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Rated: · Short Story · Drama · #1931388
A rough draft of a short story idea, unfinished, still working on this. first scene done.
Unlikely assassin

“My name is Melissa Fanthom. I have a question for you?
Do you ever feel like your life is all mapped out for you and it’s all just sweet and smooth? Well, I did until one day that happenstance put my life in overdrive and it hasn’t slowed down since.
It all started on a Monday morning around 7;30 . I was dropping my sweet lil angel baby boy Jason off at Pre K. I had to drop him a bit early so I could pick up my husband’s clothes from the cleaners. You see he had a plane to catch at 11:00 A.M. and….anyhow , where was I ? Oh yeah, dropping Jason off. I plucked my little man from his big boy car seat ( that’s what we called it to get him to use it because he was so attached to his previous car seat) and left him in the capable hands of the Teacher’s assistant Miss Kay. There aren’t many teachers in quite yet, Most of them don’t show up until 7:45 I’m guessing that they give so much all day long to these little minds that they all show up as last minute as possible. So after a couple more sugars and one final “See you later mommy” I was headed out the door towards my car when I noticed something odd. A Black windowless van pulling round the back of the school. At first I thought nothing of it but something in the pit of my stomach just made me think I might wanna at least look at the tag number. Jogging round to where they had parked I stopped and stood just behind the corner of the building. I think I could have stood in the middle of them and they wouldn’t have noticed. It was a group of four men. All of them wearing some sort of cammo or drab military clothing but not neat and crisp like would expect service ment to be. The were very ragged and dirty looking. Like they had been wearing it for a long time or had shopped their entire lives at an army surplus store. They all held weapons, machine guns of some sort and a couple of them had pistols shoved into the front of their belts. Nothing ragged about their weapons. They had spilled out of the side door of the van, at first not speaking going back and forth between speaking English and something I didn’t understand. They all spoke over one another.
“Quickly, stick to the plan!
“No fear!”
“ forever!”
“A good day to die my brothers!”
I sucked air into my lungs so fast I had to cover my mouth to stifle my need to cough. I managed to keep my presence unknown. Watching as they stepped into the breezeway of the building and then as they disappeared around the corner it wasn’t fear that crept in my mind it was anger. They were headed directly towards the hallway that led to Jason’s classroom. Briskly and in sort of a crouch I slid up to the van I could see they had left the door open and there just inside the doorway was a pistol. They must’ve dropped it. Without thinking I picked it up and looked it over. It was heavy black and had an extension screwed onto it. “Silencer” I said aloud. I recognized it because my husband Matthew is quite the action flick enthusiast.
I tippie toed past the van and into the breezeway. I could hear whispers and what sounded like muffled arguing. As I peeked around the corner I could see all four men standing in the hall. They seemed to be having a heated discussion about who was going to go where. I began talking to myself…I do that a lot.
“ Ok boys just keep arguing.”
They obliged I slipped back out and ran back around to the front entrance by Jason’s classroom. Peeking in the door I could see my precious little guy sitting on the floor playing with legos all alone. No one else had arrived to drop off their children yet. Good deal. I didn’t see Miss Kay either. She isn’t supposed to leave the room when there are no other assistants or teachers to watch the students. Ill have to have a word with her about that. Slinking in the door I knelt down to Jason.

