Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1931829-She-Wasnt-Loved-Moving-On
Rated: 18+ · Other · Erotica · #1931829
How I became me before the pain of the present there was the pain of the past
Everyone has a story to tell, the only differentce is some of choose to tell our stories and some of us don’t. Everyone’s story is different, which makes us unique. My story is different then some teens. I never had my mother or father leave the home. I never left home nor got pregnant. Rather my parents left me. My home (security of being safe and love) left me. I don’t remember my entire story or the events that took place, but I do know this, because of the event I went though I came out as a more independent, faithful, determine, a peace maker, a leader, and a listener. My story has been locked away in my heart for so many years, it’s time to document the events.

My story begins with who I was before I became of the present. Most people who knows me find it shocking that I could ever be adopted. Well sometimes the truth is just that shocking but true nonetheless. My birth parents for what I knew were not that involved really with me. My father was a drug dealer that dealt with women who loved to be used no matter what their race was. My poor birth mother was one of those women. My birth mother was the type of women who could never keep her panties on in the presence of men and because of that she had nine kids. Only three of the children shared the same father. (No exaggeration). My mother was unable to provide for none kids on her own (HA! no kidding, right) so she was forced to call up relatives to help. Most of the younger children went with my mother’s parents. The oldest child was 14 years of age while the youngest was only 6 months. I was the only child who was separated from the other siblings. I went to live with my mother’s sister. (I don’t know why, I was never told why). I was the second youngest.

I sent to live with my father sister; she had a daughter and son at the time close to my age living with her. Her husband and father of both kids lived with her also (sometimes). I only saw my uncle every three months. (I don’t know why). My aunt was always very busy. Sometimes she had to go out of state to compete in bowling contests. When this would happen my uncle had to babysit us. The days or weeks with him by ourselves were horrible. My uncle would turn into this monster that did cruel thing to my cousin and me. Nothing sexual mind you instead he would beat us. Once when my uncle was beating on me my aunt came home unexpectedly. She came into the room where my uncle and I were and she saw blood streaming down my nose. When she asked my uncle what happened his only reply was;

“That damn child fell down the stairs.”

My aunt believed him and she told me next time I should take my time. After that event I decided to get even with him, I was only two. My chance came soon after that event. When I arrived home one day from the playground, I discovered my cousin in the living room getting beat by my uncle. I do not know what came over me or possessed me to do what I did next. I grab whatever was near me (which happened to be a baseball bat) and I began to hit my uncle with it. (I need to explain something, I was going on three at the time so I don’t recall this but my lawyer told me what happen. She was laughing at the time. I guess she never saw or heard of a child doing what I did. Me neither for that matter.) My uncle tried to grab the bat but someone had already did. Unknown to either of us my aunt had been standing at the door for the whole sense since I grabbed the bat. My aunt then turned her gaze at my uncle. He tried to explain what happened, (....excuse.....sorry) but before he could finish my aunt hit him in the jaw with the bat. She chased him out the room. I never felt so happy, then at lest.

Some how my uncle was able to make it up with my aunt and she allowed him to come back to live with us. (I know right you or I dear reader would have kicked his sorry ass out the door. Hit the road Jack and don’t you came back no more.) Their relationship was on and off like a roller coaster. One that note I wanted to get out. Some how Social workers found out about the problem and the fact that my aunt would let go of my uncle. I was then taken away from them and the rest of my family. I can’t remember what happened next and my lawyer will not tell me. All I know is this I never saw my real family ever again. The family I have know is awesome and terrific. I am the only daughter so I am soiled. Two of my siblings are younger which is pretty cool at times.

Even though I suffered some heartache I can truly say this;

“God help me though the storm and help shape me into the person I am today I thought I Wasn’t loved but I discover I really was by my real family.

However I could I ever had predicted that my birth parents would find me again in the future. The Story continued in She Will Be Loved

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