Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1931055-An-Old-Friend
by Rie
Rated: E · Other · Spiritual · #1931055
Bartimaeus encounters Jesus with amazing results! Mark 10:46-52

For today's little tidbit we need to meet up with an old friend of mine. You may already know him? His name is Bartimaeus. He's the son of Timaeus and he lives over in Jericho. If not, I would really like for you to meet him! He used to be blind, but I'll let him tell you firsthand about his miracle. Let's head over to Mark 10:46-52 because I can't wait for you to hear his amazing story! ...........

............"Yes, I used to be blind!"

"So what happened, How did you get your sight back?"

"Actually, it was a day like any other. I wasn't expecting a miracle that day! I was on the main road leading out of Jericho begging, hoping to receive enough to buy bread and maybe some fish to eat. Traffic on the road had been really light so I had only received a couple of coins. I was sitting there waiting, hoping for more when I noticed the sound of a crowd, faintly at first, and than louder as it approached. I got to my feet, hoping that someone in the crowd would notice me. As the crowd got closer, I realized that it was a large one. I wondered why? What was going on? It was very loud. Everyone was talking. There seemed to be a lot of excitement! About? Someone? I kept listening, trying to make out who?

Someone bumped into to me. I reached out, grabbed his arm and asked him, "Whats happening? Whats going on?"

He answered quickly, excitement in his voice, "Its Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth," as he pulled away from me.

"I thought, Jesus? Who's? When it hit me. Jesus of Nazareth. He was the one I had been hearing stories about. He was the one who healed the leper and that paralyzed guy. The bread and fish. He fed all those people. Suddenly my heart was full of hope! What about me? Heal me! The next thing I knew I was crying out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" I kept yelling it out louder and louder. Desperate for Him to notice me. I could hear people from the crowd telling me to be silent. To hold my peace but I couldn't! Everything in me was sure that if I could just get his attention...so I cried out even louder, "Son of David have mercy on me." Suddenly the crowd went silent and I heard His voice...softly in the distance saying, "Bring him to me." Did He mean me? Had he noticed me? Or was he talking about someone else? My heart began to sink at the thought. Was he too far away, the crowd to loud? Had He heard me? Suddenly there was a hand on my arm and a voice saying, "Be of good cheer, He is calling for you!" I was led over to Jesus... The crowd was now completely silent, watching, waiting to see what would happen next.

Here I was standing in front of Jesus. My heart was pounding in my chest. I felt like I didn't dare take a breath...Could this really be happening.....to me?

It was then that He spoke, "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO FOR YOU?" As His words hit my heart I knew. I knew, in that moment, even before I answered His question, that I was going to see again!

I spoke. My voice clear and strong. The breathlessness I'd been feeling moments earlier gone.

"Lord, that I might receive my sight."

He told me, "Go your way; your faith has made you whole." Immediately I could see! His face! The love in His eyes.........

I hope my friend's story has blessed you as much as it has me. Remember you can trust Jesus to hear you when you cry out to him! His heart is always going to be... "WHAT DO YOU NEED ME TO DO FOR YOU TODAY?"

© Copyright 2013 Rie (rieis818 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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