Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1931937-Sisters-of-Mercy
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Dark · #1931937
Odessa must finally face her fears.

Chester, England 1349
Odessa woke to silent darkness. She blinked trying to find some light. There was always some light no matter how pitch the night. But try as she may to discern some semblance of light, whether it was that yellow hue from the lamps she had last seen, the orange glow from candles, or even moonlight, there was none. That alone wasn’t what was beginning to worry her, it was that boxed in feeling that she was now beginning to feel. At first it wasn’t noticeable, now, oh now, she was really starting to worry.

She knew that she’d been sick. There had always been that chance that she would come down with it too. The first signs had been the purpling bruises under her arms. That had been, how long now? Odessa couldn’t remember. But she’d gone down on her knees and prayed until she had prayed herself hoarse. Until her knees bled. And her back screamed in pain. Others had survived. They’d fought the devil within and won. Surely she, such a pious woman would be saved as well. She’d seen it happen. Had been a witness to such a miracle. More often than not thought, sadly, they had perished. The unclean, the weak, the impure.

Odessa was neither of those. She’d given her life to others. Helping when the need was there. Tending to the sick. Being charitable to the poor. Giving praise to the Lord, and remaining chaste in His name.

Was this then her reward for such unselfish acts? To be buried before she was even dead? How nice that her sisters could afford a coffin for her, but she would have preferred being thrown into the open pits with the other poor souls who’d perished. At least she wouldn’t be in this current predicament. Buried alive!

Odessa, usually calm under any circumstances did the only thing she could. She panicked. At first she did try to remain calm. She searched for a string to pull the bell. But she was a nun, and as such, that little luxury was not afforded. Thwarted by that, she still managed to keep her head - somewhat. She felt around the sides with her hands. She kicked her feet. She even managed to get her hands up and feel above her. All to no avail. All she could feel was the wood that hemmed her neatly into this box. Perhaps if she pushed against the lid, maybe, just maybe - but no, that lid was not moving, they had buried her.

That was when it hit her, the panic. She screamed, she hit, she kicked fervently. She even managed a colourful word or two that she’d learnt whilst healing the sick. Perhaps someone would hear her. Perhaps they would realise. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

It wasn’t until there was a thud on what she estimated to be the top of the coffin, that did not come for her that she stopped. “Hello?” She banged on the lid from her side. Had she truly heard that noise, or had it simply been her imagination. “Is anyone there?”

The sound of nails being ripped from their hold, the sound of pine splintering exploded in her ears. Odessa turned her head, covered her face with her hands. The rush of cold air touched her face. The heavy fug of decomposition clinging to it. And light. Blessed light! Moonlight. At last!

Opening her eyes, she turned her head to view the person who had rescued her from a fate worse than death. The moon was shining down upon her rescuer from behind, so it was difficult for Odessa to see his face. What she could see of the face above her was that he was smiling. His blond hair was in disarray. It fell like the cloak he wore.

“Come petite. It’s time to wake.”

Now that was an odd thing for him to say, Odessa thought, regardless she lifted herself up and took the offered hand. The man was stronger than she had thought, for he hauled her out of that coffin without any trouble at all. Either that, or in her illness she had lost a lot of weight. Entirely possible.

A shift of movement behind them, caught Odessa’s attention.

“A nun Simon? Are you mad?”

The man, identified now as Simon, was helping her walk along her very own coffin towards this woman.

“Hush Delilah and help her out.”


London, England 2010
Without looking at the flashing screen on her mobile phone, she knew that it was Delilah calling. Odessa had assigned a particular song for her ring tone. Now it, along with Simon’s ring tone rang intermittently. If it wasn’t Simon, it was Delilah. Something was wrong and she didn’t want to know what.

Gently her hand stroked the head of her latest pet. That head lay obediently in her lap. His blonde locks fell to his shoulders. And they were so fine it was almost like running her fingers through silk. His thin and wiry body was curled up in the seat next to her although slim of build Odessa could certainly attest to the fact that he possessed muscles that rippled whilst he moved. And yet there was something missing. Something not quite right.

Unfortunately she knew exactly what was missing. It was Sevaryio. No one would ever be him. No matter how many she tried to replace him with, there was only ever one. Everyone else paled into comparison. And these replacements - they were her way of dealing with the pain of loss.

They’d been inseparable. They’d been a couple. Together, forever. Funny, she didn’t know forever had a time limit. Obviously for him it did.

“Des, I’ve stopped your car now open the door.”

