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Starr's a creepypasta I created.Please leave sugestions. Thank you!! :D |
" Police reported 12 teens found dead in abandoned house after a neighbor filed a noise complant. All teens seemed to have been in trouble for bullying in numerous schools. Other news: 14 year old "starr" Killagins has been missing since Monday.Last seen Friday walking home , from school, near the beach. Any information you may have, please contact us at our website or the number listed bellow." Starr was laying in bed, listening to her ipod. She didn't want to get up and go to school today. She knew what was going to happen. The same thing that happened everyday. She sighed loudly and looked at her companion, Ardan, her wolf puppy. Her parents had been against keeping him, but everytime they tried to get rid of him he was always sitting on their porch with a huge wolf puppy smile when they came back. Upon hearing her mother's bitter call, she got up begrudgingly to prepare herself for the upcoming day. Grumbling to herself, she grabbed her backpack and papers for school. She dragged her feet to the stairs, and put on her favorite black hoodie.Looking at Ardan she said" I'm so glad it's Friday." Ardan looked up at her with a knowing glint in his large eyes. Outside the bus was waiting to take her to hell. Starr muttered to her self "well it starts now." As soon as she stepped foot on to the bus the names and calling started. She ignored it best she could and looked out the window at Ardan, sitting at the bus stop. This made her smile and helped her ignore the mean comments. She sat alone in a seat and turned up the volume of her ipod to drowned out the talking and thought about how she was going to survive this day. She looked up as they stopped at her freind Puffin and Abby's stop. Puffin and Abby walked to the bus from behind a tree and sat next to Starr. She noticed that Puffin had brusing on her cheek. Abby had a few small cuts. " Did they do it again?" Puffin stiffened and hid her face behind her hair, then nodded.Abby just stared blankly out the window. Starr became very mad. She hated bullies. It was one thing to bully her, she could take it, but not her freinds. Especially Puffin and Abby. She hid her expression from them, knowing it would only upset them more. "Are you ok?" Puffin hesitated, looking at Abby. "Y-yes..." Starr sighed." You need to tell the adults, yourselves." Abby and Puffin flintched. "You both know I've tryed to help... but ya'll deny it. So i can't." Self discust was reflected in her voice. She hated bullies... They did nothing but hurt pople... the good, the innocent, the defenseless. But she absolutly dispised the fact that she couldn't protect them... especially the ones closest to her. "Starr?" Starr looked up from the broken pen in her hands. "Hmm?"Starr said, distracted. Puffin knew that Starr was extremly mad. It wasn't the broken pen that tipped her off though, It was the savere change of Starr's eye color. Instead of their normal blue-green they were now a dark, dark color... almost black. "I was asking about what we had for homework last night." Abby looked questionally at Puffin's lie. "Oh... well i didn't do it." Starr said in a sheepish voice, "Sorry Puffin." Puffin laughs "It's ok Starr, I know you've been bussy." That was true. Starr's family was getting ready to move in a few weeks. Starr's eyes lightened to a deep blue, sad, color. "I wish l didn't have to go. I'll be so lonely with out ya'll..." Abby seemed to focuse again. She looked at Starr with sad eyes." No, you wont miss us long...You'll forget us... You'll find new friends...Better friends.. That don't make you mad or sad..." Starr was shocked at Abby's sad words."Abby! How could you think like that?? I would never forget you! Or Puffin!" Abby just looked away. All three girls were distracted by a loud commotion in the back."Agk! Stop! Please!....*gurggle noises*..." Starr stood up and search for the source of the noise. What she saw was horrid. She immediately jumped over the seat into the isle and ran to the back, with her small 5ft form, she easily made it through the tight clutter of leggs and bags. She grabbed the smaller kid away from the, larger, group of bullies. They paused looking, kind of shocked,at Starr. She stood defiantly infront of the kid. He was coughing and crawing down the isle. With out looking from the bullies she yelled at Abby and Puffin to help the little kid. She hopped she wouldn't have to fight them, she wouldn't have much of a chance up against a group of 5-6 bullies around the ages of 15-17. She was only a 5ft tall 14 year old girl. She quickly glanced out one of the bus windows. A few fimilar buildings passed Good we are almost to the school. The sun was rising to her back, blinding the bullies, she took the appertunity to duck back to her seat. She just got back to her seat when she felt a tug on her shirt. She looked and saw the little boy that she had just saved. "Th- thank you... I-" Starr smiled and interupted him "No problem hon, I'm glad I could help. If you ever need help, ever, just call me or Ardan. Im Starr by the way." The little kid shily smiled back. " Well thanks...How do I call you for help and...who is Ardan?" Starr looked at the little kid again with kind eyes. "Just call for us. If I don't hear it, Ardan will, and we'll both come running." They had pulled into the parking lot of the school. "As for Ardan.... He is my lovely little wolf." Starr said the last part with a sly smile as she parted the bus with Abby and Puffin. Starr walked into the school building with Puffin and Abby.Tryin to prepare herself for the hell that was to come. The bell had rung and the halls had emptied fast. Starr was having dificulties with her locker. "ugh! Come on! I need to get to class."She mumbled to her locker. It always did this. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and a cold chill slid down her spine. Their foot steps were unusualy loud in the empty halls. She didn't dare look to see how close they were. Her hands started trembling, making trying to get her locker open even more difficult. She heard the faint laughter of the leader, Daisy. Ironic that the sweet, inoccent name belonged to the only bully that Starr truly feared. The steps quickened slightly. Their target has been spotted. Starr couldn't help glancing at the aproching group. She saw them out of the corner of her eye, looking directly at her. She got her locker open. Grabbed her stuff quickly and turned to leave, only to run into a big, muscly chest. She was pushed back into her locker. Daisy, the leader, walked up very slowly, followed by her male and female followers. "Well, Well, Well.... Looks like we've got our selves a little {i]Starr" Laughter bounced off the walls. Starr flinched as Daisy grabbed one of her long blonde pigtails. "I-I need to get to class..." Starr tried to keep her voice even. Daisy smiled her trademark , bitch smile. "Is that so?" She drew out the last word to a hiss. Starr silently screamed in her head for help. On the outside her face was a perfectly calm and blank. Starr glanced out the large window, suprised to see Ardan outside looking through the window. Starr was shoved against the lockers again. Ardan pulled his lips back in a snarl. His eyes going flat and ears back into a very intimadating way. Ardan was about a year and a half old, but over 100lbs. He was full, black wolf. This just made him that more threatening. "Yes, so if you will let me go, I will be on m way." Starr pushed slightly at the older guy blocking her way. Daisy made a "tsk tsk tsk" sound and waved her finger side to side as if confronting a child. Their shit was making Starr angry. Starr became frusterated. "Why are you just standing there? You're risking getting caught the longer you stand here and talk." They looked at her. Then all looked back at Daisy. " Well, It sounds like you want to get beat up..." They laughed. "well then..." Starr turnned her face, waiting for the blow that was sure to come. "What are you all still doing in the hall? The bell as already rung." Said a deep voice. They all froze and looked in the direction the voice had come from. Starr, having never seen this man before, noticed he was wearing a tag saying he was a subtitute. The group backed away from Starr and followed Daisy to class. Starr glanced out the window and saw that Ardan had disappeared School had been hell. They had to run the mile today in gym. Her teacher yelled because she had been really late for class, and her freinds had seemed more distant than normal... Starr walked up the stairs to her room, Ardan following close behind. As she got to her room she saw a note taped to her door."'Starr, Your father and I are going on a bussiness trip. Wee will be gone all weekend. Your brother will be over at a freinds house also. Please no burning down the house. We love you - Mom & Dad.'" Starr put her back pack in her closet."well, it looks like we'll have the house to ourselves." Starr said to ardan. She plugged her ear buds in and turned her ipod on. Ardan curled up on her bed and dozed off. Starr remembered that she forgot the mail. She walked to the mail box and took the mail inside."Two for Mom, three for dad. ... one for me?"It was an invite, to a costume party. Starr raced back to her room. "Ardan! I got invited to a party!" Ardan looked at Starr with a suspsious light. "What? Do you think it's fake?" Starr's vioce faded a little, lost enthusiasm. Ardan got up and whined. Starr took that as an apology. "It's ok lil' prince." Ardan gave a little wolfy smile at his nick name. "I wonder who i should go as....." Starr's eyes were drawn to a poster in her room. "Perfect!" Starr was walking down the street to the address on the invite. It had taken her hours to find her costume, she was going as Red Ridinghood. Ardan was trotting beside her sniffing the air and acting a little skittish, not normal for him. Starr didn't seem to notice, she was happy that she had gotten invited to a party. Starr turned down a street and could already hear the music. Starr sighed happily "Im so excited Ardan!" He just nodded and kept searching for something to explain the unease he was feeling. "There it is!" Starr said looking at a house from a distance. She was still walking forward, then started noticing the lack of people outside, no cars. Starr slowed down and was about to turn back when they ran outside. Ardan tried to get between the teens and Starr, that was being dragged into the house