“ Hi Mommy.”
“Hi baby. Where is Miss Kay?”
“She had to go to the widdle gurls woom”
“Ok, well you know what we are going to play a game. It’s called Mommy and Jason’s adventure. You wanna play? You get to miss class today and everything?”
Jason’t little eyes lit up. We had had a couple of special adventures that were just our secret at the zoo. He was all in.
“Oh yes verwee much.”
“Ok but for this adventure you have to do exactly what I say and you can’t cheat or we won’t get to have any more adventures. Ok?”
“Ok mommmy. Mommy?”
“Yes angel?”
“Is that a real gun?”
“Yes, but mommy found it and she’s going to take it to the police.
now shut your eyes and keep em shut tight and no noise.”
Picking him up I slid back out the classroom door and out of the front of the building. It was then I started running towards my car. I hit the unlock button on my keys and practically leapt inside. I Put Jason on the floor of the passenger’s side.
“ok my big boy here we go”
“mommy don’t I supposed to sit in my big boy seat?”
“ Not this time baby, just this once for our adventure.”
I was jamming the key into the ignition feeling almost relieved that I was just about home free when I looked down at the little balled up figure in my floor. I had gotten my child out but what about all those children on their way to school? What about all the parents that couldn’t do something? Those parents that weren’t in the right place at the right time? Who was going to help them? Then I looked in my lap at the hand gun. I wasn’t sure why I had carried it all the way to the car but I had. I mean could I really use it if it came down to it? I thought back to all the horrid tragedies that had occurred of late. All the massacres of the world’s innocent children and I became instantly furious. Yes, yes I could.
I slammed the car in reverse and pulled across the street to the visitor parking lot. I parked all the way to the back so that my car was as far away as possible but so I could get back to it easily if I needed to.
“Ok Jason Mommy forgot something. So I want you to stay put. Do not move. I’m going to cover you up with my hoodie and my backpack ok so you will be in disguise. But you can’t move or it will ruin the disguise ok?”
“Is that part of our adventure?”
“Yes, yes it is. Now I’m going to lock the doors and I will be right back ok? You stay under there and decide what animal you want to spend the most time with when we go to the zoo again Ok?
“Ohh I fink I wub elephants most of all.”
“Ok, then you stay under there and think about all those elephants.”

Grabbing the gun, I hopped out and popped the trunk. I took the tire iron from the trunk and headed back for the gunmen. For whatever reason no one had noticed the four gunmen were there yet. I am guessing that their choice of entrances had something to do with that. It felt like a half a day had passed but in reality it had only been a few minutes. My heart sped up as I moved back towards the school but I didn’t feel frightened like I thought I would.
I crept into the breezeway with much more caution than before. This time there as I looked around the corner I only saw two men. I could hear a the static buzz of a walkie Talkie coming from one of the men’s hips. The other man was at the drinking fountain. The one with the walkie talkie stepped into the restroom and I knew that this was my chance. While the thirsty one was still bent over I walked up behind him put the barrel of the gun to the back of his head and pulled the trigger. He made no noise. A slight escape of air from his body as the bullet entered his brain and the life left him there was quite a bit of blood and I actually felt nothing as he bounced off the fountain to the floor. I methodically went to the restroom and eased in the door. Walkie man was in the middle stall and I could here the talkie with a frustrated voice asking him if they were ready.
“Yorell, answer!”
I stood in front of the stall door with the gun extended and ready.
Blabbering and mumbling to himself he finally came out. He didn’t notice me at first because he was still doing up his pants. Pulling the radio off his belt and looking up he didn’t know hwat to think as the barrel of my gun was right at the end of his nose.
“Tell him everythings fine. Tell him you need a minute that all the excitement has made your bowels act up. Do it!!!!! Oh and don’t be expecting your dehydrated friend to be coming to help you either.”
Not blinking, not taking his eyes off me for a second he raised the radio to his lips
“ It’s me, Yorell give me a minute Im having stomach problems.”
“drop the walkie talkie and kick it towards me
Now where are your friends?”
“I won’t tell you. You, you stupid woman ,stupid whore!”
“Ohhh now that’s not nice at all. It will bode much better for you if you do. I mean I might even let you get in your van and drive away…or you could join your buddy out there. Up to you. Either way I’ve got the gun on you so that makes me the smart whore.”
After a little thought he must have decided that life was more important than whatever cause had brought him to this place or maybe he just thought at some point he could overtake this woman who dared point a gun in his filthy un-American face.
“ They are in classroom around corner. The one with little brick toys in floor.”
“Now see that wasn’t hard at all. Now why don’t you get in front of me and lets get you on your way. “
Not sure whether to trust me, he moved slowly toward the door ending up with the back of his head to the gun. You know you might have a good future after all. I thought for a split second and two words came to my mind….plea bargain. Or maybe not.” At that he spun around on one heel and once again was nose to barrel with my new best friend. I pulled the trigger and watched as he fell to the floor. I really was getting the hang of this and I wasn’t girly about it at all. I was surprised at how quickly and easily I had gotten the drop on these geniuses and how much power I felt with that lead delivering death machine in my hand. I think I even enjoyed it.
I shook myself back from my thoughts and got ready to go deal with number 3 and 4. Quickly I laid the gun and tire iron down and taking my hair tye from my wrist I pulled my hair back into a pony tail. Good note to remember, When going after armed men, be sure and put your hair up.
I snatched up my new tools , jumped over Mr. woman hater, and headed towards Jason’s room.

