Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1932080-Sisters-of-Mercy-pt-2
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Dark · #1932080
Odessa Valenta must face the one person who she thought would never betray her.

Odessa awoke to the sound of a commotion outside her door. As yet she’d not moved. She chose to stay where she was and listen. Better to get an understanding of the situation before she went out and greeted it. At first she thought Sev was back again, and Del going off her trolley at him. But as she listened more attentively she heard not Sevs voice but a very distinct female voice, with a heavy French accent.

“Shit!” Odessa realised who their visitor was and she did not sound happy. Not surprising really after what she’d done. Truly Odessa hadn’t thought of the repercussions of her actions last night.

Rolling out of bed, her hands thrusting through her tangled gold tresses, Odessa moved to face the music that was so unceremoniously invading her room.

“Genevieve how wonderful to see you tonight?” Holding out her hands Odessa moved towards the immaculately dressed woman. Delilah was looking particularly harangued, and Haron was looking completely unfazed. A look she had gotten used to.

Rounding on Odessa, Genevieve snarled. “I wish it were under more pleasant circumstances. One of ours has gone missing, and you were the last to be seen with him.”

Odessa was the consummate actress, she’d thought it would be about Jason, but not so soon. Taking hold of Genevieve’s hands, she leant in and kissed both cheeks. “Not that delectable one I fed off last night?” Odessa motioned to the chair for her to sit, and she followed suit.

“Oui indeed.”

Tutting softly, Odessa shook her head. “Oh that’s too bad. He was - delightful. But I left him on the dance floor still very much alive.”

“Oui Odessa we’ve reviewed the tape. After you left him he was approached again. I was wondering if you said anything to him.”

Odessa nodded sadly. “Yes I did. Genevieve he was looking for me to turn him. It seemed he’d become enamoured. As you know this was the first time I approached him, but he knew me. He’d done his research. I know I should have told you, but I didn’t. And for that I hope you forgive me.”

Genevieve nodded sadly. “Ah, my mistake he was. I knew that he wanted to be turned, but was hoping that our alternative arrangement would have been enough. It seems that it was not. And now poof, no word of him no sight.”

“Perhaps he is just running late,” Odessa attempted to inject some hope. Genevieve was fond of this boy that much was obvious. So why not turn him? Perhaps because he wanted it too much. “I’ll keep an eye out for him if you wish.”

Genevieve moved to stand she nodded mutely. “Merci Odessa.” And then she frowned. “You are not coming tonight? We were hoping you would sing?”

Odessa laughed and shook her head. “No, I’ve got personal business to see to. And I promised my sister to take her to see the sights. Its been a long time since she was in London, and much has changed.”

“Oh but she could sing for us too.”

Again laughter. “Del is not a singer, she cant hold a note let alone tune. No, she sculpts the most amazing things.”


Delilah blinked, and nodded mutely. She had awoken to the sounds of this screaming banshee of a woman. Cursing and threatening Haron. When Delilah had come out to confront the woman she had lost control. Swearing and cursing at her in French. If not for spending some time in France during the Revolution, a time she secretly enjoyed, Delilah would have been oblivious to the insults. Memories of that time had come flooding back hearing that accent again. She hadn’t thought of that time for years, centuries. Simon had dragged them across the channel when he caught the first whiff of dissension. At that time it seemed that he enjoyed nothing more, it seemed, that turmoil excited him. The bloodier the better..


“Well then perhaps I could commission a sculpture sometime. I should return to The Pit. Perhaps, as you say, he will turn up.”

Haron saw Genevieve out. Odessa and Del waited until Genevieve was gone before speaking.

Delilah turned to Odessa. “I know you did something to him last night.”

Odessa merely nodded. “Yes. I told him to live. Whilst I don’t fully disagree with The Pits basic philosophy, promising something that will never be is dishonest. He was looking to be turned. It would never happen, and if it did it would end badly for both.”

“And so you told him to leave? Are you mad?”

“It seemed the right thing to do at the time Del.”

“So I guess we’re going to find out what happened to this - human?”


Del rose an eyebrow. She was beginning to question Odessa’s sanity. Surely after all these years the madness would not come. Not for Odessa, the most level headed kindred she knew. But then Odessa had been through a lot this last year or so. In all honesty, Delilah couldn’t truly blame her if she went off the rails a little. No, she couldn’t, wouldn’t believe that Odessa was going mad. Delilah was there to help her anyway that she could. And that was exactly what she was going to do. Damn them all if necessary. They were not going to take Odessa without a fight. She’d protect her.

Delilah nodded. “Well then I guess I’ll have to help you.”

