girl said. Anya smiled at the girl and said. "Don't worry about it." The girl with lime green hair then noticed Anya's medallion she wore around her neck. "My names Penelope." She said. "I'm Anya and this here is my friend Becky." Anya said. "Nice to meet you." Becky said after she was introduced by Anya. "It's nice to meet you as well." Penelope looked around cautiously before speaking once more. "Can I speak to you alone Anya?" Becky looked a bit confused as to why the girl wanted to speak to Anya alone. "Alright we'll speak alone if you wish." Anya continued speaking. "Becky, she asked so you wont mind will you?" Becky nodded her head. "No I don't mind at all. I'll wait in the dining room." Becky then went and left Anya and headed towards the dining room on the ship. "Now why is it that you needed to speak to me alone?" Anya asked.

"You're the one wearing the Mythos Medallion, I recognized it and figured you could possibly help me." Penelope said. Anya looked confused and a bit surprised. "How do you know about the medallion?" She asked. " That's because I'm a mermaid." Penelope responded. "A mermaid, but where's your tail? And why aren't you in that other world like the fairies were?" Anya asked inquisitively. "I used a spell that would temporarily give me legs, and my family refused to leave these waters." Penelope answered and then continued to speak. " Because my family refused to leave these waters, a evil man is holding them hostage and forcing me to do things against my will. That's why I need your help! Please help me!" Anya quickly responded. "Alright I'll help, but is there anything else you can tell me?" Penelope then shook her head. "I'm sorry but all I can tell you is that, when I start singing on the stage tonight something terrible will happen. That's all I can say about it."

Meanwhile Becky had found the back door to the stage area in the dining room. Here she overheard a familiar voice. "Mom! I can't sing, please don't put me on stage." The voice said. "Now, Cassie you are a Reign and you must be perfect at everything, just because you say you can't doesn't mean you can't." Cassie's mother replied. Becky quietly listened to there conversation. "Mom! I've already tried it before and I know my limits, please don't make me go up there." Cassie pleaded. Cassie's mother just shook her head. " You're going up there and you're going to sing and that's final!" Becky after overhearing the conversation decided to help Cassie out. "Excuse me, Mrs. Reign, but wouldn't it be better for her to go on stage the last day..that way it should have more impact." Becky implied. "But..." Cassie was quickly interrupted by her mother. " No but's young lady." Her mother then continued and turn towards Becky. "You may be right, I want people to remember my daughters voice for a lifetime. I"ll ask the manager in charge to change it." Cassie's mother then left the room to find the manager.

"Thanks, but why exactly are you helping me out?" Cassie asked. "Let's just say I know how hard it can be with overbearing mothers." Becky replied. "Besides I'm good at singing and I can give you a few pointers that will help you so you wont look foolish." Cassie quickly responded. "Fine with me, Let's begin as soon as possible." Becky nodded her head. "There is one condition though, you have to be nice to Anya while both of us are on the trip, you think you can do that?" Becky asked. Cassie sighed. "Fine, but it's only temporary." Becky then began to give Cassie a few pointers on singing.

The Ship was now far into the Crescent Bay as night had fallen. Anya and Becky sat with her father in the dining hall. The dining hall was rather exquisite and quite impressive, It was able to hold about 300 to 600 people eating at a time. It even had an all you could eat bar. There was also a stage set in the dining room as well. Apparently not only do you get a meal, but some entertainment to go along with it. The stage had reminded Anya of what Penelope said. She remembered how she said that the stage and her singing would be the start of everything. "How was your first day on the ship?" Curtis asked.

"It was fine." Anya replied as she looked on the stage awaiting for Penelope to appear. The Stage curtains had closed once the first band had finished there performance. There was a few minutes of silence on the stage as teh band cleared there things off the stage. When the curtain lifted once more Anya saw Penelope on the stage in a beautiful light blue dress.

Penelope then began to sing. Anya was awestruck by her singing. Her voice was loud, crisp and clear. She had never heard the song she sang before but Anya could tell that she was quite amazing at it. Her singing echoed throughout the ship. At first Anya thought that it was her singing that was causing the ship to shake, then she quickly realized that the Kraken had finally showed up.