Odessa hadn’t realised the car had stopped for any other reason than lights, but now that she looked up and actually took notice. Inwardly she sighed, but said nothing to Delilah who remained outside of her car, and obviously in the way.

“If you don’t open the door and let me in I’ll make my own way in. You know I can do it. Furthermore you’ll have to explain the expense to Simon before I do, and I can come up with one hell of a story that’ll see you back home and locked up before you knew what happened.”

Of course Delilah was telling the truth. She could do all that and more. Odessa motioned to Haron to open the door for Delilah. She watched as he stepped out and waited for Delilah to slide into the limo. When she was seated he followed behind her and the car took off.

Delilah settled down close to Odessa but not next to her. Her eyes flicked down to the blond head resting in Odessa’s lap.

“Still collecting I see.”

Odessa wrinkled her nose at Delilah. She wasn’t at all pleased with the interruption. “Yes.”

“Does Simon know?”

Again this elicited a wrinkled nose. “No.”

Delilah nodded. Odessa was annoyed with her, and that was all well and good for now. But later that would change. Delilah leant forward to have a better look at the sleeping blonde. Yes, just like all the others. Delilah looked up and into the frowning face of her sister. “What are you going to do with him?”

Odessa sighed loudly this time she let her hand drift through the blond locks. So much alike and yet worlds apart. “I’m going to let him go.”

Delilah noted the wistful tone in Odessa’s voice and left it alone.

“Do you know how many times Simon and I have been trying to get hold of you?”

Odessa took this admonishment in her stride and simply answered, “Is that a rhetorical question, or do you actually want me to answer?”

Of course Odessa knew the answer to Delilah’s question, shed seen the final count.

Tutting loudly Delilah answered Odessa. “It’s rhetorical.”

“I thought it would be.”

“Des, you have to come home. Simon’s frantic with worry.”

Odessa rolled her eyes, they settled upon that sweet face that was currently nestled in her lap. She watched the way her fingers slid through the golden blond hair. Sunshine stolen. She always expected that hair to be warm.


“Tell Simon to not be such an old woman.” Odessa looked at Delilah’s hands. “I know you feel you’ve got something important to tell me, couldn’t you have texted me? Your thumbs aren’t broken”

“This is too important Des.” Her eyes flickered to Haron, who had remained eerily silent through this exchange.

Odessa smirked faintly. “Viking, you can talk in front of him.”

That Haron was a Viking meant that he was an old ghoul. Perhaps one of the oldest which meant he knew how to keep secrets. Blood bound to the Valentas and for as long as he obviously had been, there were few secrets. He could not hide from them. Cyrena would know where he was at all times.

“Sevaryio is looking for you. He’ll be here soon. He’s already been to Greece…”

Odessa nodded. “London's the only place left. I know.”

“What are you going to do?”

Odessa let her fingers play with the hair that so fascinated her. Such a pity, but it was time to put an end to all of this. “I’m going to take this one home. Go to bed and get some sleep. I’m going to wake up, feed, and wait for Sev to find me.”

Odessa’s eyebrow rose questioningly. “Would you like to join me?”

Delilah grinned. “I though you’d never ask.”

Odessa pressed the button to the intercom which linked her space of the limo to that of her driver’s. His name was James, and at the time of hiring she’d found it amusing. She had always wanted to say Home James. That amusement had now worn off. The man was easily now in his forties. His once pristine dark hair was salted with the first greys. His once youthful and flawless face was showing the passing of time. It was becoming lined and wrinkled. In time he would become heavily wrinkled. Jowls were forming. Mother nature was taking a once youthful and handsome man and turning him old, but distinguished. Didn’t they all become distinguished? Odessa almost envied him. His mortality.

Odessa’s eyes flicked to the bodyguard assigned to her. One of Simons ideas, certainly not hers. This man was all muscle. His tawny skin honeyed. His dark hair, still dark. Unlike James this man would never age. He wasn’t like her though. He was employed by the Valentas to keep them safe during daylight hours. Though he drank blood, he could still eat food, and go out into the sun. He was a ghoul, and now depended upon them for his continuing existence.

It was rumoured that he had once been a warrior in a time and place long forgotten and relegated to the history books. But he’d fallen on bad times there was some question about his honour or something. Cyrena had taken pity on him, or seen the potential in him and blood bound the man to her.

Now some centuries down the track he was still with her. There was no question of his loyalty to her. He needed the blood to continue. Without it he would age those centuries overnight and die. It would be painful for him. Some however did choose to take that path. The ones who could no longer continue on. They were few and far between. And despite all of Cyrena’s gruffness deep down she did see that her employees were looked after.

