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A mechanic has a night to remember. |
Dreaming Calvin Jones pulled into the gas station a little past sunset on a mild autumn evening. He shut off the engine of his 1965 Pontiac GTO. The throaty growl of the engine dying smoothly and leaving him missing the sound, as it always did. He was a car guy through and through. It seemed to him like it had always been that way. His fondest memories of his childhood were with his dad and cars; either hanging around the garage watching, and later helping his dad work on cars, or going to the many swap meets buying parts and sometimes cars. The lines of the hot rods and sports cars never had failed to exhilarate him. He could happily talk about engines, what carburetor was best, what exhaust and muffler gave the best sound, what suspension was the most responsive and so on. His love of cars and wanting to talk about them had cost him more than one girlfriend. They would put up with his passion for a while, but it would inevitably end with them leaving because they either hated cars, did not understand a word he said about them, or got jealous of his cars. At 32, he had never had a long term relationship. The GTO was a project car that he and his dad had started when he was in high school. They’d worked so many Saturdays on it. To Calvin, those were the best days of his life, really the entire reason he’d decided to become a mechanic was to spend more time with his dad. He’d been thrilled when his dad had passed down the family garage to him. However, it had been bittersweet because it meant less time spent with his dad around cars. He’d finally finished the GTO a year after his father passed away. It was really the only physical thing he had left to remind him of his dad. He smiled at the memories and climbed out of his car. He admired the metallic midnight blue paint, again acknowledging the good idea of the painter to add the twin jet black stripes down the center. He walked over to the gas pump, put his debit card in, and began pumping the gas. He let his mind wander to the last conversation he’d had with his last girlfriend. She told him he was handsome and smart and everything a woman wanted in a man except for his unhealthy obsession with cars. He chuckled to himself. He guessed he was ok looking. He was tall at 6’3”, broad shoulders, narrow waist, his sandy blonde hair always just a little unkempt and probably a little longer than it should be falling not quite to his shoulders, ice blue eyes and what seemed like a permanent five o’clock shadow finished his look. He had to admit, the ladies did seem to like what they saw, even though his chosen uniform was a t-shirt and jeans with his heavy work boots and black leather motorcycle jacket. He heard and felt the engine coming down the road before he saw it. It was a deep rumble that awoke something in his subconscious. In the distance he could see the headlights coming He was thrilled when it pulled into the gas station and he was able to get a look. His heart raced as he recognized the car as an almost identical 1965 GTO. “Oh my,” he sighed. “Where did you come from, you dream machine?” It was a metallic black with a bright white convertible top. He was so busy looking at the car, that he nearly forgot there had to be a driver as well. Just then she stood and stretched. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. She looked to be in her mid to late 20’s, was tall, about 5’10, straight platinum blonde hair to the middle of her back, black leather pants hugged her curves like they were sprayed on, knee high black leather stiletto boots, a black leather barely there halter top and long black trench coat really set her pale skin off and made her stand out even more. Her black eyes met his. “Could you fill it up for me? I really need a pit stop and I’m in a hurry,” she said as she strode around the car and swiftly moved into the gas station. Calvin watched, no stared, as she strode away. He was still staring when she reappeared and sauntered back to the cars. Calvin was positive she was putting way more sway in her hips than she needed. “Is it full already?” she asked. “Ummmmm, no,” Calvin stammered. “Not very good at your job, are you?” Calvin finally was able to find his voice. “I don’t actually work here. I’m just filling my car.” He nodded, indicating his GTO. She seemed to blink, looking from his car to hers. “Mine’s convertible.” She finally said. “I’m aware of that.” Calvin chuckled. “My dad and I were just happy to find the body and frame. We rebuilt the rest with a lot of blood, sweat and tears. How long have you had yours?” “I got it years ago from a man who bought it new. It’s all original, except for the paint.” “It’s beautiful,” Calvin said shifting his gaze to her. “Thank you. I’m Amber, by the way.” “Calvin” Amber extended her hand and strode to him. He shook it and was surprised at the strength of her grip and the softness of her hands. “I’m heading to a