The Ship shook as it's tentacle grabbed a hold of the ships hull and destroyed the roof of the dining area. It was much more bigger then Anya had thought it would be, but there was something a bit odd about it to her. Unlike her previous encounter with false creatures this one seemed to have some bizarre whizzing and clicking sounds. "Aah i'ts a Monster!" someone yelled. Curtis quickly grabbed something and tried smashing the tentacle with a chair, it was then he realized the truth about this particular Kraken.

The chair he had used had been smashed to bit but not before he realized what the Kraken really is. "It's a machine, nothing but a machine!" He said.

Anya was close enough to hear her fathers word. " A machine so it's not real then, if that's so then why did people on the television not know of this?" She asked.

"That's a good question, unfortunately I don't know the answer to this." He said. Anya and her father continued watcing until they heard one of the Kraken's tentacles came open revealing a door. Once the door was open people came walking out armed. Once they were all out the leader of this group fired a warning shot.

"We can do this the easy way and everyone gets back alive, or we can do it the hard way and take a few lives of the people here. It's all your choice." The man said. He was wearing a mask to hide his facial features, but from the looks of his well built body, it was easy to tell that he works out quite a bit.

The men then approached towards where Anya's father was. "Professor Curtis Sapphire I presume, take us to the object the museum is hiding, I trust you can do that?" The man asked.

Anya's father said nothing but looked back at his daughter and knew her safety was more important to him then any object. He then nodded and the men walked with him towards the object that they were looking for. With her father out of sight she then rushed towards Penelope who had been staying quiet this whole time. " Are these the men who kidnapped your family?" She whispered.

Penelope nodded and whispered back to Anya. "Yes they are, you can help me soon, but not yet too many people are in danger."

" I understand that you want my help, but how am I going to do that these people have guns, I've never faced anything like them before!" Anya whispered.

Shouldn't your transformations be able to help you?" Penelope asked quietly. Anya knew that if she had more transformations they might be able to help unfortunately she also knew that if she tried to transform to fairy that she wouldn't be able to do much, especially since she didn't know whether the bullets or even the guns were holding were made of iron. Which would cause them to be unaffected by her fairy magic.

"There's a slight problem with that, I only have one transformation and I don't think it would help us in the slightest unfortunately." Anya said.

Penelope then gave a sly smile to her and then whispered back to her once more. " I might be able to help with that. Remember when I said there was a spell that was giving me legs?" Penelope asked. Anya nodded in response and then listened to the rest of what she had to say. " In my room I have the item that I am supposed to eat to change me back to a mermaid form, fortunately I took more then one of these items. If a human were to eat it normally nothing would happen."

"However if someone who had recently awoke there magic like you were to eat it, it would turn you into a mermaid, then you'll definitely be able to help and we can work on a plan to get those guns away from them." Penelope said. You nodded knowing that at this moment it was the only feasible plan you had. Unfortunately before you could even retreat to Penelope's room you would have to deal with the guard first.

Meanwhile Anya's father was escorting the thieves who were currently holding him hostage at gun point towards the way. Along the way they managed to reach the backstage room where Cassie, Becky and Cassie's mother were at. "All that terrible shaking stopped but, now what's going on? " Becky asked.

"I'm sorry Becky, but apparently this ship has been hijacked." Curtis said. He then went and looked into the room and grabbed a small key.

"Hurry it up, Professor, wouldn't want anything to happen to anyone now would we?" The man ordered Curtis. Becky and Cassie both saw that the men had guns pointed at them as well as her Best Friends father. They could do nothing but watch helplessly as they came to a halt before continuing towards there destination.

"Hold it! We don't want these girls getting any stupid ideas, so one us should watch these people to make sure they don't do anything." One of the men suggested. The leader agreed and used his hands to gesture which one of them would be watching them. With that room secure they continued down the hull of the ship.

After a fifteen minute walk down the ships corridors they had finally reached the destination and the item they were looking for. "There it is boys, this is the Medallion we've been looking for." The leader said.

"That's what this is all about, this Medallion that we have yet to discover anything about?" Curtis asked. One of the man then gave Curtis a slight push reminding him of the dangers around him.

"Quiet you! Our Boss knows all that he needs to! And we can't let any one else discover it's secrets." The man said unintentionally letting Curtis know that the main person behind this operation wasn't one of the people who hijacked the boat.

"You Idiot! You gave away too much information!" The leader said as he slapped the man who was recently speaking to Professor Curtis. "Now we have no choice, but to kill everyone on board."