“James, take me home.”

“As you wish ma’am.” The clipped British accent of the driver entered the back of the car. Odessa was in love with that accent. Perhaps it was why she kept running back here. Her roots. Her haven. Her sanctuary. Or perhaps it was the weather which seemed to mirror her moods so perfectly that kept her returning. Whatever the reason this was hers and hers alone, when she needed to retreat. It kept her sane.

Ever efficient James changed his course. He punched in the number for the Valenta Penthouse to alert them of Odessa’s arrival. Everything would be readied for when she and Delilah arrived. James had now been employed for the Valentas for nearly twenty years. He knew that they were different, secretive, but time and experience had taught him to leave well enough alone. There was an underlying danger that he was not willing to poke into. He was paid well for his services. He was trained in firearms and hand to hand combat. He prided himself on his driving skills, and never once asked questions. They were aristocrats after all, and everyone knew that the well to do were often odd..

When no Valentas were in town he looked after the running of their houses. And there were several. Seeing that bills were paid and the staff were still doing their job. Once he had to send invoices to Cyrena Valenta, now he just faxed them. He doubted if she even glanced at them, such was the level of her trust of him. He never thought of fleecing the woman, leaving her employ on bad terms was not healthy.

She paid him well, really for what he had to do it was almost criminal. But he wasn’t complaining he’d fallen into the job by sheer chance and he wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

The lights of the Penthouse flickered and glowed brightly high above the street. When they were minutes within sight of the building, James depressed his button to contact Odessa.

“We’re almost there Miss Valenta.”

Odessa smiled faintly. She lifted her head, her lips stained crimson. Tongue darting quickly over them, she acknowledged James’ message..

“James, my guest, will you see he gets home safely?”

“Of course Miss.” Just another one of his many duties.

“Thank you James.”


London; 1350
Odessa had imagined London to be something else. Something - magical. But it wasn’t it was just like every other place that they had been through; dirty smelly and noisy.

Simon pressed up against Odessa, his arms curling around her waist from behind, his head coming to rest upon her shoulder. At least Delilah had gotten the girl out of that drab nuns habit, although he wished she would eave her hair down and free. Simon buried his nose into the nape of her neck, inhaling the scent of her.

“What’s wrong petite?”

Odessa wrinkled her nose up. She caught sight of Delilah. She was getting used to them. Simon was very tactile he seemed to enjoy holding them, touching them, having both her and Delilah close.. Delilah revelled in the attention, Odessa on the other hand was slowly getting used to it. At first she’d flinch away from him. Now at least it was tolerable. In time, she imagined she would barely notice. That was the wisdom of Simon.

“It’s so - dirty.”

Simon laughed, kissed her neck and came to stand next to her. His arm draped over her shoulder. She tucked into the crook of his arm.

“Oui, but I predict great thing for this dirty, stinkhole of a city.”

“Soothsayer are ya now Simon?” Delilah smirked at him.

“Absolutmon, chere. Do not underestimate this city. It will be glorious one day.”

Delilah rolled her eyes and shook her head. Sometimes Simon came out with these grandiose statements, not founded in fact. He just declared them as if he knew. But then Delilah knew, she’d seen it often, that these statements often bore fruit. There was no use arguing with him, it would be like arguing with a wall. Plucking her skirts up and moving towards the bridge, Delilah called over her shoulder at them. “Coming?”

London might be filthy with its open sewers, over crowded housing and cramped living conditions. It was London after all. And an adventure awaited them. It appeared as if London had sprung up overnight. The crowded streets appeared unplanned. It was still contained with the walls the Romans had built.

Simon didn’t move from his spot, he watched Delilah walk away. Her skirts swinging from side to side. Her hips swinging seductively. The girl had been a find. Sassy, cheeky and with an independent streak that had gotten her into trouble in her he saw much. Untapped potential. A seed waiting to germinate and take root.

Delilah had been with Simon now for ten years. She’d been living with a man in sin, as Odessa had put it. Delilah had been amused by the scandalous look that Odessa had given her. But really it wasn’t as bad as that. She and timothy had every intention of getting married. Its just that they had not had the opportunity to do so. They’d been waiting for the priest to come to their out of the way hamlet for years to sanctify their union. He’d just not shown up. To satisfy everyone they had married in the old tradition of hand fasting. That had been enough to keep everyone happy in the meantime.