Odessa grinned lightly at Delilah she knew her sister-in-blood well, of course she’d help. That was a given. Odessa didn’t have to ask. It just was.

“We’d better get started.”

The streets of London teemed with life this night. The accent ringing through the buildings, like birds calling to one another. Revellers setting out for drinks at their local pub. The younger set heading off to nightclubs. The upper class going to see a show, or just to some swanky restaurant for dinner. And all of this noise still could not hide the undertone of the police and ambulance sirens. It was still early, the night still young. But later on violence would inevitably spill upon the streets. And with it blood. Odessa was of the firm opinion that civilisation had not advance one iota, in fact it had slipped backwards.

Haron walked behind the two Valenta women, again keeping an eye out for would be trouble. Whether it came in the form of another kindred, an unlikely occurrence, or from a human, a more likely occurrence these days. For him, women had never been targets, even in his barbaric age of the Vikings, but in this century it didn’t seem to matter. Women, children, the aged, they were all easy targets. That sickened him. In this age of technological advancements, in this age of a ‘better ‘ civilisation, for some, for the weark, it was worse. In his apparent youth, he had hoped for something more.

He’d noticed the car earlier, but at the time had said nothing. Now that it had been following them for some time, he could no longer ignore the presence. “Miss Valenta?”

Both women stopped, turned and answered him. “Yes?”

Not used to having two Valentas to deal with Haron halted in his progress. He blinked mutely, then forced himself to speak. “The car behind us, has been following us.”

Odessa moved so she was able to peer around Haron, Delilah withdrew her sword as the car came to a stop, and the drivers door opened. Stepping out onto the road and walking around the Bentley a man approached the trio. “Miss Odessa Valenta?”

Abruptly stopping when he saw now two swords drawn. Odessa watched the man. He seemed unarmed, but even she knew appearances could be deceptive.

“Identify yourself!” Odessa’s voice was clipped and terse. An air of authority pushed into the words. Commanding and compelling. Delilah heard it, caught it and smirked slightly. Another surprise. Something else that had changed in her sister. Simon was going to be very surprised when he saw her again.

The man looked, and smelt frightened, Odessa heard the heavy beat of a frightened heart.

“I’m Rod Harmsworth. Madame Genevieve sent me to aid you.”

Odessa tipped her head to the side, her hands came up to touch the swords to either side of her. Yes there it was, that other scent.

“Why didn’t you make yourself known to us earlier?”

Rod blanched at the question. “I - I missed you as you came out, and then, well it was difficult to get your attention.” Rod blushed, and Odessa heard Delilah chuckle.

“Never mind Rod, you’ve got our attention now. I take it Genevieve wants us to go to The Pits first?”

“Yes Miss.” Rod, knowing his place, and knowing who Odessa was, bowed slightly at the waist.

Delilah, who’d been watching this scene unfold turned to Odessa. “Des, who is this Genevieve? More importantly, why are you even getting involved in this? You had nothing to do with this. This has nothing to do with us, or you. This is an internal problem.”

Odessa shook her head. “No Del. This has everything to do with me. Not only was I the last to be seen with him, but I work for Genevieve.. I’m her - enforcer.”

Delilah raised her eyebrow at Odessa. “You?”

Odessa’s lips tightened. “Yes. Me. “ And with that she stalked towards the parked car, leaving Delilah behind her, and Rod scurrying ahead of her to open the car door. Haron had no choice but to follow Odessa who was now climbing into the back of the Bentley.

Groaning audibly Delilah followed and slid into the back of the car as Haron stood back and allowed her to enter the car before him. She took a seat opposite a glowering Odessa. So many things had changed in such a short time. This was not the Odessa she knew.

“How long?”

Odessa shrugged. “A few years now.”

“Does Simon know?”

“Good God no. He’d order me back home.”

Delilah had to concede this point to her. That he most certainly would do. Simon was severely underestimating Odessa. “Don’t you think he should? He might take it better than you think.”

Odessa shook her head. “I don’t think he’d understand. And I’m not willing to take that chance.”

Delilah frowned and sat back into the leather seats of the Bentley. She’d learnt so much about Odessa during this trip and she was beginning to think that she’d only just touched the tip of the iceberg. There was more, definitely but just how much, and what was yet to be uncovered. Now that truly scared her.

Turning into the alleyway behind The Feeding Pits Odessa saw Genevieve’s men waiting for them. As for The Pits itself, it looked deserted. Either they weren’t opening for the night or they were going to open later. Either way it was bad for business. The Pits had grown in reputation. Anybody who was anybody was more than likely to be seen here. And just like everyone else they had to sign a secrecy agreement. Genevieve made a point of keeping the Paparazzi out. They were the last sort of people they wanted in here.

