Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1930324-Max-McDean
by Moe
Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1930324
One of my characters from a Harry Potter RP Site that I used to play.
General Information--work in progess(may be updated. This is from when Harry Potter is in his 5th Year.)

Name: Max McDean
Nickname: Max
Age: 13
Date of Birth: Feb 16th
Language: English
Blood Status: Half Blood
House: Gryffindor
Year: 3rd year
Best Class: Care of Magical Creatures & Animals
Worst Class Potions
Wand: rowan wood and a Hippogriff Talon
Bogart: Sense/Vision of him falling from a great distance
Patronus: Scottish Terrier


Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Hazel/Green blend
Height: 5 Ft 5 inches
Weight: 145
Citizenship: England
Hometown: Crawley
Religion: Christianity (Church of England) He usually attend monthly.

Attire: likes to wear business casual clothing most of the time but he do not mind wearing casual clothes such as a light blue knit shirt sometimes.


Father: Lee
Mother: Linda
Siblings: Rita


He is somewhat shy and sometimes a bit timid and cowardly. He tends to be talkative when nervous. He however is willing to try to be friendly and speak to people in spite of his shyness. He hopes that his creative side can develop at Hogwarts since he does like to draw and play the piano. However Max is not an expert at it. It is just something that he likes to do for fun. Presently it is not a great passion.

People who know Max usually see my character as cautious, careful & practical. Max is not that brave most of the time. It may take some prodding or encouragement for him to take big risks or chances.
In fact, Max was nearly surprised when the Sorting Hat placed him into Gryffindor. It came close to placing him in Hufflepuff.

Max also can be clever and talented, but can be modest sometimes.
Max is not a person who makes friends too quickly, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends that he does make and who expect the same loyalty in return. But it takes a lot to shake his trust in them. Sometimes the younger students come to Max for counsel. Max is a bit surprised about it. But he tries to help. However he does refer them to the Hogwarts official student clinical counselor too. Presently Max's favorite teachers are Hagrid and Flitwick (the Charms teacher).


He lives with a sweet and warm aunt named Jean who raised him to be an honorable, friendly, and sweet boy since he was in the 2nd grade. Max sometimes shows more maturity than many in his age group when he was growing up. Max was grateful for the upbringing that she gave him.

Max is not sure why he is somewhat shy. Perhaps, he thinks, it is because many students mostly shunned him in Elementary School due to his short height. Max usually did not really want to share his problems to most adults most of the time except for his aunt. He felt free to talk to her. And she was a great help to him.

She has a kind heart and a listening ear. She was a major influence in his childhood.
Fortunately he did manage to make some friends in school partly to due his kind and friendly (although low-key) manners that are genuine. So slowly he did manage to be more social with people.
And he hoped that he could make friends at Hogwarts more quickly than he did back home.

Max's parents (Linda and Lee) are currently in nursing home but he did see them regularly and they do get along well too. His mom went to Hogwarts in the Gryffindor house but his dad did not go to Hogwarts.
His mom's main field of studies was Muggles Studies and Potions. After she graduated from Hogwarts, she became a tutor in biology and geology

When she got married to Max's dad, he was a manager in a Money Market Fund and a Short Term Bond Fund.
Max has one younger sister named Rita who is in 2nd grade who currently do not care to go to Hogwarts or even get invited. His aunt went to Hogwarts in the Hufflepuff House and majored in Divination studies but had a deep love for potions too.

In Max's first year, he was not sure how quickly an upperclassman would take him in as a mentor. Surprisingly, there were a few older Gryffindor students that took Max under their wings for training, fellowship, and protection. They grew closer to each other even into Max's second year. They helped him to be braver. Max hoped to be a good mentor to someone when he reaches at least into his 4th or 5th year.

In Max's 2nd year, Max sometimes read materials on the Care of Magical Creatures that he is allowed to read. He wants to get a head start as much as he can for that class the following year.

In the meantime in his 3rd year, Max just hope that he still pass his classes and get along with the professors. Whenever another student bullies him, Max can rely on his mentor/friends that he met in his first year. But Max hopes that physical conflicts can be avoided and diplomacy can be used first. On a regularly basis, Max's aunt sent him delicious homemade cookies or fudge that Max enjoyed and shared with his friends at school. In the COMC classes, Professor Hagrid had a special bond with Max since Max seems to understand animals. Yet Max hoped that Hagrid would stick more with teaching about the less dangerous animals more often.


Just getting through Hogwarts with reasonable good grades, and figuring out what he wants to do with his life in the meantime. After he gets out of school, Max hopefully will find something to do in life in which he can use his hobby of drawing, love and caring of animals. That includes possibly his piano playing if only he can just improve his skills. If not, he wants to do something meaningful and make him happy just doing it.


Fear of Heights, especially High Heights--(especially flying in a broom if it is flying higher than 10 feet or so, even so, he would be sweating while flying. Taking the stairs is not much of a problem but climbing a ladder would be more of a struggle. The reason being that a ladder is far less sturdy than the stairs.

Max's favorite subject is the Care of Magical Creatures and Charms. The music that he likes varies. He likes to listen to the Monkees, Buddy Holly, John Denver, and even one of the classical composers ~Amadeus Mozart.
He loves to drink lemonade, especially cherry lemonade.
He has a pet orange ferret named Shirley that he bought in the pet store in Diagon Alley.
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