Unfortunately for Delilah, Timothy died just a year into the union. He’d fallen ill and no amount of medicinal herbs had helped him to recover. The night he died Simon had turned up. A weary traveller from across the ocean. Since that night she’d travelled with Simon. Her life had changed completely. He had offered her something that she could not refuse. A new life, without fear of illness and death..

And there was that memory of his mother. Delilah was much like her. Her strength, her courage, her temper and attitude. Simon wanted nothing more than to protect her. He knew what it was like for a woman like Delilah. Despite her strengths, despite her courage, she was in danger. He’d arrive several nights before, and he’d heard the talk of witchcraft. She he stayed and searched for her. Stayed and waited.

Grabbing Odessa’s hand he forced his reluctant child into movement. London might not be Heaven, but it was a damn sight better than the Moors. Besides the girl needed to feed. He was not going to lose her to the dark madness that would overcome her if she denied herself.


He should have known, whenever things got difficult she headed back to where she belonged. London. London had never been one of the cities he enjoyed. The nights seemed darker. They were certainly colder. It seemed to always be in a perpetual fog. Why on earth she would come here at all was a mystery to him.

He supposed it was because of the tis she felt here. After all this was where she originally was from. She still had that lilt of an accent. One that he had been intrigued with from the beginning. One that had captured him and drawn him in. even now, just thinking about it tugged at the pit of his belly.

Sevaryio had to stop his trudging. He had to recapture himself. He had to find her. He didn’t know why he was as captivated as he was, but he was. She’d gotten underneath his skin. Like a disease she had invaded him, and though he fought against possessing her, it was a fight he couldn’t win. He had to be near her. He had to be able to see her, to touch her, to smell her. To feel her. He had to be lost within her.

His father had been less than pleased when Sevaryio told him he had to be near her. Caribbyine had simply given him a disapproving look. No it was his father who had been so vocal against this. But wasn’t his father lost in Caribbyine? Had been lost within another - once.

But he wasn’t like that. He wasn’t as weak as his father. He had to see her, he had to walk away again. He’d done it twice before he could do it again.

Sevaryio closed his eyes. He knew Odessa, well. Knew her well enough that he could find her in this damp and cold city. He knew the scent of her on the breeze. The taste of her. The feel of her. Sevaryio growled deep in his chest, a rumbling, animal growl that hungered for his mate.

”Odessa,” his lips formed the name. his voice breathed the name to the night. He sent it forward, outward. Searching for her. Calling her to him.


The last note of the music that Odessa had been playing on the piano faded away. On its heels came her name. seductively whispered. Sev was here, in London, and calling to her as he usually did. He had a way with his voice he was able to compel and bespell others, bending them to his will.

“Not tonight Sevaryio. Not tonight.”

Once he could call her, and she’d come. But he’d not taken into account her ire. He’d wronged her one time too many, and she was refusing to answer him. This was her playground, her game, and they would play by her rules tonight.

Odessa pushed herself away from the piano. She crossed the room, and reached outwards to close the window. Not tonight. She wouldn’t allow him to use his tricks on her. She knew them, knew what he was capable of and was prepared. Her footfalls were silent. The thick carpeting cushioned her movements.

Grabbing her white woollen coat, she slid her arms into the sleeves and settled it down upon her shoulders. Her blonde hair was pulled out from underneath the coat and allowed to fall around her shoulders. It spilled down her back in a thick, heavy curtain of silken, golden threads. Simon would have been so pleased to see them free.

“It’s time Del.”

Del had been waiting for this moment. Where Odessa was all white and seemingly shining, Delilah was the opposite. She leant towards the dark her hair was black and cut into an asymmetrical bob. She chose to wear a black woollen cat and pants suit. Delilah came out of her room to face Odessa. She wanted to ask Odessa how she knew, but was worried about the answer she would get. The only way Odessa would know is if there had been a blood exchange. If that was the case, then this venture could be more difficult than she’d imagined. Perhaps she should call Simon.

To do that though, she’d be betraying Odessa. Simon would whisk her away and have her locked away in some secretive tower like rapunzel. Odessa was not the pure nun she’d been when Simon had brought her across.. She had learnt a thing or two in the last four hundred odd years. No, Delilah had to believe that Odessa knew what she was doing. Delilah had to give her the benefit of the doubt. She had to trust that Odessa knew what she was doing.

They weren’t taking the car tonight. There was no need. Haron, as usual was following behind. His eyes flicking from one side of the road to the other. Peering into shadow. Searching for any trouble that might be lurking there. Yes, it was true that he was probably one of the oldest ghouls alive. He had been with Cyrena almost from the beginning.

