Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1932368-Clear-Glass-Lake
Rated: E · Poetry · Experience · #1932368
Thoughts on Clear Glass Lake
Clear Glass Lake

Along a narrow path through the avenue of trees
there is a clearing where clouds are reflected          
birds appear to skim the earth
and the sun shines from the level of the ground
on the surface of Clear Glass Lake.

On a winter’s day the skeleton of trees          
is mirrored in fantastic clarity          
in the dull grey of their nakedness                    
or the glistening white of hoar frost attire
on the surface of Clear Glass Lake.

In spring the margins have a double image                    
of reeds and iris and water lily          
to hide the brooding water hens                    
emerging from the shadow of their mothers’ wings
on the surface of Clear Glass Lake.

When summer stretches out the daylight hours
elegant swans rest in tranquil sleep          
then lift their slim majestic necks          
and preen their feathers without a ripple
on the surface of Clear Glass Lake.

At any time of day or night throughout the year
walking down that narrow lane                              
in real time or in dream time
my thoughts and memories are buried far
in the unfathomable depths of Clear Glass Lake.

Genius Loci - The Spirit of the Place

In the silence of a Sunday morning when all the village sleeps                    
only the beating of birds’ wings overhead                    
disturbs the stillness of the sombre statues
and silhouettes their shadows on the ground.

Offended by the remnants of the night before                    
I gently shepherd the litter in the streets                    
guiding it calmly into a quiet corner                    
to lie ashamed and largely out of sight.

Emerging like a figure from the darkness                    
or mountains as early morning mist has moved away                    
I watch the centre slowly come to life as solitary figures                    
animate the still life scene by subtle stages.

A frail old lady falters with her dog on a morning mission                    
an elder stoops across the Square his bible in his hand          
avoiding the youth who stumbles home from all night revels                    
while a child enters the paper shop carefully clutching his pennies.                    

As more early morning images emerge into the sunlight                    
and cars distress the tranquil early morning state                    
until the absolute beauty of nature is broken
I quietly withdraw to watch and wait.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1932368-Clear-Glass-Lake