Yorell’s partners were getting anxious and I knew I I had to act quick. I jogged down to the pre K classroom door. As I reached it I crouched low so that I could just see into the little glass window. The one screeching into the walkie talkie was pacing back and fourth just in front of the door. The other gunman was sitting with his back to what I can only assume was the brains of the operation finishing Jason’s lego creation. What to do ? I knew id need to get out of the main doors fast so crawling on my belly I made it to them and wedged them open with the tire iron id been lugging round. Id actually thought about dropping it when I shot the second man but you never know when a 2 foot piece of steel will come in handy.
I slithered back to the door and decided the only thing I could do was wait for them to come out and see why their brothers in arms were not answering. AT least this way I would have the element of surprise still….or so I hoped. So I scooted across the grey tile floor directly across form the door with my back against the wall aimed the gun and waited. I didn’t have to wait long. The door swung open with the first gunman still squaking into the walkie talkie. I fired missing his head with the first shot hitting him in the neck. This actually worked to my advantage because he grabbed his neck and fell into lego man gurgling and causing a bit of confusion. Jumping up I ran over to them. With dead on accuracy and purpose I shot lego man between the eyes and then did the same to his companion.
All of a sudden I could hear flushing coming from the girls restroom. Miss Kay. I guess her bowels were all excited today too.
“Time to go”
I mean I hadn’t done anything wrong. Quite the opposite in fact, but I really just didn’t want to explain all of this. I mean who would believe it? I just wanted to get home with my son and have a little less adventure. At this point people were starting to pull up the front door wasn’t an option. I ran back down the hall to the back door. Trotting passed the van and headed across the street. I was still the only car parked in the visitors lot. I popped the trunk and threw the gun inside. I then smoothed my hair back and unlocked the doors.
Clicking on my seatbelt I looked down and there was my little boy peeking out from under my things.
“Hi there sweet boy. Hey, I thought I said no peeking?”
“I didn’t mommy. Just when I hurd Yo seatbelt I pwomise.”
“Good boy. So wadda ya say? Are you ready to go have some fun?”
His little eyes like star light and his smile beaming like the sun he squealed.
“Can we get ice cweam too?”
“Oh, we can get so much ice cream that we will have an ice cream dinner.”
Feeling very content, proud and full of love I started the car and we headed for baskin robbins.

Your country needs you Melissa

“Hey hon, what took you so long? It’s almost 9 A.M. I gotta get to the airport. “
“Well how about you help me with this stuff and I will put finish packing for you.”
Im stumbling in the door with my arms full of dry cleaning and more pints of ice cream than I can count and thinking of how my husband doesn’t realize his wife has just become a killer.
“Hi daddy”
“Hey buddy. What are you doing home?”
“Mommy said were having and adventure.”
“Oh she did did she.”
Looking at him with a , what? Look on my face I retorted
“Yes, yes, she did. I figure he’s only little once and youre going out of town for a few days so Jason and I are going to have a little us time.”
Smiling at me with his beautiful green eyes looking right into mine it made me hold my breath.
“Youre such a mommy”
He kissed me and turned.
“ Well then far be it from me to interrupt the day of adventure. I’ll finish up and take a cab to the airport.”
“Ohhh are you sure? I mean we can drive you. It’s no big deal.”
“yes Im sure. Like you said, they are only little once. Now you take care of Mommy for me ok big guy”
“Yes sur daddy.”
© Copyright 2013 Lady Blackheart (ladyblackheart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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