Being as old as he, certainly had its advantages. He was stronger, and faster than most of his ilk. He was as strong as any kindred. Almost. He could hold his own. He knew how to fight. Being the warrior he had been in his human life only gave him an extra boost. Odessa was not known as a fighter, she was a bookworm. She researched, she found out information, she was the holder, the keeper and the seeker of knowledge and information.

that’s not to say she couldn’t hold her own. Cyrena insisted everyone knew how to defend themselves. She could, if push came to shove, ,he simply was there to even up the odds. Give her an advantage. Ensure that she survived. And if he perished, then so be it. Haron still firmly held the belief that if he perished then the Valkyrie would come down for him and take him, finally to Odin’s feasting hall.

It was very rare that she was alone. If not in his company, she was with Delilah, or surrounded by the others. There was no one, save for Rebecca who was more protected.

“So where are we going Des?”

“It doesn’t matter. He’s here. He’s searching for me and I fully intend to make him work.”

Delilah knew, or at least thought she knew Odessa’s tastes. Hanging around in silent libraries and scanning through dusty museums was not her idea of fun. She cast a look over her shoulder at the erstwhile ghoul bodyguard. So he was the Viking she’d heard much about. Lucky des having him for company. He was certainly handsome. And oh - so muscular. He was tanned, and his blue eyes gleamed with an intelligence that Delilah found intriguing. Most of the ghouls she had come into contact with seemed to have a vacancy. As if something had been sucked out of them when they were made.

Ghouls were intrinsically human, with one major difference, every couple of weeks they had to drink kindred blood. This blood gave them extra life and strength. They could still eat food, and walk in the sun, but they craved blood. As time passed, and the years went on it became more and more important that they can.

Odessa led the trio down the streets towards the nightclub she often frequented. Delilah being oblivious to the area was not aware where they were headed until she caught the first heady thump of music. She caught laughter and found it coming from Odessa.

“The look on your face Del. Where do you think I get all my boys from? The ones I like don’t go to museums, or libraries.” Again that laughter rolled out and encompassed Delilah.

There in some dingy, dark alleyway, hidden was a nightclub. It reminded her of Sanguine with the wannabe’s and actual kindred milling around together. Haron walked up to the doorman, flashed a card and spoke. Delilah had the distinct impression it was about her these damn ghouls, when they didn’t want to be heard, they knew how to do it. She watched as the doorman eyed her, then finally nodded.

Well at least gaining entry was easy. Leading the way passed those waiting outside Odessa didn’t even give them a second glance. She wasn’t really hunting tonight. Her prey was out in the ‘wilds’ of London. He would come to her.

The loud thumping of the music was terrific. It caused clothes to vibrate. Odessa and Delilah both had to dull their senses. This was more than comfortable for Odessa. She often got tired of the sounds around her. Hearing every sound, all the time got to her. As for Delilah, she wasn’t happy. Delilah was a hunter, a predator, a warrior, she relied on all her senses, but especially her hearing. At least the lights here didn’t flash on and off. They remained steady if not somewhat muted.

Finding a seat in the back, but near a wall the three sat. a waitress came by and took Haron’s order. He still had to eat and drink. Odessa waved her off, no need to keep up appearances here. Here you wanted to be noticed.

Leaning into Delilah Odessa spoke loud enough for her to hear. “There’s a no kill policy here.”

Delilah nodded. She understood. Having spent some time working in Sanguine she knew that there were measures in place. Most of their kind that frequented this place were young. Younger than she. Which left her wondering just how old the enforcers would be. Her eyes drifted around the room, seeking out that one place where the owners would be watching from.

“Do you know who owns this place?”

Odessa nodded. “You’d like her. She’s a lot like you.”


Odessa smiled and touched her nose. “If she wants you to know, she’ll call for you. As it is she’s probably watching, and listening. And I dare say she’s checking up on you. No less than what we would do with new arrivals.” Odessa tipped her head to the side. A quirk that had always been with her.

“And if Sev comes here and causes trouble?”

“She’s been warned. Haron’s already filled them in on the situation. Tonight you can relax. Let others do what they need to do.”

“Are you expecting trouble?”

Odessa smiled and dug into her coat pocket, she pulled out her mobile phone and opened up the messages. The latest from Sevaryio. I will find you! “What do you think?”

