Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1930743-Apocalyptic-New-YorkPreview
by ZombIE
Rated: 13+ · Other · Horror/Scary · #1930743
Another story I made. I haven't finished it, although I might not continue it.
Intro: Kind of an idea I had, when I started writing. If it's bad, make suggestion by emailing me or something.
Anyways, the story take the viewpoint of a man who may have been connected to the incident, which caused monsters to come and practically destroy humanity.

As I hide here, not knowing if I'm going to be die by the hideous monsters roaming the deserted street, or die from starvation, I can only remember the times when life was easy. I can't linger in the past or else I will die or perhaps that is what is best for my lonely soul. What's that!? Was that a growl I hear? Yes, but where is it coming from? It sounds as if it was a hideous monster is sneaking up behind me ready to strike. No, wait it sounds different. I'm such a fool, it was just my stomach growling. I need to find food and shelter for the night. Not much luck with food but I did find shelter in an abandon bus.

Next day

With each passing day I feel like I was lucky enough to survive the days and nights. I need to find food, it's been at least a day or two(I no longer know what day it is) since I last ate. As I walk through the back alleys I can't remember it ever being this quiet in New York before all this started. Yes! I found some food and a possible sane person. Well, I haven't actually saw the person but the bed and lamps looks recently used. I might just stay here until the person returns. It's been about two hours since I've been here and not a sound-Wait! What was that? Is it the person or a creature? I watch and to my surprise it was the person and (amazingly)a dog. The person introduces himself as Francis and the dog, Spike. He let me have some of his supplies, including a pistol, pistol ammo, food, and water. He also let me stay with him for the night. This guy doesn't let the end of the world get to him as easily as it did me. He said something about heading out west to see what's out there. When I asked him why he said "For the challenge and adventure of it." When I said that the monsters could have gotten as far as Texas or even farther he just smiled and said "I'll just have to find out won't I?" Well It's getting close to nightfall I should turn in for the night. Hopefully me and my new buddy can wake up and see the sun tomorrow.

Next day

I woke up the next day to see that Francis did not leave yet. He asked me if I wanted to travel with him for a while. I said that I would and we left for Pennsylvania. As we walked through the alleys, which were the only safe way to travel since the monsters were mainly out in the open but only a few travel through the alleys, Francis started to talk about how he saved Spike from starving to death before this happen. He said he found him out in an alley close to where he lived. He asked me about my life before this. I just told him that I didn't really want to talk about it. We just walked and said nothing to each other until Spike started to bark at a abandon building. Francis and I stopped and I looked towards the hole in the wall while Francis tried to keep Spike quiet.

Next day

Ow! My head! It hurts so bad. What happen? I looked around and saw a mutilated body near a hole in the wall. Wait! I remember now! That also means that Francis is dead but I can't see Spike any where. Oh well, I must continue and seek out shelter for tonight. As I walk on I feel sorry for Francis but I can't dwell on the past. I must continue so I can live. Well it could be for the best since I helped create this mess. Found some shelter. Going to decide what to do tomorrow.

Author's note
That's as far as I got, but if I feel like it I'll continue it(or if someone thinks it would be good).
The character Francis, was created as sorta a reference to Francis from Left 4 Dead, but I decide to reference Louis too, with his personality.
© Copyright 2013 ZombIE (zombiegamer195 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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