party, why don’t you come along? It’ll be fun. You look like a guy who could use a night out.” Calvin held his arms out and looked down at himself. “I don’t really think I am dressed for a party.” “You’re dressed just fine. There is not dress code. You’ll fit right in. It’s just down the road; just follow me, if you think you can keep up.” “Oh I think I can handle that, but don’t you need some gas first?” “You’re absolutely right! I almost forgot in my rush to get to the party.” She stepped to the pump and began putting gas in. Calvin turned to the long forgotten pump handle and returned it to its rightful place at the pump. He ran inside and grabbed a couple of bottles of water. He had a feeling that he would need them later. Amber was just finishing filling her car when Calvin came out of the station. She walked around her car, gave Calvin a sultry look that was full of playfulness and promise. She slid her long coat off and threw it into the car, revealing her flawless shoulders and arms. “Catch me if you can,” she said in a very silky voice. Calvin went to open his car door, forgot it was locked, and in his haste dropped the water bottles. He bent down to get them, stumbled on his own feet and slid headfirst into one of the large gas pumps with a huge crash. He reached up and grabbed his door handle to help pull himself up, and got half-way there when his hand slipped and he fell back onto the pavement. Amber gave a genuine laugh and asked “Do you need a head start?” With that, she started her car and left the gas station with her back tires screaming a challenge to Calvin. He was finally able to get his feet under him, stand and unlock the door. He threw the water bottles into the passenger seat, started his car, and roared off after Amber. “What am I doing?” He thought as he raced down the road following the fading tail lights of Amber’s car. The image of Amber filled his mind and he knew that for the first time in his life he had met a woman he could have a real relationship with. All thoughts of the days problems, any issues with the garage, of anything other than Amber had vanished. Calvin loved it. He felt so free. He saw her tail lights flare bright in the dark, and he had to slam his brakes on harder than he wanted to, to keep from hitting her. How fast had he been going? He followed her as she turned onto a barely there dirt road. They drove for about a mile before he started hearing the thump, thump, thump of bass that seemed to vibrate through the car into his chest. They drove into a clearing with a huge old barn in the center. There were so many cars scattered around that Calvin didn’t bother with trying to count them. He saw more cars coming up the road behind them as he pulled up next to Amber. She was out of her car faster than he could have imagined was possible. Her excitement was very evident in the look on her face. She grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind her and headed towards the barn. “How did you find this place?” Calvin asked. “The barn and land belong to old man Johansen. We rent it from him four of five times a year. We always make sure that it is clean when we are done, and he doesn’t use this barn anymore, so it is a win, win! Now come on, I want to dance!” She pulled Calvin into the barn and his senses exploded. Lights of every color were flashing on the ceiling or slashing across the walls. The music was so loud that any conversation was not possible. He could smell alcohol, smoke, and sweaty bodies. It was nearly more than he could handle. He stopped and looked around in shocked amazement as his brain tried to catch up with all the information his senses were sending it. Amber yelled something to him that was lost in the din. Then she was pulling him out to the middle of the barn and the makeshift dance floor. He could only stop and stare as she started to move to the beat of the music. His vision narrowed until he was focused only on her as she swayed her hips, bounced and turned, oozing pure sensuality. She grabbed his hands put them to her hips and pulled him into her world of music and motion. He lost all track of time as they danced, content to be so close to Amber. When Amber pulled him away from the dance floor he was coated in sweat and so thirsty. They went over to a makeshift table that was set up with a variety of drinks. Amber broke open a small bottle of red wine with a strange symbol on it that Calvin did not recognize. He grabbed a bottle of water, drank half and poured the other half over his head, running his fingers through his hair and shaking the excess water from it. He grabbed another bottle of water and drank some more. Amber pulled him back further into the barn, behind the pounding speakers. It was not quiet, by any means, but they could at least talk. “Having fun?” She asked him with a grin. “I am,” he said, “surprisingly. This isn’t really my scene.” “Let me guess. You’re more of a go home after working on your cars all day, crack open a beer, and