Taking the phone from Odessa, Delilah scanned the other messages. They were all of a similar vein. He was in London, and seemed to be getting more and more intense. “Des, I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“I know you don’t, but he wont hurt me. He cant” smiling Odessa took back her iPhone. “It’s going to be alright.”

In Delilah’s eyes, Odessa had never been the one to play with others. She didn’t go in for all that mind fucking. What on earth had happened to her that she would seemingly change overnight? Had she? Or had it been gradual and she’d been too busy to see this change in her.

True Delilah had not openly liked the doe-eyed innocent nun when Simon had helped her out of the coffin. To this day Delilah still couldn’t fathom the reason behind him turning her. Oh she had asked and all she got in return was some glib answer about her being too wonderful a pianist to allow to rot in the ground. It seemed that Simon had discovered her when she was young, a child but how she had become a nun, or how he even knew how good a pianist she was, he kept to himself. Odessa didn’t have the same course accent that Delilah had. She was more cultured, yes, Delilah had originally put that down to being a nun. And she was educated she read, and wrote. Where Delilah was the braun, Odessa was definitely the brains.

But cruel? No, Odessa didn’t do cruel. Except for now. And really, who could blame her. Sevaryio had jerked her around one too many times. Frankly, Delilah wouldn’t have given him the second chance, she’d even advised Odessa against it. In the end Odessa hadn’t listened and it all went pear shaped soon after which saw Odessa heading back to London. And here they were again but this time, things were very different. Odessa was different. This time, she was the hunter. She’d baited the trap, and now she was waiting

This was either going to go horribly wrong, or it was surprisingly going to work. Either way Delilah was taking a big risk for the woman she now adored. Simon's mood had not been the best lately, and he looked for an out to vent that mood.
In the end it wold be worth it, if it helped Odessa.


“So are we just going to sit here and wait?”

Odessa glanced at Delilah and grinned. “You can but I’m going to enjoy myself. I didn’t come all this way to just sit in a dark hole like a sitting duck.”

Before Delilah knew what was happening Odessa had slid out of her seat and was making her way to the dance floor.. She watched as Odessa approached a young man, that funnily enough did not bear a resemblance to any of the other men she usually gravitated towards. Chalk and cheese could not have been so different.

Draping her arms over the mans shoulders, Odessa was blatantly obvious. Not only with what she was, but also with what she wanted. The dance floor was nothing but a large buffet table, Delilah realised. The cattle was patently on display and showing their choicest cuts of meat. the patrons were scantily clad. Bare chests gleamed beneath the dimmed lights. Toned muscles arced and moved in time with the beat of the music, which Delilah now felt in her chest. It was a hypnotic, droning beat, that just did not quit.

“What’s the name of this place Haron?”

Haron looked up from his meal. His blue eyes startling her. “The Feeding Pit.”

Closing her eyes Delilah leant back into the leather padding of the booth seat. Could they be any more obvious and cheesy? Apparently not.

“Its alright. All the humans here are of consent, and no one ever gets hurt. They know what they’re here for.” He shrugged as if none of this mattered perhaps it didn’t, but -

Christ what had Odessa gotten into?

Odessa’s partner was here for a reason. And that was to share his blood. He knew the dangers, but he didn’t care. Ultimately he was seeking to be turned. What he didn’t realise was that would never happen. He’d been branded with The Pits mark, and as such he was protected. He was food. That and nothing more. To turn him would contravene every rule the Pit had laid down. Chief among them, “Harm none.”

He grinned seductively, invitingly at the blond woman who approached him. She was lithe and fluid in her motions. A sense of movement that could only come from being preternatural. At last, all his hard work was paying off. Her green eyes had that haunted, almost lost look. She had a face that would rival any supermodel, and a body that was both luscious and lean. He hungered for her. But most of all he hungered for what she could give him. Immortality. His hands slid gently over the curve of her waist. Brushing lightly against the thin white fabric of her shirt. She was cold to the touch, and when she draped her arms over his shoulders, that chill seemed to invade him.

With a sweep of his hips, he moved closer to her. He felt her chest brush his, and he trembled with delight. Often he’d seen her here, but she’d never approached him. He dreamt of her daily. Thoughts of her invaded his waking hours. He obsessed over her. He’d tried to find her online, but she either didn’t go online, or she hid herself very well. He’d even asked at The Pit who she was, but no one could answer. And as he was forbidden from asking he just had to wait and hope.

Every time he saw her there, it seemed as if her tastes were for the puny blondes. The emaciated waifs who looked as if one good breeze would knock them over. The vulnerable ones. Not at all like him, all tanned and dark, and bulging muscles.