Curtis looked surprised as he yelled, "What! You said If i lead you to the item you would spare everyone aboard the ship!" He looked frantic and was extremely concerned about his safety of his daughter. As the leader used the key to open the container that help the medallion.

"If it weren't for the fool, that would of been the case, well everyone except you that is, we had every intention of killing you from the start." The leader said. Before the leader or any of his men could use there guns Curtis went and pushed them towards the walls and knocked them out cold.

"If you were going to kill me anyway, then I'm not going to die without a fight!" Curtis said. The leader ignored him and rushed back towards the dinner room where the dining hall was. While the leader was running away, Curtis still had the men trying to kill him to deal with. He remembered back in the days when he used to be an Archaeologist, and had ran into some occasional trouble then. Back in those days he would feel rushed and invigorated from something like this going on, but now his only thoughts are his concern for his daughter and her friends that were on board the ship.

Curtis quickly made it back to the room where Cassie and Becky were and quickly hit the guard in his head causing him to become unconscious. " I've got bad news they intend to kill us all." He said in a morbid voice.

"I think I may have a plan." Cassie's mother said. Cassie and Becky were eagerly listening to her plan. All of them were incredibly impressed by this plan.

"Mom! How did you come up with such a plan?" Cassie asked.

"Well Dear, when you marry a man it's important to keep a plan of action, as some people may seem nice until the moment you marry them." She responded.

"Alright That plan is simple enough, Me and Cassie mother will head towards the communications room, then you two will set traps around the dining hall to get the guards unarmed so we can even the playing field." Curtis said repeating the plan that Cassie's mother came up with. The only problem however lied within the Dining room itself were dozens of people were still being held hostage.

Anya and Penelope were trying to think of way to deal with the guard guarding all the people in the Dining room. She knew she had to get out, but currently didn't know how. It was shortly after that she heard an all too familiar monotone voice. "Perhaps you could use the Fairy bullet on them."

"In a crowded room like this, It would go against our agreement." Anya said.

"Not if you used the bullet while in human form, or did you forget that possibility?" The monotone voice asked. Anya knew the voice was right she had forgot that she didn't have to be a fairy to use the fairy bullet attack, the benefit of this was that she could stun people, but only if they were close to her size. As she examined the guard she realized this guard was indeed very close to her size.

Unlike last time she couldn't just shout off the attack like before. Her aim had to be precise before hitting her target. Once she was charged enough energy and the guards back was turned she fired her shot and managed to hit and stun him. " It worked but I don't know how long it will last so we better hurry." Anya then rushed out of the dining room.

It was then she heard her father's voice on the loud speaker. "Attention! All Passengers, they have no intention of letting us leave alive! Please try and disarm and resist them to your best ability." He said.

Anya and Penelope made it to her room on board the ship without any problem. They didn't even run into the leader behind this scheme. Penelope then went towards the dresser drawer and took out what looked to look like two small pearls. "This is it, this will give you the ability to turn into a Mermaid and save my family." She said.

"What about the people on the boat isn't there something we can do about them as well?" Anya asked.

Penelope quickly gave a response, " I Wish I could help them as well, but if they say they are going to kill everyone, then that means they must of found what they were looking for. Not only that but last time they said that they used there machine to destroy the boat."

"Quickly swallow it, and dive into the water, we don't have much time left!" Penelope said. Anya was concerned about her family and friends, but right now she had to help Penelope since she promised her. Anya swallowed the pearl like item and then ran towards the deck and dived towards the water.

As she fell into the water she could feel the sensation of herself transforming once again. Her feet felt like they were in a tight blanket at first, and her changed from blond to a deep sea red, as she looked upon her reflection she saw that her eyes had changed to look as if they were light gray as the full moon. She then looked towards the ship she was on and saw it the mechanical Kraken had crushed the entire ship.

Penelope then put her hand on Anya's shoulder and spoke. "I am sure there alive, just believe in them and they'll do just fine." She said.

Anya simply nodded. "You're right, but it's hard to leave them behind." She then remembered that this feeling it must of been what Penelope has been feeling this whole time. Anya didn't like feeling this helpless so she went and dived under the water with Penelope to help her save her family, so she can be finally free of this frustrating feeling and maybe with a bit of luck she might even destroy that Mechanical monstrosity that had started this whole mess in the first place.

End of Chapter

© Copyright 2013 Jeary (silvernights at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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