Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1930341-Green-Bean-Crispers
by Rie
Rated: E · Other · Inspirational · #1930341
Short devotional about the need to trust God!
"Green Bean Crispers"

I recently had the opportunity to go out to lunch with a friend, which doesn't happen very often these days. We decided to go to Applebees and as we were placing our order, I told her to go ahead and pick an appetizer.  She did.  I was not happy with her choice!  She knows I don't like green beans! We are good friends and she KNOWS I hate green beans.  Her response, "Trust me. Just trust me, you'll see."  Anyways, lets jump ahead. They come and she eats one and encourages me to try one.  Again accompanied with the "trust me" quote for assurance.

So, there I am looking at them, trying to decide if I'm going to try one.  They aren't like regular green beans.  They have a crispy coating on them and they came with a dipping sauce.

Again she says. "Try one. You will like them. Trust me."

Okay, so I get brave, pick up the littlest one I can find and dip it in the sauce. In my mind and heart I was totally prepared to hate it. I didn't! Truth is, I LOVED it!

For the first time since I was a kid and my mom would make me, I ate my green beans and they were good!  I ate more than my share.  A few days later I ordered them for take out because I kept thinking about how much I enjoyed them.

Just think, if I hadn't got brave and trusted my friend, I would have missed out on my new favorite appetizer, "Green Bean Crispers."
      "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!" Psalm. 34:8

How often do we miss out on the blessings He has for us because we aren't brave enough to trust Him?

As your friend, I'd like to say.  "Try Him! You'll Love Him. Trust me!" 
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