However tonight it was going to be different. Tonight it was his turn. His eyes focused on the bright red lips that screamed out against the backdrop of white skin, that was so pale it seemed to hold a lavender hue to it. His arms slid closer around her waist, pulling her into him. The dance becoming overtly sexual in nature. He was aware that she was leading him deeper into the throng of dancers.

“What’s your name?” Oh but her voice.. He almost creamed himself when she spoke to him. His heart was thumping heavily in his chest.

“Jason.” she smiled at him. Really smiled. And for a brief moment he thought he saw them. Those ivory fangs that could bring him every he wished..

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Jason. I’m Odessa. I hear you’ve been wanting to meet me.”

Jason smiled, he thought like a fool, but he couldn’t help himself gushing. “Ah yes.”

Odessa nodded and leant into him, brushing her cheek lightly against his. She could smell his excitement, and yes a tinge of fear. “Why?” She whispered allowing a breath of air to caress his ear and throat.

“Uh, what?”

Odessa laughed softly and pressed her cool body against his. Feeling the expanse of warmth on her skin, encircling her waist for a moment she enjoyed the contrast., as she moved against his body, rubbing herself like a cat. Making sure she marked him with her scent. Her lips gently brushed his pulsing throat. She closed her eyes and sank into the beat. Fangs shifted and scraped against warm flesh. He stopped moving.

Again Odessa laughed. “You wanted me to feed from you. I watched you follow my companions and myself and display yourself to me. Is that not so?” Odessa pulled back and searched his face. “Ah, I see. You want more.”

“Yes.” Jason looked down as her fingers played with the tricorn branded on his chest. He hissed at its remembrance..

“But I cant do that. You belong to The Pit If I make you one of us, I’d be breaking the rules. I’d be putting you and me in danger. You wouldn’t last the night, and I - well not even my Grandsire could save me.”

“I’d protect you.”

Gently she touched his face.. “I know you would try, but I don’t need another protector. I’ve got a troupe of them already.” And she indicated to Delilah and Haron, still sitting in their booth. One alert, the other frowning.

“Who are you to need so much protection?”

“Odessa Valenta. A nun. A keeper of knowledge. A musician. I could play such music it would bring you to tears. I could sing such songs, I could make you my slave.”

“You’ve already sung to me Odessa. In my dreams.”

Odessa smiled at the cheesy chat up line, but couldn’t help but feel fondness for this boy. He was young. He was naive. She once was like that. If only she could remain as innocent as she was then. “I’ll give you what you want Jason. I’ll feed from you, but if I do that I’ll ruin you for others.”

“I don’t care.”

Odessa's brows shot up at his eagerness to please her. “I will only feed from you once. I will never seek you out again, and you are not to look for me. I want you to live. Become the very best that you can be you are so much more than fodder.”

Jason nodded eagerly. A little too eagerly she thought, but so be it. He had agreed, and that was all she needed. Pressing her lips to his, Odessa gently kissed him she wanted him to remember this. To understand. Into the kiss he seemed to melt, but before he sank too deeply and forgot himself Odessa pulled away, and sank into the throbbing vein at his throat. At first he wanted to pull away, instinct demanded it, but the pain gave way to pleasure. All too quickly it was over, and he felt her tongue slide over the twin pinpricks, healing the wound and leaving only a slight redness.

Again her lips pressed against his, kissing him this time goodbye. And within the kiss he felt her lips move as if she were talking. Instead she blessed him as she’d promised she'd ruined him for everybody else. But in a way she’d given him protection. Without another word, Odessa turned away and left him standing in the middle of the room slightly dazed, and confused. But her scent was firmly in place.

Delilah watched as Odessa approached the table. That was something she’d never seen before. True in the early years they had all hunted together, but recently Odessa had taken to hunting without the others. As Odessa reached the table Haron rose from his seat and offer her, her coat.

“Are we going?”

“Yes. I’ve got a few things I need to do before the sun rises. You’re going to need to hunt. I’ll meet you back at the penthouse?”

Delilah nodded and watched Odessa leave. She then turned her attention at the flaunting bodies on the dance floor. Loudly she groaned in distaste. They would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Delilah wanted something with a bit of a fight in it.



The elevator doors opened silently onto the Penthouse Suite. Although the room was in darkness Odessa knew that he was there. His scent was everywhere. She was going to have to have a talk with the manager tomorrow evening when she woke up. And the night staff. She was hoping he hadn’t compelled them, and at the same time hoping that he had

If he hadn’t, that would be easier to deal with. She would see them gone. Plain and simple. If he had, he could have seriously fucked the guy up, and undoing any damage and putting her own compulsion onto them was going to be a major pain in the arse. A headache she could well do without.