fall asleep in front of the television kind of guy?” “More like stay at work late, working on cars, and fall asleep on the cot in the back room so that I can do it all again the next day.” “All work and no play, well, you know the rest.” “Yeah, I do. My fun is working on the cars though. I really do love what I do.” “So cars are your only fun?” She said with a wicked grin. “Well, no.” He replied hoping the darkness was hiding his blush. “Well, Calvin, I’m in the mood for fun tonight. I hope you don’t mind.” She grabbed his hand and led him to a different part of the barn. They walked what was clearly an addition. Amber pushed the door open and pulled him in after her. There was a small hallway with doors scattered intermittently down the hallway. She opened one door, pulled him inside, and turned and locked the door. The room was small and sparsely furnished. There was a bed in one corner with a single nightstand holding a lamp. In the other corner was a very uncomfortable looking chair with a couple of towels folded on it and what looked like a TV. tray that was intended as a desk from the loose paper and pens scattered on in. Amber undid her halter top and let it fall to the floor. Calvin let out a small gasp. She was even more beautiful than he could have imagined. She pushed him across the room and they fell onto the bed, kissing passionately. Hands pulled excitedly at cloths, stumbling a little in their haste. Their love making was intense and full of the energy of lust and need. When they were finally finished, they lie together, sweat coated bodies pushed as close as they could get. Calvin drifted off to sleep. He was awoken some time later by cool hands running across his chest and up his neck to caress his cheek. He opened his eyes to see her staring at him. “I hope you are not thinking you are done.” She said. Her hands had moved down and were caressing his manhood. He responded to her touch, a low moan escaping his lips. She straddled him and took him into her. The feeling was so extraordinary that they both sighed and gasped almost in unison. She started slowly, building to a frenzy of movement, hips grinding into him, her head next to his. Just as they reached their peak, Calvin felt a sharp stabbing in his neck that quickly turned from pain to the most intense pleasure he had ever felt. The sensation moved from his neck through his entire body until he could take no more. He screamed, arched his back, lifting her with him as his release hit. She did not move from him for a long time. They both lay spent and shaking from the aftermath. “I knew you would not disappoint me.” She said with an impish grin. “I aim to please,” was all Calvin could manage to gasp. “That you did no doubt about it.” She slowly slid out of the bed and walked over and got one of the towels. She came back to the bed, using the towel to dry the sweat from her body. Calvin let his fingers trace up her leg, across her back and down her arm. “I could just stare at you for hours,” he said and let his fingers slide around to her flat stomach. “I never knew it could be so intense.” She smiled at him and relaxed into his arms as his fingers traced along her entire body, mapping every curve and committing it to memory. She eventually turned and pressed the towel to his neck. “I’m sorry. I got a little carried away; it looks like I drew blood.” “It’s a small price to pay to spend such an incredible night with you.” She leaned back into him and he fell asleep with her in his arms. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ Calvin jerked awake. He was sitting on his front porch in his worn but comfortable wicker chair. He sighed and took his feet down off of the foot rest. He had been having the same dream every time he fell asleep for the last five years. It had been an incredible night, but he could not get his desire and need for Amber to wane at all. He stood, looking at the faded, crumpled piece of paper in his hand. He had long ago committed its contents to memory. Calvin, I know you will not understand this, and for that I am eternally sorry. I had never imagined meeting someone like you that I connected with so deeply. Unfortunately, our timing is terrible. I have to leave today for Europe. I don’t know when, if ever I will be back. Believe me when I say that I wish it could be different. I was going to put my car in storage and hope for the best, but I have a better idea. Take care of her for me. I will try to come back someday. Amber He rubbed his neck, feeling the two small scars she had left him as a memento of their short time together. He walked to his garage and raised the door. He smiled at the memory of their night together and at the sight of the two GTO’s in his garage. The black convertible had new personalized license plates that said AMBER. “I guess there are worse dreams to have every night.” He thought to himself with a smile as he opened the door to the convertible, started the engine, and pulled out of the garage. |