Up until now she’d succeeded. It was not easy. Odessa knew that first hand. That’s where her special abilities came into play. Odessa was a able to manipulate thoughts and memories, just by speaking to her target. And if she sang she could do it on a much larger scale. It was hypnotism, but with that extra kick to it.

Before Odessa got out of the car, Delilah reached out to stop her. “You didn’t answer my question. Just who is Genevieve?”

Odessa stopped and looked at Delilah. A mask of seriousness upon her features, which caught Delilah by surprise. A twisted smirk crossed Odessa’s lips. “She’s the true Queen of London.” And with that little bombshell dropped, she was out the open door of the Bentley nodding to the two waiting for her, and Haron bringing up the rear.

“Hell!” Delilah cursed. It was worse than she thought. No wonder Simon hadn’t been told. Nor would he be.



The Feeding Pit looked very different empty. It was filled with light, the darkness banished for now. The dark corners illuminated brightly. They were setting up for the night, that much Odessa could tell. Already the girls behind the bar were industriously quiet. The DJ in his booth was seeing to his music for the night. But the cleaners … the cleaners were hanging back waiting. Watching.

Genevieve knew how to draw attention to herself. Not that she had to work too hard to do so. She was simply stunning. The ebony fall of her hair would have fallen to her waist, if allowed free. But Genevieve being Genevieve never allowed her tresses that much freedom. It was pulled up and neatly rolled circa 1940’s style. She wore a navy blue pinstriped suit. The pants flaring at her ankles, and her dark blue pumps shining.

“Odessa, thank you for coming. I thought we’d start here since this was the last place he was seen.” Genevieve nodded in a way of greeting to Delilah, to which Delilah returned the nod.

Odessa’s heels clicked lightly against the dance floor. Unlike Genevieve, she allowed her hair to fall freely down her back. Delilah was relegated to stand back and watch the proceedings with Haran. Whom, Delilah noticed, was watching all too impassively. Was he not supposed to be protecting Des? Delilah twitched. She was hating these sidelines.

Taking the outstretched hand that Genevieve was offering, Odessa stepped in close to the woman and kissed first one cheek, then the other. Genevieve bent her head to Odessa’s, her lips pursed in preparation to speak, to whisper. “Your sister is nervous, and so, I shall leave you to your work.”

Odessa managed to glare at Delilah. She nodded. “ She is. Thank you.”

Genevieve nodded. She’d caught the errant tension in the air. The nervousness. The amusement. “Au revoir Odessa et bonne chance.”

Odessa waited until Genevieve had left completely. She remained, however, with her back to them. She knew Genevieve well. Knew that she’d be watching them, and listening. And that she did not want. Rather than make the gesture obvious to watching eyes, Odessa chose to drop her hand down to her sides, she turned, ensuring that only Delilah, but more importantly, Haran could see her gesture for silence. Another look over her shoulder at Haron, who needed imperceptibly that he understood her meaning.

Delilah caught something although what it could be she wasn’t overly sure. There was a rapport between the two, that up until now, she’d not really noticed. Now that she really looked, she saw.

Closing her eyes, Odessa shut out those little sounds that seemed to cling to her. She cast away the extraneous, and concentrated on her immediate surroundings. Delving into the scents that swirled towards her. A miasmic soup that had been interwoven over time. Slowly, carefully, she began to peel away those scents. One by one, layer by layer. Stripping them back casting them aside. Odessa hesitated, stiffened. That was odd. Unexpected. And yet -

Odessa ground her teeth. Her jaw clenched. A muscle spasmed. Turning upon her heel she moved towards the two waiting for her.


“I found nothing here of any use.. We need to go to his apartment.”

Delilah nodded. The strain in her sisters voice told her something else. She had caught more than enough to upset her.

“I just need some fresh air. Clear my head.” with a glance to the large window above the dance floor, Odessa caught sight of Genevieve. Things had suddenly become very difficult.

Outside Odessa appeared to walk without reason. Out here though, she caught it. That scent. That mingled, blood stained scent. Stronger here. How had no one else caught it? Perhaps they had, and they didn’t know its significance. She did!

Haron and Delilah had followed Odessa outside. Years of travelling with her sister had taught Delilah her idiosyncrasies. There was something she knew but as yet was not sharing. In light of where they were, Delilah kept her counsel. It didn’t feel right to speak freely. Even out here.

Odessa knew they were being watched. Even out here, Genevieve had eyes everywhere. Thank God del had enough sense to keep quiet Odessa already knew what had happened. His scent was everywhere. Did he even realise what he was doing? Probably not. His arrogance had taken full control of his senses. And he was putting them both in danger by his actions.