Haron moved ahead of her. Silent, and deadly in his own right. Odessa was ready for him. Although not as ready as she had first thought. Sev had out smarted her, this time, and that burned her. How long had he been here? And just what had he been through? Her eyes flicked to her bedroom. The door was open, and the bed covers rumpled. Well at the very least he’d been on her bed. That was the least of her worries. Her thoughts immediately went to her laptop. Although she didn’t keep any files on there, if he had an understanding about computers he could see some rather harmful and incriminating information. Although scrupulously careful she still could have left some trace evidence.

As Odessa moved into the suite behind Haron the desk light snapped on. Sev was sitting behind it, his hands steeple beneath his chin, and his elbows resting upon the desk. “And what time do you call this young lady?”

Odessa smiled faintly. She had moved from behind Haron and was now standing on his right side. Young Lady? That was a bit rich. She was easily three centuries older than him.

“It’s late Sev and I’ve got some things to do before going to bed.”

Sev never rose from behind her desk. He remained seated. “I must say, you Valenta’s know how to live nice place you’ve got here.”

Sevaryio watched Odessa as she casually crossed the room, removing her coat and throwing it across the back of a white couch. She had certainly learnt to move. He hadn’t noticed that the last time. It had been almost a year. Not quite, but he had thought he’d gotten her out of his system. Seemed that was not the case. His eyes travelled appreciatively down the length of the lithe form she was presenting ah yes he remembered that body well. After all hadn’t he spent all of that time memorising it?

“You know us Valenta’s Sev, we don’t do anything by halves. Only the best.” She cocked her head to the side, choosing her angle and getting the full benefit of the light. Her golden hair spilled over her shoulder. The heavy curls, impossible as they were, danced and flirted against her chest.

Finally rising from the chair Sev moved to stand before her. He was a good foot taller than her. She being so petite sometimes had a strange effect on men. They seemed to feel this need to protect her. Odessa caught Haron’s movement in her peripheral vision. Sure that Sev would not hurt her she motioned for him to back off. “I thought you’d come to The Pit tonight?”

Sev grinned down at her. Those red lips shattered the illusion of innocence. She was a fallen woman. Scarlet. And she shoed it in the colour she chose to paint her lips. Once she would have worn a red letter sewn onto her dress, today she wore bright red lipstick. He was responsible for enlightening her. He had violated and invaded her in two of the most intimate ways. And he had enjoyed himself what he wouldn’t give to do that again.

“Who said I wasn’t?” he leant in and drew in her scent. Taking it deep into his lungs. “You really should bathe, you smell like the cattle you were fondling tonight. Nice touch, by the way, blessing him like you did.”

Odessa laughed, and purposely injected music into it. Well aware of what her voice could do. “That was one of the things I was going to do. And thank you. I thought I was very clever.”

The musical laughter caught him by surprise She could hypnotise audiences with that voice. Even him. He growled deeply. Whether to show his displeasure, or pleasure, he wasn’t sure. “Uh, uh, uh, Sev.” She nodded to Haron. “Be very careful, I could easily sing for you.”

“And I could strangle you.”

Odessa smiled and hummed. Reaching into his mind and pushing her music there. It caused Sev to hiss and step back. “You haven’t forgotten have you Sev? We’re almost blood bound.”

Again he growled, but this time he was seriously pissed. “No! I’ve not forgotten.”

“Good. Now if you’ll excuse me,” Odessa sidestepped Sev and moved around him. Heading towards her room, and the bathroom beyond. “I need to take a bath.” She stopped at her door and turned towards him. “I’d invite you to stay but as I’m sure you know I’ve only got three bedrooms and a guest. Unless you’d like to share with Delilah. There’s a perfectly adequate basement. It’s nice and dark down there.”

“That wont be necessary.”

Odessa nodded. “As you wish. I suppose shall see you tomorrow.” And with waiting for him to answer she walked into her bathroom. Chortling as she closed the door behind her. She’d caught the horrified look on his face. And for now she was satisfied with that.

Just like that she had all but dismissed him. That left only him and Haron in the room. Haron who now was watching him. There was little paint in staying now, he’d been dismissed like a common servant. Besides which Delilah would be back soon, and as yet he did not want to come face to face with her. Better to retreat whilst he could.


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