Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1931047-Mr-Two-Toes-goes-to-Town
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #1931047
Suddenly Aline saw what had alerted Mini ...
Mr Two Toes Goes to Town

Aline turned her car off the main road onto the dirt track past the wooden sign that announced ‘BUS STOP’ Hairdressing & Beauty Salon. Parking under a tree she was glad to see only two other cars in front of the long low building with the wide veranda running its full length. This building housed Bus Stop and also was Leslie’s home. Aline recognized Tiziana’s red car, so the other car was that of a client, which meant there would be no long wait to have her hair cut.

Strolling in, she was greeted by an irate Leslie. “Where is that idle girl?” Leslie muttered as she moved towards the window.

Tiziana rolled her eyes at Aline and whispered under her breath “Here we go!” They had all been friends for years so Leslie’s temper was well known and mostly ignored by both Tizzy and Aline.

Leslie pushed open the window and shouted at the African girl, who was standing near the wash line, having hung the newly washed towels there to dry. “Skirt! Get in here we have customers waiting and I need tea!”

Mini came into the salon and was immediately instructed to make tea as she tried to speak to Leslie. “Mam big bird he sick.”

“You’ll be sick if you don’t move your fat backside and get on with your work!” retorted Leslie, busily mixing hair colour for her client. Mini slunk off to the kitchen to make the tea.

“Tizzy will you please wash Aline’s hair!” Leslie instructed.

“Oh hang on, I need a glass of water first,” said Aline and scooted out to the kitchen. “Saubona * Mini, what’s the problem?”

“Oh Mam, Mr Two Toes he look bad,” replied Mini, “I see when I hang towels”.

“Right I’ll go and look” said Aline, opening the back door and heading out. She immediately spotted the pair of woolly necked storks that Leslie had named Mr Two Toes (who had only two toes on one of his feet) and Mrs Two, his mate, down beside the natural water basin. These elegant birds had made a home in the nearby forest, regularly coming to Bus Stop to scrounge for dog food and any offerings from Leslie, her staff or customers. Leslie encouraged them as they also liked to feed on lizards and snakes.

The storks were much admired for their beauty, with their feathers taking on an iridescent gloss in the sunlight.

Trying to get as close as she could, Aline moved slowly through the African weeds. Although the storks were used to people, they did not allow anyone to come too close and often took off if you presumed to enter their space. Mr Two Toes was foraging for hauhaus ** with Mrs Two alongside. Suddenly Aline saw what had alerted Mini - Mr Two Toes had a huge lump over one eye, distorting his beak.

“Where on earth did you get to?” demanded Leslie, as Aline rushed back into the salon. “Hey! I have just looked at Mr Two Toes and we have to get him to the vet right now!” gasped Aline.

Tizzy laughed. “And how do you plan to do that” she chortled.

“Oh you’ll all have to help us catch him and get him into my car, so we can get him to Dr.Louis” said Aline.

“Are you mad?!” shrieked Tizzy, “No way am I going near those birds! Mr Two Toes will pick our eyes out!”

“Shut up Tiz and fetch the blanket off your treatment bed,” ordered Leslie. “And Skirt! Go fetch Sipho from my garden,” she called over her shoulder as she marched out the back door with Aline hot on her heels.

“I’m coming too!” called the customer who had been left with her hair dripping wet at the wash basin.

Mini arrived with Sipho the garden boy in tow. Aline explained to Sipho in Zulu that he and Mini had to try and catch Mr Two Toes by throwing the blanket over his head and then get him into the car … and so the fun began! On the first attempt Sipho got a nip from Mrs Two when he came too close.

After several tries, and much screaming and laughter from the ladies as they tried to round up the big bird, Sipho with the help of Mini managed to get the blanket over Mr Two Toes’ head. Mrs Two had meanwhile flown off during the commotion.

Leslie hopped into the car and the frantic Mr Two Toes was placed on her lap. Aline drove at break neck speed up the dirt track with Mr Two Toes croaking an angry “Honk!” and struggling to get his beak out of the blanket. “Eeeeecckkkk!”

“Keep him away from me!” shrieked Aline. “Just drive, you fool!” shouted Leslie.

Fortunately, the vet was only 8 kms up the road in the nearby village. Aline jumped out of the car and raced into the Veterinary premises, explaining to the bemused receptionist that she had a woolly necked stork in her car and needed to see Louis right now. Dr Louis appeared and followed Aline to the car astonished at the sight of Leslie hanging desperately on to Mr Two Toes. His assistant, Sampson had followed him out and managed to get hold of Mr Two Toes and take him into the surgery.

Aline and Leslie waited while Louis sedated and examined the bird. There was much relief when he explained that he would be able to lance the huge abscess over Mr Two Toes' eye and would keep him overnight.

This he did successfully and phoned the salon next day to say that Mr Two Toes would be delivered back by noon. There was much excitement at the salon and an audience was waiting for Mr Two Toes’ arrival as word had got round the village of the latest escapade of Leslie and Aline. A big cheer went up when Dr. Louis with the help of Sampson transported the cage near to the water basin, opened the door and Mr Two Toes scrambled forth. Out of the nearby forest, as if on cue, flew Mrs Two. It was evident she was happy to be reunited with her mate.

* “Sabona” is a Zulu greeting ** “Hauhaus” are insects etc
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