In the car she still said nothing. He was becoming a major pain in the arse. Something she was going to have to deal with. But how? That was what she had to try and work out. If she called Simon for help, he would wade in and take over. Similarly if she spoke to someone else. She could always ask Delilah, but that would take too long. Then again -

Her eyes flicked over to Delilah. It would make things easier if she wasn’t here. Odessa cleared her throat.

“Del, I need you to go home.”

Delilah raised a brow. “Oh?”

“Hmm, there’s something there that I need.”

“Des …” Delilah frowned. “Later.” she nodded to the driver. After all this wasn’t their car, and drivers seemed to have an acute sense of hearing.

Odessa smiled and sat back. “Yes of course.”


Jason Black was a typical bachelor, who lived in a typical council flat. the door was flimsy and easily opened without a key. Even if she hadn’t had been what she was. The paint was flecked and peeling. It had been some years since this door had seen anything that resembled a paint brush. Probably not since the time it had been made and hung. The lace curtains that hung in, what turned out to be the kitchen, were yellow and dusty with age. There was even an aged cobweb in the uppermost right corner of the window. The threads of it tangled within the lace.

It was obvious from the mountain of dirty dishes piled in the sink, that Jason was so far removed from being houseproud it was almost laughable. Truly those two women on TV would have a field day with Jason’s flat.

The untidiness and general mess of the kitchen was one that carried through into the lounge area, the bedroom, and the bathroom. The carpet was littered with generalised pieces of paper and dust. It would be hard to discern the seventies swirled pattern that was hidden beneath.

And to finish it all off, there was a fug in the air. A combination of scents that Odessa didn’t want to even think about I.

“Nice.” Odessa heard Delilah commenting from behind her.

Yes they had both come from an age where living standards were not the highest, but at least they managed to stay in clean lodgings. Simon required that of them, and it was something both easily were able to comply with.

“So Des, what’s the news?”

Odessa took her time to look around. Although she already knew the answer they were looking for was not here. She’d already gathered enough information at the club. What she found there she didn’t like. So why the preteens? Because she knew Genevieve would be watching her every move.

Delilah stood back with Haron watching. Waiting.. How could anyone live like this? In this squalor. The stench was almost overpowering. Almost driving her to step outside, and into what? More overpowering scents, but of other kinds. Urine, vomit, engine oil. None of it pleasant.

Finally, blessed finally, Odessa turned to leave the one bedroom apartment. Before long the two legged vermin would be crawling over this place and picking it clean. Maggots stripping the carcass clean. Cockroaches moving in and taking up residence.

Without a word she continued walking down the stairs and across the car park to the waiting car. She stopped before the opened door and smiled that oh so warm smile of hers. Pushing just a little with her mind. Compelling with her words.

“We wont be needing you anymore tonight.”

Mutely the driver blinked, bowed ever so slightly, and moved to get into the car. Odessa watched as he drove away before turning back to Delilah and Haron.

“There’s nothing here, but at the club..the scent is everywhere. I don’t know how they missed it. Unless, its meant just for me.”

Delilah remained quiet, Odessa was talking things through. She needed this time, this quiet.

“I’m going to kill him! He’s made things bloody difficult.”

Delilah smirked. “then tell Genevieve who it is and leave him to them.”

Odessa shook her head. “I should. But I cant.”

Delilah rolled her eyes. “Des -”

“I cant. Regardless of everything, I cant.”

“Do not say that you still love him.” Delilah was incredulous, and almost on the wrong side of sanity. After everything he’d done, and she still loved him. Delilah could easily slap some sense into Odessa.

“No! Del, do you think me mad? No I do not love him. What I want is revenge, by my own hands; not palm him off to someone else. Whilst it’ll achieve a result, I wont be truly satisfied. And that above all else, I need. I want.”

Delilah smiled, she cast a glance to the ever stoic, ever silent and ever watchful Haron. What must he be thinking. Not blessed with the gift of reading others minds she was in the dark. But to hear those words coming from her sisters sweet mouth warmed her. Odessa, in this new persona, could be just as ruthless, just as vindictive, and just as nasty as any of them.. At last Odessa had come into her own

She, Odessa needed this. Delilah understood. Solemnly she nodded. “What can I do to help?” in the end though it would all come down to Odessa. Delilah would, could only stand back and watch this play out. Des wouldn’t appreciate her, or anyone else for that matter interfering but she’d be damned if she was going to let des get hurt if she could help it.

Of all those that she knew, Delilah was the only one Odessa could trust to let her do what she needed to do. The others would naturally interfere.


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