kicking and screaming. The music was so loud it drowned out her plea for help. Ardan tried to ignor the heavy objects being thrown at him but was knocked on his side. The air rushed out of his lungs. When he could stand again all the doors and windows were locked. Starr was dragged to the middle of the room, then tied up. Starr struggled to get away but got slapped so hard she was dazed. They finished tieing her up. They waited till she she was clear again. "well, well, well." Starr cringed. Daisy. "I can't beleive she actualy came. She believed some one wanted her to come to their party" Starr looked at the guy that had just spoken.Starr had stopped him earlier, on the bus.Starr was trying franticly to stay calm and in control. "She even dressed up" Laughed another. "Well of course, She's our little freak, remember?" Daisy said in a sickly sweet voice. One of the kids in Daisy's group looked at a watch, then spoke,"Well, it is offically time to 'start the party'" Laughter. Daisy walked up and said " Yes, now that the 'Starr' of the party is here, we can begin..." One of the kids ran to the kitchen, a few minutes later, returned with a large plate. It was covered in various sizes of knives. Starr was shocked, frozen in fear. Another kid walked up to the plate and grabbed a decent sized kiffe."My favorite movie is Silent Hill." he said slowly, taking a step closer with every few words," When Pyramid head cut that whiny little bitch." As he took a spot next to Starr the others did the same, grabbing a kniffe and naming off their favorite gorry movie and scene. Daisy sat in a chair and watched as they all took turns creating thin scarlet lines all over, Starr screaming almost non stop, untill her Little Red-Ridinghood costume was nothing but red. Starrs Desperate pleas for help and struggles became fainter and fainter. During this Ardan was desperatly clawing and jumping at the windows and doors to get to Starr's aid. Diasy called them to stop. They all laughed when she couldn't move or scream anymore. She was in so much pain she didn't notice the tears staining her cheeks pink. Her once blonde hair, now a deep crimson red. Her throat was so raw it hurt to breathe. Daisy got up and walked over to the bleeding Starr. Laughing she said " Nice job, But, there is something missing...." She walked around Starr in a slow circle, thinking. "Ah! I know!" Daisy smiled and went to the kitchen. She returned with a mini blow-toruch,used to light bonfires, and a tiny kniffe. Starr could't think straight but knew that was just for her. Starr tried to pull her her hands free, but was too week from blood loss to do much. Daisy had the kniffe in one gloved have and was holding it above to flame that was held in the other. Daisy stopped heating the blade when it turned so hot it was a pale red. Starr just stared at the blade as Daisy closed in. She strattled starr and pulled her hair back to get a clear veiw of her face. Starr started muttering pleas to stop and to help, but that only seemed to urge Daisy on. "Now you can forever be our little 'Starr' of the freak show!" Daisy said as she drug the searing hot blade across Starr's cheek in perfectly straight lines. Starr screamed louder than ever,but this was no scream of fear or pain. This was a scream of revenge, of a wild lust for blood. The only thing Starr felt was a strange tingle run down her spine. Daisy got off laughing at her 'master piece'. Starr felt everything as a dull ache. The hair that had just been in Daisy's hand was now covering Starr's face. It hid the her expression from the others as they laughed. Starr tested the ropes.They were now slick with her blood,sweat,and tears. She slipped her hands and feet through the losened ropes. Inspite of the blood loss Starr stood. Daisy turned to look at her. The confident smile slipped slightly in disbelief. Only to be replaced with a sneer. Starr was erily still. Daisy walked over to Starr and bitch slapped her as hard as she could. Starr went down hard, landing on the plate of now bloody knives along the way. The tingling changed into an electric shock, surging down her spine, through each cut and bruise. Starr grabbed one of the knives that clattered around her. She stood up and fixed her red hood. They didn't notice her at first. Then one of the girls looked at where they had left her, she wasn't there. Daisy turned around and looked straight in to Starr's now pitch black eyes. "Wh-" She didn't get to finish. Starr brought the kniffe up and gutted Daisy from the base of her throat to the top of her jeans, in one swift motion. With a strange gushing sound the think smell of blood filled the air, accompanied by the savage howl of a wolf. They all stood for a moment taking in the sickening sight. Starr took slow steps forward, smiling and spinning the large kniffe in her hand as she spoke. "Now, Whose afraid of the Big. Bad. Wolf?" " Police reported 12 teens found dead in an aboandoned house after a neighbor filed a noise complant. All teens seemed to have been in trouble for bullying in numerous schools. Other news: 14 year old "starr" Killagins has been missing since Monday.Last seen walking home, from school, near the beach. Any information you may have, please contact us at our website or the number listed below." |