Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1930374-One-Way-or-Another
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1930374
601 word story
One Way or Another

         Having children is a challenge within itself, but to have a child that refuses to eat anything healthy is somewhat of a problem.  Doctors will tell you that if your child gets hungry they will eat. I agree, but getting them to eat healthy is the challenge.  Making them sit at the table till they clean their plates only causes them to become disgruntled and at the table for a really long time.  I have tried all things written, seen on television, or from others and still no change. 
         Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.  Make healthy foods taste like candy!  How many kids refuse candy?  A little sugar makes the medicine go down, why not make good healthy food sweet with a little sugar or a sugar substitute.  Candied yams, though not a pretty food until the cookie cutters come out, was my first choice and it was a huge success.  Little ginger bread looking candied yams with raisin eyes and mouth made with an extra sprinkle of brown sugar covered their plates.  My son called them army men and chose to play fork war with them.  I don't encourage violence, but when it comes to food that's a battle I will not fight as long as the food is losing.
         I then chose a little sweet corn, knowing that no kid can refuse those pleasantly plump yellow kernels on the cob, covered with I can't believe its not butter.  They look like little beavers chewing on  a tree.  I'd let them cut down the forest as long as they were eating good foods.   
         I was becoming an overnight success, the plates were clean and the kids were begging for more.  It was time to introduce them to a whole new type of sweetness in the liquid form.
           Broccoli, kale, and other nose turning veggie were blended with bananas and other fruits to make sweet green shakes to include non-fat whipped cream and topped with a cherry.  The kids found them refreshingly pleasant and often wanted a refill.  They begged for different colors but green dominates if you are using those type vegetables.  Sometimes, I would layer using the whipped cream just to make them believe it was a totally different drink.  Mixing the fruits differently to give it a different flavor or placing an orange slice on the side of the glass, anything to give them nutrition.
         The key to success is making them stay out of the kitchen while all the food is being prepared.  If they ever see you mixing the veggies, their little nose turns up and nothing you say or do will get them try it.  Being creative is a huge part of this success.  It doesn't take a lot of creativity to capture the attention of a small child, they see it as fun and I see it as a gift that keeps on giving. 
         Meats and vegetables are now as simple as taking your kid into a candy store and letting them pick out anything they want.  Healthy meals and happy hearts, what more could I ask for? 
         I have learned a lot about nutrition, but most importantly I have learned more about my kids.  I have seen them change. I have seen their eagerness for the fun of food and their smiles at the table.  One way or another it's amazing to know that your children are happy, healthy, and full of love for the hands that prepared their meals and even more so for what they do not know they have eaten.   
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